C. YARD TAP - Water Services Trust Fund

Water Services Trust Fund
Construction Manual for a Yard Tap
This structure consists of a 1200 x 800mm rectangular concrete fetching bay and
drainage porch cast above the ground with 75mm high concrete kerbs on three
adjacent sides to contain spilt water. The kerbs are cast above a 150mm thick
concrete platform. The fetching bay is laid to fall at a slope of 1/200 toward a
grooved concrete porch (drainage surface) and a drain with a 200mm diameter
floor trap. The drain channels the spilt water towards the soak away pit.
The yard tap is positioned at corner of the fetching bay as shown in the yard tap
drawings. The pipe supporting the tap is about 1250mm above the ground. Refer
to the yard tap drawings for a clearer illustration on where the tap will be
All the concrete surfaces are reinforced with wire mesh for strength and stability.
To maintain a dry surrounding of the yard tap area, there is a 500mm perimeter
of ballast (coarse aggregates) sprung around the concrete zone of the yard tap.
The following items are required for on-site construction of the yard tap:
Hardcore; 3 Ton.
Quarry dust (murram); 2 Ton.
Ordinary Portland cement (50 kg. bags); 3No.
Building sand; 2Ton.
Ballast; 3 Ton.
150 x 25 mm formwork timber; 5m long
Binding wire; 1.5 Kg.
Fabric mesh; 2m2 BRC A 142.
Toolkit for Urban Water Supply Projects
Module 6
Construction Manual for Yard Taps
Wheelbarrow; 1No.
Excavation & hand tools like hoes, shovels, hammers, pegs, measuring
tapes, mixing bowls, etc. and other tools recommended by the engineer.
100mm heavy duty PVC waste pipe.
Galvanized iron pipe class B (per 6 metres); 2No.
Gate valve (pegler); 1No.
Water meter; 1No.
Heavy duty taps; 1No.
Union; 1No.
Bend; 1No.
Nipples; 4No.
200mm diameter floor trap.
450 X 450 X 50mm concrete GT covers; the number to be determined
on site.
Acquire the site; set aside a minimum area of 1500 x 1200mm for the
Clear the site of all vegetation, solid wastes, etc.
Excavate the top soil on the whole site to a maximum depth of 150mm,
depending on the soil conditions.
Cart away all excavated material to an authorized dump site.
Gather to site all the construction tools needed and allocate a space for
their storage.
Mark out the route for the supply pipeline from the mains and the
drainage route prior to setting up the kiosk. Peg and measure the actual
distances by tape.
Excavate the trenches for the above mentioned pipes at a depth to be
determined on site and to the approval of the engineer.
Provide a 1:4:8 concrete mix blinding for the foundation footing for laying
the pipes.
Lay the supply pipeline, backfill the laid sections and install all the pipe
fittings (valves, valve chambers etc.).
Ensure that a substantial length of the pipe is left jutting out above the
ground surface to give an indication of where to cast the concrete mix
Toolkit for Urban Water Supply Projects
Module 6
Construction Manual for Yard Taps
for the fetching bay and drainage area. The length of this external pipe is
Excavate an area of 1200 x 800mm to a depth of 200mm and backfill
with hand packed and well compacted hardcore.
Spread a 25mm thick murram blinding above the hardcore layer.
This is a concrete landing at the front face of the fetching bay and the tap. Refer
to the drawings to get the exact position. It provides the main access to the yard
tap and an area where buckets or jerricans can be placed by people queuing for
water. It also supports the adjoining edge of the fetching bay, and is the first
precast panel to be positioned on the ground.
Locate and mark the positions of where to lay the terrace. Hammer four
pegs to indicate the exact position of the corners of the terrace panel.
Position the timber formwork around the 1200 x 800mm area and fix the
fabric mesh above the ground using iron hoops.
Provide a 1:2:4 concrete mix for casting this drainage surface. Mix well
and pour over the fabric mesh, smoothen the surface, serrate the area
of the 25mm drainage grooves using a smooth edge of timber and leave
the concrete to set for 3 days. Reinforcement of the concrete slab
should be carried out under the supervision of an engineer.
Sprinkle water on the concrete surface twice a day to ensure the
concrete sets with no cracks and protect the surface from moisture loss
by lining with a layer of polythene sheet.
Remove the pegs and formwork once the porch has set.
Fix the 200mm diameter floor trap in position above the drain as shown in
the drawing.
This comprises a 150mm thick platform with adjacent 3No. 75mm high concrete
kerbs above it. It is the elevated part of the yard tap area where a bucket would
be placed when fetching water. It measures 600 x 800mm.
Locate and mark the positions of where to lay the fetching bay using
Toolkit for Urban Water Supply Projects
Module 6
Construction Manual for Yard Taps
Position the timber formwork around the area where the fetching bay
and kerbs will be cast and position the fabric mesh above the already
set drainage porch using iron hoops.
Provide a 1:2:4 concrete mixes for casting this fetching bay and kerbs.
Mix well and pour over the fabric mesh, smoothen the surface and leave
the concrete to set for 3 days. Follow the same procedure for the
concrete kerbs. Refer to the drawings to get the actual dimensions.
Sprinkle water on the concrete surface twice a day to ensure the
concrete sets with no cracks. Protect the concrete surface from moisture
loss using a layer of polythene sheet.
Remove the formwork and polythene sheet once this unit has set.
Assemble sequentially all the piping and fittings for the yard tap as per
the engineer’s approval. Refer to the drawing for this.
Test-run the pipe and fixtures to check the system for pressure and
Fix the drain as shown in the drawing at a slope not exceeding 1/200.
Site the soak away pit and drainage pit pipe routes. Mark the exact
Excavate the pit and trench to a minimum depth of 500mm and also to
suit the prevailing site conditions.
Build the inner soak away walls by placing the selected stones in the
soak away as per the details in the drainage drawings and to the
engineer’s approval.
Cast the drains as mass concrete and provide a 450 x 450 x 50mm
concrete GT cover as per the drawings and to the engineer’s approval.
Construct the inspection chamber and soak away pit cover.
Lay the drainage pipes at the gradient shown in the drawing (min.
Clean up the site once construction is complete.
Toolkit for Urban Water Supply Projects
Module 6
Construction Manual for Yard Taps
If You Need More Information
If you have any questions, observations or suggestions regarding this
construction manual for yard taps or concerning the yard tap itself, please do not
hesitate to contact the Water Services Trust Fund. 1
Address: CIC Plaza, 1st Floor, Mara Road
P.O. Box 49699 – 00100,
Nairobi, Kenya
+254 – (0)20-2720696
+254 – (0)715-732199
E-mail: info@wstfkenya.org
Website: www.wstfkenya.org
This Construction Manual was developed by John Orwa, and Eden Mati.
Toolkit for Urban Water Supply Projects
Module 6
Construction Manual for Yard Taps