WRITING FOR THE PROFESSIONS WEEK 4 STYLE EXERCISES NOMINALISATION (HIDDEN VERBS) + MORE ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICE Williams’ Principle 3: Use verbs to name the subjects’ or characters’ important actions. Readers will think your writing is dense if you use a lot of abstract nouns, especially those derived from verbs and adjectives. In what he refers to as his first ‘principle of clarity’, Williams (2007, 38) says that “a sentence seems clear when its important actions are in verbs.” Many thoughts can be expressed either with verbs (such as “recommend”) or with nouns linked to weak verbs (such as “make a recommendation”). Choosing the verb rather than the noun usually produces a more concise, emphatic sentence. A noun derived from a verb is called a nominalization. Last week we looked at the impact of changing verbs from their passive form (voice) into the active. In the sentences below, change the nominalizations to verbs. In some of the exercises, the actions being referred to were actually expressed as nouns, not verbs. These are called nominalizations or hidden verbs. EXAMPLE: Look at how sentences express their action. In (1) actions (in bold) are not verbs (CAPITALISED), they are nouns. (1) Our lack of data PREVENTED evaluation of UN actions in targeting funds to areas most need of assistance. In (2) on the other hand, the actions are almost all verbs. (2). Because we LACKED data, we could not EVALUATE whether the UN HAD TARGETED funds to areas that most NEEDED ASSISTANCE. Exercise 1: The following table contains lists of verbs, adjectives and nominalizations (hidden verbs). Examine these words and turn the verbs and adjectives into nominalizations and the nominalizations into their verb or adjectival forms. The first couple are done for you. accuracy = accurate conclusion = conclude explanation = explain analysis = decide = expression = appearance = decrease = failure = approach = define = improve = attempt = description = increase = 1 believe = discuss = intelligent = careful = emphasise = suggest = clear = evaluate = thorough = comparison = examine = Exercise 2: Rewrite these sentences by converting the hidden verbs (in bold) back into stronger verb forms. The first one is done for you. 1. The board came to the realization that it needed to improve its image. REVISION: The board realized that it needed to improve its image. 2. So, now, do you stand in agreement with me, then?” the governor asked the legislature. 3. I came to the realization that the Fund’s performance is a reflection of the maximum sales charge of 5%. 4. We have the expectation that the global economy will continue to make a recovery. 5. There is a possibility of board rejection of the wearing of “colorful casuals.” 6. Waldo undertook a search for the hidden profit. 2 Exercise 3: Below are two pairs of sentences, one of which is more effective than the other. Revise the less effective sentence of each pair, using the better sentence in the pair as a model. The nominalizations (hidden verb) are in bold and the verbs are underlined. The first example is done for you. The board came to the realization that it needed to spiff up its image” to “The board realized that it needed to spiff up its image. 1. a. Some people argue that atmospheric carbon dioxide does not elevate global temperature. b. There has been speculation by educators about the role of the family in the improvement of educational achievement. REVISION: Some educators have speculated whether the family helps students achieve more. EXPLANATION: 1a is a better model as it uses verbs (‘argue’, ‘elevate’) therefore 1b needs to be revised to reflect that model.. 2. a. Smoking during pregnancy may cause fetal injury. b. When we write concisely, readers understand easily. REVISION: 3 a. Researchers have identified the AIDS virus but failed to develop a vaccine to immunize those at risk. b. Attempts by economists at defining full employment have been met with failure. REVISION: 4 a. The loss of market share to Japan by domestic automakers resulted in the disappearance of hundreds of thousands of jobs. b. When educators discover how to use computer-assisted instruction, our schools will teach complex subjects more effectively. REVISION: 3 Exercise 4: More on active vs passive voice Rewrite the following sentences so that passive constructions have been changed to active verbs. 1. Before the semester was over, the new nursing program had been approved by the Curriculum Committee and the Board of Trustees. 2. For several years, Chauncey was raised by his elderly grandmother. 3. With five seconds left in the game, an illegal time-out was called by one of the players. 4. Later in the day, the employees were informed of their loss of benefits by the boss herself. 5. It is my belief that the social significance of Restoration comedy can be provided with the clearest explanation through an analysis of social relationships portrayed in the plays. In particular, studies can be made of the manner in which interactions between different social levels are conducted. 6. These technical directives are written in a style of a maximum simplicity as a result of an attempt at more effective communication with employees of little education who have been hired in accordance with guidelines that have been imposed. 7. The participants received information that they would be reimbursed, but a decision has been made that such an action cannot be accomplished at this time. 4