Human Gene Transfer Closure Notification Form IBC Use Only Registration # _________ THIS APPLICATION MUST BE TYPEWRITTEN *Principal Investigators must use this form to notify the IBC of their impending protocol closure. Timely submittal of this form allows update of records required by granting and regulatory agencies, and will permit continued use of biological agents without interruption during the transition. 1. 2. 3. 4. Principal Investigator: Department/Division: Office Address: Lab Address: M.D. [ ] Ph.D. [ ] Other: Email: Phone: Phone: 5. List any personnel and students approved by the IBC that will remain to work on these experiments during the transition. Attach an additional sheet if needed. Name Job Title Lab Address Phone Number 6. Project Title: 7. IBC Registration Number (located on approval letter): 8. Identify the Building and Room Number where the experiments have been conducted: 9. Study Closure Date: 10. 11. 12. 13. Are there still patients enrolled in this study? YES NO If yes, have all doses of the study drug/agent been administered? Is the study still ongoing at other sites? YES NO If yes, what is the status of patient enrollment at those sites? 14. Have there been any unexpected adverse events associated with the use of this study drug/agent? YES 15. If yes, were these reported to the: IBC Date: IRB Date: NIH Date: University of Utah IBC HGT Closure Notification Page 1 of 2 YES NO NO 04/07/2015 16. Is there still study drug/agent on site? YES NO 17. Are there decontamination procedures in place for disposal of unused or remaining agent(s)? YES NO 18. If yes, where will the product/agent be disposed? ONSITE 19. If onsite, provide documentation of how it will be disposed: 20. If offsite, please provide: OFFSITE Where it will be disposed: How it will be disposed: 21. Please attach the most recent report from the Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB). 22. I certify that all herein provided information, and any subsequent information submitted in connection with this application, is accurate and complete. Principal Investigator (signature/date):_____________________________________________________ Send a copy of completed forms to the following individual: Biosafety Officer University of Utah Environmental Health and Safety Bldg. 605 Telephone: 801-581-6590 FAX: 801-585-7240 e-mail University of Utah IBC HGT Closure Notification Page 2 of 2 04/07/2015