االطياف – المحاضرة السادسة – االنتقاالت الدورانية د محمد هاشم مطلوب Rotational transitions Typical values of B for small molecules are in the region of 0.1 to 10 cm - I (for ex ample, 0.356 cm- I for NF 3 and 10.59 cm-I for HCl), so rotational transitions lie in the microwave region of the spectrum. The transitions are detected by monitoring the net absorption of microwave radiation. Modulation of the transmitted intensity can be achieved by varying the energy levels with an oscillating electric field. In this Stark modulation, an electric field of about 105 V m-1 and a frequency of between 10 and 100 kHz is applied to the sample. We have already remarked that the gross selection rule for the observation of a pure rotational spectrum is that a molecule must have a permanent electric dipole moment. That is, for a molecule to give a pure rotational spectrum, it must he polar. The classical basis of this rule is that a polar molecule appears to possess a fluctuating dipole when rotating, but a nonpolar molecule does not (Fig.1). The permanent dipole can be regarded as a handle with which the molecule stirs the electromagnetic field into oscillation (and vice versa for absorption). Homonuclear diatomic molecules and symmetrical linear molecules such as CO 2 are rotationally inactive. Spherical rotors cannot have electric dipole moments unless they become distorted by rotation, so they are also inactive except in special cases. An example of a spherical rotor that does become sufficiently distorted for it to acquire a dipole moment is SiH4, which has a dipole moment of about 8.3 μD by virtue of its rotation when J=10 (for comparison, HCl has a permanent dipole moment of 1.1μD. The pure rotational spectrum of SiH4 has been detected by using long path lengths (10 m) through high pressure (4 atm) samples. Flg.1 To a stationary observer, a rotating polar molecule looks like an oscillating dipole that can stir the electromagnetic field into oscillation (and vice versa for absorption). This picture is the classical origin of the gross selection rule for rotational transitions. Illustration Identifying rotationally active molecules Of the molecules N2 , CO 2 , OCS, H20, CH2 =CH2 , C6H6 , only OCS and H20 are polar, so only these two molecules have microwave spectra. Test Which of the molecules H2, NO, N20, CH4 can have a pure rotational spectrum? Answer: [NO, N2O]. The specific rotational selection rules are found by evaluating the transition dipole moment between rotational states. For a linear molecule, the transition moment vanishes unless the following conditions are fulfilled: MJ = ± 1 ΔMJ = 0, ± 1 The transition ΔJ = +1 corresponds to absorption and the transition ΔJ = -1 corresponds to emission. The allowed change in J in each case arises from the conservation of angular momentum when a photon, a spin-l particle, is emitted or absorbed (Fig. 2). Fig. 2 When a photon is absorbed by a molecule, the angular momentum of the combined system is conserved. If the molecule is rotating in the same sense as the spin of the incoming photon, then J increases by 1. When the transition moment is evaluated for all possible relative orientations of the molecule to the line of flight of the photon, it is found that the total J + I ↔ J transition intensity is proportional to where μ0 is the permanent electric dipole moment of the molecule. The intensity is proportional to the square of the permanent electric dipole moment, so strongly polar molecules give rise to much more intense rotational lines than less polar molecules. For symmetric rotors, an additional selection rule states that ΔK = 0. To understand this rule, consider the symmetric rotor NH3 , where the electric dipole moment lies parallel to the figure axis. Such a molecule cannot be accelerated into different states of rotation around the figure axis by the absorption of radiation, so ΔK = 0.When these selection rules are applied to the expressions for the energy levels of a rigid symmetric or linear rotor, it follows that the wavenumbers of the allowed J + 1 ← J absorptions are When centrifugal distortion is taken into account, the corresponding expression is However, because the second term is typically very small compared with the first, the appearance of the spectrum closely resembles that predicted from the former equation. Example: Predicting the appearance of a rotational spectrum Predict the form of the rotational spectrum of 14NH3 Method: The molecule 14NH3 is a polar symmetric rotor, so the selection rules ΔJ = ± 1 and ΔK = 0 apply. For absorption, ΔJ=+1. Because B = 9.977 cm-I, we can draw up the following table for the J + 1 ← J transitions. Self-test: Repeat the problem for C35ClH3. [Lines of separation 0.888 cm- 1 (26.6 GHz)] The form of the spectrum is shown in Fig. 3. The most significant feature is that it consists of a series of lines with wavenumbers 2B, 4B, 6B, . . . and of separation 2B. The measurement of the line spacing gives B, and hence the moment of inertia perpendicular to the principal axis of the molecule. Because the masses of the atoms are known, it is a simple matter to deduce the bond length of a diatomic molecule. Fig. 3 The rotational energy levels of a linear rotor, the transitions allowed by the selection rule ΔJ = ± 1, and a typical pure rotational absorption spectrum (displayed here in terms of the radiation transmitted through the sample). The intensities reflect the populations of the initial level in each case and the strengths of the transition dipole moments. However, in the case of a polyatomic molecule such as OCS or NH3 , the analysis gives only a single quantity, IL and it is not possible to infer both bond lengths (in OCS) or the bond length and bond angle (in NH 3). This difficulty can be overcome by using isotopically substituted molecules, such as ABC and A'BC; then, by assuming that R(A-B) =R(A'-B), both A-B and B-C bond lengths can be extracted from the two moments of inertia. A famous example of this procedure is the study of OCS. The assumption that bond lengths are unchanged by isotopic substitution is only an approximation, but it is a good approximation in most cases. The intensities of spectral lines increase with increasing J and pass through a maximum before tailing off as J becomes large. The most important reason for the maximum in intensity is the existence of a maximum in the population of rotational levels. The Boltzmann distribution implies that the population of each state decays exponentially with increasing J, but the degeneracy of the levels increases. Specifically, the population of a rotational energy level J is given by the Boltzmann expression where N is the total number of molecules and gJ is the degeneracy of the level J. The value of J corresponding to a maximum of this expression is found by treating J as a continuous variable, differentiating with respect to J, and then setting the result equal to zero. The result is For a typical molecule (for example, OCS, with B = 0.2 cm- I) at room temperature, k T = 1000 h c B, so Jrnax = 30. However, it must be recalled that the intensity of each transition also depends on the value of J and on the population difference between the two states involved in the transition . Hence the value of J corresponding to the most intense line is not quite the same as the value of J for the most highly populated level.