Laser eye surgery center tech receives award

February 16, 2007
Laser eye surgery center tech receives award
by Mike Wallace, Skywrighter staff
Kay Baumgardner, an ophthalmic technician in the Wright-Patterson Medical Center’s
Warfighter Laser Surgery Center, will receive the 2006 Broxson Award during a ceremony that
Fisher House staff here will arrange at a future date.
The snow set back the ceremony previously scheduled for Thursday.
Ms. Baumgardner was nominated for the award by Fisher House guests who recognize a
member of the Wright-Patterson AFB medical staff who significantly touched their life or their
family member’s life with compassion and support.
Some of the comments on nomination forms included “She made me feel comfortable about
my surgery,” “She was very positive and upbeat and went out of her way for me. She loves her
job and cares for the patients,” and “Kay was there for me starting weeks before I even came to
At the medical center for nearly four years, Ms. Baumgardner is a Fairborn resident who
began her career as an optician in her hometown of Springfield.
She later worked for an ophthalmologist who did refractive laser surgery.
Ms. Baumgardner said the laser center handles 15 to 20 patients a week and added that more
than half the people are from out-of-town. Many stay in the Fisher House for a week or more.
She described her work at the laser center, stressing that it was “for the warfighters.”