January 2014 R

Recycling and Sanitation Commission
Minutes of the Monthly Meeting
January 15, 2014
Commission Members and Others in Attendance:
J A Burke (Guest and Representative of Mount Airy Messenger)
Tobi Drabczyk (Guest)
Peggy Fleming
Ken Humble
Bob King (Council Liaison)
Tom Neff
James Stargel (Chairman)
Mary Van Metre (Town Staff)
Pete Bowlus was not in attendance
Chairman Stargel called the meeting to order and led all in the Pledge of Allegiance
November 2013 minutes were approved with motion by Tom Neff and second by Mary Van Metre
Citizen's Comments - None
Update on downtown trash and recycling center
a. Solar Motion Lights have been installed
b. No suggestions back from Beautification Commission or Arts Council
c. Unlocked gate was due to Unity's sub-contractor
5. Yard Waste Collection Amounts
a. No Report as Unity representative was not present
6. Shredding Event Pricing
a. Tom Neff reported Torn2Shred would charge $650 for three hours
b. Ken Humble reported Secured Shred, Westminster would not charge Town for first event
c. Commission will use Secured Shred for shred event on May 10, 10am to 1 pm
d. Discussed residents bring water bill as proof and to discourage businesses and out of town residents
e. Councilman King advised this would need to be added to budget for future shred events
7. Commission Openings
a. The Commission has an opening for a town resident and an opening for an out of town resident
b. Chairman Stargel introduced Tobi Drabczyk of Walkersville as a candidate for the out of town
opening. Ms. Drabczyk had her request letter for the Mayor.
Master Plan with regards to Recycling and Sanitation
a. Chairman Stargel will research for a basic contingency plan
b. Watkins Park will be considered as trash drop off location in an emergency
9. Christmas Tree Pick Up Report
a. No report as Unity representative was not present
10. 2014 - 2015 Budget
a. Mary Van Metre and Councilman King are working on the budget; Need accurate tonnage figures
b. September 2013, Pete Bowlus had requested the dropped yard waste date in July and August be added
back into the budge.
c. Add purchasing recycling containers to be used at events within the town (Chili Cookoff, etc)
d. Chairman Stargel suggested the Town contact Frederick County to see if they could get reimbursement
which then could be used for purchased of camera for downtown recycling center. An article in
newspaper noted town of Thurmont would be receiving $10,000 as recycling reimbursement.
e. Education will still be included in the budget
f. Any comments should be sent to Mary by January 31, 2014
Carroll County Recycling and Waste Collection meeting, January 30, 2014
a. Mary Van Metre advised she would be attending and invited interested commission members to join
13. Next Regular Meeting - Wednesday, March 19, 2014 @ 7pm
Mary Van Metre will contact Unity for yard waste and Christmas tree pick up figures
Chairman Stargel to research trash contingency plan
Council Liaison King will contact officials in Thurmont for details on recycling reimbursement from
Frederick County
Mary Van Metre will keep commission posted on tonnage figures from Unity
Peggy Fleming, Secretary