533567959 Taxa Information Form Hydrilla verticillata I Problem Definition A. Scope of Impact Difficult to identify Rapidly spreads, vegetative fragmentation, tubers will re-grow after 5-6- years Forms monocultures B. Timing of impact Current C. Vectors No clear vectors, most locations are near the coast. Tubers can be disconnected and dormant Aqua-scaping, hitchhiking species D. Relative importance of threat Relatively new invader, currently found in only few sites in CT, 1 in MA, and in ME Every water body in CT is vulnerable, water chemistry will not limit spread E. Other comments II Actions and Strategies A. Monitoring/Early Detection Because identification is difficult finding these plants at low density early introductions will be hard B. Treatment/Eradication Handpulling widely scattered growth (<5% cover) over small areas (<1 acre) ($2500/acre) Bottom barriers small dense patches ($7500/for 5000 sq.ft.) Fluridone herbicide for whole lake/pond applications or confined areas greater than 5 acres. Selective control is possible at lower application rates. Maintain fluridone concentrations throughout summer to prevent late season tuber germination. Repeat applications needed for multiple years to deplete tuber stocks. ($500-$1000/acre) Diquat herbicide for spot or shoreline treatments where fluridone cannot be used effectively. Contact herbicide may require re-treatment later in summer to control late season germination. Treatments required annually for several consecutive years. ($300-$500/acre) C. Prevention D. Education Projects E. Research Projects Duration of treatment Types of chemicals and drawdown effectiveness Spread likelihood F. Recommended Mgmt. Authority 533567959 Taxa Information Form Butomus umbellatus I Problem Definition A. Scope of Impact Minor, shoreline wetland invader B. Timing of impact Current - potential C. Vectors Water gardens D. Relative importance of threat Minor E. Other comments It is unknown at present how much of threat this plant will become II Actions and Strategies A. Monitoring/Early Detection B. Treatment/Eradication Handpulling small patches ($2500/acre) Hydro-rake large contiguous patches along water's edge ($7000-$10,000/acre) C. Prevention D. Education Projects E. Research Projects F. Recommended Mgmt. Authority 533567959 Taxa Information Form Cabomba caroliniana I Problem Definition A. Scope of Impact Forms monocultures Difficult to kill Fast spreading submersed species B. Timing of impact Current C. Vectors Boats/trailers, birds, D. Relative importance of threat Severe E. Other comments II Actions and Strategies A. Monitoring/Early Detection B. Treatment/Eradication Handpulling widely scattered growth (<5% cover) over small areas (<1 acre) ($2500/acre). Bottom barriers small dense patches ($7500/for 5000 sq.ft.) Fluridone herbicide for whole lake/pond applications or confined areas greater than 5 acres. Selective control is possible at lower application rates. 2-3 years of control anticipated ($500$1000/acre) C. Prevention D. Education Projects E. Research Projects F. Recommended Mgmt. Authority 533567959 Taxa Information Form Callitriche stagnalis I Problem Definition A. Scope of Impact B. Timing of impact C. Vectors D. Relative importance of threat E. Other comments II Actions and Strategies A. Monitoring/Early Detection B. Treatment/Eradication Handpulling widely scattered growth (<5% cover) over small areas (<1 acre) ($2500/acre) Fluridone herbicide for whole lake/pond applications or confined areas greater than 5 acres. Selective control is possible at lower application rates. ($500-$1000/acre) Diquat herbicide for spot or shoreline treatments where 2,4-D cannot be used effectively. Contact herbicide typically requires annual treatment. ($300-$500/acre) C. Prevention D. Education Projects E. Research Projects F. Recommended Mgmt. Authority 533567959 Taxa Information Form Egeria densa I Problem Definition A. Scope of Impact Fast spreading submersed species May not over winter well in CT This plant presents severe problems in southern states B. Timing of impact Current C. Vectors Water gardens Birds D. Relative importance of threat High to moderate E. Other comments This plant is sold ubiquitous in water garden stores as Elodia II Actions and Strategies A. Monitoring/Early Detection B. Treatment/Eradication Handpulling widely scattered growth (<5% cover) over small areas (<1 acre) ($2500/acre) Fluridone herbicide for whole lake/pond applications or confined areas greater than 5 acres. Selective control is possible at lower application rates. ($500-$1000/acre) Diquat herbicide for spot or shoreline treatments where 2,4-D cannot be used effectively. Contact herbicide typically requires annual treatment. ($300-$500/acre) C. Prevention D. Education Projects E. Research Projects F. Recommended Mgmt. Authority 533567959 Taxa Information Form Eichhornia crassipes I Problem Definition A. Scope of Impact Moderate This plant presents severe problems in southern states The plant may not over winter will in CT B. Timing of impact Potential, not in CT at this time C. Vectors Water gardens D. Relative importance of threat Moderate E. Other comments II Actions and Strategies A. Monitoring/ Early Detection B. Treatment/Eradication Mechanical harvesting. High biomass (?/acre) Herbicide treatment. (?) C. Prevention D. Education Projects E. Research Projects F. Recommended Mgmt. Authority 533567959 Taxa Information Form Iris pseudacorus I Problem Definition A. Scope of Impact Minor, shoreline invader, may not reach monoculture stands like loosestrife or phragmites B. Timing of impact Current C. Vectors ? D. Relative importance of threat Minor, not submersed, also unknown to what extent it replaces natives E. Other comments II Actions and Strategies A. Monitoring/Early Detection B. Treatment/Eradication Handpulling small patches ($2500/acre) Hydro-rake large contiguous patches along water's edge ($7000-$10,000/acre) C. Prevention D. Education Projects E. Research Projects F. Recommended Mgmt. Authority 533567959 Taxa Information Form Lythrum salicaria I Problem Definition A. Scope of Impact This is a rapidly spreading wetland invader that replaces native shoreline vegetation with monocultures of little wildlife value B. Timing of impact Current C. Vectors Wind blown seeds, birds, escape from gardens D. Relative importance of threat Severe, this plant is rapidly replacing shoreline wetlands in CT E. Other comments II Actions and Strategies A. Monitoring/Early Detection B. Treatment/Eradication Handpulling small, scattered patches (>$2500/acre) Glyphosate or Triclopyr herbicides for spot-treatments. Usually applied with backpack sprayers or wick applicators. Both herbicides are systemic and kill roots. Repeat applications needed for several years to deplete seed stocks. ($800-$1200/acre) Biological control stocking herbaceous beetles and weevils. May require several years to establish population. Continued monitoring required. ($1000-$3000/single site stocking) C. Prevention D. Education Projects E. Research Projects F. Recommended Mgmt. Authority 533567959 Taxa Information Form Marsilea quadrifolia I Problem Definition A. Scope of Impact Minor, not a rapid expanding species, limited to a narrow habitat range in lakes B. Timing of impact Current, this plant has been in CT since the late 1800’s C. Vectors Birds, gardens D. Relative importance of threat Minor, not a prolific spreading species under most conditions E. Other comments II Actions and Strategies A. Monitoring/Early Detection B. Treatment/Eradication Handpulling small, scattered patches (>$2500/acre) ? C. Prevention D. Education Projects E. Research Projects F. Recommended Mgmt. Authority 533567959 Taxa Information Form I Problem Definition A. Scope of Impact B. Timing of impact C. Vectors D. Relative importance of threat E. Other comments II Actions and Strategies A. Monitoring/Early Detection B. Treatment/Eradication ? C. Prevention D. Education Projects E. Research Projects F. Recommended Mgmt. Authority Myosotis scorpiroides 533567959 Taxa Information Form Myriophyllum aquaticum I Problem Definition A. Scope of Impact High, this plant has the potential to grow prolifically with monocultures B. Timing of impact Current = potential The status in CT is unknown C. Vectors Water gardens D. Relative importance of threat Moderate to high, it is not know if this plant can survive in the wild, it is sold generally in water garden stores. E. Other comments II Actions and Strategies A. Monitoring/Early Detection B. Treatment/Eradication C. Prevention D. Education Projects E. Research Projects F. Recommended Mgmt. Authority 533567959 Taxa Information Form Myriophyllum heterophyllum I Problem Definition A. Scope of Impact Severe Plant hybridizes making identification difficult B. Timing of impact Current, this plant has been in CT for several years and has become established in many lakes on the eastern side of the state C. Vectors Birds, boats D. Relative importance of threat E. Other comments II Actions and Strategies A. Monitoring/Early Detection B. Treatment/Eradication Handpulling widely scattered growth (<5% cover) over small areas (<1 acre) ($2500/acre) Bottom barriers small dense patches ($7500/for 5000 sq.ft.) 2,4-D granular herbicide treatments. Systemic action typically provides 2-3 years of control. ($400-$600/acre) Diquat herbicide for spot or shoreline treatments where 2,4-D cannot be used effectively. Contact herbicide typically requires annual treatment. ($300-$500/acre) Triclopyr herbicide may provide systemic control and good selectivity. ($800-$1500/acre) C. Prevention D. Education Projects E. Research Projects F. Recommended Mgmt. Authority 533567959 Taxa Information Form Myriophyllum spicatum I Problem Definition A. Scope of Impact Severe, this plant forms dense monocultures that top out at the water surface shading out natives B. Timing of impact Current, this plant has been in CT for several years and is established in many CT lakes on the western side of the state C. Vectors Boats, birds, other D. Relative importance of threat Severe, although more to lakes that don’t yet have an invading colony E. Other comments II Actions and Strategies A. Monitoring B. Early Detection/Eradication Handpulling widely scattered growth (<5% cover) over small areas (<1 acre) ($2500/acre) Bottom barriers small dense patches ($7500/for 5000 sq.ft.) Biological control stocking herbaceous weevils. May require several years to establish population. Continued monitoring required. Success is unpredictable. (>$10,000 per stocking effort) Fluridone herbicide for whole lake/pond applications or confined areas greater than 5 acres. Selective control is possible at lower application rates. 2-3 years of control anticipated ($500$1000/acre) 2,4-D granular herbicide treatments. Systemic action typically provides 2-3 years of control. ($400-$600/acre) Diquat herbicide for spot or shoreline treatments where 2,4-D cannot be used effectively. Contact herbicide typically requires annual treatment. ($300-$500/acre) Triclopyr herbicide has demonstrated to provide systemic control and good selectivity. ($800$1500/acre) C. Prevention D. Education Projects E. Research Projects More experiments with weevil introductions More documentation of the affects of herbicides on natives F. Recommended Mgmt. Authority 533567959 Taxa Information Form I Problem Definition A. Scope of Impact B. Timing of impact C. Vectors D. Relative importance of threat E. Other comments II Actions and Strategies A. Monitoring/Early Detection B. Treatment/Eradication C. Prevention D. Education Projects E. Research Projects F. Recommended Mgmt. Authority Najas minor 533567959 Taxa Information Form Nelumbo lutea I Problem Definition A. Scope of Impact B. Timing of impact C. Vectors D. Relative importance of threat E. Other comments II Actions and Strategies A. Monitoring/Early Detection B. Treatment/Eradication Fluridone herbicide for whole lake/pond applications or confined areas greater than 5 acres. Selective control is possible at lower application rates. 2-3 years of control anticipated ($500$1000/acre) 2,4-D granular herbicide treatments. Systemic action typically provides 2-3 years of control. ($400-$600/acre) Glyphosate herbicide treatment for small areas. Systemic action usually provides 2-3 years of control. ($500-$800/acre) C. Prevention D. Education Projects E. Research Projects F. Recommended Mgmt. Authority 533567959 Taxa Information Form Nymphoides peltata I Problem Definition A. Scope of Impact B. Timing of impact Potential C. Vectors D. Relative importance of threat E. Other comments II Actions and Strategies A. Monitoring/Early Detection B. Treatment/Eradication Handpulling widely scattered growth (<5% cover) over small areas (<1 acre) ($2500/acre) Bottom barriers small dense patches ($7500/for 5000 sq.ft.) Fluridone herbicide for whole lake/pond applications or confined areas greater than 5 acres. Selective control is possible at lower application rates. ($500-$1000/acre) Diquat herbicide for spot or shoreline treatments. Contact herbicide typically requires annual treatment. ($300-$500/acre) C. Prevention D. Education Projects E. Research Projects F. Recommended Mgmt. Authority 533567959 Taxa Information Form I Problem Definition A. Scope of Impact B. Timing of impact Potential C. Vectors D. Relative importance of threat E. Other comments II Actions and Strategies A. Monitoring/Early Detection B. Treatment/Eradication ? C. Prevention D. Education Projects E. Research Projects F. Recommended Mgmt. Authority Pistia stratiotes 533567959 Taxa Information Form Potamogeton crispus I Problem Definition A. Scope of Impact Moderate to high This plant can form dense growths but it usually dies back early in the season so is not a serious B. Timing of impact Current, this plant has been in CT for many years C. Vectors Originally believed to be moved around the state by fish stocking Boats, birds D. Relative importance of threat Moderate, the plant E. Other comments II Actions and Strategies A. Monitoring B. Early Detection/Eradication Mechanical harvesting early season before turion development occurs. Probably only feasible for small infestations. ($800-$1000/acre) for harvesting ($1500-$2000/acre) for harvesting and disposal Handpulling widely scattered growth (<5% cover) over small areas (<1 acre) ($2500/acre) Aquathol K herbicide treatments early in the growing season. Retreatment for several consecutive seasons may deplete turion stock. ($500-$700/acre) Fluridone herbicide for whole lake/pond applications or confined areas greater than 5 acres. Selective control is possible at lower application rates. ($500-$1000/acre) Diquat herbicide for spot or shoreline treatments where 2,4-D cannot be used effectively. Contact herbicide typically requires annual treatment. Late summer treatments may reduce cover the following spring. ($300-$500/acre) C. Prevention D. Education Projects E. Research Projects F. Recommended Mgmt. Authority 533567959 Taxa Information Form I Problem Definition A. Scope of Impact B. Timing of impact C. Vectors D. Relative importance of threat E. Other comments II Actions and Strategies A. Monitoring/Early Detection B. Treatment/Eradication C. Prevention D. Education Projects E. Research Projects F. Recommended Mgmt. Authority Rorippa microphylla 533567959 Taxa Information Form Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum I Problem Definition A. Scope of Impact B. Timing of impact C. Vectors D. Relative importance of threat E. Other comments II Actions and Strategies A. Monitoring/Early Detection B. Treatment/Eradication C. Prevention D. Education Projects E. Research Projects F. Recommended Mgmt. Authority 533567959 Taxa Information Form Trapa natans I Problem Definition A. Scope of Impact Severe This plant is difficult to see at very low densities and can be easily overlooked The plant can rapidly colonize shallow areas of lakes B. Timing of impact Current C. Vectors Boats, birds D. Relative importance of threat Severe, this plant is known to be in CT from at least 4 sites E. Other comments II Actions and Strategies A. Monitoring/Early Detection B. Treatment/Eradication Handpulling small, scattered patches (>$2500/acre) Mechanical harvesting in early to mid-summer before seed drop occurs. Repeat cuttings over several consecutive seasons will reduce seed stock. ($1200-$1500/acre) for harvesting, ($2000-$3000/acre) for harvesting and disposal 2,4-D granular herbicide treatments. Repeat applications needed to reduce seed stock. ($500$700/acre) C. Prevention D. Education Projects E. Research Projects F. Recommended Mgmt. Authority 533567959 Taxa Information Form Salvinia molesta I Problem Definition A. Scope of Impact Severe, this plant is known to cause serious problems in southern states B. Timing of impact Potential C. Vectors D. Relative importance of threat E. Other comments II Actions and Strategies A. Monitoring/Early Detection B. Treatment/Eradication C. Prevention D. Education Projects E. Research Projects F. Recommended Mgmt. Authority