Construction of 2D Pluto1.5 Elastic Earth Model – April-July 1998 Assignment of Layer Geometries BHP provided digitized curves for the seafloor, tops and bottoms of all salt bodies, various faults, and ten geological interfaces, all extracted from a multiply-iterated Chevron depth migration volume. BHP also provided the residual depth-stretching function necessary to correct for anisotropy, etc., and bring the layer depths into agreement with several inline well checkshots. It is called the BHP Pluto model. This basic structural model was further modified in three ways: slight increase of top salt rugosity by about +/-200 ft, two extra faults below the Pluto salt, and a seafloor with 500 more feet of relief. The model dimensions are 105k feet wide by 30k feet deep. I used this resulting stratigraphic fabric to guide the further population of the model with a mix of stratigraphically parallel and pinching-out reflectors, which average 300-400 feet in thickness and honor all faults. Special care was taken in the geometric specification of two exploration grade gas sands penetrated by wells. The first is at X,Z = 32k,15k, and the second at 35k,18k. Two nonexistent geological features were added to the model for synthetic seismic S/N benchmarking. The first is a series of “point” diffracting disks 200 feet in diameter, spaced 5k ft apart in X from 15k to 90k at two Z levels of 17k and 25k (but absent directly above the M38 gas sand). The second is a horizontal “mother salt” layer occupying the bottom 500 feet of the model. The resulting stratigraphic/geometric model is named PLUTO1.5. Assignment of Vp Two checkshot surveys in the plane of the section provided a consistent measure of P velocity on a gross scale, in agreement with the prestack depth migration velocities above salt, but different by up to 10% below salt. The best linear velocity fit down to below the target horizon is V = 5000 + 0.3*(Z-Zseafloor) ft/s, with individual layers fluctuating by up to several hundred ft/s about this trend, especially depending on whether the facies was shale or sand rich. Accordingly, I created seven color-coded lithologies with the same k accelerator but different Vo values. When the colors are randomly assigned in the depth section, there results a velocity profile characterized by small random fluctuations about a linear velocity trend. Of the seven facies, five are shale and two are sand, in rough correspondence with their relative log population. The higher Vo for the sands corresponds to a 5-10% higher checkshot velocity in the sand-rich zone vs the shale-rich zone. The Vp values for both gas sands and their associated water legs and capping shales were derived from sonic logs taken in these intervals, and the salt velocity is from the checkshot data. (see Table below and PLUTO1.5 Vp, Vs and Den figures.) Color Facies Vp0 Eight pseudofacies: blue shale 4700 brown shale 4800 cyan shale 4900 green shale 5000 orange shale 5100 red sand 5200 yellow sand 5300 white diffractor disks 5000 True facies: blue water 4920 wheat salt 14800 wheat mother salt 14800 yellow shale sheath0 4600 dkyell shale sheath1 4700 mustrd shale sheath2 4800 magnta m15 cap shale 5130 black m15 gas sand 7692 gray m15 water sand 5130 magnta m38 cap shale 5640 black m38 gas sand 8333 gray m38 water sand 5640 magnta m53 shale 5100 Kp Vs0 Ks Vp/Vs Den0 Kd 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 2043 2087 2130 2174 2217 2600 2650 2500 0.1304 0.1304 0.1304 0.1304 0.1304 0.15 0.15 0.15 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.64 1.64 3.0 .000035 .000035 .000035 .000035 .000035 .000035 .000035 0 0 0 0 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0 0.3 0.3 0 0.3 0.3 0 8559 8559 2000 2043 2087 2230 3846 2565 2564 4167 2820 2217 0 0 0 0.1304 0.1304 0.1304 0.1304 0 0.15 0.1364 0 0.15 0.1304 ---1.729 1.729 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.0 2.0 2.2 2.0 2.0 2.3 1.0 0 2.16 0 3.0* 0 1.9 .000035 1.9 .000035 1.9 .000035 1.9985* .000035 2.15 0 1.8135* .000035 1.918* .000035 2.00 0 1.618* .000035 1.9 .000035 * listed model density is slightly modified to brighten seismic reflection Assignment of Vs One of the inplane wells (MC674#2) provided Vp, Vs and Density trends from a 10kft zone below salt. This gave an estimate of Vp/Vs ratio of 2.3 in the shale-dominated zone and 2.0 in the sanddominated zone, which I used to convert from Vp to Vs. The salt Vs is from an estimate of Vp/Vs for salt of 1.729 (see PLUTO1.5 Vs figure). Assignment of Density The same detailed logs below base salt provided good estimates of density trends between 10k’ and 20k’ below mudline, which I extrapolated both up and down. Salt density was obtained from the literature. The M15, M38, and M53 horizons were assigned mildly perturbed densities to slightly increase their reflection amplitude on the seismic simulations. Random Perturbations In order to mimic the occasional hummocky, laterally variable seismic facies (sand) sandwiched between laterally smooth facies (shale), which are commonly observed on depth migrated sections, I chose the cyan pseudo-facies to be perturbed as follows. At a probability of 4%, any node within the cyan shale facies is changed to Vp = 5200+0.3*(Z-Zseafloor), Vs = 0.5*Vp, and Den = 1.64+0.000035*(Z-Zseafloor), i.e. the red sand facies. This produces more realistic diffractions in the time data, and when migrated with the true velocity gives realistic seismic facies. Some of these point perturbed facies are visible in the various PLUTO1.5 figures. In a separate perturbation, every node of the allochthonous salt masses (so excluding the pseudo mother salt) is perturbed with a slowness fluctuation uniformly distributed between -1% to 1% of the reference salt slowness. The salt Vs is perturbed in lockstep according to the Vp/Vs for salt, and salt density is not perturbed. Unlike the cyan facies perturbation, this one does not produce coherent diffractions but instead may provide some mild, extrinsic scattering attenuation in salt.