Project no. FP6-018505 Project Acronym FIRE PARADOX Project Title FIRE PARADOX: An Innovative Approach of Integrated Wildland Fire Management Regulating the Wildfire Problem by the Wise Use of Fire: Solving the Fire Paradox Instrument Integrated Project (IP) Thematic Priority Sustainable development, global change and ecosystems Deliverable 5.1-1-33 Method to assess with good spatial accuracy the meteorological and fuel moisture components of the fire risk Due date of deliverable: Month 33 Actual submission date: Month 34 Start date of project: 1st March 2006 48months Duration: Organisation name of lead contractor for this deliverable: Omikron Ltd (Greece) (P15) Revision (1000) Project co-funded by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme (2002-2006) Dissemination Level PU Public PP Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services) RE Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services) CO Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) D5.1.1-0100 X 1 Authors: Mantzavelas, Antonis; Apostolopoulou, Iossifina; Lazaridou, Thalia; Thanassis; Topaloudis, Thanassis (P30: OMIKRON Ltd) Partozis, Lampin, Corinne; Borgniet, Laurent; Bouillon, Christophe; Brewer, Simon; Curt, Thomas; Ganteaume, Anne; Jappiot, Marielle; (P15 : Cemagref) Defossé, Guillermo; Gómez Fernán, Mariano; Lencinas Daniel, Jose; (P32 CIEFAP) Scientifique consultant for drought indexes: Ganatsas, Petros (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 2 of 89 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................6 2 STATE OF THE ART ................................................................................6 2.1 Meteorological parameters and fire risk assessment .....................6 2.2 Fuel moisture and fire risk assessment ..........................................6 2.3 Drought indices and fire risk assessment ......................................7 2.3.1 Drought indices used as sub-models in forest fire risk rating systems .... 8 2.3.2 Stand-alone empirical drought indices ................................................ 9 Keetch-Byram drought index .......................................................... 9 Nesterov index ............................................................................ 12 Modified Nesterov Index .............................................................. 13 Zhdanko index ............................................................................ 14 Angstrom index I ........................................................................ 15 Baumgartner Index ..................................................................... 16 Drought indices recently developed .............................................. 17 2.3.3 Performance of the drought indices throughout the world .................. 17 3 METHODOLOGY FOR ENHANCING SPATIAL ACCURACY OF METEOROLOGICAL VARIABLES..................................................................18 3.1 The small scale approach .............................................................18 3.1.1 Introduction ................................................................................... 18 3.1.2 Interpolation of temperature ............................................................ 19 3.1.3 Interpolation of daily total precipitation............................................. 22 Interpolation of daily total precipitation: Flowchart .................................24 3.1.4 Interpolation of relative humidity ..................................................... 25 Interpolation of relative humidity: Flowchart............................................27 3.1.5 3.2 Interpolation of wind speed ............................................................. 27 The medium scale approach.........................................................28 D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 3 of 89 3.2.1 Introduction ................................................................................... 28 3.2.2 Limitation of the meteorological data ................................................ 30 3.2.3 Methods to data incorporation ......................................................... 30 3.2.4 Testing methods ............................................................................. 32 Air Temperature .......................................................................... 32 Wind speed ................................................................................ 37 Relative Humidity ........................................................................ 39 Precipitation................................................................................ 40 3.2.5 4 Conclusions .................................................................................... 40 METHODOLOGY FOR REMOTE SENSE FUEL MOISTURE CONTENT ......42 4.1 INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................42 4.2 - METHODOLOGY .........................................................................42 4.2.1 - Atmospheric corrections ................................................................ 43 - Theory of Atmospheric corrections with ENVI’s FLAASH model (MODTRAN4) 43 - Implementation of Atmospheric corrections with ENVI’s FLAASH model (MODTRAN4) ......................................................................................... 45 4.2.2 Vegetation indices........................................................................... 48 - Normalized Difference Vegetation Index...................................... 48 - Normalized Difference Infrared Index ......................................... 48 - Reduced Sample Ratio ............................................................... 49 4.3 FMC evaluation on plots targets with field measurements and image segmentation ..................................................................................49 4.3.1 Upscaling of FMC values .................................................................. 51 4.3.2 Calculation of FMC on a plot taking in account the percentage cover of each species and soil. ....................................................................................... 52 4.4 Results .........................................................................................53 4.4.1 Comparison of estimated ground FMC and vegetation indices. ............ 53 4.4.2 - Multiple Regression ....................................................................... 53 D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 4 of 89 4.5 Conclusion....................................................................................54 5 METHODOLOGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A DROUGHT INDEX APPLICABLE IN THE MEDITERRANEAN CONDITIONS ...............................55 5.1 Analysis of the empirical drought indices concept .......................55 5.2 Drought indices evaluation ..........................................................56 5.3 Methodology ................................................................................57 5.3.1 Questions setting ............................................................................ 57 5.3.2 Spatial accuracy of meteorological data ............................................ 57 5.3.3 Indices selection for testing in the Mediterranean conditions .............. 57 5.3.4 Validation methods of the selected models ........................................ 58 Field campaign and data analysis.................................................. 58 Description of the study area ....................................................... 58 Data collection and process .......................................................... 59 Variables selected to be monitored ............................................... 59 Data screening ............................................................................ 60 5.4 Results .........................................................................................61 5.4.1 Performance of the Keetch-Byram drought index (KBDI) .................... 63 5.4.2 Performance of the Nesterov index................................................... 73 5.4.3 Performance of the Modified Nesterov index ..................................... 73 5.4.4 Performance of the Zhdanko index ................................................... 74 5.4.5 Performance of the Angstrom index.................................................. 75 6 TOWARDS AN ADAPTED EMPIRICAL DROUGHT INDEX TO MEDITERRANEAN CONDITIONS ................................................................75 6.1 Models improvement....................................................................76 6.2 New model construction ..............................................................80 7 REFERENCES .......................................................................................82 D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 5 of 89 1 INTRODUCTION Drought is considered a recurring phenomenon that affects natural ecosystems, as well as many economical and social sectors (Heim 2002). Forest fires are greatly affected by weather conditions while the relationship between meteorological variables and fire occurrence is well known. Thus, forest fires tend to be concentrated during the dry summer period when temperature is high, air humidity is low and fuel moisture is reduced (Pinol et al. 1998). The overall objective of the deliverable is to enable the improvement of the quality of the daily performed fire hazard previsions, by combining the structural components of the hazard (i.e. fuel models, topography), with the “dynamic” factors such as the current meteorological parameters and the fuel moisture or drought conditions. The specific objectives of the methodology presented hereafter, are to elaborate a consistent tool that improves the spatial accuracy of the meteorological variables recorded from existing meteorological stations’ network, and provide a remote sensed fuel moisture content index, as well as an empirical drought index. 2 2.1 STATE OF THE ART Meteorological parameters and fire risk assessment Good knowledge of the weather is a critical issue in the assessment of fire risk (Feidas et al. 2002). Meteorological conditions affect the probability of fire either by determining the amount of energy required for an ignition (temperature), or by influencing fuel moisture status (solar irradiance, rainfall, air relative humidity, dew, solar humidity, wind speed). Air temperature, relative humidity and wind speed have been used as inputs in several fire risk systems to estimate meteorological risk (e.g. Gouma and Chronopoulou-Sereli 1998). Meteorological conditions vary in time and space, thus resulting in a variation of the fire risk. 2.2 Fuel moisture and fire risk assessment The moisture content of vegetation in fire prone regions determines the flammability of the vegetation and therefore the potential for the outbreak and spread of wildfires (Castro et al. 2003). It is assumed that the dryer the vegetation is, the more prone it is to be burnt (San-Miguel-Ayanz et al. 2003). At ground level vegetation water status is measured as Fuel Moisture Content (FMC), which is defined as the ratio between the quantity of water in live and/or dead vegetation and either the fresh or dry weight (mainly) of this vegetation (Viegas et al. 2001; Chuvieco et al. 2003; Verbesselt et al. 2006). In forest fire risk literature, the estimation of the fuel moisture content is considered to be one of the key variables affecting fire ignition and fire propagation and therefore is widely used in fire risk rating systems (Burgan 1988; Chuvieco et al. 2003). Live fuel moisture is regarded as one of the most important variables in fire risk modeling and therefore is incorporated in most fire risk systems worldwide, like the US National Fire Danger Rating System and the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System (San-Miguel-Ayanz et al. 2003; Verbesselt et al. 2006). Since most fires are initiated in the litter layer, a series of models are required to simulate wetting and drying process in the ground fuel layer during changing weather conditions (Venevsky et al. 2002). Thus, moisture content in the duff-litter layer is an D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 6 of 89 important parameter for forest fire danger rating systems (Van Wagner 1987, Burgan 1988). The moisture content of the upper soil, as well as that of the covering layer of duff, has an important effect on the fire suppression effort in forest and wildland areas (Keetch and Byram 1968), and it is considered in many models used in fire risk systems (e.g. Keetch and Byram drought index (KBDI), Drought Code of the Canadian Fire Weather Fire Danger System). Various approaches and models have been developed to determine moisture content for all fuel levels (Spano et al. 2005). Several authors have proposed the use of indices derived from satellite data and geographic information systems as a method to monitor FMC for fire risk assessment (Camia et al. 1999; Chuvieco et al. 2003; Dennison et al. 2003; Verbesselt et al. 2006). All the above mentioned models and approaches for fuel moisture estimation are basic elements for fire suppression systems worldwide. Several fire rating systems have been proposed which estimate the ignition potential of fuel, mainly as variations of the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System (Van Wagner 1987), the American National Fire Danger Rating System (Burgan 1988) or the Nesterov Index which is widely used in Russia (Venevsky et al. 2002). 2.3 Drought indices and fire risk assessment Drought index is defined as a number representing the net effect of evapotranspiration and precipitation in producing cumulative moisture deficiency in deep duff or upper soil layers. Drought index is, thus, a quantity that relates to the flammability of organic material in the ground (Keetch and Byram 1968). Many indices have been developed to estimate a variety of scales, types and impacts of drought and moisture deficiency (Byun and Wilhite 1999; Heim 2002; Janis et al. 2002). Because of the complexity of drought, no single index has been able to adequately capture the intensity and severity of drought and its potential impacts on such a diverse group of users (Heim 2002). The American Meteorological Society (1997) groups drought definitions and types into four categories: meteorological or climatological, agricultural, hydrological, and socioeconomic (Heim 2002). Perhaps the best known drought index worldwide is the Palmer Drought Severity Index (Palmer 1965), while other famous indices are the Standardized Precipitation index, the Vegetation Conditions Index and the US Drought Monitor (see Heim 2002, for a detailed review). In forestry and especially in wildfire risk assessment a lot of fire risk-rating systems in use include several drought indices, specifically designed for fire potential assessment (Viegas et al. 1999). In many cases the drought or dryness indices are used as estimators of fuel components moisture. To characterize the level of potential fire risk numerous indices have been suggested (Groisman et al. 2005b). However, some of the drought indices are used as stand-alone indices directly correlated to fire potential, while some others are included as sub-models in integrated rating systems such as the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index (FWI), the US National Fire Danger System (NFDRS), and the McArthur’s Forest Fire Danger Index. D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 7 of 89 2.3.1 Drought indices used as sub-models in forest fire risk rating systems The Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System includes three moisture indices (the fine fuel moisture, the duff moisture and drought codes) that are used in the estimation of the Fire Weather Index (FWI), and the fire risk in Canada (Van Wagner 1987; San-Miguel-Ayanz et al. 2003; Spano et al. 2005). The Canadian Fire Weather Index (CFWI) comprises one of the two major modules of the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System (CFFDRS). The CFWI requires daily (noon) temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and 24-hour accumulated rainfall inputs for its calculation (Van Wagner 1987). The Canadian Fire Weather Index (CFWI) has six components from which the first three are the fuel moisture codes, the Fine Fuel Moisture Code (FFMC), Duff Moisture Code (DMC) and the Drought Code (DC). Details are available online at hhtp:// The fuel moisture codes of the Canadian Fire Danger Rating System, have been successfully tested in many regions around the word. In the text bellow the fuel moisture codes of the Canadian Fire System are briefly presented. Fine Fuel Moisture Code (FFMC) represents the moisture of the uppermost layer of litter in a pine forest, approximately 1.2 cm deep. The FFMC has a time lag of approximately 2/3 of a day, and is the fastest changing component of the CFWI. It is a relative indicator of the easiness of ignition of the fine fuels, ranging from 0 (moist litter and low flammability) to 100 (dry litter and high flammability). FFMC is computed from rainfall, relative humidity, wind speed and temperature data. Duff Moisture Code (DMC) represents the moisture in the 7 cm deep layer below the Fine Fuel layer, assumed to be a layer of loosely compacted organic material. The DMC has a time lag of approximately 12 days. It is an indicator for the fire consumption of a moderate duff layer or medium woody debris. The DMC is always positive, but has no maximum. High values, indicate drier litter and higher fire spread/risk. DMC is computed from rainfall, relative humidity and temperature data Drought Code (DC) represents the moisture in a layer of compact organic matter extending 18 cm below the Duff Moisture Code layer. The DC has a time lag of 52 days (the slowest changing of the three CFWI components). It is an indicator of the smouldering potential in deep duff layers and large logs, and of the seasonal drought. Like the DMC, it is positive and has no maximum value. High values of the DC indicate a high degree of smouldering and burning of deep duff or large logs. DC is calculated only from rainfall and temperature data. The Canadian FFDRS model has also been tested, adopted or adapted in New Zealand, Fiji, Alaska, Venezuela, Mexico, Chile, Argentina and Europe. This is one of this system’s desirable traits. Also, it was found by Viegas et al. (2001) that the Drought Code of the sub-model Forest Fire Weather Index can be used to estimate the moisture content of live fine fuel of shrub type fuels during the summer period in Central Portugal and Catalunya (NE Spain). The Drought Code of the system was also selected by Aguado et al. (2003) to investigate the spatial correlation between meteorological fire risk indices and satellite derived variables in Andalucia, southern Spain. D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 8 of 89 The drought factor and the fuel moisture sub-model of the McArthur Fire Danger Index (FDI) are used in one of the Australian fire danger system (Willis et al. 2001; San-Miguel-Ayanz et al. 2003; Spano et al. 2005). The ICONA index is used in Spain for the estimation of the flammability of the fine dead fuel and it is obtained from tabulated data on relative humidity and temperature (Pinol et al. 1998; Viegas et al. 1999). There is also the drought index of the French Fire Danger Rating that is combined with wind speed as a measure of fire risk in France (Viegas et al. 1999; Willis et al. 2001). However, all the above fire risk rating systems are quite sophisticated (Buchholz and Weidemann 2000), and they are often very difficult to implement worldwide, since they are based on a lot of meteorological data and need complicated calculations. 2.3.2 Stand-alone empirical drought indices The Keetch-Byram drought index (Keetch and Byram 1968) was developed by Keetch and Byram for use by fire control managers and is probably the most widely used worldwide in wildfire monitoring and prediction (Heim 2002). This index was developed and is in use in the USA, but it was also incorporated and used in other systems such as in the McArthur Fire Danger Index (FDI). The Nesterov Index is an empirical drought index widely used in Russia and other parts of the former Soviet Union for fire risk rating (Groisman et al. 2005a,b; McRae et al. 2006). The Modified Nesterov Index and the Zhdanko index are also wellknown drought indices used in Russia (Vensvsky et al. 2002; Groisman et al. 2005a, b). Other empirical drought indices used in fire risk assessment are the Angstrom index (Willis et al. 2001) that was developed in Sweden and has been used all over the Scandinavian peninsula and the German Baumgartner index used in Germany (Skvarenina et al. 2003). The characteristics of each of the above mentioned empirical drought indices are presented analytically in the following text, as well as the theory of their model construction and the variables included in each model. Keetch-Byram drought index Description The Keetch/Byram drought index is a cumulative estimate of moisture deficiency (fire potential) based on meteorological parameters and an empirical approximation for moisture depletion in the upper soil and surface litter levels (Keetch and Byram 1968; Janis et al. 2002). It is a drought index specifically designed for fire potential assessment (Keetch and Byram 1968; Heim 2002; Dimitrakopoulos and Bemmerzouk 2003) and it is considered as a conventional tool for estimating fire potential (Janis et al. 2002). It requires only few meteorological data, maximum daily temperature, total daily precipitation and the normal (average annual) precipitation. The index is initialized when the soil is near saturation (close to field capacity). Soil saturation varies by geographic region but may be reached during prolonged precipitation D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 9 of 89 events (Janis et al. 2002). Keetch and Byram (1968) suggested that 150-200 mm of precipitation on a week is sufficient for initialization. However, for the development of the equation, which describes the degree of drought or moisture deficiency which exists in a forested or wildland area, it is assumed that (Keetch and Byram 1968): a) From the stand point of fire control, the significant moisture relationships are those which exist in an upper layer of soil and a covering layer of duff. The filed capacity of the soil-duff layer will be taken as 8.0 inches of water in excess of the moisture which the layer holds at the wilding point. For a heavy soil at field capacity, 8.0 inches of free water require a soil layer about 30 to 35 inches deep. In a lighter sandy soil the depth would be somewhat greater. b) The soil-duff layer gains moisture from rainfall and loses moisture by evapotranspiration. Its lowest level of moisture content occurs at the wilting point. c) The evapotransipration rate will be a function of the weather variables and the vegetation density. d) The vegetation density, and hence the rate at which the vegetation can remove moisture from the soil-duff layer when the weather variables are constant, is a function of the amount of mean annual rainfall. This rate will be characterized by a single parameter defined as the evapotraspiration timelag. e) As a first approximation, simple exponential functions can be used to express the relationships between essential variables in the basic equations. The KBDI is calculated from the following equation (Keetch and Byram 1968; Janis et al. 2002; Dennison et al. 2003): KBDIt = KBDIt-1 + DF (Drought factor) while: [800-KBDIt-1] [0.968 exp(0.0875T+1.5552)-8.30] dt DF =----------------------------------------------------------------x 10-3 1 + 10.88 exp(-0.001736R) Where T is the daily maximum temperature (oC), R is the mean annual rainfall (mm), dt is the time increment (days) and KBDIt-1 is the Keetch-Byram Drought index for time t-1. Daily precipitation decreases KBDI when 24-h precipitation is greater than 5 mm (0.2 inches). KBDI is a stand-alone index that can be used to measure the effects of seasonal drought on fire potential (Roads et al. 2005). It can be related to a five-stage descriptive fire-potential scale (Table 1; USDA 2002). D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 10 of 89 Table 1: General description of moisture conditions and fire potential for relative KBDI (USDA 2002; Janis et al. 2002). KBDI range General description Forest fire potential 0-150 Upper soil and surface litter are wet Fire potential minimal is 150-300 Upper soil and surface litter are moist and Fire behaviour on not contribute to fire intensity predictable is 300-500 Upper soil and surface litter are dry and may contribute to fire intensity 500-700 Upper soil and surface litter are very dry. Fire suppression is a Surface litter and organic soil material significant undertaking contribute to fire intensity 700-800 Upper soil and surface litter are extremely Fire behaviour dry. Live understory vegetation burns unpredictable actively and contributes to fire potential Fire behaviour is somewhat predictable is Application o It is a widely used and accepted, in the wildland fire community, drought index. o KBDI is an integral component of the US National Fire Rating System since 1988 (Burgan 1988). It has been applied in a wide variety of environments (Janis et al. 2002), including the United States, south eastern Australia (Hatton et al. 1998), and Malaysia (Linington 1974). o It is included in the Australian Fire Rating Systems, as a measure of soil (duff) moisture content (San-Miguel-Ayanz et al. 2003). o It has been tested successfully in the Hawaiian islands (Dolling et al. 2005) by examining its relation with fire activity and in Greek conditions (Crete) by testing its relation to moisture content of grass vegetation and upper soil horizons (Dimitrakopoulos and Bemmerzouk 2003), as well as with plant water potentials of three Mediterranean species, Pinus halepensis, Quercus coccifera and Cistus creticus (Xanthopoulos et al. 2006) o It was comparatively tested with other indices (Nesterov, Modified Nesterov and Zhdanko index) over northern Eurasia (Groisman et al. 2005b, Groisman et al. 2007) by testing their values versus forest fire statistics, as well as comparatively with Nesterov index in East Kalimantan, Indonesia (Buchholz and Weidemann 2000). In both cases it was proved applicable and a useful tool for early warning. D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 11 of 89 It was also comparatively tested with satellite indices (normalized difference vegetation index NDVI and normalized difference water index NDWI) for fire risk assessment in savanna ecosystems in South Africa (Verbesselt et al. 2006). The results showed that the index can be used to predict the fire season. Nesterov index Description Professor V.G. Nesterov invented the Nesterov empirical drought Index in 1967. The index uses synoptic daytime data of temperature and humidity and daily precipitation (Groisman et al. 2005a, b). The index was derived as an empirical function reflecting the relationship between fire and weather based on historical data (Venevsky 2002). There was devised in the former Soviet Union and it is calculated as follows (Willis et al. 2001; Skvarenina et al. 2003). W NI = Σ Ti x (Ti – Di) i=1 Where: NI = Nesterov Index W = number of days since last rainfall > 3 mm T = mid-day temperature (oC) D = dew point temperature (oC) Its computation begins on the first spring day when the height of temperature is above freezing, after snow melting, and continues until the rainfall of 3 mm. The total is calculated for positive temperatures for a sequence of days with precipitation less than 3 mm. Rainfall above 3 mm resets the index NI to zero. It is a cumulative index and reflects drying potential for fuels. High values of the index indicate long periods without rain. For Central Russia, days with NI below 300 are the days without substantial forest fire risk while days with NI above 1000 are characterized as days with high forest fire risk. However, the index requires sub-daily meteorological information that may not easily available for many cases. On the other hand it is a relatively simple equation and does not require variables such as wind speed or daily humidity, for which accurate data are practically unobtainable over large periods (Venevsky et al. 2002). Five different fire risk classes are used depending on the value of the index (Skvarenina et al. 2003): 1. N<300 no fire risk 2. 301<N<1,000 low risk 3. 1,001<N<4,000 medium risk D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 12 of 89 4. 4,001<N<10,000 high risk 5. N>10,001 extremely high risk Application o It is widely used in the Russian fire-risk rating system, as well in other parts of the former Soviet Union. o A modified version of the index has been incorporated in the Portuguese Method for forest fire risk estimation (Viegas et al. 1999). o It was comparatively tested with other indices (Keetch-Byram drough index, Modified Nesterov and Zhdanko index ) over northern Eurasia (Groisman et al. 2005b, Groisman et al. 2007), by testing their values versus forest fire statistics as well as with Keetch-Byram drought index in East Kalimantan, Indonesia (Buchholz and Weidemann 2000). In both cases it was proved applicable and a useful tool for early warning. o It was selected by Venevsky et al. (2002) for a new fire model construction for estimates areas burnt on a macro scale (10-100 km) in human-dominated ecosystems in the Iberian Peninsula that was proved to produce realistic results, which were well correlated, both spatially and temporally, with the fire statistics. o It was also comparatively evaluated (Skvarenina et al. 2003) with two other indices (Angstrom and Baumgartner) in the Slovak Paradise National Park during two large forest fire events. In these local conditions, it preliminary seemed to be comparatively the less sensitive indicator of fire risk level during the dry summer season of July 1976, while it has approached the higher risk level during the dry continental weather in October 2000. Modified Nesterov Index Description The Modified Nesterov index is the Nesterov index with a reduction factor similar to that used by Zhdanko index (see below) (Groisman et al. 2005a,b). The index is calculating as follows: W MNI =K Σ Ti x (Ti – Di) i=1 Where: MNI = Modified Nesterov Index W = number of days since last rainfall > 3 mm D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 13 of 89 T = mid-day temperature (oC) D = dew point temperature (oC) K takes the values of the table below, in dependence of the current rainfall. R (mm) 0 0.1-0.9 1.0-.2.9 3.0-5.9 6.0-14.9 15.0-19.0 >19 K 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1 0 The Fire Risk level is them determined from the Modified Mesterov Index using the following classifications. Fire levels Risk Modified Index Nesterov Forest Fire Risk I 100 – 1000 Very Low II 1001 – 2500 Low III 2501 – 5 000 Moderate IV 5 001 – 10 000 High V > 10 000 Extreme Application o It is widely used in the Russian fire-rating system together with the Nesterov index. o It has comparatively tested with other indices (Keetch-Byram drough index, Nesterov and Zhdanko index) over northern Eurasia (Groisman et al. 2005b, Groisman et al. 2007), by testing their values versus forest fire statistics where it was proved applicable and a useful tool for early warning. Zhdanko index Description Zhdanko (1965) suggested a recurrent index of potential forest fire risk for the warm snow-free period of the year, which is similar to Nesterov Index (Groisman et al. 2005a, b). The index is calculated as follows: Zh (N) = [Zh (N-1)+d] x K(N) Where: D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 14 of 89 d is the dew point deficit and K(N) is a scale coefficient in a [0,1] that controls the index change when precipitation occurs on day N (Table 2). This reduction factor is equal to 1 when no rainfall occurs, is equal to 0 when daily rainfalls is 20 mm or more and gradually decreases between these thresholds (e.g. it is equal 0.2 when daily rainfall is in the range of 6 to 14 mm, Table 2). Note that Nesterov index assumes that K(N)=0 for rainfall as low as 3 mm without accounting for the level of dry conditions prior to this event. Table 2: Scale coefficient K used in Zhdanko index to account for daily precipitation impact on accumulated drought indices (Groisman et el. 2005). R (mm) 0 0.1-0.9 1.0-.2.9 3.0-5.9 6.0-14.9 15.0-19.0 >19 K 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1 0 Application o It is widely used in the Russian fire-rating system together with Nesterov and Modified Nesterov index. o It has comparatively tested with other indices (Keetch-Byram drough index, Nesterov index and Modified Nesterov) over northern Eurasia (Groisman et al. 2005b, Groisman et al. 2007), by testing their values versus forest fire statistics where it was proved applicable. Angstrom index I One of the simplest drought index used in the fire risk assessment is the Swedish Angstrom Index (Willis et al. 2001). The Angstrom Index uses only air temperature and relative humidity in its calculation and provides an indication of the likely number of fires on any given day. The Angstrom Index is calculated according to the following equation (Skvarenina et al. 2003): I = [R/20] + [(27-T)/10] Where: R = relative humidity (%) T = air temperature (oC) The values for I translate into fire risk as follow: 1. I>4.0 fire occurrence unlikely 2. 4.0<I<3.0 fire occurrence unfavourable 3. 3.0<I<2.5 fire conditions favourable 4. 2.5<I<2.0 fire conditions more favourable 5. I<2.0 fire occurrence very likely D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 15 of 89 Application o The index was devised in Sweden and has been used all over the Scandinavia. o It was comparatively tested (Skvarenina et al. 2003), with two other indices (Nesterov and Baumgartner) in the Slovak Paradise National Park during two large forest fire events, where it seemed to be the most sensitive measure of fire occurrence risk forecasting. Baumgartner Index This index is used in Germany (Skvarenina et al., 2003). The calculation of the index is based on the amount of precipitation and the potential evapotranspiration with the following equation model. BI = P – PE (sum of 5 days) Where: P = precipitation (mm) PE = potential evapotranspiration (mm) The system is divided into the following fire risk classes as follows (Skvarenina et al. 2003): Fire risk 1 classes/Month 2 3 4 5 (mm) March +5> +5 to -3 -3 to -9 -9 to -15 -15< April +3> +3 to -8 -8 to -16 -16 to -27 -27< May -3> -3 to -16 -16 to -25 -25 to -35 -35< June -12> -12 to -24 -24 to -32 -32 to -41 -41< July -12> -12 to -24 -24 to -31 -31 to -40 -40< August -8> -8 to -20 -20 to -28 -28 to -37 -37< September -6> -6 to -18 -18 to -26 -26 to -35 -35< October -6> -6 to -18 -18 to -26 -26 to -35 -35< Application D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 16 of 89 o It was comparatively evaluated (Skvarenina et al. 2003), with two other indices (Nesterov and Angstrom) in the Slovak Paradise National Park during two large forests fire events. In these local conditions, it preliminary seemed to only seldom approach the highest fire risk levels (class 5). Drought indices recently developed Last years many efforts have been made aiming at the development of new drought indices (or fuel dryness) that could be applied more easily and successfully in fire risk assessment. Dennison et al. (2003) suggested a cumulative water balance index (CWBI) for measuring regional drought stress. The index cumulatively sums precipitation and reference evaortranspiration over time so that CWBI at time T is calculated as CWBIT = Σ (Pt – ET0t) Where t is the time interval Pt is the precipitation over each interval and ET0t is the reference evapotranspiration over each interval. A modified Penman equation is used to calculate reference evapotranspiration using inputs of solar irradiance, air temperature, vapor pressure, and wind speed. The index was tested in California conditions and, based on its temporal and spatial attributes, offers a complementary methodology for monitoring live fuel moisture for fire risk assessment. After testing the index (CWBI) with live fuel conditions, Dennison et al. (2003) found that live fuel moisture demonstrated a strong, nonlinear relationship with the index. Spano et al. (2005) suggested a Fuel dryness index (Fd) for Mediterranean vegetation following a model proposed by Snyder et al. (2003) for grassland fire risk assessment. The Fd index was also proved to give useful information on fuel dryness conditions of a vegetation grassland in California (Snyder et al. 2006). The index is based on the surface energy balance, where available energy (Rn-G) is partitioned into sensible and latent heat exchanges (H+LE). When soil water is not limited, then H is typically small and (Rn–G) is a measure of the potential or maximum possible LE. When the surface is dry and soil water is limited, evaporation from the surface is reduced, LE decreases and (Rn-G) and H increases. Therefore the fuel dryness index can be calculated as: Fd = 1- LE/Rn-G = H/Rn-G However, the index requires special instruments and complex computation and thus, it is considered difficult to replace the widely used drought indices that are based on simple and easily available meteorological data. 2.3.3 Performance of the drought indices throughout the world Based on the large number of available data concerning the application and testing of drought indices in fire risk assessment worldwide, some useful conclusions may be extracted. Except for the drought indices that are used for sub-models in holistic Fire Danger Rating Systems, a widely used stand-alone drought index directly correlated with fire potential, is the Keetch-Byram drought index (KBDI). The index is considered strongly related to live fuel moisture content (FMC), since most cases of moisture stress in plants (grass and shrub species) are caused by soil moisture deficiencies (Aguado et al. 2003; Verbesselt et al. 2006). D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 17 of 89 The KBDI index is also a basic component of US National Fire Rating System while it has been applied in a wide variety of environments (Janis et al. 2002), including USA, south eastern Australia (Hatton et al. 1998), and Malaysia (Linington 1974). It is also included in the Australian Fire rating Systems, as a measure of soil (duff) moisture content (San-Miguel-Ayanz et al. 2003). It has been tested successfully in the Hawaiian Islands (Dolling et al. 2005), and in Greek conditions (Crete) (Dimitrakopoulos and Bemmerzouk 2003), as well as with plant water potentials of three Mediterranean species, Pinus halepensis, Quercus coccifera and Cistus creticus (Xanthopoulos et al. 2006). It has also been comparatively tested with other indices (Nesterov, Modified Nesterov and Zhdanko index) over northern Eurasia (Groisman et al. 2005b, Groisman et al. 2007), as well as with Nesterov index in East Kalimantan, Indonesia (Buchholz and Weidemann 2000). In both cases it was proved applicable and a useful tool for early warning. It was also comparatively tested with satellite indices (normalized difference vegetation index NDVI and normalized difference water index NDWI), for fire risk assessment in savanna ecosystems in South Africa (Verbesselt et al. 2006); the results showed that it can be used to predict the fire season. The Nesterov index (NI), the Modified Nesterov index (MNI) and the Zhdanko index are widely used in Russia and other parts of the former Soviet Union. These indices were found also applicable in many other regions worldwide. They were comparatively tested with the Keetch-Byram drought index over northern Eurasia (Groisman et al. 2005b, Groisman et al. 2007), by testing their values versus forest fire statistics, as well as with the Keetch-Byram drought index in East Kalimantan, Indonesia (Buchholz and Weidemann 2000). In both cases they were proved applicable and a useful tool for early warning. Nesterov index was also used by Venevsky et al. (2002) for a new fire model construction for estimating burnt areas on a macro scale (10-100 km) in human-dominated ecosystems in the Iberian Peninsula that was proved to produce realistic results, which were well correlated, both spatially and temporally, with the fire statistics. 3 METHODOLOGY FOR ENHANCING METEOROLOGICAL VARIABLES 3.1 SPATIAL ACCURACY OF The small scale approach 3.1.1 Introduction Meteorological data usually derives from weather stations or sensors. This pointsource data has to be interpolated in order to provide information about the spatial distribution of meteorological variables. Finally, a dimensionless number (index) is computed from the interpolated values, expressing the impact of weather on fire potential (Aguado et al. 2003, San-Miguel-Ayanz et al. 2003). The meteorological variables of interest are: (a) air temperature (b) daily total precipitation (c) relative humidity (d) wind speed D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 18 of 89 Several techniques have been used in order to estimate a variable in space from nearby point measurements. The method proposed here is a combination of Kriging and the inverse distance weighting (IDW). The method addresses the need for accurate prediction of the spatial distribution of meteorological variables, in order to estimate fire risk. Real-time or near real-time point measurements of the variables of interest have to be available. Alternatively, forecasted meteorological conditions are used to assess fire risk. The forecasts derive from the combined operation of global scale (GCMs) and mesoscale (RCMs) meteorological prediction models. This approach, although promising, still requires a lot of computational resources. 3.1.2 Interpolation of temperature The dependence of temperature upon elevation is generally accepted (Daly et al. 1994, Thornton et al. 1997). Daily temperature Tp at any location p can be considered as the combination of two components: a vertical component Tvp (trend varying with the elevation) and a horizontal random component Thp. Thus: Tp = Tvp + Thp (1) Where Tvp is the vertical trend Thp is the horizontal residual The vertical trend is considered to be a function of elevation. Tvp = f(Zp) (2) Where Zp is the elevation at location p To approximate f(Zp) we perform linear regression of temperature against elevation using temperature and elevation data from the observation points (stations). f(Zp) = aZp + b (3) thus, (4) Tvp = aZp + b Where a and b are regression coefficients. The horizontal residual of temperature at an observation point i is the difference between the observed temperature and the estimated trend from equation (4). Thi = Ti – Tvi = Ti – aZi + b (5) Since the trend has been removed from the data, detrended observations of temperature can be interpolated using ordinary Kriging. The horizontal residual of temperature at any point p can be calculated as a weighted mean of surrounding observations: D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 19 of 89 Thp = n wiThi (6) i 1 It is clear from equations (1), (4) and (6) that temperature at any location p can be estimated as: Tp = aZp + b + n wiThi (7) i 1 Where p is any location within the area i is the ith observation point (station) n is the total number of observations whose measurements are spatially correlated to the value at location p wi is the weight of the ith observation point (station) Zp is the elevation at point p. D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 20 of 89 Interpolation of temperature: Flowchart Begin Input temperature data from stations or sensors Calculate vertical component of temperature with linear regression (temperature against elevation) Calculate horizontal (detrented) component of temperature (Ti – Tvi) Interpolate horizontal component of temperature (ordinary kriging) Add the vertical component of temperature to the interpolated horizontal component End D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 21 of 89 Figure 1: Temperature map of Thessaloniki area (Greece) at 2.6.2006. 3.1.3 Interpolation of daily total precipitation The estimation of precipitation at a location p is a two-step process: first we have to predict precipitation occurrence and conditional on that to estimate total precipitation (Sun et all. 2003). The first step of this process is in fact the calculation of the probability of precipitation occurrence at a location p, given that it rains (or not) at the surrounding observation points (stations). We are going to calculate the probability of precipitation occurrence POPp at a location p using indicator kriging. We start with the transformation of rainfall amount observations Pi into binary variables POi. : 0; Pi 0 1; Pi 0 POi. = (8) Where POi = 1 means that there is rain at observation location i, and POi = 0 that there is not. The probability of precipitation occurrence at a location p can be calculated as following: POPp = n i 1 wiPOi + (1- n mi) (9) i 1 Where p is any location within the area D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 22 of 89 i is the ith observation point (station) n is the total number of observations whose measurements are spatially correlated to the value at location p wi is the weight of the ith observation point (station) POi is the indicator value at point i. mi is the cumulative probability of rainfall at location point i. The estimated value of POPp is a probability with its value lying between zero and one. In order to separate rain and no rain estimations, a threshold value needs to be selected. This value is usually selected between 0.45 and 0.55. We select a threshold value of 0.5. Having delineated the rainfall area and for every point p with POPp > 0.5, we can proceed with the estimation of the total daily precipitation Pp at any location p likewise we did for the estimation of temperature. Total daily precipitation can be calculated as: Pp = aZp + b + n wiPi (10) i 1 Where p is any location within the area i is the ith observation point (station) Pi is the observed daily total precipitation at location i. n is the total number of observations whose measurements are spatially correlated to the value at location p wi is the weight of the ith observation point (station) Zp is the elevation at point p. a and b are regression coefficients. D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 23 of 89 Interpolation of daily total precipitation: Flowchart Begin INTERPOLATE HORIZONTAL COMPONENT OF PRECIPITATION (ORDINARY KRIGING) Input precipitation data from stations or sensors Transform rainfall amount data into rainfall occurrence (rain/no rain) values ADD THE VERTICAL COMPONENT OF PRECIPITATION TO THE INTERPOLATED HORIZONTAL COMPONENT Calculate the probability of occurrence POPp for the whole area (Indicator kriging) Separate rain and no rain estimations using a threshold value of 0.5 End ONLY FOR AREAS WITH RAIN: CALCULATE VERTICAL COMPONENT OF PRECIPITATION WITH LINEAR REGRESSION (PRECIPITATION AGAINST ELEVATION) Calculate horizontal (detrented) component of precipitation (Pi – Pvi) D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 24 of 89 Figure 2: Precipitation map Thessaloniki area, (Greece) 2.6.2006. of at 3.1.4 Interpolation of relative humidity Relative humidity (RH) is defined as the ratio of the amount water vapor in air to the maximum amount of water vapor that could be in the air. Mathematically: e RH = 100 es % (11) Where e is the water vapor pressure and es is the saturation water vapor pressure But it is known (Murray, 1967) that water vapor pressures are functions of temperature. Namely: 17.27T d (kPa) (12) e = 0.6108exp T 237 .3 d 17.27T (kPa) (13) T 237.3 es = 0.6108exp where T is the current air temperature in 0C and Td is the dew point temperature in 0C D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 25 of 89 At an observation point (station), relative humidity (RH) is measured and so is temperature (T). In case that dew point temperature (Td) at an observation point is not measured, we can calculate it as a function of water vapor pressure e. From (12): e 237.3 0.6108 17,27 Td = e ln 1 0.6108 17,27 ln 0 C (14) es RH from equation (11) 100 Where e can be substituted by es can be calculated from equation (13) Having calculated (or measured) dew point temperature Td at all observation points, we are going to interpolate this variable using the methodology elaborated for temperature (see Interpolation of temperature). Obviously, after the interpolations of current temperature and dew point temperature, at any location p we can calculate water vapor pressures (e and es) using equations (12) & (13) and relative humidity (RH) using equation (11). Figure 3: Relative humidity map of Thessaloniki area, (Greece) at 2.6.2006. D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 26 of 89 Interpolation of relative humidity: Flowchart Begin Input temperature and relative humidity data from stations or sensors Are dew point temperature data available? No Calculate dew point temperature from relative humidity and temperature at observation points Yes Interpolate dew point temperature (ordinary kriging) Interpolate temperature Calculate water vapor pressures and relative humidity at any point from (interpolated) temperature and dew point temperature End 3.1.5 Interpolation of wind speed We choose to use the inverse distance weighting method (IDW) to interpolate the wind speed data. According to this method, wind speed at a location p (Up) is defined as the weighted average of measured wind speeds at the observation points (Goodin et al. 1979). A weight is defined as the inverse of the squared horizontal distance between a point p and an observation point. D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 27 of 89 n Up = W U i 1 n i i W i 1 (15) i Where Ui is the measured wind speed at observation point i Wi is the weight associated with the observation point i The weights are calculated as: Wi = 1 d i2 (16) Where di is the distance between point p and an observation point i. Figure 4: Wind velocity map of Thessaloniki area, (Greece) at 2.6.2006. 3.2 The medium scale approach 3.2.1 Introduction Weather conditions are among the main factors that affect fire occurrence and behavior (Pyne, 1984). These conditions affect fire behavior in a direct way by generating ignition sources such as lightning, and in an indirect way by influencing D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 28 of 89 fuel moisture content, affecting also other variables such as fire propagation or intensity (Dentoni, 2003). The majority of the fire danger evaluation systems have an important meteorological component, and some of them are only based on the evaluation of weather variables (Dentoni and Muñoz, 2000). Particularly, meteorological danger indices have a long tradition in fire danger estimation, because they comprise different critical variables related to fire ignition and fire propagation (Aguado et al., 2003). One of the most particular properties of the meteorological phenomena related to other variables is their high spatial and temporal variability (Pyne, 1984). These two aspects are important to be accounted for when fire danger needs to be forecasted for certain areas within a region. In this case, the spatial and temporal qualities of the input data are of paramount importance. To estimate the meteorological variables that influence the fire danger situation in a region, the data point obtained in a particular meteorological station must be distributed continuously in the field. A way to obtain meteorological data for a region between or among stations is by interpolating the values of the variable of interest obtained in each particular station. Another way to do so is the use of non punctual methods to measure the variables, or the association between meteorological index of danger and vegetation index derived by satellite data (Aguado and Camia, 1998). A development of continuous fields from discrete data sets is generally used in different disciplines. Interpolation techniques have been used extensively in meteorology since 1950. The interpolation of previously calculated fire danger index is another method used by various authors with variable success (Flannigan and Wotton, 1989). The accuracy achieved by those methods depends on the quality and distribution of data that permit addressing the behavior of the measured variable. For example, stations located in non-homogeneous areas might not be representative of their surroundings, in particular with respect to elevation and fuels. When data are sparse, the underlying assumptions about the variation among sampled points often differed and the choice of interpolation method and parameters then became critical (Czaijkowski, et al 2000). Satellite images may be then considered a good alternative for interpolation of danger values, since they perform a spatially exhaustive observation of the territory (Aguado et al., 2003). In comparison to ground based meteorological observations which have traditionally been used, satellites provide high spatial resolution data over large areas of the earth. This is especially important on isolated areas where meteorological observations are sparse (Czajkowski et al., 2000). The use of satellite data to determine fire danger indexes could have two approaches: the use of satellites to achieve spatial continuous values of the necessary weather data to calculate an index (Flannigan et al., 1998; Charney et al., 2007), or the use of satellite data to determine the fuel condition that is affected by the weather behavior that a particular index intent to reveal (Aguado et al., 2003; Guangmeng and Mei, 2004; Schneider et al., 2008). Argentina began in the year 2000 the implementation of a National Fire Danger Evaluation System with the adaptation of the Canadian FWI. This allowed the unification of all provincial organisms responsible of fire management around a unique fire danger system and fire language. This implementation was led by the National Fire Management Plan. The Patagonian region of Argentina (comprising the 5 southernmost provinces) is one of the areas of the country where the implementation of that system is more advanced. The codes and indices were D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 29 of 89 adjusted for the fire climate of this region (Dentoni et al., 2006). The Fire whether Index (FWI), as part of the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System (CFFDRS), depicts relative fire potential based solely on whether observations. The components of the FWI system depends on daily measurements of dry-bulb temperature, relative humidity, a 10-metre height open wind speed and 24-hour accumulated precipitation (Beck, 2006). Today, the estimation of the different components of this index in Patagonia is done by meteorological data gathered from stations located in different brigades of the Provincial Fire Management Services and also from stations belonging to the National Meteorological Service. Actually neither method is used to calculate fire danger between these whether stations, assuming an invariable fire whether situation for entire areas administratively defined. The absence of reliable and well distributed meteorological stations in the region is a great limitation to assess the fire whether conditions with a good spatial accuracy. It is necessary, with the present availability of meteorological data and other resources, to achieve a method that would permit to reflect, with acceptable accuracy, the spatial variation in the values achieved by the meteorological indexes in the different areas. The objective of this work was to inquire into different methods of mapping daily meteorological variables with scattered availability of meteorological stations, and explore the availability of methods to acquire meteorological variables in a continuous field including those methods using satellite data that could, in a future, improve the availability of data for fire danger evaluation. A secondary objective of this work was to test some of those methods and evaluate their limitations for forecasting meteorological data involved in the fire danger evaluation in an extensive territory. 3.2.2 Limitation of the meteorological data The scarcity of meteorological stations and the low availability of existent data were among the main problems that we faced in this study. In the Patagonian Andes of Chubut, Argentina, the National Meteorological Service has only one meteorological station in an area which cover more than 60.000 km2. Because of that limitation, other source of data were searched and used in this work: 1) Data of five meteorological stations property of a Hydroelectric Company called Futaleufú. The advantage of those stations is the availability of the information, which could be downloaded daily via internet. The location of the meteorological stations, however, pose some limitation to the usefulness of their data for our purposes, since their objective is to bring data about rains, snow, or other meteorological data useful for the operation and control of water input in that basin. Many of those stations are located near lakes, rivers, creeks, etc. so the data obtained may not be representative of the weather conditions of wider areas. Similar situation occur with another prospected station, belonging to the Provincial Fire Management Service. This station doesn’t comply with some of the basic requisites for installing a weather station, since it has some buildings nearby that interfere with the variables to be measured. The spatial distribution of the stations within the study area is not homogeneous, showing a higher concentration in the west sector (Fig. 1). This fact makes that the west to east gradient existent on the precipitation values in the region are not well detected by those stations. 3.2.3 Methods to data incorporation When the availability of stations is a restriction to map weather variables, there are alternative methods that permit to interpolate or somehow calculate the missing data D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 30 of 89 for certain areas. Some of these methods have been described in different studies and are presented below. Air temperature. It is possible to calculate air temperature by using the Land Surface Temperature derived from values of thermal reflectance captured from remote sensing. Two main methods are used for this calculation. The LST-NDVI-Tº method permits the inference of air temperature based on the hypothesis that the bulk temperature of an infinitely thick vegetation canopy is close to the ambient air temperature (Prihodko and Goward, 1997). The temperature of the canopy could be estimated with the LST derived from thermal infrared data and the density of the canopy with a vegetation index like the NDVI. The method consists in the correlation of the LST- with the vegetation index and then it evaluates the result function with a value of the index that represents a full canopy. The LST–Air Temperature regression method, calculates the air temperature from a function derived from the lineal regression between the LST, calculated from satellite data, and the air temperature measured in the same area by meteorological stations at the same time the satellite passes. For using this method, it is necessary the availability of a set of air temperature data from meteorological stations corresponding to the moment the satellite overpass the area, and the daily values of LST derived from satellite data to define the relation between the LST and air temperature that will depend basically of the land coverage. Both methods have shown acceptable success in previous works using MODIS (Cossetin, 2005; Colombi et al., 2007; Jones et al. 2004) and AVHRR data (Czajkowski et al., 2000). The second methodology (LST-air Temperature) needs a previous work that defines a representative correlation function that related the Air Temperature and the LST derived from the sensor measurements. The use of satellite data to determine atmospheric moisture to derive Relative Humidity has been informed by several authors (Prince et al., 1998; Hay and Lennon, 1999; Czajkowski et al., 2000; Czajkowski et al., 2002). The fundaments of this method are the different influence of water vapor in the brightness values acquired by the two thermal channels of the AVHRR sensor. Hay and Lennon (1999) used differences in brightness temperatures recorded simultaneously by the AVHRR sensor (Channel 4 and 5), which has been shown to be linearly related to total precipitation water in atmospheric column, U (kg/m2, Eck and Holben, 1994) where: U = A + B (Ch4 – Ch5), Where A and B are constants of 1.337 and 0.837, respectively. The estimated precipitation water content, was then converted to a near surface dew point temperature, by Td = (ln U – ((0.113 – ln (λ +1)))/0.0393 where λ is a variable that is a function of the latitude and the time of the year. Water Precipitation is another variable that is possible to be estimated with the use of satellite data. With Infrared (IR) satellite imagery from geostationary satellites, it is possible the identification of clouds that are producing rains in a determined area. Sun et al. (2003) described this methodology for Australia, in zones with scarce distribution of meteorological stations. The IR data is used as auxiliary information to determine the areas in where it is actually raining. The relation between the IR information and the rain gauge is a pre requisite to the D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 31 of 89 application of this method and implied the availability of historic data. Other sources to determine the amounts of precipitation in certain areas is by the use of radar images. This source of data performs better results than the IR data, but it availability is more restricted than IR, and the costs are more elevated. 3.2.4 Testing methods In this section we evaluated the interpolation methods proposed in paragraph 3.1 and some of the alternative methods using satellite data, especially to determine air temperature. The Relative Humidity determination method using satellite data was not tested here because previous works did not achieve very good results, this implicates much more time to achieve good results and largely exceeded the time of this work. The methods to evaluate the rain occurrence and its amounts using satellite data collided with the absence of previous works in the region, necessary to define the IR range of raining clouds of and also without the possibility of obtaining radar data. Air Temperature Satellite Data The products used were 1) Daily Land Surface Temperature MODIS product (MOD11A1) of 1 km resolution. This product was selected because the Terra satellite (which has the MODIS product inside) overpasses daily the area of interest near midday. The dates used were from December 1, 2007, to January 31, 2008. 2) The MODIS Terra NDVI 16 days composite product (MOD13A1) was used in two dates: December 3 and 19, 2007. 3) The NDVI derived from MODIS Terra was used daily from January 1 to 31, 2008. Meteorological data Meteorological data from 8 stations distributed in the study area were used. Five stations, belonging to Futaleufu Hydroelectric Dam, provided hourly data (Huemul, Bustillo, Rio Percy, Puesto Ríos and Futaleufú). One station, purchased by FIRE Paradox Project, provided data every half an hour (although it begun collecting data January 7, 2008 (called Berwyn station from now on). The two other stations were the one belonging to the National Meteorological Service (located in Esquel airport) and the other property of the Provincial Fire Management Service (SMF Trevelin). These two stations provided data only at midday (12 h). The spatial distribution of the stations is shown in Figure 1. In the evaluation of the methods in which satellite data were used, we only took into account data from the stations that recorded hourly data, to match the time the satellite overpass the site. D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 32 of 89 Figure 5: Geographic localisation of the eights meteorological stations used in this work Residual Method The method proposed in paragraph 3.1.2 to interpolate values of temperature was tested with the data of the meteorological stations deployed in the area. The change tested was the use of the IDW method to interpolate the residuals of the regression between altitude and temperature. That change was based on the assumption that stochastic interpolation methods, like Kriging, needs more availability of data to reach correct results prediction than that of what we have in this area. For these situations, deterministic local methods are more adequate. The approaching tests reinforce this, having better final results using the IDW method. The meteorological data used was the air temperature of the 12 PM arising from the eight stations depicted above. The period of time corresponded from 7 to 31 January, 2008. The results of the interpolation were verified estimating the temperature at each station based on observations from all the other stations and comparing them to with the measurements. Resukts D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 33 of 89 The correlation between air temperatures and elevation was very strong during the evaluated period. This was reflected in the short difference between the error found with the incorporation of the residual and the error having accounted only the vertical component of temperature. A particularly high error was found in the estimation of temperatures at the Trevelin station (Fire Management Service) and the temperature measured by that station. The probable deficiency above mentioned in the measured data of this station is probably the cause of this difference. Table 3. Results of the estimation of air temperature methods test. The number between parentheses in the Average error Columns represents the account of evaluated days. Meteorological Station Standart deviation Average error ºC 1 2 3 and 1 2 Futaleufu 1,7(25) 2,5(47) 2,1(45) 1,2 1,9 1,6 8,6 - 22,2 (19,7) Bustillo 1,9(25) 3,7(45) 2,0(42) 1,9 2,0 2,0 8,6 - 24,5 18,5) Puerto Rios 1,7(25) 2,5(46) 2,7(46) 1,2 2,5 1,8 11,8 - 29 (21,3) SMF Trevelin 4,6(25) Berwyn 3,2(25) 3,3(17) 2,4(19) 2,9 2,8 1,7 13,9 - 26,7 (20,4) Huemul 1,7(25) 4,6(36) 2,2(42) 1,2 1,9 1,9 10 - 29,9 (20,7) Aeropuerto 1,4(25) Percy 1,1(25) D5.1-1-33-1000-1 3 Range average 1,7 1,0 2,2(44) 3,1(47) 1,2 2,0 2,6 of measured T ºC 12,0 - 33 (24,8) 6,4 - 27,6 (19,5) 5,8 - 31,6 (19,1) Page 34 of 89 Figure 6. Temperature map of January 24 2008 at 12 h derived from the Residual Method. LST-NDVI-Tº method We took, for evaluation, measurements of six meteorological stations that had continued disposition of data. Around each meteorological station was selected a window of 11x11 pixels to perform the regression between LST-NDVI. The process that involves the generation of the LST Modis product eliminates from the analysis those pixels that have the interference of clouds or water bodies. The regression was made with the remained pixels and taking into account only days with almost 60 useful pixels within the 11x11 window. Each function was evaluated with a NDVI value of 0.9 suggested by Prihodko (1992) and then compared with the value of temperature measured in the meteorological stations at the time the satellite overpass the area. Results In 4 of the sites the analysis was possible between 44 and 47 days and in the other station in 36 days. With the station of Fire Paradox the analysis was possible only for 17 days because it begun to collect the data at 07 January of 2008. For the rest of days the usable data within the 11 x 11 window around the station made possible the regression analysis. Only for two days, in the lapse of the time studied, LST data all over the area were not available because of the clouds. The highest differences between estimated and measured air temperature occurred in those areas where the station was close to big water bodies (Huemul and Bustillo). D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 35 of 89 Rio Percy January 8-2008 35 30 LST ºC 25 20 y = -20,844x + 37,046 R2 = 0,6609 15 10 5 0 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1 NDVI Figure 7. Example of the relation between the values of NDVI and LST for one day in the surroundings of Río Percy station. LST –Air Temperature regression With the same data used in the LST-NDVI method, a correlation was performed with the LST data of the pixel at each meteorological station with the temperature measured at the time of satellite overpass. The function derived at each meteorological station was evaluated with the daily value of LST and the result compared with the registered temperature. Results D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 36 of 89 The regression was possible for more than 40 days, from December 2007 to January 2008 for five of the six stations used. In the other one the restriction was the time in where the station started to take data. In the rest of the days the area around the stations had no LST data because of the presence of clouds. The linear correlation for the selected stations had a determination coefficient R2 between 0.4 and 0.68 (Fig 4). If the correlation is determined for all of the stations together the determination coefficient descends to 0.31. In the case of RMSE determined by the evaluation of the function to each station for all days, the averaging values vary from PUERTO RIOS 35,00 35,00 30,00 30,00 25,00 25,00 Air Temperature ºC Air Temperature ºC BUSTILLO 20,00 15,00 10,00 y = 0,7672x + 6,7242 R2 = 0,6667 5,00 0,00 0,00 5,00 10,00 15,00 20,00 20,00 15,00 10,00 y = 0,6321x + 5,4198 R2 = 0,5538 5,00 25,00 0,00 0,00 30,00 5,00 10,00 15,00 LST ºC 25,00 30,00 Air Temperature ºC Air Temperature ºC 35,00 20,00 15,00 10,00 y = 0,6525x + 7,285 R2 = 0,6774 5,00 10,00 40,00 15,00 10,00 y = 0,5657x + 3,5775 R2 = 0,4002 15,00 20,00 25,00 30,00 0,00 0,00 35,00 5,00 10,00 15,00 20,00 25,00 30,00 35,00 40,00 45,00 LST ºC BERWYN HUEMUL 35,00 30,00 30,00 25,00 25,00 Air Temperature ºC Air Temperature ºC 35,00 20,00 5,00 5,00 30,00 25,00 LST ºC 20,00 15,00 y = 0,645x + 10,822 R2 = 0,6619 10,00 20,00 15,00 10,00 y = 0,3745x + 11,8 R2 = 0,4018 5,00 5,00 0,00 0,00 25,00 RIO PERCY FUTALEUFU 30,00 0,00 0,00 20,00 LST ºC 5,00 10,00 15,00 20,00 25,00 2.08 to 3.14 as is shown in table 1. LST ºC 30,00 0,00 0,00 5,00 10,00 15,00 20,00 25,00 30,00 35,00 LST ºC Figure 8 Relationship between LST and Air temperature for the six evaluated locations Wind speed The methodology proposed in paragraph 3.1.5 to map wind speed was tested with the data of the 8 meteorological stations used in the temperature test. The results of D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 37 of 89 the interpolation were verified estimating the wind speed at each station based on observations from all the other stations. Results During the evaluated periods a large variation between stations in the measured wind velocity was registered. This variation occurred in stations located very close one to another, such as Puerto Rios, Berwyn and Futaleufu. The variation of data was traduced in a deficient representation of the wind spatial distribution with the interpolate method. Table 4. Percentage of error in the estimation of windspped with the IDW interpolation method for four of the 8 stations used in the calculus Meteorological Station Evaluated days Average error % Futaleufú 25 50 Bustillo 25 87 Puerto Ríos 25 108 SMF Trevelin 25 45 Figure 9. Wind speed map of January 24-08 at 12 hours derived from IDW Method. D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 38 of 89 Relative Humidity The methodology proposed in paragraph 3.1.4 to map relative humidity was tested with the data of the 8 meteorological stations described above. The changes tested respect to the original methodology was the use of IDW method to interpolate dew point temperature in change of the Kriging method. The results of the interpolation were verified estimating the relative humidity at each station based on observations from all the other stations. The difference between the calculated and measured relative humidity to each day were averaged for the 8 sites uses to determinate the error in each one. Results During the 25 days of the evaluated period, the measured relative humidity at midday varied between 33 and 92%. Puesto Rios was the station in what the maximums values of humidity were registered and the maximums error values too. For the rest of the stations the error of the estimated value was significantly lower. The days with a major difference between the measured values and the estimations were those in which precipitations were occurring in some of the stations. The direct interpolation of the relative humidity values was tested too and compared with these results with an increment in error values. Figure 10. Temperature map of January 24 2008 at 12 h derived from FP proposed Method. Table 5. Error corresponding to the estimation of Relative Humidity with the mentioned stations between 7 and 31 January of 2008 Meteorological Station Evaluated days Average error % Bustillo 25 4,08 Puerto Ríos 25 19,30 D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 39 of 89 Futaleufú 25 9,70 SMF Trevelin 25 5,58 Río Percy 25 8,81 Huemúl 25 9,28 Aeropuerto 25 13,68 Berwyn 25 19,38 Precipitation The methodology proposed in paragraph 3.1.3 to map precipitation was impossible to be applied with the meteorological data available to this area of Patagonia. In a great amount of days the Indicator Kriging didn’t work with the data used. This was due by the scarce availability of data. The Kriging method is a probabilistic method. This complicates the determination of the raining areas with this method. We tested, instead, the use of the IDW to interpolate the probability of rains. The better results to determine the raining areas was obtained with the use of IDW interpolation method by using hourly calculations and then averaging the 24 hours results for each calculated pixel The interpolation of the rain amounts for the raining areas didn’t give good results too. This is difficult to solve due to the variability of the rains in the area during the summer, which coincide with the fire season. During the summer fire session in western Patagonia, rainfall is very scarce and highly variable. For this reason, it is very difficult to count with the availability of data with the probability raining areas and the amount of rains too. 3.2.5 Conclusions In the Andean region of Patagonia where this study was conducted, the interpolation methods to obtain a continuous set of reliable meteorological data necessary for the daily evaluation of fire danger have produced dissimilar results. The difficulties in applying interpolation methods were not only related to the scarcity of meteorological stations, but also to the location of every station, which produced punctual data that represented valid meteorological values only in a small fraction of the terrain around that station. Nevertheless, the use of alternative methods allowed the estimation of some meteorological variables using satellite data that could replace the presence of meteorological stations. Some of these methodologies need previous work in the area in which they will be used, and may have some operative problems too. However and with some improvements, the mapping of fire danger evaluation could be done with relative accuracy by using satellite tools, with the advantages this tool have in areas with low density of meteorological stations. D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 40 of 89 Of the parameters calculated, the best results were achieved with air temperature calculation. The interpolation method using the relationship between temperature and altitude, showed acceptable results with a medium density of data like it was used in this area of Patagonia. For areas where the availability of meteorological stations is scarcer, the method using the relation between LST –NDVI and Air Tº could be acceptable for temperature estimation. This method has the advantage that needs no data from meteorological stations, although one of its weaknesses is that since it uses optical data, its estimations are restricted to areas without clouds. However, for days with continuous cloud cover, almost some areas with available data could be used like new information that could be interpolated with the data acquired from a meteorological station. The error in the relative humidity calculation by the interpolation method varied depending on the evaluated station. The use of stations near big water bodies presented the problem that produced biases in the estimations. The incorporation of data acquired by satellite is an option to be analyzed and tested with existent data, but the time this may take is far beyond the objectives of this study. The interpolation of precipitation with the data available did not present good results. Some problems were found in the interpolation of the probabilities and the amounts of rain too. The use of IR data to improve the map of daily precipitations is an option when there is a scarcity of available data. The use of radar data may help solve this problem in the near future. The interpolation methods used to map the daily wind speed did not give very good results, too. The variability of the wind in the area is very high, and impossible to map with good accuracy with the data available in the region. This variable is an entry data to the calculation of one of the three codes included in the FWI, and refers to the state of the fine fuels and then is used in the propagation velocity calculus too. The use of a model to derive the wind velocity was not evaluated, but with the scarcity of stations that use the National Meteorological Service it is impossible to infer wind velocity of more local winds. There are some studies that related the calculated values of the Canadian Drought Code (DC) with Vegetation Index derived from satellite data. Aguado et al. (2003) found a good correlation between that code with NDVI and NDVI/ST derived from NOAA images. The Drought Code is related to the water content of the large fuels and the live fuels and is determined by seasonal meteorological conditions. That danger condition influenced by the daily variability of the meteorological situation, like that evaluated with the Canadian Fine Fuel Moisture Code (FFMC), are impossible to be evaluated only with satellite data. The determination of wind velocity is necessary and this is only possible using data of meteorological stations. The resulting values of the different interpolated variables must be used to calculate the different codes of the FWI and then analyze which are the biases respect to the non interpolated values. This could be compared with the result achieved with the correlation between the Drought Codes and Vegetation Indexes. The efficient use of danger indexes or danger maps to define strategies of prevention and a rational assignation of resources to the fire suppression needs that the variables involved in the danger determination, had a good correlation with reality. The scarcity of meteorological stations is a restriction that attempts negatively for a good spatial forecast of meteorological danger conditions. This is D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 41 of 89 more critical with those variables with a high spatial variation like wind and precipitation, where more density of meteorological stations for amore reliable mapping with interpolation techniques is necessary. The use of satellite data could improve the mapping of some conditions. 4 4.1 METHODOLOGY FOR REMOTE SENSE FUEL MOISTURE CONTENT INTRODUCTION Risk of wildfire ignition is based on two main factors: meterological variables and plant fuel moisture content (FMC). FMC is a key-parameter for ignition risk, due to its important role in the ignition mechanism. As field measurements of FMC are relatively time-consuming, and cannot be obtained for large areas, a method that allows the estimation of these values from satellite or other remote sensing images has a potentially important use in ignition risk mapping. This is, however, difficult, and requires a combination of field measures of FMC values, together with a set of remote sensed images. 4.2 - METHODOLOGY We have focused initially on a single fire-prone vegetation type : the shrub-like garrigue on calcareous soils of southern France. Figure 11: localisation map of the study sites and shrublands distribution in Provence Values of FMC and point measures have been obtained during the fire-risk period in 2007. We have developed a method for downscaling these point measurements to a resolution roughly equivalent to that of remote sensing images. The current aim is to attempt to establish a link between these FMC values and remotely sensed images. D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 42 of 89 We acquired a set of Spot images to establish a method of mapping risk from satellite images (Images Spot: copyright CNES, Distribution Spot image, ISIS programme 2008). Sensor date Incidence angle SPOT 4 2007-05-19 -22.32° SPOT 4 2007-05-24 -16.5° SPOT 5 2007-06-13 -28.18° SPOT 4 2007-06-29 -4.92° SPOT 4 2007-07-05 -27.17° SPOT 4 2007-08-05 -21.63° SPOT 4 2007-09-20 -1.53° Table 6: Available Spot images for summer 2007 on test area around Aix-enProvence These raw images can not be compared directly: The nature of remote sensing requires that solar radiation pass through the atmosphere before it is collected by the instrument. Because of this, remotely sensed images include information about the atmosphere and the earth’s surface. If we are interested in quantitative analysis of surface reflectance, removing the influence of the atmosphere becomes a critical pre-processing step. 4.2.1 - Atmospheric corrections To compensate for atmospheric effects, properties such as the amount of water vapour, distribution of aerosols, and scene visibility must be known (Adler-Golden et al 1999). Because direct measurements of these atmospheric properties are rarely available, there are techniques that infer them from their imprint on multispectral radiance data (Berk et al. 1998). These properties are then used to constrain highly accurate models of atmospheric radiation transfer to produce an estimate of the true surface reflectance. Moreover, atmospheric corrections of this type can be applied on a pixel-by-pixel basis because each pixel in a multispectral image contains an independent measurement of atmospheric water vapour absorption bands. - Theory of Atmospheric corrections with ENVI’s FLAASH model (MODTRAN4) We choose an "easy to use" first-principles atmospheric correction modelling tool for retrieving spectral reflectance from hyperspectral radiance images the ENVI®’s Fast Line-of-sight Atmospheric Analysis of Spectral Hypercubes (FLAASH) module. FLAASH model can accurately compensate for atmospheric effects, correcting D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 43 of 89 wavelengths in the visible through near-infrared and short-wave infrared regions, up to 3000 nm. Unlike many other atmospheric correction programs that interpolate radiation transfer properties from a pre-calculated database of modelling results, FLAASH incorporates the MODTRAN4 radiation transfer code. FLAASH starts from a standard equation for spectral radiance at a sensor pixel, L, that applies to the solar wavelength range (thermal emission is neglected) and flat, Lambertian materials or their equivalents. The equation is as follow: (1) Where: ρe is an average surface reflectance for the pixel and a surrounding region; S is the spherical albedo of the atmosphere; La is the radiance back scattered by the atmosphere; A and B are coefficients that depend on atmospheric and geometric conditions but not on the surface. Each of these variables depends on the spectral channel. The first term in Equation (1) corresponds to radiance that is reflected from the surface and travels directly into the sensor, while the second term corresponds to radiance from the surface that is scattered by the atmosphere into the sensor. The distinction between ρ and ρe accounts for the adjacency effect (spatial mixing of radiance among nearby pixels) caused by atmospheric scattering. However, this correction can result in significant reflectance errors at short wavelengths, especially under hazy conditions and when strong contrasts occur among the materials in the scene. The values of A, B, S and La are determined from MODTRAN4 calculations that use the viewing and solar angles and the mean surface elevation of the measurement, and they assume a certain model atmosphere, aerosol type, and visible range. The values of A, B, S and La are strongly dependent on the water vapour column amount, which is generally not well known and may vary across the scene. To account for unknown and variable column water vapour, the MODTRAN4 calculations are looped over a series of different column amounts, then selected wavelength channels of the image are analyzed to retrieve an estimated amount for each pixel. For images that do not contain bands in the appropriate wavelength positions to support water retrieval (like SPOT), the column water vapour amount is determined by the user-selected atmospheric model. After the water retrieval is performed, Equation (1) is solved for the pixel surface reflectance in all of the sensor channels. The solution method involves computing a spatially averaged radiance image Le, from which the spatially averaged reflectance D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 44 of 89 ρe is estimated using the approximate equation: (2) Spatial averaging is performed using a point-spread function that describes the relative contributions to the pixel radiance from points on the ground at different distances from the direct line of sight. The FLAASH model includes a method for retrieving an estimated aerosol/haze amount from selected dark land pixels in the scene. The method is based on observations by Kaufman et al. (1997) of a nearly fixed ratio between the reflectances for such pixels at 660 nm and 2100 nm. FLAASH retrieves the aerosol amount by iterating Equations (1) and (2) over a series of visible ranges, (17 km to 200 km). For each visible range, it retrieves the scene average 660 nm and 2100 nm reflectances for the dark pixels, and it interpolates the best estimate of the visible range by matching the ratio to the average ratio of ~0.45 that was observed by Kaufman et al. (1997). Using this visible range estimate, FLAASH performs a second and final MODTRAN4 calculation loop over water. - Implementation of Atmospheric corrections with ENVI’s FLAASH model (MODTRAN4) The input image for FLAASH must be a radiometrically calibrated radiance image and input data has to be floating-point values in units of μW/cm2 * nm* sr. After normalization (level 1A or more) and without digital dynamic stretching, the numerical level in the image Xk (DN) is proportional to the input radiance Lk: Lk= Xk Ak Gmk Where: k is the spectral band, Ak is the absolute calibration coefficient, Gmk is the analogue gain (on-board amplifier), depending on the gain number m. The gain number used to address Gmk is provided with the auxiliary data of the image and ranges 1 to 6 on SPOT4 and from 1 to 10 on SPOT5. In the DIMAP format (SPOT Scene) it is named ‘GAIN_NUMBER’. Gmk is also provided in the metadata when the format is DIMAP SPOT Scene under the name ‘GAIN_ANALOG_VALUE’. When the image is programmed, the gain number is generally optimized using a statistical estimate of the observed reflectance based on SPOT images previously taken over the same target (Meygret, 2007). Scene and sensor information include the scene centre location (latitude/longitude), the average ground elevation of the scene, the sensor type, the sensor altitude, and the flight date and time. These data let FLAASH determine where the sun was in the sky and the path of sunlight through the atmosphere to the ground and back to the D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 45 of 89 sensor. We choose one of the standard MODTRAN model atmospheres whose standard column water vapour amount is similar to that expected for each scene. The standard column water vapour amounts (from sea level to space) for each model atmosphere are given in Table 7. Table7: Column Water Vapor Amounts and Surface Temperatures for the ODTRAN Model Atmospheres. The “atm-cm” unit is specific to the atmospheric science community, which typically uses one of two units to measure the total amount of a gas in the atmospheric column from the ground to the top of the atmosphere (where 200 to 300 km is generally a good number for the location of the top). Using units of “atm-cm,” Is equivalent to bring all the water molecules down to a thin layer of pure water vapour at the Earth's surface, at 1 atm of pressure and 0 degrees C. That layer has a thickness measured in centimetres, so the water column is described in atmospherecentimetres. If the pressure were doubled, then the thickness would be halved. Thus, the units of atm-cm (not just cm) are used to describe the amount of gas in the atmospheric column to emphasize that the height and pressure are interdependent. The second set of units, g/ cm2, is more easily understood as the mass of water molecules in the atmospheric column over each cm2 of ground surface. Since liquid water has a 1 g/cm2 density, this value is numerically equal to the number of centimetres of water on the ground if all the atmospheric water rained out at once (ENVI FLAASH tutorial). To solve the radiative transfer equations that allow apparent surface reflectance to be computed, the column water vapour amount for each pixel in the image must be determined. We used a constant column water vapour amount for all pixels in the image determined according to the standard column water vapour amount for the selected Atmospheric Model, multiplied by an optional Water Column Multiplier (see Table 2). The selected Aerosol Model is an Urban one: a mixture of 80% rural aerosol with 20% soot-like aerosols, appropriate for high-density urban/industrial areas. For each image, we enter an estimate of the scene visibility in kilometers. The initial visibility value is assumed for the atmospheric correction if the aerosol is not being retrieved. The visibility, V is defined as the 550 nm meteorological range and is extinction coefficient R is defined as the horizontal optical depth per km. A related value, the aerosol optical depth (AOD) is measured vertically (from the ground to space). To convert the AOD to R, the AOD must be divided by the effective aerosol thickness layer, which typically has a value of around 2 km, but varies with the visibility and elevation. The whole process is described and synthesised in the following scheme (figure 12). D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 46 of 89 Image pre-processing Physical gain Bands re-order IMAGES Scene orientation Incidence angle Sun azimuth Sun elevation Input data parameters for ENVI FLAASH atmospheric correction module (MODTRAN4 Model) Atmospheric corrections Radiance IMAGES Radiance conversion Corrected image Visibility Elevation Imaging date & time Sensor type Figure 12: Synthetic scheme of multi-date image processing using ENVI® FLAASH (MODTRAN4 model) For each image we acquired meteorological data around the centre point thanks to an alternate network of meteorological stations giving information hourly (figure 13). Figure 13: Localisation map of free meteorological stations available in the images area D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 47 of 89 Table 8: meteorological data of Salon de Provence station for date 2007/05/19 4.2.2 Vegetation indices - Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Teillet et al. (1997) demonstrated that Vegetation Indices derived from satellite image data have become one of the primary information sources for monitoring vegetation conditions and mapping land cover change. The most widely used vegetation index in this context is NDVI, the normalized difference vegetation index, which is a function of red and near-infrared spectral bands. Given that the spectral and spatial of imagery in the red and near-infrared vary from sensor to sensor, NDVI values based on data from different instruments will not be directly comparable. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is one of the oldest, most well known, and most frequently used VIs. The combination of its normalized difference formulation and use of the highest absorption and reflectance regions of chlorophyll make it robust over a wide range of conditions. It can, however, saturate in dense vegetation conditions when LAI becomes high. NDVI is defined by the following equation: NDVI = NIR-Red / NIR+Red The value of this index ranges from -1 to 1. The common range for green vegetation is 0.2 to 0.8. - Normalized Difference Infrared Index Canopy water content has been estimated by various vegetation indices. It is well known that shortwave infrared reflectances (SWIR) are negatively related to the leaf water content due to the large absorption by leaf water (Ceccato et al., 2001). D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 48 of 89 However, a SWIR band alone is not adequate and must be contrasted with a NIR band to estimate the VWC, since the other leaf parameters (e.g.internal leaf structure) also affect the SWIR reflectance (Gao, 1996; Ceccato et al., 2001, Yilmaz et al. 2008). For this study, a combination of SWIR and NIR bands was used to calculate Normalized Difference Infrared Index (NDII) from Hardisky et al. (1983). They showed NDII was related to canopy water content, and provided a name (used here) that does not to refer specifically to a single sensor. The Normalized Difference Infrared Index (NDII) is a reflectance measurement that is sensitive to changes in water content of plant canopies. The NDII uses a normalized difference formulation instead of a simple ratio, and the index values increase with increasing water content. Applications include crop agricultural management, forest canopy monitoring, and vegetation stress detection. NDII is defined by the following equation: NDII = NIR-SWIR / NIR+SWIR The value of this index ranges from -1 to 1. The common range for green vegetation is 0.02 to 0.6. - Reduced Sample Ratio The reduced simple ratio (RSR) is a vegetation index containing an additional shortwave infrared (SWIR) term for better derivation of LAI (Chen et al., 2002). It is calculated by using the red, near infrared and shortwave infrared reflectance (Brown et al., 2000) so that: Where: ρ(λred), ρ(λNIR), and ρ(λSWIR) are the reflectances in red, near infrared, and shortwave infrared bands. ρ (λSWIRmin ) and ρ (λSWIRmax) are the 1% minimum and maximum reflectance in the whole scene respectively (Chen et al., 2002).In calculating RSR, the SWIR (Spot band 4) was used to normalize the influence of vegetation cover types and the background (e.g. understory, soil) so that RSR greatly improved LAI retrieval in mixed forest (Chen et al., 2002). 4.3 FMC evaluation on plots targets with field measurements and image segmentation Field sampling method is the same as this already described in Deliverable 3.4.1 & 3.4.2. 45 plots on calcareous soils were extensively described. Plots were chosen in homogeneous site conditions, corresponding to the medium fertility class (Ladier and Ripert, 1993) to prevent any difference of litter biomass due to site fertility. Plots were located with a GPS. Fuel macrostructure was described on those plots of 20x20 meters: fuel height (trees, shrubs), tree diameter, fuel heterogeneity (garrigue), vegetation composition D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 49 of 89 (dominant species in the upper and lower strata), specific measurements for trees (height, crown volume, crown base height, crown diameter, vertical distribution of biomass using direct estimation). Figure 14: fuel types sampled in calcareous Provence: pine stand and garrigue shrubs (France). The detailed measurements are listed below: o Covering percentage by each vegetation stratum (visual estimation, 1/10): dominant or subdominant trees (height > 10 m), dominated trees (height 610 m), understory (height 3-6 m, 1-3 m, < 1 m), herbaceous covering, litter covering. o Horizontal and vertical fuel structure: For each tree (diameter at breast height > 7.5 cm): precise location of the centre of the stem (using x and y coordinates along the decametre strips), precise coordinates of the edges of the crown (x and y for the north-south aspect and the eats-west aspect), species, dead/alive/damaged, diameter at breast height, height (using a pole or a Vertex dendrometer) For clusters composed of young trees and/or shrubs: clusters are groups of individuals which are clearly distinct in the field (fuels of low/heterogeneous biomass). Each cluster is described as indicated above for the trees (location of centre, crown diameters, species, and height) For continuous and fully closed fuels (e.g. continuous Quercus coccifera fuel bed) with fully connected and intermingled individuals, we used a series of transects within plots. In each 10x10 m subplot, we locate 3 transects. The first edge transect is located at 2 meters from the plot edge to prevent any edge effect. Each of the following transect is located at 3 meters from the precedent. The coordinates of transects are 2, 5, 8, 12, 15, and 18 meters in x and in y. On each point of measurement, we note the dominant species, it height and the covering percentage by the whole fuel bed. For patches of bare soil or rock outcrop, we locate the coordinates of the centre and the edges of the patch, the nature (bare soil, rock, and litter) D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 50 of 89 Please note: the superposition of several vegetation strata is common (e.g. isolated pines on matorrals cluster and patches of bare soils). In this case, each successive stratum will be described as indicated above. 4.3.1 Upscaling of FMC values There is an important difference in the spatial resolution of the field measures of FMC and reflectance (point measures) and remote sensed image (pixel resolution). Each pixel will integrate the variation in vegetation over an area that may vary from several metres to a kilometre, depending on the captor. A method is needed that can upscale the point samples of FMC to a given image resolution. In light of the individual species responses described above, the method should retain as much information as possible on the variation of FMC values within a pixel. Figure 15: Map of the five sampled species within a 20x20 m sampling plot. The method proposed here establishes an overall distribution of FMC values for an area equivalent to the size of an image pixel, by combining the individual species distributions (figure 15). These individual distributions are weighted by the percentage coverage of each species in the study area, obtained from a detailed description of the vegetation (figure 14). This enables us to provide an integrated FMC value for the pixel (the most probable value) as well as the possible range of values. Pr[FMCp] W i* Pr[i] i 1,n W i* n Where FMCp is the integrated FMC for a pixel, Pr[i] is the distribution of values for species i, and D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 51 of 89 Wi is the proportion of coverage of that species. Values obtained may be mapped as a most probable FMC mean value by using accurate fuel coverage (see D 3.4.2). 4.3.2 Calculation of FMC on a plot taking in account the percentage cover of each species and soil. In plots composition accurately described, we took in account soil as a very important factor in the pixel radiometry. We applied a segmentation method with ENVI® software on very high resolution images (Quickbird june 2006) in order to calculate the soil percentage on the 9 plots areas. The results on the plots composition (percentage vegetation cover on 5 species and soil) shows that inside our garrigue shrubs fuel type in calcareous Provence, soil is varying from 4% to 28 % (table4). Plot SPECIES cover Rosmarinus Officinalis Quercus Coccifera Juniperus Oxycedrus Ulex Parviflorus (%) Pinus Halepensis (%) Soil (%) (%) (%) (%) FMC1 19,09 18,41 26,27 24,33 3,90 8,00 FMC2 10,2 56,9 2 0,5 2,4 28 FMC3 19 47,3 10 7 1,5 15,2 FMC4 35,88 4,78 23,78 18,48 8,78 8,3 FMC5 26,85 6,11 33,72 19,88 7,94 5,50 FMC6 20,44 49,84 11,24 8,83 2,74 6,91 FMC7 20,7 51,5 12,8 8,68 2,4 3,92 PC29 8,23 68,16 8,23 8,23 0 7,15 PC31 3 86,1 1,9 4 0 5 Table 9: FMC plots characteristics in term of vegetation cover For each date, we calculate a mean value of FMC on the 9 garrigue shrub plots. D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 52 of 89 4.4 Results 4.4.1 Comparison of estimated ground FMC and vegetation indices. First we use a simple regression in order to correlate each Vegetation Index (paragraph 4.2.2) with the estimated FMC calculated with the field measurements (see paragraph 4.3.2). The best fit model correlated NDII with estimated FMC (figure 16) with Pearson r2 of 0.47 for NDVI, 0.65 for NDII, and 0.44 for RSR 0,15 0,13 20 20 18 18 16 16 14 14 0,07 0,06 0,05 0,11 0,09 12 0,07 10 y = -1,5572x + 19,788 R2 = 0,8829 8 0,05 0,04 12 MOYNDII FMCTmoy 10 0,03 Linéaire (MOYNDII) Linéaire (FMCTmoy) 8 MOYFMCT MOYNDII 0,02 6 6 0,01 0,03 4 4 y = -0,0069x + 0,0647 R2 = 0,571 0,01 0 2 2 0 -0,01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -0,01 19/05/07 24/05/07 13/06/07 29/06/07 05/07/07 05/08/07 20/09/07 0 Figure 16: estimated FMC and NDII curves 4.4.2 - Multiple Regression We performed a multiple regression to explain estimated FMC as a combination of NDII and RSR vegetation indices (see tables 10 and 11) Table 10 : Box-Cox Transformation : puissance = 1,0 decalage = 0,0 Parameter Estimation Error type T Probability CONSTANTE 1,71051 6,89394 0,248118 0,8201 RSR 4,35591 5,39277 0,807732 0,4784 NDII 155,406 39,2587 3,95851 0,0288 Table 11: Variance Analysis Source Somme carrés des Ddl mean square F Model 65,5933 2 32,7966 Residue 8,10222 3 2,70074 Total (Corr.) 73,6955 5 Probability 12,14 0,0365 NDII has a larger effect than RSR and the whole model predict 81,7% of the D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 53 of 89 variance (adjusted r2) with the mean absolute error of 1.05. The model is able to predict estimated FMC value as (with F=12.14 and P=0.0365): FMC = 1, 71051 + 4, 35591*RSR + 155,406*NDII The model shows a positive trend between estimated FMC and the vegetation indices and a good correlation level. However, cautiousness is necessary when using the model for prediction due to the limited dataset. 4.5 Conclusion A method to assess the relation between vegetation indices calculated on Spot4 images and estimated FMC on the ground has been successfully designed. However, results have to be improved by multiplying the dates of image acquisition during the spring and summer 2006. The method could be transposed to available sensors with similar resolution (Landsat, Aster). The next phase consists in testing the method with available daily sensor (modis) but with medium resolution. The objective is to define a good pixel indicator for each fuel type on pixel of 250m (NIR Band) or 500 m (SWIR Band) resolution inside a 1 km2 buffer, in order to avoid mistakes in geolocalisation: Within Very homogeneous Garrigue shrub like (0.7 to 1.5m), Within Homogeneous scrubs (0.1 to 0.5m), Within Mature low density Pine stand mixed understory garrigue fuel. The sampling methodology must be adapted to medium resolution sensors : a regular sampling must be done every meter on perimeter of the plot, and also on the 2 diagonals ; image segmentation information on very high resolution sensor must be added in order to calculate soil coverage percentage within the plot. D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 54 of 89 5 METHODOLOGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A DROUGHT INDEX APPLICABLE IN THE MEDITERRANEAN CONDITIONS 5.1 Analysis of the empirical drought indices concept By analyzing the model equations and the parameters included in the indices examined, we can distinguish two indices categories; the cumulative indices and the daily ones. Most of the indices are cumulative and follow a similar pattern in their evolution over time, i.e. they increase steadily with no rain and fall down or are reduced when rain occurs. The most widely used indices such as the Keetch-Byram drought index KBDI, the Nesterov index NI, the Modified Nesterov index MNI, the Zhdanko index ZI belong to this category. Also, the cumulative water balance index (CWBI) of Dennison et al. (2003) belongs to this category. Only few indices belong in the second category, being the most representative is the Sweden Angstrom Index. However, since a wildland is not a static, closed system, where inputs and losses from the annex systems continuously occur, a cumulative index seems to be more representative for the system status. This explains why most of the drought indices are cumulative and thus, why our effort aims at the development of an index that should have a cumulative concept. The index will be developed based on daily observations, especially during the summer since most wildfires occur during this period of the year. The problem of the accurate estimation of the potential evapotranspiration is also important, since it has been proven that it is difficult to estimate PET accurately and thus it should be used with caution for estimating actual water loss from natural systems (Lu et al. 2005). We should note that the indices that include this parameter such as KBDI, German Baumgartner index and CWBI, use different methods for PET estimation. Also, when Spano et al. (2005) replaced the current estimation method of PET in the KBDI index with the Hangreaves and Samani method, the seasonal trend obtained seems consistent with the actual seasonal changes in fuel availability and fire danger. Improvement of KBDI calculation was also found by Snyder et al. (2006) when they substitute the Samani-Hangreaves evapotranspiration estimation method in the equation of KBDI. Samani-Hangreaves method for PET estimation was also chosen by Pinol et al. (1998) to calculate wildfire hazard indices based on daily meteorological data. On the contrary, Lu et al. (2005) based on the criteria of availability of input data and correlations with AET values, recommend the PriestleyTaylor, Turc and Hamon methods for evapotranspiration estimation in the southeastern United States. Spatial variability of rain should be also considered since the local differentiation of summer rains is a common phenomenon. However, some specific comments are made on the most widely used indices. Since KBDI is a drought index based on the capacity of soil to hold water it is limited by the filed capacity (Buchholz and Weidemann 2000); this capacity is assumed to be 200 mm, but this is not always true. Spano et al. (2005) reported also that KBDI seemed to be underestimated during the most of the year, when it was tested under Mediterranean conditions in Italy. The index also, due to its cumulative concept, presents especially high values during the end of September (Spano et al. 2005), whereas fire activity is normally reduced, due to atmospheric conditions. The Nesterov Index and the Modified Nesterov Index do not have this limitation and thus they have no upper limit; this usually causes extraordinary values (ex. 18.000) by the end of September (Buchholz and Weidemann 2000), which shows an extreme D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 55 of 89 fire risk that it is not usually the case. The Nesterov Index, by definition, falls down to zero if a rain with more than 3 mm precipitation occurs. This is a clear limitation of the index since it assumes that no fire risk on a day with more than 3 mm precipitation (Buchholz and Weidemann 2000). The Angstrom index is a daily index that does not take into consideration the rainfall; this seems to be a weakness for the index use. 5.2 Drought indices evaluation Generally, the relative literature indicates that in almost all cases more than one index can be successfully used, while the observed differences between the indices tested depend a lot on the current weather conditions. However, it is well known that fire risk indicators yield dissimilar results when they are applied to different biomes or geographic regions, a fact that creates confusion concerning their effectiveness (Viegas et al. 1999). The main crucial and yet unresolved problem is the indices performance evaluation (Verbesselt et al. 2006). Two well-established methods are generally used to evaluate such indices. These methods consist of correlating indices with: o Fire activity data o Fuel moisture data The direct determination of live fuels moisture is complex and requires field sample collection (Castro et al. 2003), while field sampling is very costly in order to assure spatial significance, and is seldom performed (Chuvieco et al. 2003). As a result most of the efforts for testing drought indices are based on (historical) fire activity data either as the number of wildfires or surface of burned area (Pinol et al.1998; Buchholz and Weidemann 2000; Skvarenina et al. 2003; Groisman et al. 2005b; Dolling et. al. 2005, Groisman et al. 2007). It is pointed out that fire ignition and rate of spread are not depending only on the weather conditions but they are also related to the amount and type of fuels, topography, fire suppression systems and human activities (Chuvieco et al. 2003). However, many efforts have been addressed to evaluate indices performance based on the correlation with real fuel moisture data (Viegas et al. 2001; Dimitrakopoulos and Bemmerzouk 2003; Castro et al. 2003; Dennison et al. 2003, Pellizzaro et al. 2007). For example, several studies have shown that KBDI is related to vegetation water status dynamics, especially for shrub species (Verbesselt et al. 2006), tree species (Xanthopoulos et al. 2006), or for grass species (Dimitrakopoulos and Bemmerzouk 2003), while the use of KBDI for pine needles moisture estimation has failed (Dimitrakopoulos and Bemmerzouk 2003). KBDI was also used by Olson (1980) and Brown et al. (1989) as predictor of Live Fine Fuel Moisture Content (LFFMC) for several plant species in California and Wyoming, respectively, with dissimilar results (Viegas et al. 2001). Pellizzaro et al (2007) also found that KBDI was strongly correlated with live fuel moisture content of the evergreen Mediterranean shrubs Pistacia lentiscus and Phillyrea angustifolia. Viegas et al. (2001) found that one output of the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index, the Drought Code, can be used to estimate the moisture content of live fine fuel of shrub type fuels during the summer D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 56 of 89 period in Central Portugal and Catalunya (NE Spain). Dennison et al. (2003) found that the suggested cumulative water balance index (CWBI) demonstrated a strong, nonlinear relationship with the live fuel moisture in California conditions. On the other hand the Nesterov index (NI) was derived as an empirical function reflecting the relationship between fire and weather based on historical data. 5.3 Methodology 5.3.1 Questions setting In fact, the general sense is that most of the above mentioned indices can be appropriate used with satisfactory results in many areas around the world. However, some parameters can be further discussed such as: 1. Which meteorological data can be used when there are no meteorological stations in the reference area? 2. Which ones from the existed models are applicable in the Mediterranean conditions? 3. Could the selected models be improved either by including additional meteorological parameters or by modifications of the equations already used? 4. Is it possible to elaborate a new drought index applicable in the Mediterranean conditions? 5.3.2 Spatial accuracy of meteorological data The first question concerns the spatial accuracy of the meteorological data needed for the calculation of drought indices. Thus, determining an interpolation method for estimating a drought index at specific locations is another important factor for consideration. Spatial techniques for mapping drought indices include, among others, inverse-distance weighting (IDW) and the kriging method presented in previous chapters. 5.3.3 Indices selection for testing in the Mediterranean conditions After the analysis of the available information derived from the literature we selected those drought indices that, based on the literature, could be tested for fire risk assessment in the European Mediterranean conditions. These indices are the KeetchByram drought index, the Nesterov index, the Modified Nesterov index, the Zhdanko index and the Angstrom index. The KBDI was selected since it is a widely used index in fire risk assessment and widely accepted in the wildland fire community, even though it is reported that climate regions that do not typically meet initialization conditions may be less suited for a KBDI use (Janis et al. 2002). However, the index was successfully correlated with grass moisture content and upper soil moisture (Dimitrakopoulos and Bemmerzouk 2003) and it is considered strongly related to live fuel moisture content (Aguado et al. 2003; Verbesselt et al. 2006, Xanthopoulos et al. 2006). Finally, experience over the years has established the close relations existing between difficult fire suppression and cumulative dryness or drought expressed by the KBDI (Groisman et al. 2005a, Groisman et al. 2007). D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 57 of 89 The Nesterov index, the Modified Nesterov index and the Zhdanko index are indices with similar approach and development pattern, as the KBDI, and they were selected aiming to investigate their applicability in the Mediterranean conditions. These indices as well as the KBDI index follow the cumulative pattern and belong to the first index category. The Angstrom index was selected as a representative index of the second category (daily indices) and because it is an index that includes relative humidity in its model equation. 5.3.4 Validation methods of the selected models In order to test and validate the selected models we followed the method of correlating indices with real fuel moisture data. The method of correlation with fire activity historical data, either as number of wildfires or as burned area surface, was not selected since fire ignition and rate of spread are not depending only on the weather conditions but they are also related to the amount and type of fuels, topography, fire suppression systems and human presence. Firstly, we gathered the available meteorological data from the nearby meteorological stations and we constructed a time series of the drought indices during the testing period (summer 2006 and 2007 respectively). The time series was based on daily meteorological data. Secondly we designed and applied a field campaign to collect the necessary field data in order to compute the real fuel moisture content during the testing period. Field campaign and data analysis A work plan for the field data collection was organized for the study area (Thessaloniki, northern Greece) in spring 2006. The aim of the field data collection was: i) to test the selected indices with real fuel moisture data and ii) to use the data in order to develop a new or modified drought index applicable in the Mediterranean conditions. Thus, after field campaign the collected data were processed in order to: o test the selected drought indices in the specific conditions and o support the effort to produce a new or a modified index. Description of the study area The study area is the periurban forest of Thessaloniki, in northern Greece. This forest is of high interest, since it constitutes the unique source of oxygen of the city, a city that is developing with high rates. Additionally, approximately half of the forest was burnt in a great wildfire in 1997. The forest extends at the NE part of the city and occupies an area of 2,979 ha. It is composed mostly of Pinus brutia plantations but after the fire of 1997 an effort of transformation to mixed stands with broadleaved species has been undertaken by the Forest Service (Tsitsoni et al. 2004). The altitude of the study area ranges from 50m to 450m. The climate is Mediterranean with 135 dry days; the dry period lasts from the middle of May to the end of September. The mean annual precipitation is 397 mm and the mean annual temperature is 15.6 oC. Mean minimum temperature of the coldest month is 6.2 oC and the equivalent mean maximum temperature of the warmest month is 26.0 oC D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 58 of 89 according to the data from the meteorological station of the University of Thessaloniki (period 1997-2007). Geologically, the area belongs to the magmatic series of Chortiatis and consists mainly of green-schists. The soils are slightly acid up to neutral, shallow up to middle depth, poor of nutritious ingredients having a high percentage of stones and pebbles. Data collection and process Three locations were selected for field data collection with the following main characteristics: o the first in a pine stand (Pinus brutia) in a north aspect o the second in a pine stand but in south aspect and o the third in an evergreen shrubland (Quercus coccifera dominated) in south aspect Three sampling replications per location were applied at a distance of 50 m. Figure 17: Field plots at Thessaloniki (Greece) area Variables selected to be monitored Three variables were selected to be monitored. o Surface soil moisture content o Litter moisture content, as the dead fuel moisture content D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 59 of 89 o Grass moisture content, as the live (ground) fuel moisture content Soil samples were taken by excavating the surface horizons and taking a soil quantity of approximately 0.5 kg from each sampling point. Samples of litter were collected by cutting square blocks (≈ 12 cm x 12 cm) from the forest floor (Wotton et al. 2005). Samples of grass were collected by cutting all the above ground part of the grasses found in the forest floor, from square blocks (≈ 25 cm x 25 cm). For all sampling cases three samples (which they were intermixed) in each replication for each location were taken. The monitoring schedule was twice per week from July to end of October for 2006 and from May to June for 2007, even though the sampling in some cases was carried out at more rare periods, due to unexpected reasons. Field samples were taken and their moisture content was found as follows: o Fresh weight measurement o Oven-dry at 72 0C for 48 hours o Dry weight measurement o Moisture content as: (Fw - Dw)*100 / Dw Where: Fw = the fresh weight Dw = the dry weight Data screening The collected field data were used to calculate the moisture content of the upper soil layer, the litter (dead fuel) moisture content, and the grass (live fuel) moisture content, and to construct a time series for the above variables during the testing periods. Then a correlation procedure was performed for determining any significance relationship between the selected drought indices and the real fuel moisture data. Furthermore, we examined the possible relationship among all the available meteorological variables (mean, maximum and minimum temperature), relative humidity, rainfall and wind speed with the tested drought indices and the real moisture data. The results of the statistical analysis then were used in order to: o evaluate the applicability of the selected empirical drought indices o identify the spatial variability of moisture content and the factors responsible o to identify the significant (key) factors that could be used in further statistical analysis in order to improve the indices applicability o to develop a procedure for a elaboration of new or modified drought index applicable more successfully in the Mediterranean conditions D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 60 of 89 5.4 Results Generally, the statistical analysis of the collected field data and their correlation with the tested drought indices calculated from the local meteorological data shows that almost all the selected drought indices are applicable in the area since they are significantly correlated with real field moisture data. However, concerning the real moisture data, only slight spatial differentiation was observed between the three sampling locations. The observed values of the live fuel moisture, the litter moisture and the upper soil moisture content for the three sampling locations are shown in Figure 18. The lowest values of fuel moisture content, and thus the higher risk potential, were recorded during the period from the beginning of August till approximately 20th of September. The relative heavy rainfall during the end of September increased the moisture content of the fuels and the upper soil layer. 140 Soil N P Litter N P Moisture content (%) . 120 Grasses N P Soil S P 100 Litter S P Grasses S P 80 Soil S Q 60 Litter S Q Grasses S Q 40 20 01 /0 7 08 /06 /0 7 15 /06 /0 7 22 /06 /0 7 29 /06 /0 7 05 /06 /0 8 12 /06 /0 8 19 /06 /0 8 26 /06 /0 8 02 /06 /0 9 09 /06 /0 9 16 /06 /0 9 23 /06 /0 9 30 /06 /0 9 07 /06 /1 0 14 /06 /1 0 21 /06 /1 0 28 /06 /1 0 04 /06 /1 1/ 06 0 Date Figure 18a: Observed values of the live fuel, litter and upper soil moisture content for the three sampling locations, during summer 2006 (P: pine forest, Q: Quercus coccifera shrubland, N: north aspect, S: south aspect). D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 61 of 89 320 Soil N P 280 Moisture content (%) Litter N P 240 Grasses N P Soil S P 200 Litter S P 160 Grasses S P Soil S Q 120 Litter S Q Grasses S Q 80 40 23 /4 /2 00 7 30 /4 /2 00 7 7/ 5/ 20 07 14 /5 /2 00 7 21 /5 /2 00 7 28 /5 /2 00 7 4/ 6/ 20 07 11 /6 /2 00 7 18 /6 /2 00 7 25 /6 /2 00 7 0 Date Figure 18b: Observed values of the live fuel, litter and upper soil moisture content, during spring and early summer 2007 (P: pine forest, Q: Quercus coccifera shrubland, N: north aspect, S: south aspect). It must be also noted the very low moisture values of the upper soil and litter during the year 2007, that reach at 2-3% for the upper soil and 5-6% for the litter. The high variation also of the grasses moisture during the spring can be attributed to the different phonological stages that the grass species are during this period, so they present a high fluctuation in moisture status. The daily fluctuation of the meteorological variables (mean temperature, maximum temperature, mean soil temperature, relative humidity and precipitation) at the study area, during years 2006-2007, is depicted in Figure 19. Mean air temp Max air temp Mean Soil Temp Rain(mm) RH% Daily meteorological variables 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 / 20 1/1 06 /20 1/3 06 /20 06 1/5 /20 1/7 06 /20 1/9 06 6 00 1/ 2 1/1 /20 1/1 07 /20 1/3 07 7 0 /20 1/5 /20 1/7 07 /20 1/9 07 7 00 1/ 2 1/1 Day of the year (DOY) Figure 19: Daily fluctuation of the meteorological variables at the study area. D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 62 of 89 Table 12 shows that almost all the selected empirical drought indices present significant correlations with the real fuel and soil moisture content. The soil moisture content is the most highly correlated variable while the litter variable the less correlated. By far the best fitted model is that of KBDI that is highly correlated with grasses moisture content (r = 0.92), soil moisture (r = 0.83) and quite lower with litter moisture content (r = 0.56), but even in that case, the correlation is significant at the 0.05 level. The Modified Nesterov and Zhdanko indices present similar results with quite high correlations with real moisture data; on the contrary, the Nesterov index shows the lowest degree of applicability under the Mediterranean conditions. The Angstrom index failed to be correlated with grass moisture content, but it presented the highest correlation with the litter moisture content (r = 0.70), and quite high correlation with soil moisture content. Concerning the relationship between the meteorological variables and the real moisture data, from the data shown in Table 13 it is observed that there is a quite high correlation. Soil and litter moisture content are significantly correlated with temperature and relative humidity while grass moisture is correlated only with relative humidity. Rain seems to be not linearly correlated with any field data. The correlation between the selected drought indices and the meteorological variables is depicted in Table 14. Angstrom index is the highest correlated index with meteorological variables while due to its form the KBDI index shows the lowest correlation with meteorological variables. In the text bellow the performance of each tested drought index in the study area is analyzed. 5.4.1 Performance of the Keetch-Byram drought index (KBDI) KBDI presents the highest correlation values with real moisture data (Table 12). The correlation coefficient is very high (r = 0.92) in the case of grass (live fuel) moisture content. However, similar good fitting results were found by Dimitrakopoulos and Bemmerzouk (2003) for three grass species in southern Greece (Creta). Soil moisture is also highly correlated with KBDI (r = 0.83), while the litter moisture was surprisingly the less correlated variable (r = 0.56) with KBDI; however, even in this case the correlation is significant at the 0.05 level. The time series of the KBDI during the testing period (years 2006-2007) is depicted in Figure 20. D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 63 of 89 KBDI Keetch-Byram Drought index . 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1/1 06 /20 1/3 06 /20 1/5 06 /20 1/7 06 /20 1/9 06 /20 1/1 0 1/2 06 1/1 07 /20 1/3 07 /20 1/5 07 /20 1/7 07 /20 1/9 07 /20 1/1 0 1/2 07 Day of the year (DOY) Figure 20: Time series of the KBDI during years 2006-2007. Looking at the estimated values of KBDI we can observe that the values are relatively low during the studied period, since the index does not exceed the value 130 (520 of the original 800 scale), which may mean that the method for the estimation of PET underestimates the actual water loss (Spano et al. 2005). The index takes lower values during the year 2007 which means lower fire danger, in contrast to what was observed for the other four indices, according to which, the fire danger was estimated higher for the year 2007. Additionally, as it was observed in many other cases, the index presents the highest values during the middle of September, due to its development pattern. However, it must be noted that the lowest values of moisture content were observed at the same period. D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 64 of 89 Table 12. Correlations between the selected empirical drought indices and real fuel and soil moisture content. KBDI Pearson Correlation KBDI Nesterov Modified Nest Zhdanko Angstrom Soil Moist(%) Grass Litter Moist(%) Moist(%) 1 .467(**) .633(**) .612(**) -.546(**) -.830(**) -.558(*) -.920(**) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .020 .000 Sig. (2-tailed) Nesterov Modified Nest Zhdanko D5.1-1-33-1000-1 N 129 129 129 129 129 53 53 53 Pearson Correlation .467(**) 1 .929(**) .939(**) -.582(**) -.597(*) -.440 -.600(*) Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .011 .077 .011 N 129 129 129 129 129 53 53 53 .633(**) .929(**) 1 .998(**) -.737(**) -.753(**) -.531(*) -.765(**) Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .028 .000 N 129 129 129 129 129 53 53 53 Pearson Correlation .612(**) .939(**) .998(**) 1 -.717(**) -.756(**) -.540(*) -.760(**) Pearson Correlation Page 65 of 89 Angstrom Soil Moist(%) Litter Moist(%) Grass Moist(%) D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .025 .000 N 129 129 129 129 129 53 53 53 Pearson Correlation -.546(**) -.582(**) -.737(**) -.717(**) 1 .753(**) .700(**) .440 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .002 .077 N 129 129 129 129 129 53 53 53 Pearson Correlation .830(**) -.597(*) -.753(**) -.756(**) .753(**) 1 .875(**) .719(**) Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .011 .000 .000 .000 .000 .001 N 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 -.558(*) -.440 -.531(*) -.540(*) .700(**) .875(**) 1 .398 Sig. (2-tailed) .020 .077 .028 .025 .002 .000 N 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 Pearson Correlation .920(**) -.600(*) -.765(**) -.760(**) .440 .719(**) .398 1 Pearson Correlation Page 66 of 89 .113 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .011 .000 .000 .077 .001 .113 N 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). Table 13. Correlations between meteorological variables and real fuel and soil moisture content. Mean temp Pearson Correlation 1 Sig. (2-tailed) D5.1-1-33-1000-1 air Max temp air Rain(mm) RH% Soil Mois(%) Litter Mois(%) Grass Mois(%) .974(**) -.146 -.414(**) -.648(**) -.653(**) -.210 .000 .099 .000 .005 .004 .418 N 129 129 129 129 53 53 53 Pearson Correlation .974(**) 1 -.202(*) -.455(**) -.730(**) -.704(**) -.344 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .022 .000 .001 .002 .177 N 129 129 129 129 53 53 53 Pearson Correlation -.146 -.202(*) 1 .327(**) .082 .289 -.164 Page 67 of 89 Sig. (2-tailed) .099 .022 .000 .755 .261 .530 N 129 129 129 129 53 53 53 Pearson Correlation -.414(**) -.455(**) .327(**) 1 .708(**) .634(**) .493(*) Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .001 .006 .045 N 129 129 129 129 53 53 53 Pearson Correlation -.648(**) -.730(**) .082 .708(**) 1 .875(**) .719(**) Sig. (2-tailed) .005 .001 .755 .001 .000 .001 N 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 -.653(**) -.704(**) .289 .634(**) .875(**) 1 .398 Sig. (2-tailed) .004 .002 .261 .006 .000 N 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 -.210 -.344 -.164 .493(*) .719(**) .398 1 .418 .177 .530 .045 .001 .113 Pearson Correlation Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 68 of 89 .113 N 53 53 53 53 ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 69 of 89 53 53 53 Table 14. Correlations between the selected empirical drought indices and meteorological variables. KBDI Pearson Correlation KBDI Nesterov Modified Nest Zhdanko Angstrom Mean temp 1 .467(**) .633(**) .612(**) -.546(**) .524(**) .000 .000 .000 .000 Sig. (2-tailed) Nesterov Modified Nest Zhdanko air Max temp air Rain(mm) RH% .569(**) -.001 -.410(**) .000 .000 .988 .000 N 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 Pearson Correlation .467(**) 1 .929(**) .939(**) -.582(**) .499(**) .505(**) -.194(*) -.484(**) Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .028 .000 N 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 Pearson Correlation .633(**) .929(**) 1 .998(**) -.737(**) .646(**) .668(**) -.224(*) -.602(**) Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .011 .000 N 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 Pearson Correlation .612(**) .939(**) .998(**) 1 -.717(**) .616(**) .639(**) -.234(**) -.596(**) Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .008 .000 D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 70 of 89 Angstrom Mean temp RH% 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 Pearson Correlation -.546(**) -.582(**) -.737(**) -.717(**) 1 -.799(**) -.812(**) .293(**) .878(**) Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .001 .000 N 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 .524(**) .499(**) .646(**) .616(**) -.799(**) 1 .974(**) -.146 -.414(**) Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .099 .000 N 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 Pearson Correlation .569(**) .505(**) .668(**) .639(**) -.812(**) .974(**) 1 -.202(*) -.455(**) Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .022 .000 N 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 Pearson Correlation -.001 -.194(*) -.224(*) -.234(**) .293(**) -.146 -.202(*) 1 .327(**) Sig. (2-tailed) .988 .028 .011 .008 .001 .099 .022 N 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 Pearson Correlation -.410(**) -.484(**) -.602(**) -.596(**) .878(**) -.414(**) -.455(**) .327(**) 1 air Pearson Correlation Max air temp Rain(mm) N D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 71 of 89 .000 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 N 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 72 of 89 129 5.4.2 Performance of the Nesterov index The time series of Nesterov index during years 2006-2007 is depicted in figure 21. The index takes its highest value (18 813) on the 9th of August. According to the index values the forest fire risk is extreme (values > 10 000) during the period from 25 of July until 9 of August and in the period 8-18 of September, during the year 2006. While, during the year 2007 the index takes higher values and reaches the value 23,860 on 4th of August.. The index presents comparatively the lowest correlation values with the real moisture data. 30000 Nesterov Nesterov index 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 6 7 06 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 07 00 00 /20 /3/20 /20 /20 /20 /20 /3/20 /20 /20 /20 1/2 1/2 1/1 1 1/5 1/7 1/9 1/1 1 1/5 1/7 1/9 1/1 1/1 Days of the year (DOY) Figure 21: Time series of the Nesterov drought index during years 2006-2007. 5.4.3 Performance of the Modified Nesterov index The values of the Modified Nesterov index during years 2006 and 2007, are shown in Figure 22. The index follows a similar development pattern as the Nesterov index. The index, during the summer of 2006, takes its highest value on the 9th of August (19 389) while the period when the forest fire risk is extreme (values > 10 000) is longer than that according to the Nesterov index. This period is from 24 of July up to 9 of August and 4-18 of September. Similar to the Nesterov index, the index takes higher values during the year 2007 and reaches the value 24,309 on 4th of August, while (in contrast to Nesterov index), the Modified Nesterov index presents improved correlation values with real moisture data. The correlation values range from 0.76 for grass moisture content to 0.53 for litter moisture content. D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 73 of 89 30000 Modified Nesterov index 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 06 /20 1/1 06 /20 1/3 06 /20 1/5 06 /20 1/7 06 /20 1/9 6 00 1/2 1/1 07 /20 1/1 07 /20 1/3 07 /20 1/5 07 /20 1/7 07 /20 1/9 7 00 1/2 1/1 Day of the year (DOY) Figure 22. Time series of the Modified Nesterov index during years 2006-2007. 5.4.4 Performance of the Zhdanko index The values of the Zhdanko index during years 2006 and 2007, are shown in Figure 23. According to the data analysis, Zhdanko index seems to work like the Modified Nesterov index. The index takes its highest value (596) in the same day as the Modified Nesterov index (9 of August). Like the Modified Nesterov index, the index presents significant correlation values with real moisture data. The correlation values range from 0.76 for grass and soil moisture content to 0.54 for litter moisture content (quite similar to those of the Modified Nesterov index). 30000 Modified Nesterov index 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 06 /20 1/1 06 /20 1/3 06 /20 1/5 06 /20 1/7 06 /20 1/9 6 00 1/2 1/1 07 /20 1/1 07 /20 1/3 07 /20 1/5 07 /20 1/7 07 /20 1/9 7 00 1/2 1/1 Day of the year (DOY) Figure 23: Time series of the Zhdanko drought index during years 2006-2007. D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 74 of 89 5.4.5 Performance of the Angstrom index The daily fluctuation of the Angstrom index during years 2006-2007 is depicted in Figure 24. According to the index values the fire risk was high (values of the index between 2.0 - 2.5) during the dates 17 of July, 7-9, 14-15, 17-20, 22 and 29-31 of August, and 6 of September. However, during the year 2006, the lowest value 2.05 was observed on 7 of August, while no values under the limit of 2.0 (extreme fire potential) was observed. On the contrary, during the year 2007, the index takes lower values and reaches on the lowest value (0.88) on 25th of July. Is should be mentioned that during the period 28/6 to 26/7 of 2007 the index often takes values lower than the limit of 2.0 (extreme fire potential). The index presented the lowest correlation values with grass moisture content, but the highest correlation with the litter moisture content (r = 0.70), and quite high correlation with soil moisture content (Table 3). 8 Angstrom index 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 / 1/1 06 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 07 06 07 20 3/20 5/20 7/20 9/20 1/20 1/20 3/20 5/20 7/20 9/20 1/20 / / / / / 1 1 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1 1 1 1 1 / / 1 1 Day of the year Figure 24: Time series of the Angstrom index during years 2006-2007. 6 TOWARDS AN ADAPTED EMPIRICAL DROUGHT INDEX TO MEDITERRANEAN CONDITIONS Precipitation is the main water input to a natural system, and thus is the predominant factor controlling the formation and persistence of drought conditions. Reliable rainfall observations became available about two centuries ago, and as a result, practically all drought indices included this variable either alone or in combination with other meteorological elements (Heim 2002). Temperature is a basic component of current weather conditions. High temperature affects evapotranspiration rate and the drying speed of fuels and soil moisture. Relative humidity also plays an important role in evapotranspiration rate. High temperatures, low relative humidity, and desiccating winds usually add to the impact of lack of rainfall (Heim 2002). Surface soil moisture status determines the water absorption and the moisture content of the plants. D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 75 of 89 Evapotranspiration is an important variable that expresses the water loss from a natural system. However, difficulties in quantifying evapotranspiration rates, suggest that a general classification scheme is best if it is limited to a simple measure of rainfall (Lloyd-Hughes and Saunders 2002). All the drought indices analyzed before, as well as those found in the literature, use the following meteorological parameters: precipitation, air temperature (maximum, average, dew-point and differences between maximum and dew-point temperature), relative humidity and upper soil layer moisture. Additionally, many indices use an estimation of PET. However, the variables most commonly used are precipitation and temperature. The drought indices used in fire risk assessment were empirically developed to estimate the fuel dryness from easily available meteorological data. However, many other parameters, such type and amount of fuels, land topography, elevation and latitude can contribute to drought conditions, but they are less important that the primary meteorological factors. The assumption is that the meteorological variables determine the input and the loss of water from a natural system. From the above mentioned indices only the KBDI has been developed on a well stated theoretical background of water losses from an ecosystem even if it is an empirical index. On the contrary, all other indices are based on general assumptions that probably are not always valid. Thus, the models of all the above mentioned indices are based on common meteorological variables usually available by nearby meteorological stations. They were mainly built on temperature values (usually daily maximum values and in some cases the dew point temperature or the differences between them), and the amount of precipitation during the last day(s); annual precipitation was also used in some cases such in the case of KBDI. Only the Angstrom index includes air relative humidity (RH) values in its model construction. The German Baumgartner index requires precipitation data and an estimation of potential evapotranspiration. KBDI also uses an estimation of potential evapotranspiration based on annual rainfall and maximum air temperature. Wind speed, solar radiation and other parameters are not included in the indices mainly due to the scarcity of the available data for many stations. Perhaps more questionable is the apparent omission of sunshine intensity, wind and relative humidity (Keetch and Byram 1968). Concerning the precipitation there is an assumption in many models that an amount less than 3 mm or 5 mm must not be considered for index estimation. Thus, precipitation less than 5 mm is not enough to increase soil moisture on the calculation of KBDI, while a rainfall less than 3 mm does not affect the Nesterov index but a rainfall more than 3 mm falls down the index to zero!!. However, in the last case the addition of the K parameter in the Modified Nesterov index seems to correct the ‘anomaly’. Canopy interception thresholds of 1.5 mm have been defined for a range of forest cover types in rainfall interception studies (Wotton et al. 2005). Taking into consideration all the above mentioned analysis, there are two possibilities for a development of an adapted empirical drought index to Mediterranean conditions: i) to improve an existed model and ii) to construct a new index. 6.1 Models improvement Analyzing the indices performance in the studied area, we see that the best fitting model is by far the Keetch-Byram drought index. However, in the case we would suggest this index application in the Mediterranean conditions some improvements have to be made, for a better adaptation of the index in the area. D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 76 of 89 1. According to the previous analysis, and based on the literature data and the analysis of our data, the index works well in the Mediterranean conditions. 2. However, we have to point out some cautiousness during its application in the Mediterranean region, such as the low estimated values during the summers (Spano et al. 2005), as well as in our case, which may mean that the method used for the estimation of PET underestimates the actual water loss. Additionally, the index presents the highest values during the middle of September due to its development pattern. However, it must be noted that according to our data analysis, the lowest values of moisture content were observed at the same period. 3. Thus, the following points in the index calculation may need some improvement: 4. a. In the original work of Keetch and Byram (1968), the equations 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 assumes values of R (precipitation) 50 inches. This is not always a fact in the Mediterranean areas that suffered from great wildfires; a suggested value could be 20 or 30 inches (508 and 762 mm respectively). b. The units used; the initial values of T and R were in degree of Fahrenheit and in hundreds of inch respectively; these units should be modified in degree of Celcius and mm respectively. Some modifications have been already carried out but a few others not; for example the upper limit of the index (800, in hundredths of an inch) is still in use in the Wildland Fire Assessment System in USA. A good explanation for unit modification is presented in Snyder et al. (2006). c. In accordance to the previous point, a value of 200 for the upper limit is reasonable instead of 203.2, since this value is an approximation of the soil field capacity. d. The value (threshold) of 5 mm for precipitation that is ignored in the system may have to be modified. Canopy interception thresholds of 1.5 mm have been defined for a range of forest cover types in rainfall interception studies (Wotton et al. 2005). The threshold of R = 3 mm used by Nesterov and Zhanko indices is suggested. A basic assumption of the KBDI model concerns the value of field capacity. This is approximately estimated as 200 mm, but this is not generally true and may not match well the conditions of the Mediterranean Basin. Especially, in Greece and in the lower Mediterranean floristic zone (Quercetalia ilicis), based on many available data, the soil depth is generally low in many cases and the field capacity may not exceed the value of 130-140mm (two thirds of the value used in the KBDI equation). For example, studies on the referred area (peri-urban area of Thessaloniki) have shown that the soil depth is less than 50 cm while the field capacity is estimated less than 100-120 mm (Radoglou 1987). However, when we tried to improve the model by modifying the field capacity in the equation, the results showed that there was not any improvement. Thus, it is suggested to remain as it is, based on the Keetch and Byram (1968) sound argument that “eight inches of available moisture appears reasonable for use in forest fire control because in many areas it takes all summer for vegetation cover to transpire that much water”. 5. That PET estimation also is an interesting point. As Spano et al. (2005) reported, based on the current estimation of PET the index takes generally low values in the D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 77 of 89 Mediterranean conditions. This is also true in our case; the index during the dry summer period took values lower than 520 (of the original 800 scale) which means that during the testing period the fire potential was moderate (USDA 2002; Janis et al. 2000). Consequently, an improvement of PET estimation method could be possible. The Samani-Hangreaves method tested by Spano et al. (2005) and Synder et al. (2006) could be used, but, we have to consider the available meteorological data. However, based on our trial outputs, after the index improvement by substituting the equations coefficients with those for R = 30 (see below the details), this problem seems to be mitigated. Based on the above concept, the KBDI adaptation to the Mediterranean conditions follows the below steps. We follow the development procedure in the original paper of Keetch and Byram (1968): In equation 16, we set as R0 = 30 inches in order to adapt the index in the Mediterranean conditions. In fact, this substitution does not affect the approach of Keetch and Byram since the “potential evapotranspiration ratio in the right member of equation 14 will be the same for all values of R and it can be expressed in terms of the curve of Figure 8 or equation 13”. Then, the equation 16 gives tT, = 0.2565 tT, 30 Assuming that T = T0 = 80’ F (26.7 0C) and wc = 800 then the equation wc tT, 30 = ----------------------------0.352 exp (0.0486T) – 3.015 gives t80, 30 = 56.47 days. Thus, from equation 17, it follows that t80, = 0.2565 * 56.47 = 14.48 days. Then, setting the new evaluated numerical constants in the equation 18, this gives the modified drought factor for the Mediterranean conditions as follows (800-Q)(1.713 exp (0.0486T) – 14.59) dQ = ------------------------------------------------- X 10-3 1 + 10.88 exp (-0.04409 R) and if we set T in oC and R in mm then (800-Q)(1.713 exp (0.0875T + 1.5552) – 14.59) dQ = ----------------------------------------------------------- X 10-3 1 + 10.88 exp (-0.001736 R) D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 78 of 89 If we set 200 mm instead 800 hundredths in an inch, for field capacity, the final equation of drought factor takes the form (200-Q)(1.713 exp (0.0875T + 1.5552) – 14.59) dQ = ----------------------------------------------------------- X 10-3 1 + 10.88 exp (-0.001736 R) and finally if we set the R threshold equal to 3 mm, the final equation of the modified KB drought index takes the form Mod KBDIt = Mod KBDIt-1 + dQ - (R - 3) (if there is any rain R > 3 mm). Based on the above analysis we calculated the Modified KBDI for the study area during the years 2006 and 2007 (Figure 25). While, Figure 26 shows the differences in the courses of the Modified KBDI and KBDI. According to the analysis of the Modified index values, and in comparison with the calculated values of KBDI, we have to point out: 1. There is a faster response of the Modified KBDI index to weather data in comparison to the response of KBDI. 2. The index takes higher values during the summer months of both years, and thus, the reported from others (Spano et al. 2005, Snyder et al. 2006) problem of underestimation of actual water loss is overcome. According to the calculated values of the Modified index, the estimated fire danger is higher for the study area, that is in accordance with the very low values observed in field moisture (e.g. soil moisture was found approximately 2% during the summer months). Mod KBDI Keetch-Byram Drought index . 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1/1 06 /20 1/3 06 /20 1/5 06 /20 1/7 06 /20 1/9 06 /20 00 1/2 1/1 6 1/1 07 /20 1/3 07 /20 1/5 07 /20 1/7 07 /20 1/9 07 /20 1/1 00 1/2 7 Day of the year (DOY) Figure 25. Time series of the Modified KBDI during the years 2006 and 2007. D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 79 of 89 Mod KBDI KBDI Keetch-Byram drought index 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 6 7 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 1 1 1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 1 1 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ Day of the year Figure 26. Comparison between the courses of the Modified KBDI and KBDI, during the years 2006 and 2007. 6.2 New model construction Taking into consideration the drought index performance in Thessaloniki study area as well as the theoretical basis of the most widely used drought indices in fire risk assessment, the general principles that an empirical drought index should follow are: o The drought index (DI) should have a cumulative form. o The drought index (DI) should be based on the drought conditions of the previous period (day) DIi-1. o Incorporation of an additional drought factor (DF) similar to that of KBDI that will express the water losses of the system since the previous day. This factor can be expressed as a function of PET. However, since PET is difficult to estimate accurately and should be used with caution for estimating actual water loss from natural systems (Lu et al. 2005), a simple function of basic and easily available meteorological variables can be used. Maximum air temperature and relative humidity are suggested since data analysis showed the larger correlation with real fuel moisture data. o If rain occurs, the respective amount of water should be removed from the index. This can be the value of the precipitation (like the KBDI index) or better a function of precipitation (like the Zhdanko and Modified Nesterov index). o Index calculation may be initialized based on the weather data. KBDI is initialized when the soil is near saturation and Keetch and Byram (1968) suggested after a rainfall close to field capacity (200 mm), NI suggests 3 days after snow melting, while the Canadian FWI suggests that start up occurs when the mean daily temperature is 6oC for three consecutive days (Canadian Wildland Fire Information System). This temperature represents the approximate limit for plant growth and D5.1-1-33-1000-1 Page 80 of 89 thus this condition could be initially suggested, although it is not a crucial factor for the index calculation. Thus, the proposed drought index could be expressed with the following equation: DIi = DIi-1 + Drought Factor (DF) – Precipitation or DIi = DIi-1 + f (T, RH) – f (P) Where: DIi = Drought index DIi-1 = Drought index in the previous day T = Temperature RH = Relative humidity P = Precipitation However, based on the preliminary data, we have to point out that there is a differentiation in litter moisture estimation. As it is shown in Table 12, the highest correlation (r = 0.70) between the litter moisture content and the tested drought indices was observed in the case of Angstrom index. This may show that the water conditions in the litter layer are more sensitive and reflect the current (daily) weather conditions. Index initialization could be based on the weather data, as the Canadian FWI suggests. The index starts up when the mean daily temperature is 6oC for three consecutive days (Canadian Wildland Fire Information System). 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