AMOFSG/7-IP/3 27/6/08 AERODROME METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATION AND FORECAST STUDY GROUP (AMOFSG) SEVENTH MEETING Montréal, 9 to 12 September 2008 Agenda Item 5: Aerodrome observations THE NEED TO USE LIQUID EQUIVALENT PRECIPITATION RATES FOR SNOWFALL RATE & FREEZING DRIZZLE RATE (Presented by Tom Fahey) SUMMARY This paper summarizes FAA/ATA Ground De-icing Work Group – Weather Subcommittee position on the need to use Liquid Water Equivalent precipitation rates for frozen and freezing precipitation in place of existing practices to estimate the intensity of these elements. The paper has also been provided for comment to IATA Meteorology Task Force members. 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The purpose of the paper is provide information to the members of ICAO Aeronautical Meteorology Observing and Forecasting Study Group (AMOFSG) to further understand the operational need for reporting of Liquid Water Equivalent (LWE) precipitation rates for frozen and freezing precipitation in the local reports and the METAR/SPECI report. Appendix #1 summarizes nine (9) aircraft accidents with a probable cause or a contributing factor relating to ground de-icing/anti-icing issues. Appendix #1 is included in order to provide a more complete perspective of the multiple facets to many of the accidents and is primarily a compilation of information from accident investigation reports. Based on an analysis of the LWE snow intensities associated with some of the accidents listed in Appendix #1 (Rasmussen et al. 2000), and additional observational data collected in the field (Rasmussen et al. 1999, Bendickson 2003), it was determined that the currently used method to estimate snow intensity based on visibility did not provide an accurate estimate of the LWE snowfall intensity, critical for estimating hold over times for De/Anti-icing fluids. In an attempt to address this situation, Rasmussen et al. 1999 developed a table to improve the estimation of snow LWE intensities by also taking into account temperature and whether it is day or night, in addition to visibility (see Table 1). AMOFSG/7-IP/3 -2Table 1. From Rasmussen et al 1999 Conditions / Daytime Temperature < -1C >= -1C < -1C >= -1C Nighttime Snow Intensity Heavy Moderate Light 1/4 1/2 >= 3/4 <= 1/2 3/4 >=1 <= 1/2 3/4 >=1 <= 3/4 1 to 1.25 >1.25 1.2 Table 1, like any other snow intensity table such as the one found in US Federal Meteorological Handbook #1 (FMH-1), can only use variables that are currently available. As a result, while Table 1 provided a potential additional margin of safety, cases can be shown where the Table 1 under states the snowfall intensity and cases can also be shown where it potentially over states snowfall intensity. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), with slight changes adopted the Rasmussen et al 1999 table, as the method for estimating snowfall intensity for Type I de-icing/anti-icing fluid use (see Table 2A for FAA adopted version & Table 2B for original Rasmussen et al 1999 table using same format as FAA adopted version). Table 2A. FAA - SNOWFALL INTENSITIES AS A FUNCTION OF PREVAILING VISIBILITY Time of Day Temp. Degrees Fahrenheit colder/equal 30 warmer than -1 colder/equal -1 warmer than 30 2 1/2 2 1½ 1 3/4 1/2 1/4 Very Light Very Light Light Light Moderate Moderate Heavy Very Light Light Light Moderate Moderate Heavy Heavy Very Light Light Moderate Moderate Heavy Heavy Heavy Very Light Light Moderate Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Day Night warmer than -1 colder/equal 30 warmer than 30 Snowfall Intensity Degrees Celsius colder/equal -1 Visibility (Statute Mile) AMOFSG/7-IP/3 -3- Table 2B. Rasmussen et al 1999 - SNOWFALL INTENSITIES AS A FUNCTION OF PREVAILING VISIBILITY Temp. Visibility (Statute Mile) Time of 2 1½ 1 3/4 1/2 Degrees Degrees 2 1/4 Celsius Fahrenheit Day 1/2 colder/equal 30 warmer than -1 colder/equal -1 warmer than 30 Light* Light* Light Light Light* Moderate Heavy Light Light Light* Moderate Heavy Heavy Light Light* Light* Moderate* Heavy Heavy Light Light* Moderate* Heavy Heavy Heavy Day Night warmer than -1 Light* colder/equal 30 Light* warmer than 30 Light* Snowfall Intensity colder/equal -1 *Italicized intensities in 2B were changed slightly when FAA (Table 2A.) was adopted. Table 2B. is an attempt to display Rasmussen et al 1999 Table 1 in the same format as the FAA adopted Table 2A. 1.3 In order to significantly reduce the uncertainty associated with reporting snow intensity by visibility or modified visibility methods (Table 2A and 2B), snow intensity reporting using Liquid Water Equivalent precipitation rates is proposed for frozen and freezing precipitation. This manner of reporting would address the regulators’ and operators’ concerns for accurate precipitation intensity estimates. 1.4 Canadian Aviation Safety Board, Majority Report - AVIATION OCCURRENCE REPORT, ARROW AIR INC. DOUGLAS DC-8-63 N950JW, GANDER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, NEWFOUNDLAND 12 DECEMBER 1985, REPORT NUMBER 85-H50902, contains an excellent summary of the 1950’s to 1980’s perspective regarding ground based icing conditions. An excerpt is provided in sections 2.1 through 2.3 below. In 1950, the United States established regulations which prohibited take-off of aircraft when frost, snow, or ice was adhering to the wings, propellers, or control surfaces of an aircraft. These regulations remain in effect today as cited under Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) 121.629, 135.227, and 91.209. These regulations are commonly known as the "Clean Aircraft Concept" and were based on the known degradation of aircraft performance and changes of aircraft flight characteristics when ice formations of any type are present. 1.5 In December 1982, in response to a number of accidents involving large transport and small general aviation aircraft (see Appendix 1 for listing of accidents) resulting from what it believed to be misconceptions that existed regarding the effects of slight surface roughness caused by ice accumulations on aircraft performance and flight characteristics and the effectiveness of ground de-icing fluids, the United States FAA published Advisory Circular (AC) 20-117. Its purpose was to emphasize the Clean Aircraft Concept. AMOFSG/7-IP/3 -41.6 The FAA’s AC 20-117 identifies the effects of ice formation on an aircraft as wide ranging, unpredictable, and dependent upon individual aircraft design. It states that wind tunnel and flight tests indicate that when ice, frost, or snow, having a thickness and surface roughness similar to medium or coarse sandpaper, accumulates on the leading edge and upper surface of a wing, wing lift can be reduced by as much as 30 per cent and drag can be increased by 40 percent. 1.7 Today the usual practice used to ensure that no ice is adhering to the surface of the aircraft at the time of take-off, is a two step process. On the ground, prior to departure, during frozen &/or freezing precipitation, all frozen precipitation which has already accumulated on the aircraft is first removed. This process is described as “de-icing”. Then a second step is taken to ensure that any frozen &/or freezing precipitation currently falling does not adhere to the surface of the aircraft prior to becoming airborne. Normally a thickened anti-freeze type fluid is applied to accomplish this protection and this process is called anti-icing. Many operators have adopted this two step process, usually using what is called “type I” fluid first and then “type IV” fluid for step two. Some airports and operators may still choose to use only a one step process and in these situations “type I” fluid is still usually used, but hold over times for type I fluid is typically much shorter than type IV. 1.8 Today, there is significant good news regarding the evolution of the de-icing process and requirements in comparison to the early 1980’s and even the early 1990’s. Procedures and fluids have been fine tuned and improved. Appendix 1 shows 5 accident examples from pre 1982 in which aircraft were not even de-iced prior to departure. Appendix 1 shows 4 accident examples in which aircraft were de-iced but holdover times were exceeded before take-off. In these accidents, the reported snow intensity was based on visibility, and were one intensity level below what would have been reported if a LWE based intensity level for light, moderate, and heavy snow was used. 2. DISCUSSION 2.1 The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Committee G-12 –Aircraft ground De-icing has been studying and testing anti-icing and de-icing fluids for many years under the conditions of snow and freezing rain or drizzle. In the majority of the testing, it was not possible to determine if ice embedded in the fluid actually was adhering to the surface of the wing. As a result, a surrogate method was used to determine fluid failure in which accumulation of ice in the fluid, or on the surface of the fluid was considered fluid failure. De-icing/anti-icing fluid holdover times were defined and refined as a result. 2.2 In conducting these tests the FAA and Transport Canada concluded that to more accurately estimate the holdover time of a particular anti-icing fluid, pilots and ground de-icing personnel needed to know the liquid equivalent rate and the ambient temperature. 2.3 In April 2007 an FAA/Industry Ground De-icing Working Group was formed. At this same time the Working Group chartered a Weather Subcommittee. One of the Weather Subcommittee’s assigned tasks was to research the feasibility of introducing liquid water equivalent information as a standard method of reporting frozen and freezing precipitation for de-icing/anti-icing decision making. AMOFSG/7-IP/3 -5- 2.4 Under current practices the pilot uses the local surface observation report as their source of weather information, or FAA Table 2, or its Transport Canada equivalent. The current local report provides temperature and wind, but does not provide liquid water equivalent (LWE) of snowfall or freezing drizzle rate. Rather, visibility is used as a surrogate. When a human observer makes the intensity call, a snow visibility table from the Federal Meteorological Handbook (FMH-1) is used. 2.5 Studies conducted over the course of years (Rasmussen et al. 1999, Bendickson 2003) have shown that using a visibility based estimate for liquid equivalent rate is often less accurate than LWE determined by meteorological instrumentation.. These studies have shown that there is a poor correlation of visibility to liquid equivalent snowfall rate. This poor correlation is due to a wide variety of snow types and densities. For this reason alone, a best practice would be to convert to LWE at airports where the information is readily available in order to support pilots and airport operations personnel making critical decisions regarding aircraft de-icing and anti-icing. 2.6 It needs to be noted that a number of accidents, related to de-icing conditions in which Type I fluids were applied (Appendix # 1), were associated with light snowfall rate based on visibility, while the actual measured snowfall rate by LWE was moderate to heavy (Rasmussen et al. 2000). The current holdover tables for Type I fluids have indications of snow intensity based on LWE, thus in order to more effectively use these tables operationally, available snow intensities need to be based on LWE, not visibility. 2.7 In addition, freezing drizzle (FZDZ) can be a hazard to aviation. FZDZ can result in ice accumulation on engine cowlings. During takeoff this ice is shed resulting in damage to the engine. A major airline has incurred over $2 million in damages to their aircraft fleet during FY2003 and FY2004 due their failure to detect and respond appropriately to this type of winter weather event (Rasmussen et al. 2006). 2.8 Freezing drizzle intensity under current practices is based on visibility. Research by the US NWS has shows that there is a poor correlation between visibility and LWE precipitation rate of FZDZ (Ramsey 2002). Thus, there is a need for a real-time measurement of freezing drizzle rate based on LWE precipitation rates. REFERENCES: Bendickson, S., 2003: The relationship between visibility and snowfall intensity, APS Aviation report TP 14151E, 30 pp. Ramsay, Allan C., 2002: Freezing Drizzle (FZDZ) Identification from the Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS): Status of the ASOS Multi-sensor FZDZ Algorithm. Sixth Symposium on Integrated Observing Systems, American Meteorological Society, Boston, Massachusetts, pp. 241-247. Rasmussen, R.M., J. Vivekanandan, J. Cole, B. Myers and C. Masters, 1999: The estimation of snowfall rate using visibility. J. Appl. Meteor., 38(10), 1542-1563. Rasmussen, R., J. Cole, R.K. Moore and M. Kuperman, 2000: Common snowfall conditions associated with aircraft takeoff accidents. J. Aircraft, 37(1), 110-116. AMOFSG/7-IP/3 -6Rasmussen, R.M., C. Wade, R.K. Moore, A. Davis, B. Reis, T. Lisi and A. Ramsay, 2006: A New Ground De-icing Hazard Associated with Freezing Drizzle Ingestion by Jet Engines during Taxi. Journal of Aircraft, 43, 1448-1457. ————————