INTEGRATED SAFEGUARDS DATASHEET APPRAISAL STAGE I. Basic Information Date prepared/updated: 05/04/2011 Report No.: 61713 1. Basic Project Data Country: India Project ID: P114338 Project Name: Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor - I Task Team Leader: Benedictus Eijbergen Estimated Appraisal Date: March 21, 2011 Estimated Board Date: May 31, 2011 Managing Unit: SASDT Lending Instrument: Adaptable Program Loan Sector: Railways (100%) Theme: Infrastructure services for private sector development (67%);Climate change (33%) IBRD Amount (US$m.): 975.00 IDA Amount (US$m.): 0.00 GEF Amount (US$m.): 0.00 PCF Amount (US$m.): 0.00 Other financing amounts by source: Borrower 483.44 483.44 Environmental Category: A - Full Assessment Repeater [] Is this project processed under OP 8.50 (Emergency Recovery) Yes [ ] No [X] or OP 8.00 (Rapid Response to Crises and Emergencies) 2. Project Objectives The development objectives of the Project are to: (a) provide additional rail transport capacity, improved service quality and higher freight throughput on the 343 km Khurja to Kanpur section of the Eastern rail corridor; and (b) develop the institutional capacity of DFCCIL to build and maintain the DFC infrastructure network. 3. Project Description The Program proposed for World Bank financing would construct 1130 km of the Eastern Corridor from Ludhiana in Punjab to Mughal Sarai in Uttar Pradesh, which includes the most heavily congested sections of this corridor, and connects ports and coal mining areas in the east to consumption centers in the north-west of the country. The new line will have several connections with the existing IR corridor enabling diversion of freight trains from IR routes to the DFC. Details of the Eastern DFC proposed for World Bank support are in Table below. Section Length(Km) No. of Tracks Cost(US$m) 1 Khurja-Bhapur (near Kanpur) 343 Double 1453 2 Kanpur-Mughal Sarai 390 Double 1588 3 Ludhiana-Khurja Note: 1US$ = INR 45.00 397 Single 1065 It is proposed that the Bank#s financing for the Eastern DFC Program would be provided under an Adaptable Program Loan (APL) in three phases. Each phase of the APL would be comprised of a loan for one of the three sections and a continuing program of technical assistance for IR and DFCCIL. The sequence of the loans is envisaged to be: APL1 for Khurja # Kanpur; APL2 for Kanpur # Mughal Sarai; and APL3 for Ludhiana # Khurja, with about a one year lag between these APL phases. APL-I Phase Project Description: The first project to be financed under the APL-I would be the Khurja-Kanpur (343 km) section. In addition, APL-I would finance institutional development technical assistance for DFCCIL. The proposed APL-I Phase Project consists of the following components: (i) Design, construction and commissioning of the Khurja # Kanpur section. This component will construct 343 km of double track electrified railway capable of freight train operation with 25 ton axle loads at 100 km/h; and (ii) Institutional development to assist DFCCIL and MoR to develop their capabilities to best utilize heavy haul freight systems. Physical Works The project consists of construction of 343 km of double track electrified railway capable of freight train operation with 25 ton axle loads at 100 km/h. Institutional Development 22. Heavy Haul Freight systems are being introduced into IR for the first time, and effective use of these technologies will require a comprehensive effort to bring about not only technological enhancements but also a rethinking of operational and commercial approaches to the freight business of Indian Railways. Also important, will be the institutional development of DFCCIL which was created as a Special Purpose Vehicle to build and operate the Dedicated Freight Corridors eventually comprising some 12,000 route kilometers of new heavy haul rail infrastructure. The Institutional Development Technical Assistance proposed to be financed under this project seeks to serve these twin needs, i.e. IR Heavy Haul Freight systems development and capacity building of the DFCCIL organization, through a 5-year US$50 million program under the overall responsibility of a multi-disciplinary committee established by the IR Board known as the Heavy Haul Committee. The TA program includes three modules as follows: m1 DFCCIL institutional strengthening; m2 Freight markets and long-term commercial freight planning; and m3 Technologies research and evaluation. 4. Project Location and salient physical characteristics relevant to the safeguard analysis The Program proposed for World Bank financing is a 1130 km section of the Ludhiana Delhi-Kolkata route from Dhandari Kalan near Ludhiana in Punjab to Mughal Sarai in Uttar Pradesh, which is the most congested section of the heavily trafficked Eastern Corridor. The corridor traverses the Indo-Gangetic plain eventually connecting the port of Kolkata on the Bay of Bengal in the east with the industrial heartland of northern India in the north-west. The corridor will mostly run parallel to the existing railway route with diversions in densely populated areas to minimize adverse impact on residential and commercial properties and economic activities. Under APL-I, the corridor will run 237 km parallel to the existing tracks and 106 km in detours with green field alignments. The project area (APL-I) passes thorough 229 villages for the 272 kilometers where the social impact assessment has been completed and passes through 64 villages in the realigned Tundla stretch where the SIA is being updated in eight districts of the Uttar Pradesh statea predominantly poor region of the country with most of the people in the project area depending on agriculture and its related activities. 5. Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialists Mr I. U. B. Reddy (SASDS) Mr Satya N. Mishra (SASDS) Mr Harinath Sesha Appalarajugari (SASDI) 6. Safeguard Policies Triggered Environmental Assessment (OP/BP 4.01) Natural Habitats (OP/BP 4.04) Forests (OP/BP 4.36) Pest Management (OP 4.09) Physical Cultural Resources (OP/BP 4.11) Indigenous Peoples (OP/BP 4.10) Involuntary Resettlement (OP/BP 4.12) Safety of Dams (OP/BP 4.37) Projects on International Waterways (OP/BP 7.50) Projects in Disputed Areas (OP/BP 7.60) Yes X No X X X X X X X X X II. Key Safeguard Policy Issues and Their Management A. Summary of Key Safeguard Issues 1. Describe any safeguard issues and impacts associated with the proposed project. Identify and describe any potential large scale, significant and/or irreversible impacts: The project triggered three safeguard policies as indicated above - OP 4.01: Environmental assessment, OP 4.11: Physical Cultural proprieties, and OP 4.12: Involuntary Resettlement. OP/BP 4.10 has not been triggered based on SIA results for APL-I. This may be triggered if the SIA findings indicate impact on tribal communities. Environmental Impacts: Railway projects, especially new alignments such as the current project passing through large geographical areas, could cause significant impacts, if not planned, designed and implemented without considering environmental sensitivities of the project area. Based on the inputs from environmental assessment, number of alignment alternatives to avoid significant environmental impacts and the final alignment includes: (i) detours at 5 locations to avoid impacts on major settlements and cultural properties along the alignment; (ii) minimum right of way at critical locations, to avoid impacts on communities residing close to the alignment and forest areas; (iii) five major bridges and adequate cross drainage works to avoid impacts on local drainage; and (iv) provision of Rail Over Bridges and Pedestrian over passes to facilitate safe movement of local traffic, etc. Despite the above measures, the project is expected to lead to: (i) acquisition of small parcels of forest land in seven locations along the alignment amounting to a total of 6.56 hectares; (ii) cutting of about 2175 trees for the entire 272 km of alignment; (iii) involvement of about 17 million m3 of earth work in embankment and 1.35 million m3 of quarry material; (iv) increased noise and vibration levels in about 37 sensitive receptors situated close to the alignment; (v) impacts on 22 physical and cultural properties; and (vi) significant health and safety issues due to the construction activities of the project. Land Acquisition and resettlement impacts: The land acquisition required for the entire 1130 km proposed for the Bank financing will be very large, estimated to be about 3,800 hectares. The land acquisition for APL I section (343 km) will be to the tune of about 1,182 hectares in the 272 km stretch where the SIA has been completed, and excluding the Tundla Detour (71 km) stretch where the SIA is being updated. This land acquisition will affect about 8,126 households owning agricultural land, and land with structures. Out of this, 999 hectares is private land and the remaining 183 hectares is Government land. Out of affected land owners, half of them lose only linear stretch of land (less than 0.15 hectares); 75% land losers are or will be become landless, marginal or small farmers. Only 386 households including 243 without any title. The land acquisition process is in progress with 557 hectares (47%) acquired including 62 hectares of government land in case of which land transfer process has been initiated with the state government. DFCC will have to ensure that 80% of the route length of the construction site is available encumbrance free with completion of LA and R&R as per the RAP, and 40% is in continuous 20 km blocks with adequate provision for contractor access. Based on the current schedule, DFCC is expecting to complete the land acquisition including payment of compensation by June 2012. The social assessment for 71 km of Tundla detour where new alignment has been altered has commenced and is expected to be completed by the end of May 2011. The social impacts in the Tundla stretch are similar to the 272 kilometer stretch where the SIA has been completed. According to the interim SIA findings for the Tundla Detour (71 km) which passes through 64 villages, the land acquisition requirement will be around 280 hectares. A total of some 3600 families will be affected including about 100 families losing residential and commercial structures. Once the SIA has been finalized, based on this, a RAP will be prepared in line with RPF provisions. 2. Describe any potential indirect and/or long term impacts due to anticipated future activities in the project area: The environmental assessment carried out for APL-I, highlights, a few long-term environmental impacts due to quarrying large quantities of stone material (about 1.35 million m3), borrowing earth for laying the track (about 17 million m3), increased noise and vibration levels during operation phase at about 37 locations along the railway track, impacts on physical and cultural properties at about 22 locations and land use changes over a long term. The environmental management plan prepared for the project, proposes specific mitigation measures to minimize the above impacts, through specific management plans for the borrow areas and quarry sites, noise barriers and cultural property management plans. At few locations including habitations close to the new EDFC tracks, movement of local communities and local traffic may also be affected due to including increased risk of accidents. Key Rail Over Bridges and Pedestrian Over Bridges are proposed to minimize these risks. Once the EDFC becomes operative, the project is also anticipated to have positive impact in terms of providing employment and income opportunities. The EIA for the 71 km Tundla stretch, which was realigned to minimize land acquisition requirements, is being updated and is expected to be completed by the end of May 2011. The environmental impacts for the Tundla stretch will be similar to the 272 km stretch for which the EIA has been finalized. 3. Describe any project alternatives (if relevant) considered to help avoid or minimize adverse impacts. The measures taken to avoid or minimize adverse environmental, LA and involuntary resettlement impacts include: (a) maximum use of the existing railway land within the existing ROW; (b) using the minimum ROW at critical locations; (c) negotiation with the Indian Railways to transfer unutilized loop lines and yards to DFCC where available; and (d) detours at major cities/towns and urban habitations to avoid the physical displacements. DFCCIL has also realigned a 71 km long corridor in the Tundla stretch to minimize impacts on fertile agricultural land and impacts on communities. 4. Describe measures taken by the borrower to address safeguard policy issues. Provide an assessment of borrower capacity to plan and implement the measures described. (a) Borrower's measures to address the safeguards issues. Environmental Management Plan (OP/BP 4.01): The EA recommended a comprehensive environmental management plan to address the impacts identified and an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) with specific mitigation measures. The measures include: (i) compensatory afforestation to compensate with the loss of forest land and the loss of tree cover, in complete compliance with the Forest Conservation Act of Government of India; (ii) avenue plantation at 10 trees per km all along the alignment; (iii) rehabilitation plan for the Borrow Areas developed for the earth work for the project; (iv) noise barriers in four critical locations affected with high noise levels and mitigation measures for the management of increased noise levels in other sensitive locations; (v) cultural properties rehabilitation plan for all the affected properties; and (vi) specific construction safety and environmental management measures for the construction phase of the project. The EMP measures will be integrated in the bid documents for implementation by the contractors of the project Silicosis Reduction Strategies: Considering the large quantities of quarry material handled in the project, a separate analysis of measures required to mitigate the potential impacts of #Silicosis# on the construction workers of the project was carried out and specific measures were recommended to be integrated in to the bid documents of the project, for implementation by the contractor. An Environmental Management Framework is also developed for addressing the environment safeguard issues for the subsequent phases of the project to be funded by The World Bank (APL 2 and 3). The framework defines environment management approach for identifying the environmental issues associated with the proposed projects, identifies the requirements of conducting EA studies and provides guidance to integrate environment safeguard measures during the planning, designing and construction phase of DFC East. Regulatory Clearances: The prevailing environmental regulations in India, does not mandate securing environmental clearance for Railway Projects. The project however would require local approvals for diverting about 6.56 hectares of forest land and #No Objection Certificates# for developing quarries, borrow pits, construction camps and other machinery by the contractor. These requirements shall be completed by DFC (for forest land) prior to the award of contract and by the contractor during the construction phase on the project. DFC as part of the alternatives evaluation is also realigning the Tundla stretch of the project, which in addition to minimizing impacts on local communities will avoid impacts on the archeological monument #Budiya ka Tal#. Depending on the finalized alignment in this section, DFC will secure clearance from the Archeological Department of GOI (if required), prior to finalization of contract. Further, the contract documents integrate different regulatory clearances to be secured by the contractor prior to initiation of work and compliance through the construction phase. Steps Taken by the Borrower to date to Address Social Safeguard Issues. The borrower has taken several steps to address social safeguard issues. The Borrower has enacted special legislation for land acquisition under the Railways Amendment Act (RAA), 2008 providing a better framework for compensation and time line than the Land Acquisition Act, 1894; and has adopted the National Resettlement and Rehabilitation Policy (NRRP) 2007 to provide resettlement and rehabilitation (R&R) R&R assistance. It has endorsed an Entitlement Matrix for providing LA compensation at replacement cost and adequate R&R benefits to the relevant categories of the affected families consistent with the Bank OP 4.12. The Borrower has carried out the social impact assessment (SIA) in a culturally appropriate manner and has prepared a Resettlement Action Plan for the 272 km stretch where the SIA has been completed; it is in the process of updating the SIA for the 71 km stretches Tundla, based on which it will prepare and implement a RAP in line with a Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) prepared consistent with the Bank Policy. The DFCCIL has established a Social and Environmental Management Unit (SEMU) and arranged to establish and social and environment management mechanisms at the field level including a Chief Project Manager (CPM) appointed to manage the process assisted by Assistant Program Manager (social) for each contract package and facilitating NGOs hired for community participation and income restoration. DFCCIL has started the process for hiring Social and Environmental Safeguards Monitoring and Review Consultants (SESMRC) for independent safeguard monitoring to provide quarterly reports and annual audit on the implementation process and challenges encountered. DFCCIL is instituting a two stage Grievance Redress Mechanism with clear procedures for handling grievances and complaints at the district and DFCCIL levels, with an Ombudsman appointed at the top to hear and resolve grievances. Men and women will have equal access to the grievance redress process with the vulnerable petititioners technically supported by NGOs in articulating their grievances. Entitlements of the Project Affected People (OP/BP 4.12): The Government of India (GOI) amended the Railways Act, 1989 (RAA) in 2008 in order to streamline the process for land acquisition (LA) for Special Railway projects such as this Project and provide R&R assistance in line with the NRRP, 2007. Based on the RAA, 2008 and the NRRP, 2007, the Indian Railways has approved an Entitlement Matrix describing the compensation and assistance for losses and impacts associated with the land acquisition, which is consistent with the Bank safeguard policies. The RAA has new provisions (compared to the Land Acquisition Act of 1894) as regards compensation and timeline. The RAA, 2008 offers compensation with a 60% solatium. RAA also requires that the market value of land/structure to be determined taking into consideration: (a) land value under Stamp Act, 1899; and (b) average sale price of similar lands based on transactions recorded in the previous three years. The Entitlement Matrix provides that an Independent Evaluator will advise the Competent Authority in determining the replacement value of the affected land and structures. The RAP/RPF defines cut-off date, and offer payment of taxes for purchase of alternative lands and assets. All R&R benefits expressed in monetary terms in the EM shall be updated based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) on an annual basis. The EM provides ex gratia of INR 20,000 for those losing land up to 1500 square meters ( and additional ex-gratia at INR.15/ to those losing land above 1500 sq.mts. The Entitlement Matrix provides a range of R&R benefits as per NRRP 2007. The land owners becoming landless, marginal and small farmers due to land acquisition will receive a rehabilitation grant of 750 days of wage. In response to the concerns of the farmers, the Ministry of Railways has updated the Entitlement Matrix with a clause for providing #higher compensation rates based on provisions in any Act or Notifications issued or procedure established by the State Government#. In order to maintain transparency, compensation and R&R benefits shall be distributed among PAPs by cheque at select village camps on dates announced in advance. Operational Policy 4.10 (Indigenous Peoples). The SIA study completed for the 272 km has confirmed that no tribal communities are present in that stretch of the eastern corridor. The total number of tribal families affected by the Project is eight, dispersed along the corridor of impact. These eight affected tribal families do not have separate social and cultural institutions and are socially a part of the mainstream population. No Tribal Development Plan (TDP) has therefore been prepared as per OP 4.10. However, in view of special protection provided by the Indian constitution to the scheduled tribes, the Entitlement Matrix offers additional assistance for the tribal people affected by the Project. This is aimed to minimize and mitigate any negative impacts and to ensure that no irreversible harm will be caused due to the project to the tribal people. This is consistent with Bank policy and NRRP 2007. In case the SIA indicates impact on tribal communities for the Tundla stretch of 71 km and the proposed investments for the APLII and APL-III, a TDP shall be prepared as mandated by the RPF. Resettlement Action Plan (RAP): A Resettlement Action Plan for the 272 km has been prepared in close collaboration with the stakeholders. It endorses commitment to ensure that no irreversible harm will occur from implementation and that project benefits are equitably distributed. The RAP involved extensive stakeholder consultation in local languages, in a culturally appropriate manner with focus on gender, birth identity and poverty. While population composition of the affected persons was not socioeconomically diverse, the presence of the eight scheduled tribe families scattered in the project area was recognized during the process, particularly in terms of their general socio-economic vulnerability recognized by the Indian Constitution. The RAP underscores conformity with the Bank Policy OP 4.12 and institutes targeted measures in its entitlement matrix and grievance redress mechanism to ensure that the vulnerability of different socio-economic categories including the scheduled tribe families is fully addressed with equitable project benefits for all the affected families. The borrower has approved an Entitlement Matrix for providing compensation at replacement cost and R&R assistance for loss of land, assets, and livelihoods to the eligible PAPs fulfilling the requirements of OP 4.12. The Ministry of Railways (MoR) has updated the Entitlement Matrix to include an additional provision for offering higher compensation rates based on any act or notifications issued or procedure established by the concerned state Government. 1. Resettlement Policy Framework. The alignment for the Tundla detour (71 km) in Firozabad and Agra districts was changed during the preparation process in order to further minimize the land acquisition requirements. Earlier the alignment in this stretch involved a single long detour of 71 kilometers passing through vast green field areas. This was replaced with three smaller detours bringing down the land acquisition requirements significantly. The social impact assessment for this realigned stretch is being updated and is expected to be complete by the end of May 2011. Based on findings of the SIA, a RAP will be prepared and implemented in line with the Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF). The institutional arrangements and compensation and other R&R benefits will remain the same for this Tundla stretch as for the RAP prepared for the 272 km stretch of the Project. The budget of US$110 million indicated in the last section of this Annex covers costs of implementing the RAP for the whole stretch of 343 kilometers for APL I including the Tundla stretch. This RPF prepared for the Tundla stretch will be applicable for any future alteration in alignment during implementation and also for proposed investments for APL-II and APL-III. 2. The RPF, in line with the principles of existing RAP for 272 km, outlines principles and procedures for: (a) assessing social impact with a terms of reference (TOR); (b) preparing the RAP before awarding work; (c) overall legal and institutional framework; (d) entitlement matrix; and (e) implementation arrangements (including disbursement of compensation and rehabilitation benefits, grievance redress mechanisms, stakeholder consultation, NGO participation for facilitating community mobilization and livelihood restoration, site hand over for civil work, monitoring and evaluation and indicative budget). This RPF will be applicable for all activities linked to or associated with this project, such as ROBs. The RPF makes full commitment to ensure no irreversible harm occur from project implementation and states measures to promote equitable and culturally appropriate distribution of project benefits among the all the socio-economic groups including the vulnerable population and the scheduled tribes. The RPF mandates that based on the SIA undertaken for the remaining stretch of 71 kms in APL-I and later for APL-II and III mitigation plans will be prepared. In addition to consultations carried out as a part of the SIA for the 71 km of the Tundla as well as for the forthcoming APL phases, #free, prior, and informed# consultations will be held where there is impact on the tribal communities. Based on these special consultations and SIA findings, Tribal Development Plan (s) will be prepared in a culturally sensitive manner complying with OP 4.10. (b) Assessment borrower capacity to plan and implement the measures DFCCIL is a new organization with no previous experience in environmental management, land acquisition and resettlement management and has taken steps to establish necessary institutional arrangements for safeguards management. The land acquisition will be carried out by the State Government who is experienced in this field. Competent authorities and Arbitrators have been appointed for carrying out land acquisition using RAA, 2008. DFCCIL has established a Social and Environment Management Unit (SEMU) for overseeing management of environment and social safeguard measures. The unit is headed by a General Manager, supported by an Additional General Managers for land acquisition and environmental safeguards management. The SEMU will also include experienced Environmental Management and Social Development Specialists, and a Deputy General Manger for dealing with grievances. At the field level, the Chief Project Manager (CPM) will coordinate safeguard management activities with support by three APMs for environment and social safeguards in charge of each contract of 100 kilometers each. The LA process will be carried out with the support from the Land Acquisition Consultants, who will undertake land surveys and coordinate with the local revenue department. In addition, the Project Supervision Consultants will include social and environment specialists to oversee coordination of civil works with RAP and EMP activities. DFCCIL is also hiring NGOs to assist in community participation, livelihood and skill improvement activities and to support affectees in articulating their grievances. Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E): The regular performance monitoring of the RAP implementation will be done by internal oversight mechanisms of the DFCCIL in which the SEMU and the CPM office will have a key role to play. The SEMU and the CPM office will be assisted by the PMC and the facilitating NGOs. DFCCIL will hire a Social and Environment Safeguards Monitoring and Review Consultant (SESMRC) for third party monitoring and audit of the implementation of land acquisition and R&R measures and EMP. SESMRC will provide quarterly progress reports (QPR) and yearly Safeguard Review Reports. Independent Grievance Redress Mechanism: The Borrower has set out a clear institutional procedure for handling grievances and complaints. The Competent Authority appointed for carrying out land acquisition as per the RAA, 2008 will be the first level for hearing and resolving objections relating to the land acquisition process. Independent Arbitrators will hear and redress grievances relating to compensation awards as per the RAA, 2008. A two stage grievance redress mechanism (GRM) has been set out. At the field level, the GRM will be chaired by the concerned District Collector or her/his nominees, and will comprise representatives from the civil society and district local body. At the corporate level, the Director, DFCCIL (Project Planning) will chair the GRM and will have representatives from the Indian Railways, DFCCIL, and the civil society. The senior level GRM shall be independent and the SEMU, which is responsible for overall management of the resettlement and rehabilitation process, shall have no role in its decision making except assisting in documentation of the grievance redress process. Both men and women will have equal access to these grievance committees. In addition, while the Indian Railway will appoint an Ombudsman to deal with unresolved grievances, DFCC will hire an independent NGO to support the vulnerable. The Borrower will hire a Social and Environment Safeguards Monitoring and Review Consultant (SESMRC) for third party monitoring and annual quality audit of the implementation of land acquisition and R&R measures. The Consultant will provide QPRs and annual audit reports. 5. Identify the key stakeholders and describe the mechanisms for consultation and disclosure on safeguard policies, with an emphasis on potentially affected people. The key stakeholders for the Project include the Ministry of Railways, DFCCIL, the state Government, especially the officials of the revenue department, the Ministry of Forest and Environment (at the state and national levels), elected local bodies, other state departments, land owner farmers and residences, squatters, laborers, women, and local, youth etc. Public consultations were held with the affected people during SIA and EIA studies in the form of focus groups discussions at several locations. These included 227 focus group discussions (FGD) at the village level; 54 FGDs at the Tahsil or Taluk level; and 18 FGDs at the district levels. In addition to this, consultations were held at 18 locations to discuss the potential environmental impacts of the project. These stakeholders who took part included land owners, non title holders, government official etc. The average participation varied between 12 to 45 individuals at the village level consultations. The objectives of these consultations were to disseminate information about the Project and its likely impacts and elicit people#s views for minimizing and mitigating impacts. All consultations were inclusive in nature with strong focus on gender, birth identity and poverty. Key issues discussed during the consultations included: (a) potential environmental impacts; (b) employment opportunities; (c) vibration impacts on structures close to the DFC tracks; (d) compensation; (e) loss of common properties; and (f) accident risks. In the second round, follow up consultations were held at 12 locations to discuss the draft RAP/RPF and at 8 locations to discuss the draft EA, based on which these documents were finalized. Mitigation measures proposed to address people#s concerns include: (a) provision of foot over bridges; (b) cross drainage structures; (c) road over bridges; (d) and boundary walls at certain locations; and (e) compensation and resettlement assistance and RAP Implementation arrangements. In addition, the Bank team undertook field visits during the preparation to interact with the people and stakeholders to have a firsthand assessment of impacts and issues on the ground. The draft RAP for 272 km and the RPF for 71 km has been disclosed on the DFCCIL#s web site and also in the Bank Info Shop during January 2011. The hard copies of these documents are also available to the public at the field level Project Office and the district administrations. The EA/EMP and RAP have been updated incorporating the Bank#s comments; the final EA/EMP and RAP will be re-disclosed soon. In addition, the list of PAPs eligible for different types of compensation and R&R benefits will be disclosed at the village and panchayat levels. The details of GRM and Ombudsman will also be disseminated to enable the people to approach those committees to resolve their grievances and complaints. B. Disclosure Requirements Date Environmental Assessment/Audit/Management Plan/Other: Was the document disclosed prior to appraisal? Date of receipt by the Bank Date of "in-country" disclosure Date of submission to InfoShop For category A projects, date of distributing the Executive Summary of the EA to the Executive Directors Resettlement Action Plan/Framework/Policy Process: Was the document disclosed prior to appraisal? Date of receipt by the Bank Date of "in-country" disclosure Date of submission to InfoShop Indigenous Peoples Plan/Planning Framework: Was the document disclosed prior to appraisal? Date of receipt by the Bank Date of "in-country" disclosure Date of submission to InfoShop Pest Management Plan: Was the document disclosed prior to appraisal? Date of receipt by the Bank Date of "in-country" disclosure Date of submission to InfoShop Yes 01/28/2011 06/04/2010 01/28/2011 02/01/2011 Yes 01/28/2011 01/28/2011 01/28/2011 * If the project triggers the Pest Management and/or Physical Cultural Resources, the respective issues are to be addressed and disclosed as part of the Environmental Assessment/Audit/or EMP. If in-country disclosure of any of the above documents is not expected, please explain why: C. Compliance Monitoring Indicators at the Corporate Level (to be filled in when the ISDS is finalized by the project decision meeting) OP/BP/GP 4.01 - Environment Assessment Does the project require a stand-alone EA (including EMP) report? If yes, then did the Regional Environment Unit or Sector Manager (SM) review and approve the EA report? Are the cost and the accountabilities for the EMP incorporated in the credit/loan? OP/BP 4.11 - Physical Cultural Resources Does the EA include adequate measures related to cultural property? Does the credit/loan incorporate mechanisms to mitigate the potential adverse impacts on cultural property? OP/BP 4.12 - Involuntary Resettlement Has a resettlement plan/abbreviated plan/policy framework/process framework (as appropriate) been prepared? If yes, then did the Regional unit responsible for safeguards or Sector Manager review the plan? The World Bank Policy on Disclosure of Information Have relevant safeguard policies documents been sent to the World Bank's Infoshop? Have relevant documents been disclosed in-country in a public place in a form and language that are understandable and accessible to project-affected groups and local NGOs? All Safeguard Policies Have satisfactory calendar, budget and clear institutional responsibilities been prepared for the implementation of measures related to safeguard policies? Have costs related to safeguard policy measures been included in the project cost? Does the Monitoring and Evaluation system of the project include the monitoring of safeguard impacts and measures related to safeguard policies? Have satisfactory implementation arrangements been agreed with the borrower and the same been adequately reflected in the project legal documents? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No D. Approvals Signed and submitted by: Task Team Leader: Environmental Specialist: Social Development Specialist Additional Environmental and/or Social Development Specialist(s): Name Mr Benedictus Eijbergen Mr Harinath Sesha Appalarajugari Mr I. U. B. Reddy Mr Satya N. Mishra Date 04/19/2011 04/19/2011 04/19/2011 04/19/2011 Approved by: Regional Safeguards Coordinator: Mr Sanjay Srivastava 04/20/2011 Comments: cleared on understanding that comments from Stephen Lintner via email dated 04/19/11 have been incorporated. Sector Manager: Mr Michel Audige 04/20/2011 Comments: