The Royal National Park - Bonnyrigg Public School

The Royal National Park
On Tuesday, the 21st of June, 3/LP, 3/4B and 4/5N went on an excursion to
the Royal National Park.
We had assembly then Miss Ngov marked the roll straight after the
announcements in assembly. When we finished the roll we got on the bus
to get ready to go to the National park.
When we got there we quickly sat on the stairs and got ready to hear the
amazing facts that we will learn about at the Royal National Park. We
started off learning about some animals in the National Park. When we
finished talking about the animals we got to touch the animals. We then
sat down and ate our lunch.
Next we went over to the Honeymoon track. Before we went to explore, we
had to know what to do and not to do. After we finished discussing we
were told that we were will walk down 400 steps. Kathy and I thought that
it would be boring but it wasn’t, it was awesome!
Next we saw a cave, there were carvings with animals. The ranger told us
facts about the cave and the carvings on the rocks. Then we sat down next
to a tree. The ranger said that it was old man Banksia. We learnt about the
girl trees and the boy trees. When we reached the end we saw a lake. We
sat down and ate our lunch and had some fun as well. Miss Ngov took
photos of the lake and the classes.
After that we did some actives. 4/5N went to search for bugs. We found
many different bugs. When we finished looking at the bugs we caught with
a magnifying glass we released them. We learnt about the food chain as
well. Then we changed activities. When we were walking we saw a
kookaburra. The next activity was learning about ochre. Benjamin painted
the boys faces and the Aboriginal Officer was painting the girls faces. We
then had to go back on the bus.
On the way back to school we saw Miss Ngov taking pictures of people
sleeping in the bus. I saw Miss take a photo of Mr Baker sleeping.
I went home and told my whole family about the exciting and great day I
had with stage 2 and our teachers.
By Han Nguyen