DESIGN PHASE REQUIREMENTS What follows is an outline of the documents needed, decisions required, and issues to be considered at each of the three submittal stages of the Design Phase: Schematic Phase Submittal Preliminary Phase Submittal Construction Document Submittal SCHEMATIC PHASE SUBMITTAL The documentation prepared by the Professional at the completion of the schematic design phase will usually consist of the following: A. Site Plan Showing the relationship between new and existing structures, traffic flow, existing and proposed topography, landscaping features, roads and walks and major utility connects, typically at 1-inch = 20-feet scale. Utilities requirements (type, estimated load, proposed routing and connection locations): Electric (Normal) Fire Protection Water Electric (Standby) Telecommunications Steam Storm Water Detention Electric (Emergency) B. Gas Storm Piping Sanitary Chilled Water Condensate Air Fuel Storage Tanks Typical Floor Plan(s) 1/16-inch scale; may be single line in this phase C. Plans of Special Floors or Areas 1/8-inch scale – to provided understanding of the design direction (example: classrooms) D. Roof Plan 1/16-inch scale E. Elevations Not less than two (2) in schematic form at 1/16-inch or 1/8-inch scale as appropriate F. Diagrammatic Sections 1/8-inch scale (example: classrooms) 8/06 Page 1 of 11 G. Equipment and Furnishings Indicating any special equipment (example: classroom technology components) that influences design; show other equipment and furnishings as required for "proof-of-scheme." H. Preliminary Perspective(s) Optional I. Study Model(s) Optional J. Reports The following reports are normally prepared as a part of the schematic design phase documentation: 1. Material/Systems Outline: a. c. d. e. f. g. h. 2. Structural Systems. Describing proposed materials, foundation types, modules, design loads, and design criteria to be employed. b. Building Envelope. Describing wall systems, window types, glazing types, provisions for cleaning and thermal characteristics and roof systems. (Waterproofing/weatherproofing requirements.) Principal Interior Finishes. Describing finishes for typical areas, areas subject to heavy use or traffic, toilet areas, and food service areas, and any special finishes; for example, entry lobby, etc. Mechanical Systems. Outlining tentative selection of energy heating-cooling systems and control methods, including relationship to existing systems, if appropriate. Provide design data statement (temperature, humidity, etc.), block load data, proposed location of outdoor components. Electrical Systems. Outlining tentative voltages and distribution methods, typical lighting types and levels, fire protection, emergency, standby and communication systems. Telecommunications. Description of systems and capabilities. Service line location. Pollution Control. Outlining proposed methods of compliance and recommendations for additional controls. Physically Disabled Requirements. Stating where standards for handicapped have not been complied with and giving reasons for noncompliance. Interrelationship Review Describing provisions for compatibility among structural, mechanical, and electrical systems; size and location of mechanical-electrical equipment spaces. 3. Code Analysis Providing written statement describing methods proposed to comply with governing codes and regulations, including zoning, occupancy, life safety, fire resistance, fire protection, and structural adequacy. 4. Program Conformance Analysis Providing general statement describing how proposed design meets the functional and statistical requirements of the program. Describing any departures from program or any recommended changes and reasons thereof. 8/06 Page 2 of 11 5. Area Volume Statistics Comparison of schematic design proposed versus programmed, net and gross areas for each room and floor. Show areas on plans. 6. Room/Name/Number Systems Assign each room and space a room name, in general, designating the proposed use. It is intended that these designations will appear, thereafter, on all drawings and documents through completion of architect's work, construction, and occupancy. 7. Material and Finish Schedules Providing a schedule of materials (as example, door frame and door schedule and finish). 8. Project Cost Estimate Based on the documentation, an update of the project cost budget. a. b. c. d. 9. Construction Cost Consultant's Costs Owner Group II and III and/or FFE Cost Owner's Other Direct/Indirect Cost Schedule An update of the project schedule to reflect the completion of scheduled activities and refinement of the remaining design activities as well as construction phase milestone dates. 10. Board of Trustees Submittal Refer to "Guidelines For Board of Trustees Submittal." 11. Exceptions to Penn State Design and Construction Standards A separate statement outlining the exceptions to the Penn State Design Manual and justification for any and all deviations. 12. List of Required Permits and Approvals Include a planned schedule for submission of each. K. Classrooms Refer to CLASSROOM & TECHNOLOGY DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS in the Penn State Design and Construction Standards Page and viewable at 1. 2. 3. 4. 8/06 Include floor plans and interior elevations. Include furniture and technology related components affecting sight lines and unobstructed viewing lines from critical student seat positions to screens and chalkboards. Position doors and windows away from front of classrooms. Consider technology and viewing clearances in laying out room shape and needed clear heights, as could be affected by design and interferences from building (beams, HVAC, piping, lights, noise, etc.) and technology infrastructure (tech conduits from point A to B to C, etc.) Page 3 of 11 5. 6. Early in drawing and documenting process, define lighting impact, light zoning, and switching. Include classroom and classroom corridor security diagrammatic drawings defining termination points necessary in classrooms and corridors with routes to the telecommunications closet – do in close coordination with the ISG defined in the CLASSROOM & TECHNOLOGY DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS. PRELIMINARY PHASE SUBMITTAL A. Site Development 1 inch = 20 feet, similar to schematic submittal, plus the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. B. Entry and exit conditions, on-site roadway and final traffic flow with percent grades. Parking layouts, if applicable. All underground utilities and services. Proposed planting plan showing materials and spacing. Indicate methods of planting protection and removal when required. Established elevations. Lighting layouts. Completed sewer planning module and schedule. Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan Draft and schedule. Storm management plan and schedule. Floor Plans 1/8-inch scale minimum, including designated room names and numbers, dimensions, door swings, instructional technology sight lines in classrooms, and typical material indications. Tabulate design loads on drawings. C. Plans of Special Floors or Areas Floor plans of special areas at 1/4-inch scale minimum. D. Reflected Ceiling Plans. E. Roof Plan 1/8-inch scale, include penthouses, major mechanical equipment, expansion joints, and all projections visible from ground level. F. Elevations 1/8-inch scale minimum for all exterior walls of building; include floor elevations and enlargement of special details or wall configurations. G. Sections 1/8-inch scale minimum; number as required to reasonably illustrate floor relationships, construction thicknesses and profiles, vertical circulation, projection and instructional technology needs in classrooms and other special features. H. Typical Details Not smaller than 1/2-inch scale, including exterior wall sections. 8/06 Page 4 of 11 I. Finish Schedules Format is intended for construction documents; schedules must show construction document room numbers and separate column for University-assigned room numbers. J. Equipment and Furnishings Expand schematic design requirements. Include a list on a room number basis, noting both new and existing equipment to be used. With existing equipment, note location and what, if any, modifications to the equipment will be necessary to adapt it to its new location. K. Mechanical/Electrical Provisions Single line drawing to illustrate duct work, principal piping, riser diagrams and single line diagrams, lighting layouts, and other typical systems; provide double line drawings in equipment rooms and classrooms, and restricted areas at scale as required to illustrate adequacy of area and clearances. Sequence of operations for all control systems. L. Schematics and Models Provide, if required, limited detail models and schematics to illustrate appearance and relationship to neighboring structures as required for approval. M. Classrooms Refer to CLASSROOM & TECHNOLOGY DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS in the Penn State Design and Construction Standards Page and viewable at 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8/06 Include floor plans and interior elevations with updated information and more room and layout specifics. Include furniture and technology related components affecting sight lines and unobstructed viewing lines from critical student seat positions to screens and chalkboards. Show all seating for students and instructors. Verify positions of doors and windows away from front of classrooms. Define more detail related to technology and viewing clearances in updated and better defined information of the classroom shapes and needed clear heights, as could be affected by more details and information from design and interferences of building components (beams, HVAC, piping, zoning, noises, etc.) and technology infrastructure (tech conduits from point A to B to C, etc.). Continue defining specific and updated facts related to lighting, zoning, and switching in drawing and documenting process, with more detail. Define specific locations of (1) changes in ceiling planes; (2) light fixtures and technology projector lighting paths; (3) HVAC diffusers with their air throw impact on projection screens, (4) air return locations and noise; and (5) room noises less than 30 NC (library quiet.) Include more detailed security information for classroom and classroom corridor security drawings defining termination points necessary in classrooms and corridors with routes to the telecommunications closet – do in close coordination with the ISG defined in the CLASSROOM & TECHNOLOGY DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS. Page 5 of 11 DESIGN PHASE The following reports are normally a part of the design phase documentation: A. Structural Provisions 1. Design Data a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. 2. B. Outline provisions for effects of new structure on existing neighboring buildings and structures. Mechanical/Electrical Provisions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C. Design criteria employed Live, dead loads Confirm system(s) Wind load design Compute tonnage/area efficiency Confirm foundation type Confirm special provisions for concentrated loads, openings, and equipment loads Provisions for deflection and vibration control Provisions for thermal movement control Subsurface waterproofing methods, if applicable Confirm systems selections by analysis reflecting initial cost, useful life, rate of return, building construction and configuration, weather conditions, building occupancy, utility costs, and maintenance costs. Make analysis in accordance with the format shown in ASHRAE Guides, "Owning and Operating Cost Data and Summary." Integrated Systems (when applicable). Describe interrelationships, efficiency of control, and operation restrictions including those related to classroom spaces. Pollution control. Describe calculated problems and means and degree of control or abatement. Energy and Utility Summary. Calculate estimated consumption of electricity, water, steam and gas, and flow capacities of drainage systems; provide breakdowns for major areas' subsystems or equipment loads. Lighting Fixtures. Provide manufacturer's name, description, illustration, and characteristics for typical lighting fixtures, including exterior; designate areas where special fixtures or layouts are contemplated (such as classrooms.) Code Analysis Review Review analysis made during schematic design to confirm or supplement previous conclusions. D. Program Conformance Analysis Review analysis made during schematic design to confirm or supplement previous statements. E. Acoustical Report Outline provisions for sound control and attenuation in typical area; describe provision (or Consultant's report) for severe acoustic problems; describe provisions for isolation of sound due to motor-driven equipment, etc.; classroom needs for “library quiet” environment. Refer to CLASSROOM & TECHNOLOGY DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS. 8/06 Page 6 of 11 F. Area Volume Statistics Check calculations made during schematic design, and tabulate any significant changes. G. Outline Specifications and Related Documents Provide brief description of proposed conditions of the contract and technical specifications, following the 16 division format of the "Uniform System for Construction Specifications." H. Cost of Construction Estimate Provide a cost of construction estimate based on the documents described as design development documents. Report any significant changes since the schematic design construction estimate. I. Project Cost Estimate Provide an update of the project cost budget. J. Schedule Update the project schedule to reflect the completion of scheduled activities and refine the schedule of activities for the construction document phase, and finalize the project purchase and construction schedule. K. Value Engineering Record Provide a written record of the items of work assessed; cost/time impact studies and final direction given. L. Refer to CLASSROOM & TECHNOLOGY DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS in the Penn State Design and Construction Standards Page and viewable at 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8/06 Include floor plans and interior elevations with updated information and more room and layout specifics. Include furniture and technology related components affecting sight lines and unobstructed viewing lines from critical student seat positions to screens and chalkboards. Show all seating for students and instructors. Verify positions of technology outlets as related to furnishings and room finish needs. Define more detail related to technology and viewing clearances in updated and better defined information of the classroom shapes and needed clear heights, as could be affected by more details and information from design and interferences of building (changed ceiling heights, beams, HVAC, piping, zoning, noises, etc.) and technology infrastructure (tech conduits from point A to B to C, etc.). Continue defining specific and updated facts related to lighting, zoning, and switching in drawing and documenting process, with more specific detail and information. Define specific locations of (1) changes in ceiling planes; (2) light fixtures and technology projector lighting paths; (3) HVAC diffusers with their air throw impact on projection screens, (4) air return locations and noise; (5) room noises less than 30 NC (library quiet); (6) help phones; and (7) electric screen control switches. Include more detailed security information for classroom and classroom corridor security drawings with all termination points now well defined for classrooms and corridors with routes to the telecommunications closet – coordinate details closely with the people of the ISG defined in the CLASSROOM & TECHNOLOGY DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS. Page 7 of 11 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT PHASE The following are requirements in addition to the items outlined in the Schematic and Preliminary Submittal phases: A. Civil and Site Work Drawings 1. Site Survey Incorporated, but qualify that its inclusion is for bidder's convenience only. 2. Landscaping Incorporate on the drawing as required schedule of planting materials. 3. Underground Drainage Include invert elevations; show foundations on drainage drawings. Include profiles. B. Structural Drawings 1. Design Loads Tabulate on drawings; identify design criteria; avoid duplication of any information or requirements stated on specifications. 2. Protection Show relationship to adjacent structures and methods of protection. C. Architectural Drawings 1. Fire Protection Identify location and extent of fire-resistive walls and partitions; identify rated door openings on schedules. 2. Elevators Note characteristics on drawings, including speed, capacity, and electric current requirements (establish capacity allowance as appropriate). 3. Equipment Show all equipment included in construction contract. Show equipment not on contract when anchorage is required or when advisable to facilitate delivery, location, or adjacent or related construction and the like. D. Food Service Equipment 1. Base Drawings Include for equipment other than free-standing with legs or manufactured bases. 2. Rough-in Drawings Include, showing sizes, characteristics, and locations of mechanical and electrical services. 8/06 Page 8 of 11 E. Mechanical Drawings 1. Equipment Rooms Not less than 1/4-inch scale, showing multiple plan levels, when required, for clarity. 2. Sections Include for equipment, piping, and duct work in restricted areas. 3. Duct Work Show double line on plans, sections, and details. Provide one line riser diagrams. 4. Supports Coordinate hangers, bases, and supports with other drawings. F. Electrical Drawings 1. Panels Schedules Show all switchgear and subpanels. 2. Motor Control Schedules Include size and type starters, interlock devices, and disconnects. G. Laboratory Equipment 1. Elevations Include wall elevations for equipment in typical and special rooms. Include sections for special equipment. H. Signage Both interior and exterior. Refer to Penn State Signage Standards. I. Engineering Calculations HVAC, Structural, Electrical Coordination, Short Circuit Analysis, Plumbing, Fire Protection J. Classrooms Refer to CLASSROOM & TECHNOLOGY DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS in the Penn State Design and Construction Standards Page and viewable at 1. Include floor plans and interior elevations with updated information and details. Include more plan and section details: a. b. c. d. e. f. 8/06 For special tech equipment mounts (unistrut design included). For isolation of building vibrations from tech projector mounting systems. For speaker locations in ceilings and other locations. For details showing fully recessed screen housings. For clear pathways from projectors to screens. For special ceiling, wall, and floor penetrations, etc. Page 9 of 11 g. 2. Unobstructed viewing is critical from all student seats to screens and chalkboards. a. b. c. 3. Beams and columns HVAC units and ducts Ceiling and floor elevation changes Piping including fire-sprinkler systems Light types and placement Building system noises Building or system vibrations Coordinate across all the construction disciplines represented in the construction documents to be sure that their components and systems will fully support the technology infrastructure: a. b. c. 8/06 Classroom Lock Function (no dead bolts) MTSS support spaces with the 5-button re-programmable combination lock function (no powered combination locks) Define more detail related to technology and viewing situation in updated and completed information of the classroom conditions. Such information can be severely affected by final design details and the layouts of the different building systems. Verify that building and system components will not interfere with the classroom, technology, and space needs: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 5. Include in construction documents all furniture, chalkboards, tech projectors, podiums, and any components affecting room use and sight lines. Show all seating in room for instructors and students. Include complete information and equipment pictures on screen controls. Verify hardware functions for doors at classrooms are correct: a. b. 4. For security termination points and pathways related to the classroom and classroom corridor technology, audio-visual and camera equipment and the security conduits necessary for the pathways from the classrooms to the telecommunications closets. Do so in close coordination with the ISG defined in the CLASSROOM & TECHNOLOGY DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS. Tech conduits from point A to B to C Power, data, and security conduits, pathways and outlets with exact locations noted for furniture, technology and sound equipment racks and instructional technology components – and accessible routings (or conduit) from the classrooms and classroom corridors to the telecommunication equipment room Fully recessed screens 6. Present final defined specifics and details in the drawing and documenting process and updated facts related to classroom lighting, zoning, sound/motion sensors and switching. 7. Define specific locations of light fixtures and relate to the technology projector light path to the screens. Indicate HVAC diffuser locations and throw, and the impact of the airflow on screen project surfaces – no screen movement is wanted from airflows. Show air returns. Include air pressure equalization methods for permanently installed screens to keep air pressure the same on both sides of the screens. 8. Be sure classroom noises are below 30 NC (library quiet). Page 10 of 11 The following reports are normally required at the completion of the construction document phase: A. Confirmation of Reports Submitted during design development phase as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. B. Code analysis review Program conformance analysis Acoustical report Area volume statistics Changes--Since Approval of Design Development Document any others not included here-in-above. C. Conformance Confirm conformance with requirements of Local Code Agencies and Public Utilities. The following specifications and related documents are required: A. Cover, Title Page, and Table of Contents Include official project title, Owner and User credits, Professional's and consultant's credits, professional seal, location, date, and official project number(s). B. "Front End" Document An edited copy of Penn State's General Conditions, Form of Agreement, and Prevailing Wage information. (Refer to the Penn State Design and Construction Standards.) C. Technical Specifications The architect is responsible for the technical (Division 2, etc.) specifications. D. "Bidding" Documents Penn State's Form of Proposal, Basis of Bids, Instruction To Bidders, and prequalification information. (Refer to Penn State Design and Construction Standards.) E. Utility Demand and Consumption (Label-"Final") POST CONSTRUCTION A. Provide written descriptions and sequence of operations for mechanical, electrical, and special systems, including codes for special instructional technology control systems. TAH/ssi/5-25-93/i/c Rev. mbl/4-19-94 CQI Classroom Team/s&s/8-06 8/06 Page 11 of 11