Fairfield High School - 1 - |Fairfield High School Table of Contents ADMINISTRATION ................................................................................................................... - 5 ANNOUNCEMENTS .................................................................................................................. - 5 ATTENDANCE........................................................................................................................... - 5 Make-up Work .......................................................................................................................... - 6 Vacations or other Nonemergency Trips ................................................................................... - 6 Absence due to Out of School Suspension ................................................................................. - 6 Sent Home by the School Nurse ................................................................................................ - 6 Absences and Truancy ............................................................................................................... - 6 AUTOMOBILE USE ................................................................................................................... - 7 BOOKBAGS .............................................................................................................................. - 8 BUILDING HOURS .................................................................................................................... - 8 CHEATING ................................................................................................................................ - 8 COLLEGE VISITS........................................................................................................................ - 8 COMPUTER USE ....................................................................................................................... - 8 DETENTION.............................................................................................................................. - 9 DIRECTORY INFORMATION IN STUDENT RECORDS .................................................................. - 9 DISCIPLINE/CODE OF CONDUCT............................................................................................... - 9 DRESS CODE .......................................................................................................................... - 12 Clothing ................................................................................................................................... - 13 Outerwear ............................................................................................................................... - 13 Shoes ....................................................................................................................................... - 13 Hair and Make-up ................................................................................................................... - 13 Piercings/Jewelry .................................................................................................................... - 13 DRIVER'S LICENSE REVOCATION ............................................................................................ - 13 EARLY DISMISSAL .................................................................................................................. - 14 ELECTRONIC DEVICES ............................................................................................................. - 14 - 2 - |Fairfield High School ELIGIBILITY ............................................................................................................................ - 15 EXPULSION ............................................................................................................................ - 15 EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES .............................................................................................. - 15 EXTRACURRICULAR CODE OF CONDUCT (GRADES 7-12) ........................................................ - 15 Requirements for all Participants: ........................................................................................... - 15 DESIGNATED EXTRACURRICULAR PROGRAMS ....................................................................... - 16 GRADES 7 - 12 ........................................................................................................................ - 16 SUBSTANCE USE/ABUSE POLICY ............................................................................................ - 17 DESIGNATED EXTRACURRICULAR PARTICIPANTS (Grades 7-12)............................................. - 17 Quick-Reference Sheet ............................................................................................................ - 17 Reinstatement ......................................................................................................................... - 19 FEES ....................................................................................................................................... - 19 FIRE DRILL AND TORNADO WARNINGS.................................................................................. - 19 FOOD ..................................................................................................................................... - 20 FUNDRAISING ........................................................................................................................ - 20 GANGS................................................................................................................................... - 20 GOLD CARD ........................................................................................................................... - 20 GRADES AND POINT VALUES ................................................................................................. - 20 ADD-ON METHOD TO DETERMINE GPA & CLASS RANK ......................................................... - 20 GRADUATION ........................................................................................................................ - 22 Coursework Prior to Ninth Grade ............................................................................................ - 24 Physical Education Exemption................................................................................................. - 24 Commencement ...................................................................................................................... - 24 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ....................................................................................................... - 24 GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING SERVICES ................................................................................ - 25 HALL PASSES .......................................................................................................................... - 25 HAZING/BULLYING ................................................................................................................ - 25 HOMEWORK .......................................................................................................................... - 26 HONOR ROLL BREAKFAST QUALIFICATION ............................................................................ - 26 ID CARDS ............................................................................................................................... - 26 - 3 - |Fairfield High School IN-SCHOOL DETENTION ......................................................................................................... - 26 LEGAL EMANCIPATION .......................................................................................................... - 26 LIBRARY ................................................................................................................................. - 26 LOCKERS ................................................................................................................................ - 26 MEDICATIONS ....................................................................................................................... - 27 NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY .................................................................................................. - 27 OGT TESTING (Ohio Graduation Test) .................................................................................... - 27 Criteria for Alternative Pathway to Graduation ...................................................................... - 27 OUT-OF-SCHOOL SUSPENSION .............................................................................................. - 28 PARKING................................................................................................................................ - 28 PDA – PUBLIC DISPLAY OF AFFECTION ................................................................................... - 28 POSSESSION/USE OF TOBACCO/ALCOHOL/DRUGS ................................................................ - 28 POSTINGS .............................................................................................................................. - 29 PUBLICATIONS ....................................................................................................................... - 29 SATURDAY SCHOOL/EXTENDED DETENTIONS ........................................................................ - 29 SCHEDULING.......................................................................................................................... - 29 SCHOLARSHIPS ...................................................................................................................... - 29 SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS ........................................................................................................... - 29 SECURITY MONITORS ............................................................................................................ - 30 SEXUAL HARASSMENT ........................................................................................................... - 30 TARDY TO CLASS .................................................................................................................... - 30 TARDY TO SCHOOL ................................................................................................................ - 31 TEXTBOOKS ........................................................................................................................... - 31 TRANSCRIPT/SCHOLARSHIP/COLLEGE APPLICATIONS ........................................................... - 31 VISITORS................................................................................................................................ - 31 WEAPONS.............................................................................................................................. - 31 - - 4 - |Fairfield High School FAIRFIELD HIGH SCHOOL Student Handbook 2011 – 2012 ADMINISTRATION Billy Smith Chris Trentman Austin Sanders Larissa Smith Principal Assistant Principal, Class of 2013 Assistant Principal, Class of 2014 Assistant Principal, Class of 2015 ANNOUNCEMENTS Announcements for the day will be made at the beginning of First Period on a regular schedule. Give full attention to the announcements. Students are expected to stand during the playing of the National Anthem. Students who want an announcement read need to write the announcement and have the teacher/coach and a principal approve it on the day before it is to be read ATTENDANCE Regular attendance by all students is very important. In many cases, inconsistent attendance is a major reason for poor schoolwork. However, there are situations that may cause a student to miss school. Parent or guardians are asked to notify the school, by phone, as early as possible on the day a student is absent. Also, a note from the parent or guardian explaining the reason for the absence is required when the student returns to school. Definitions of absences and excuses, both excused and unexcused, multiple tardies A. A student’s absence may be excused for the following reasons: 1. Personal illness 2. Illness in the family 3. Quarantine of the home 4. Death of a relative 5. Medical or dental appointment 6. Observance of a religious holiday 7. College visit 8. Traveling out of state to attend a Board-approved enrichment activity or extracurricular activity (applies to absences of up to four days) 9. An emergency, or set of circumstances, which, in the judgment of the Superintendent/designee, is a good and sufficient cause for absence. Examples: court appearance, out-of-school suspension.. B. The first seven (7) days of absence in a school year may be excused, if the absence is for one of the above reasons, and if the parent or guardian provides a note when the student returns to school explaining the reason for the absence. Such notes are required to be submitted no more than THREE DAYS after the student’s return. If documentation is not provided within this time period, the absence(s) will be deemed unexcused. C. If a student is absent more than seven (7) days in a school year, the additional days absent may still be excused; however, additional documentation may be required in some situations. In addition to the note from the parent or guardian required for any absence, the following situations may require this specified additional documentation: 1. Personal illness - doctor’s note verifying illness 2. Illness in the family - parental note explaining the relationship and illness - 5 - |Fairfield High School 3. Death of a relative - obituary noting family relationship 4. Quarantine of the home - doctor’s note 5. College visit - school-authorized documentation of visit 6. Court appearance - documentation from court verifying appearance Such notes are required to be submitted no more than THREE DAYS after the student’s return. If documentation is not provided within this time period, the absence(s) will be deemed unexcused. D. All other absences are unexcused. E. Any student who arrives after the designated starting time of a building’s school day and before the one-half (1/2) day absence time for that building as defined herein will be considered tardy. Three (3) unexcused tardies equal one (1) unexcused absence. Make-up Work A student whose absence from school is unexcused shall be permitted to make up work, except for the student who voluntarily does not report for class as assigned or leaves school property without authorization by school officials. It is the student’s responsibility to secure the work. The work, when satisfactorily completed and submitted in a timely manner according to established procedures, will be accepted for a minimum of passing credit. Vacations or other Nonemergency Trips The Board does not believe that students should be excused from school for vacations or other nonemergency trips out of the District. The responsibility for such absences resides with the parent(s), and they must not expect any work missed by their child to be re-taught by the teacher. If the school is notified in advance of such a trip, reasonable efforts are made to prepare a general list of assignments for the student to do while he/she is absent. Absence due to Out of School Suspension A student who is out of school due to suspension shall be permitted to make up work. This work, when submitted in a timely manner according to established procedures, will be accepted for a minimum of passing credit. The absence for out of school suspension will be an excused absence. Sent Home by the School Nurse Students who are sent home from school by the school nurse, due to illness, will not require a note for the day they are dismissed. Absences and Truancy A. Habitual Truant A student with five (5) or more unexcused absences on consecutive school days, or seven (7) or more unexcused absences in one school month, or twelve (12) or more unexcused absences in one school year, may be considered a “habitual” truant, under Section 3321.191 of the Ohio Revised Code. B. Chronic Truant A student with seven (7) or more unexcused absences on consecutive school days, or ten (10) or more unexcused absences in one school month, or fifteen (15) or more unexcused absences in one school year, may be considered a “chronic” truant, under Section 3321.191 of the Ohio Revised Code. C. Consequences In the case of either “habitual” or “chronic” truants, the Fairfield City School District Board of Education may: * assign the student to an alternative school; * require the student to participate in a truancy intervention program; * require the student to receive appropriate counseling; - 6 - |Fairfield High School * require the parent, guardian, or other persons having care of the student to attend a parental involvement program adopted under Section 3313.472 or 3313.663 of the Ohio Revised Code; * require the parent, guardian, or other person having care of the student to attend a truancy prevention mediation program; * notify the registrar of Motor Vehicles of a habitual truant under Section 3321.13 of the Ohio Revised Code; and/or * take legal action under Section 2919.222, 3321.20, or 3321.38 of the Ohio Revised Code. Students who are “habitual” truants may receive a citation to the appropriate court. The student’s parent(s), guardian(s) or other person(s) having care of the student may also receive a citation to the appropriate court. Students who are “chronic” truants and their parents, guardian(s) or other person(s) having care of the student shall be cited to juvenile court as provided in Policy JEDA. Under Section 3321.13(b)(2), the Board authorizes the Superintendent to establish a hearing and notification procedure for the purpose of denying a student’s driving privileges if that student of compulsory school age has ten (10) or more unexcused absences on consecutive days, or fifteen (15) or more unexcused absences in a term. D. Retention of Truant Students Under Section 3313.609 of the Ohio Revised Code the Board is required to adopt a policy on the retention of truant students. The Board shall prohibit the promotion of a student to the next grade level if the student has been truant (absent without excuse) for more than ten (10) percent of the required attendance days in the current school year, and has failed two or more of the required curriculum subject areas in the current grade. These provisions may be waived if the student’s principal and teacher agree, in writing, that the student is academically prepared to be promoted to the next grade level. There is an Attendance Incentive Program to reward and motivate all of our students to come to school everyday. These incentives include: • Students who have perfect attendance for any given calendar month will be eligible for an incentive award. Each month, eight students will be selected by drawing to receive a VIP parking pass in the front of the building or they may opt for a $10 gift certificate to our bookstore or local restaurants. • Students who have missed one day or less in a 9-week period will be eligible for a drawing to receive $10.00 in “Fairfield Bucks”. These can be used to pay for athletic tickets, to purchase spirit gear or books from our bookstore, or to pay for food in the cafeteria. Gift certificates from local businesses may also be available. Fifteen students will be selected for each 9-week period. • Students who have perfect attendance for the entire year will be eligible for a party that will be held toward the end of the school year. AUTOMOBILE USE It is often times necessary for students to drive automobiles to school. In the interest of safety, student driving practices will be subject to strict control. The principal shall establish rules and regulations outlining the use and parking of vehicles by students who operate automobiles and other motor vehicles on school property. A student’s right to drive to school may be suspended for violation of these rules and regulations. In compliance with State law, student drivers under the age of 17 years old are not permitted to transport more than one person who is not a family member unless the driver is accompanied by his/her parent, guardian or custodian. - 7 - |Fairfield High School Students are discouraged from transporting other students to and from student activities, events, and programs. (Adopted: April 19, 2007) BOOKBAGS Bookbags are allowed at school, but must be kept in lockers during and between classes. They are not allowed in classrooms or to be worn during the day. BUILDING HOURS Office Hours for the Senior High School will be from 7:30 AM to 3:00 PM. Students will be allowed to enter the building at 7:15 AM. Students will be cleared out of the building at 3:00 unless they are with a teacher, coach, or club advisor. CHEATING Cheating is a serious offense and is subject to both academic and disciplinary action. The following would classify as cheating: 1. Cheating is enabling (selling, giving, writing, text messaging, distributing, marketing) someone else to copy from your work or giving a copy of your work to someone else. 2. Cheating is copying someone else's homework or letting someone copy your homework, doing work for someone else, or taking someone else's work as your own. 3. Cheating is copying or plagiarizing research papers, reports, compositions, etc. 4. Cheating on tests by copying from another student or using crib notes or other aids. 5 Cheating on tests by showing intent to cheat by writing on desk, having crib notes out, or by possessing a copy of the test. Involvement in cheating incidents may prevent a student from holding office or being a captain in any organization or team or being a member of honor organizations. COLLEGE VISITS Juniors and Seniors will be permitted three (3) college visits to institutions where they have applied, intend to apply, or, in the opinion of the counselor, have a valid reason for such visits. The absence will be excused and will not affect perfect attendance. Procedure: 1. Students must obtain an application for a college visit from the guidance office. The name of the college to be visited, the date of the visit, and a parent signature must be indicated on this form. 2. The form must be signed by the teachers, a counselor, and an administrator for final approval of the visit and submitted to the guidance office one day prior to the visit. 3. A signed and dated statement from the college must be presented to the guidance office upon return. COMPUTER USE Computer use is encouraged and made available to students for educational purposes. Board policy EDE states: "Technology can greatly enhance the instructional program, as well as the efficiency of the District . . . . . . All computers are to be used in a responsible, efficient, ethical, and legal manner. Failure to adhere to this policy and any accompanying regulations may result in the revocation of the user's access privilege." Both students and parents will be required to sign an Internet Access Authorization and Release Form before that student will be allowed access to the Internet through District computers. - 8 - |Fairfield High School DETENTION If students violate any rule or regulation, they may be assigned detention for a designated time after school. Notification of the date is in writing and should be taken home to parents. Failure to serve the assigned detention will result in an additional discipline. DIRECTORY INFORMATION IN STUDENT RECORDS The District proposes to designate the following personally identifiable information contained in a student’s education record as “directory information”; it discloses that information without prior written consent, except that directory information is not released for a profit-making plan or activity. Such information includes: 1. student’s name 2. student’s address 3. student’s telephone number(s)/email address, with the exception of unlisted telephone numbers 4. student’s date and place of birth 5. student’s participation in officially recognized activities and sports 6. student’s achievement awards or honors 7. student’s weight and height, if a member of an athletic team 8. student’s major field of study 9. student’s dates of attendance (“from and to” dates of enrollment) 10. student’s date of graduation 11. student’s grade level/enrollment status 12. student’s photograph 13. videotape or photographs documenting student involvement in or attendance at school activities for general publicity purposes. (Videotape and photographs involved in disciplinary matters will only be released to students and/or parents/guardians of students involved. This does not limit administrative use by school personnel.) Within the first three weeks of each school year, the District publishes the above list, or a revised list, of the items of directory information which it proposes to designate as directory information. For students enrolling after the notice is published, the list is given to the student’s parent(s) or to the eligible student at the time and place of enrollment. After the parents or eligible students have been notified, they have two weeks in which to advise the District in writing (a letter to the school Superintendent’s office) of any or all of the items which they refuse to permit the District to designate as directory information about the student. At the end of the two-week period, each student’s records are appropriately marked by the record custodians to indicate the items which the District designates as directory information about that student. This designation remains in effect until it is modified by the written direction of the student’s parent(s) or the eligible student. DISCIPLINE/CODE OF CONDUCT It is the personal responsibility of each student to behave in a manner that is appropriate for the educational setting and reflective of the rights of other students and teachers. Most students do not use rules and consequences to form their behavior. They simply use common sense and do what they know is right. - 9 - |Fairfield High School Good conduct is based on respect and consideration for the rights of others. Students will be expected to conduct themselves in such a way that the rights of others are not violated. The students of the District will conform to school regulations and accept directions from authorized school personnel. A student who fails to comply with established school rules or with any reasonable request made by school personnel on school property and/or at school-related events will be dealt with according to approved student discipline regulations. The administrative team can issue any of the following when handling behavior problems: DETENTIONS; SATURDAY SCHOOL(S)/EXTENDED DETENTION; IN-SCHOOL DETENTION (1 period – 5 days) OUT OF SCHOOL SUSPENSION (1-10 days); EXPULSION. Students will annually receive at the opening of the school year, or upon entering during the year, written information on the rules and regulations to which they are subject. The information will include the types of conduct that will make them liable to suspension or expulsion from school or other forms of disciplinary action. Parents will also be informed of the conduct expected of students. Further, the rules shall be posted in a central location in each school that is subject to the policy. This policy is adopted by the Board of Education of the Fairfield City School District pursuant to S3313.661, Ohio Revised Code. Any pupil engaging in the types of conduct, either specifically or generally, like the kinds of conduct listed below is subject to expulsion, suspension, emergency suspension, or removal from curricular or extracurricular activities or transportation pursuant to S3313.661, Ohio Revised Code. This policy applies to all students while on school-owned or controlled property, in a school vehicle, or at any school-sponsored activity and also applies to misconduct that occurs off school owned or controlled property if the misconduct is connected to school sponsored activities and to misconduct directed at a District official or employee, or the property of such official or an employee regardless of where the misconduct occurs. The types of conduct prohibited by this policy are as follows: 1. Damaging or destroying school property 2. Damaging or destroying private property 3. Assaulting a school employee, student, or other person, which includes both physical assault and threats of violence, whether in verbal, written, or electronic form. 4. Bringing/possessing a firearm (or look-alike firearm) or knife (may also result in permanent exclusion) 5. Fighting 6. Chronic misbehavior which disrupts or interferes with any school activity 7. Disregard of reasonable directions or commands by school authorities, including school administrators and teachers 8. Any disruption or interference with school activities - 10 - |Fairfield High School 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Presence in areas during school hours or outside school hours where a student has no legitimate business without permission of school administration or a teacher Leaving school during school hours without permission of the proper school authorities Distribution of pamphlets, leaflets, buttons, insignia, etc., without the permission of the proper school authorities Demonstrations by individuals or groups causing disruption to the school program Disrespect to a teacher or other school authority Skipping detention Refusing to take detention or other properly administered discipline Falsifying of information given to school authorities in the legitimate pursuit of their job Buying, selling, using, possessing, showing evidence of having consumed, or being under the influence to any degree of any controlled substance (drugs, narcotics, marijuana, etc.); or buying, selling, using, possessing, showing evidence of having consumed, or being under the influence to any degree of any counterfeit controlled substance (any substance that is made to look like a controlled substance, or is represented to be a controlled substance, or that you think is a controlled substance) Possessing drug paraphernalia Possessing, using, showing evidence of having consumed, or being under the influence to any degree of any alcoholic beverage or intoxicant of any kind Smoking or using tobacco, or possessing any substance containing tobacco Turning in false fire, tornado, bomb, or disaster alarms and/or tampering with same Placing of signs and slogans on school property without the permission of the proper authorities Extortion of a pupil or school personnel Forgery of school-related documents Cursing Truancy Cheating or plagiarizing Hazing (doing any act or coercing another to do any act of intimidation to any student or other organization that causes or creates a substantial risk of causing mental or physical harm to any person) Gambling Tardiness Violation of the district's medication and/or immunization policies Engaging in sexual acts on school premises Publication of obscene, pornographic, or defamatory material Use of indecent or obscene language in oral or written form Indecent exposure Arson Failure to abide by reasonable dress and appearance codes set forth in student handbooks or established by administration or the Board of Education Failure to abide by rules and regulations set forth by administration for student parking Disobedience of driving regulations while on school property Presence on school property with a communicable disease Willfully aiding another person to violate school regulations Stealing Commission by a pupil of any crime in violation of the Ohio Criminal Code, Ohio Traffic Code, or the Ohio Juvenile Code on school premises or while in the control or custody of - 11 - |Fairfield High School 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. the school district regardless of whether on or off school premises, or at a school-related activity regardless of location Sexual harassment Racial or ethnic or other forms of intimidation and/or harassment Bullying (any written or verbal expression, physical act, or gesture, or a pattern thereof, that is intended to cause distress upon one or more persons) Engaging in prohibited gang activities Using electronic devices such as radios, MP3 players, recorders, televisions, video games, cellular phones, etc., while in school during school hours unless they are being used with teacher permission in grades 5-12, and/or during non-instructional time in grades 9-12. Copying copyrighted software or violating copyright laws; changing school, student, or staff computer records; exchanging reports, stealing tests or test answers; gaining access to unauthorized internet sites; or violating the District’s Technology and Communication Services policy Making a bomb threat to a school building or to any premises at which a school activity is occurring at the time of the threat or is scheduled at the time the threatened bombing is to occur (may result in expulsion of up to one year) Any other activity by a pupil which the pupil knows or should know will disrupt the academic process or a curricular or extracurricular activity while on school premises or while in the control or custody of the school district regardless of whether on or off school premises, or while at a school-related activity regardless of location DRESS CODE Part of the total education of the students is learning to dress appropriately and behave responsibly in a variety of situations. Attendance at school and school-related functions is a specific situation, which requires the student to use good judgment. Students are expected to dress in a manner that is appropriate to the school environment. Research has shown a correlation between appearance and behavior, especially in the school setting. These regulations will assist parents, students, faculty, and administrators in determining appropriate student standards for dress and personal appearance while at school or school related functions. 1. Parents and students maintain responsibility for following the student dress code. 2. The administrators, with the assistance of the staff, have the final responsibility of enforcing the student dress code. 3. When any dress or grooming interferes with the cleanliness, health, welfare, safetyof students, or disrupts the educational process, it is prohibited. 4. Sponsors and teachers of elective programs or elective activities may require stricter standards regarding dress and personal appearance for participants in their program or activity. The administration and/or athletic director must approve clothing for student participants in school-sponsored extracurricular activities. 5. The dress code may be modified by an administrator for the purpose of school spirit days or other special school-wide events. 6. Exceptions due to religious, ethnic, or cultural beliefs will be considered by the building administration. 7. The student dress code may be reviewed annually. - 12 - |Fairfield High School Students shall adhere to these regulations for dress and personal appearance. Clothing Clothing, jewelry, tattoos, or other personal items which specifically or generally contain, promote, glorify, or refer to alcohol, drugs, tobacco, sexual innuendo or sexually suggestive contents, profane, vulgar, or lewd symbols or slogans, gangs or cults, antisocial or harassing behavior, hate, violence, death, suicide, gore, and/or blood shall not be worn or displayed. Tattoos, which do not conform to the requirement of this paragraph, must be covered. Clothing must be worn in a manner that does not expose the shoulder, torso, midriff, chest, cleavage, back, buttocks or undergarments. Clothing with rips, tears, or holes, above mid thigh, that exposes skin or undergarments, may not be worn. Lower garments will stay, unassisted, with or without a belt, at the top of the hipbone or above. Lower garments must be no shorter than mid-thigh and will not expose undergarments. Formfitting Lycra or spandex may only be worn under another garment. Pajama and house slippers are not permitted. Outerwear Trench coats, bubble jackets, parkas or any other heavy winter coats may not be carried between or worn in class. Students must place these jackets and/or coats in their lockers, or specified area, prior to the beginning of the instructional day. Shoes Students must wear shoes to school that are safe and appropriate for the school environment, which includes stairs and emergency drills. Skate shoes and house slippers are prohibited. Hair and Make-up Excessive or extreme make-up or hairstyle is prohibited. Piercings/Jewelry Extreme and/or excessive piercings are prohibited. Spiked or studded jewelry and/or heavy chains are not to be worn or carried. No jewelry that could be dangerous to persons or destructive to school property is permitted. Personal Items All book bags must be stored in the student’s locker prior to the beginning of the instructional day. Purses of reasonable size are permitted. Hats, head coverings, bandanas, and sunglasses are not to be worn in the school and must be stored in a locker or specified area prior to the beginning of the instructional day. Enforcement Staff members are expected to uniformly and consistently enforce the dress code. Violation of the dress code may result in removal from class until the violation can be resolved and/or disciplinary action taken. If a student is referred to the administration, the staff member observing the violation will record the exact nature of the problem on a disciplinary form and send the form along with the student at the time of referral. DRIVER'S LICENSE REVOCATION When the Superintendent of the District receives information that a student of compulsory school age has withdrawn from school, the Superintendent must, within two weeks after the withdrawal, notify the registrar of motor vehicles and the county juvenile judge of the student’s withdrawal from full-time enrollment or withdrawal from an approved program to obtain an diploma or its equivalent. - 13 - |Fairfield High School Notification to the registrar of motor vehicles is not necessary if a student has withdrawn from school because of a change of residence; or the student is holding an age and schooling certificate (work permit), is regularly employed and enrolled part-time in and attending an approved program to obtain a diploma or its equivalent. Notification to the registrar of motor vehicles must be given in a manner required by the registrar and notice to the county judge must be given in writing. After receiving such information from the Superintendent, the registrar of motor vehicles is required to suspend the temporary instruction permit or driver’s license of the student who is the subject of the notice. If a temporary permit or license has not been issued for that student, the registrar is prohibited from issuing a temporary permit or a license. Any denial of driving privileges would remain in effect until the student reaches 18 or until the denial of driving privileges is terminated for another reason allowable under the Ohio law. In compliance with Ohio law, a student whose driving privileges have been denied can file a petition with the juvenile court in whose jurisdiction he/she resides. EARLY DISMISSAL Students requesting early dismissal for special reasons should bring a note signed by a parent to the attendance office before 9:00 a.m. The note should include the student’s identification number and a phone number for verification. In order to be excused, it must meet one of the six reasons noted on pages 1 and 2 under the attendance sections. Requests will not be approved without a parent's or guardian's permission. The student should show the early dismissal slip to the teacher upon return to class. Scheduled early dismissals are limited to those students enrolled in a work-study program. Early dismissals count as absences from class. ELECTRONIC DEVICES Fairfield City Schools recognizes the need for students and staff members to have available to them the use of electronic equipment, such as a cell phone, MP3 player, etc., in certain circumstances. However, Fairfield City Schools also recognizes the need not to disrupt the educational environment through the use of such electronic equipment. Students in grades 5-12 may use cellular telephones and MP3 players for educational activities while on school property or while attending school-sponsored activities on or off school property, given teacher permission. If teacher permission is not given, these electronic devices must be turned off during school hours and kept out of sight in lockers, pockets, book bags, and/or purses. Students in grades 9-12 may use cellular phones or MP3 players during non-instructional times through the school day - between classes, lunch time, before and after school provided that such use is done quietly and with appropriate regard for the safety of the user and others. Electronic devices on school buses are for personal use only. For safety, students must be able to hear the driver at all times. Any device used in a manner that compromises safety, invades privacy of others, or causes disruption to bus service, may result in disciplinary action. In the event of a bus emergency, the driver may direct appropriate use of electronic devices. - 14 - |Fairfield High School This policy is intended to increase safety by facilitating parent/student communications before and after school. It is the Board of Education’s goal to work with parents to balance the need to have access to electronic communication devices and to maintain a proper learning environment. Violation of the student policy will result in temporary confiscation of the device and more serious disciplinary action if deemed necessary. The District assumes no liability if these devices are broken, lost or stolen. Notices of this policy is to be posted in a central location in every school building and in the student and staff handbooks. ELIGIBILITY Students entering grades 10-12 who wish to participate in any extra-curricular activity must pass 5 classes (which can NOT be P.E.) to be eligible each 9 weeks. Eligibility is based on academic performance during a grading period. A GRADING PERIOD IN GRADES 10 - 12 IS NINE WEEKS. Ineligible students may NOT become eligible by attending summer school. Exceptions to the eligibility requirement are activities that are required by an academic class, such as band or concert choir. EXPULSION Expulsion is to the maximum periods allowed by law, with possible loss of credit if applicable in all courses. Expelled students may not be on school property or participate in and/or attend any extracurricular activities, home or away, during the time of the expulsion. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES All students are encouraged to participate outside the academic program. The extracurricular programs provide a wide range of interests. Please refer to the Activity Guide (Athletic Office) for a listing of all of the extracurricular activities. EXTRACURRICULAR CODE OF CONDUCT (GRADES 7-12) This code of conduct applies to all designated extracurricular participants in grades 7-12 in the Fairfield City School District Designated Extracurricular Programs. It is in effect 365 days a year. All participants must follow all rules and regulations the Fairfield City School District and specific rules, regulations, policies, and procedures of each sport/activity. In addition, all team participants must follow all rules and regulations of the O.H.S.S.A. Participation in an extracurricular program is a privilege. All participants are to conduct themselves in a way as to bring pride to themselves, school and community. Any participant whose conduct is judged to reflect discredit upon themselves, the team, the school or the District will be subject to disciplinary action. Suspension from an extracurricular activity may be made by the athletic director, building administrator, or Superintendent. Requirements for all Participants: 1. Participants must meet all academic requirements of O.H.S.A.A and the Fairfield City School District (as applicable). 2. Participants and parents must sign all required forms. 3. Participants must have participation fees paid by required dates. - 15 - |Fairfield High School 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Participants must be in school to participate in extracurriculars as required by Fairfield City School District. Participants are responsible for caring for uniforms and equipment, as applicable. Athletic participants shall not participate in a contest on an independent team, or as an individual, in the same sport for the remainder of the season. Participants will respect self, teammates, coaches/sponsors/advisors, opponents and officials. Participants will attend all calendared events including all games, practices, meetings and other activities as required by coach/sponsor/advisor. Any athletic participant who is injured or receives other treatment must notify coach and trainer. A doctor’s release must be submitted to be reinstated. Participants will serve as a role model for others. A participant must be in control of himself/herself at all times. Undesirable behavior will result in disciplinary action including, but not restricted to, constructive activity associated with practice or the activity, and restriction and/or denial of participation. For athletic programs, the coach will meet with the athletic participant, District Athletic Director and a building administrator to determine the penalty. For extracurricular activities, a sponsor/advisor will meet with a building administrator to determine the penalty. The decision may be appealed to the building principal. Undesirable behavior includes, but is not limited to: 1. Disrespect and/or insubordination. 2. Repeated violations of an individual coach’s/sponsor’s/advisor’s rules and regulations for a particular extracurricular program. 3. Disciplinary action under suspension and/or expulsion code. 4. Knowingly remaining in an area where drugs, alcohol or illegal substances are present. 5. Violation of the District’s Substance Use/Abuse Policy for Designated Extracurricular Participants. 6. Violations of federal, state or local laws. 7. Stealing and/or possession of stolen personal property within the school environment. 8 Any other action that is detrimental to the image of the Fairfield City School District. DESIGNATED EXTRACURRICULAR PROGRAMS GRADES 7 - 12 {IN WHICH PARTICIPANTS ARE SUBJECT TO SUBSTANCE USE/ABUSE POLICY FOR PARTICIPANTS IN DESIGNATED EXTRACURRICULAR PROGRAMS} Designated extracurricular programs are voluntary-participation groups which award no credit or grade for participation, are approved by the Board of Education, and follow all school policies and regulations. Each is recognized with a Board of Education-approved coach/advisor/sponsor that is required to provide a membership roster, collect fees, and take attendance at each calendared event. In addition, teams participate in interscholastic competitions and are OHSAA governed. As additional activities and teams are established and approved by the Board of Education, they will be added to this list. Students participating in the following extracurricular programs are subject to the Board of Education’s Standards of Conduct for Participants in Designated Extracurricular Programs policy. - 16 - |Fairfield High School Senior High School Activities African American Voices of Youth Dance Team Destination Imagination Drama Club Film Club FREE French Club German Club Interact International Club Junior Class Council Marching Band Mock Trial National Honor Society Peer Mediation Pep Band Pure Elegance SADD Senior Class Council Science Olympiad Sophomore Class Council Spanish Club SPAM Step Team Student Government Tri-M UNIT (Advisor under YMA) Teams (OHSAA) Academic Team Baseball Basketball Bowling Cheerleading Chess Cross Country Diving Football Golf Gymnastics Soccer Softball Swimming Tennis Track Volleyball Wrestling SUBSTANCE USE/ABUSE POLICY DESIGNATED EXTRACURRICULAR PARTICIPANTS (Grades 7-12) Quick-Reference Sheet Extracurricular programs (extracurricular activities and interscholastic athletics) are integral parts of the educational experience, and student participants in these programs assume responsibility for regulating their personal lives to be contributing program members and worthy representatives of their schools. Pursuant to Fairfield City Schools Board of Education policy, the following substance use/abuse code of conduct applies to all students in designated extracurricular programs grades 7-12. For a more comprehensive, detailed explanation of this code, please see Board Policy JFCM and Board Regulation JFCM-R-1. The following code of conduct is in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and for one calendar year upon the student’s and the parent’s signing the code of conduct agreement (indicating acceptance of the terms of the code), a requirement for participation in designated extracurricular programs grades 7-12. - 17 - |Fairfield High School Violations and consequences noted here are in addition to any disciplinary or legal actions that may be taken should a violation occur in/on school property or while representing the school as a team/club member. First Violation Consequences First Violation Reinstatement Second/Subsequent Violation(s) Consequences Second/Subsequent Violation(s) Reinstatement Possession and/or use of alcohol or drugs • Forfeit participation in 30% of calendared events • Forfeit leadership position(s) for remainder of season • Possible program awards delay • Forfeit participation in program(s) for one year • Forfeit leadership position(s) for one calendar year • Possible delay/forfeit of program awards • Professional alcohol/ drug assessment within 14 calendar days of violation • Enrollment in treatment program if recommended • Three alcohol/drug education counseling sessions • Reinstatement hearing before the Appeals Board • NOTE: Student still forfeits participation in one year of calendared events Sale or distribution of alcohol or illegal drugs/substances • Forfeit participation in program(s) for one year • Forfeit leadership position(s) for remainder of school career • Forfeit program awards • Professional alcohol/drug assessment within 14 calendar days of violation • Enrollment in treatment program if recommended • Three alcohol/drug education counseling sessions • Reinstatement hearing before the Appeals Board • NOTE: Student still forfeits participation in 30% of calendared events if reinstated • Professional alcohol/drug assessment within 14 calendar days of violation • Enrollment in treatment program if recommended • Three alcohol/drug education counseling sessions • Reinstatement hearing before the Appeals Board • NOTE: Student still forfeits participation program(s) for one year • Forfeit participation through remainder of school career • Forfeit leadership position(s) for remainder of school career • Forfeit program awards No means for reinstatement Violation - 18 - |Fairfield High School Violation Possession and/or use of tobacco products First Violation Consequences First Violation Reinstatement Second/Subsequent Violation(s) Consequences Second/Subsequent Violation(s) Reinstatement • Completion of an approved intervention or education program or forfeit participation for one year • Completion of an approved intervention or education program or forfeit participation for one year SECOND VIOLATION: • Forfeit participation in 30% of calendared events • Forfeit leadership position(s) for remainder of season • Possible program awards delay THIRD/SUBSEQUENT VIOLATION(S): • Forfeit participation in program(s) for one year • Forfeit leadership position(s) for one calendar year • Possible delay/ forfeit of program awards THIRD/SUBSEQUENT VIOL. REINSTATEMENT • Professional assessment within 14 calendar days of violation • Enrollment in treatment program if recommended • Three tobacco education counseling sessions • Reinstatement hearing before the Appeals Board • NOTE: Student still forfeits participation in one year of calendared events Participation/calendared events: Student under violation may practice and travel with the team/club, but not dress for/compete in the specified calendared events of the extracurricular program. Combination of offenses: Second & subsequent offenses can be any combination of alcohol or drug abuse violations. Cumulative accountability: Violations are cumulative grades 7-8 and cumulative again grades 912. Self- or parent-referral: Provisions have been made for incidents in which the student participant or the student participant’s parent(s) refer the student for an above violation. Consult the noted Board policy and regulation for violation, consequence and reinstatement details. Reinstatement The Board directs the Superintendent to develop and implement a procedure to allow for reinstatement to an extracurricular program. Any participant who refuses to undertake the reinstatement process is not permitted to participate further in any designated extracurricular program(s) until such time that he/she complies with the requirements of the reinstatement. FEES Each student’s fees will be listed on each term’s class schedule. Notification of fees are distributed two times a year. Students will be directed to pay their fees with a single check and give that check to either the first period teacher or the bookkeeper. When a student pays their fees, the bookkeeper will issue a receipt. Fees should be paid within the first two weeks of the term. Students will not be able to participate in graduation, receive grade cards/official transcripts, or purchase/possess parking passes if fees are unpaid. FIRE DRILL AND TORNADO WARNINGS Emergency procedures are posted in each room. In case of a tornado warning, students go to designated shelter areas within the building and stay with their teacher and class. - 19 - |Fairfield High School Quietness and orderliness are essentials for either procedure. Check these procedures for each of your classrooms. Students tampering with alarm equipment will be suspended and may be expelled. FOOD No open food containers are to be carried out of the cafeteria into hallways, locker bays, etc. Snack items in classrooms are at the teacher’s discretion. The individual teacher’s policy on snack items will be reflected in their classroom rules. Parties involving larger meals (i.e. pizza) must be approved by an administrator and should be held in designated areas (i.e. community room, staff dining room, cafeteria, office conference room). Fast food is NOT permitted to be brought into the building at any time. FUNDRAISING No person shall be allowed to sell or offer for sale within the school any article or service to employees or students, or to solicit contributions or signatures of such persons without approval of the Principal. GANGS Gangs which initiate, advocate, or promote activities which threaten the safety or well-being of persons, or which are disruptive to the school environment, will not be tolerated by the District. The Board believes gangs and/or gang activity create an atmosphere where violations of district policies and regulations, as well as State laws, may occur. Incidents involving initiations, hazing, intimidations, and/or related activities of such group affiliations which are likely to cause bodily danger, physical harm, or personal degradation or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm to students are prohibited. Any student wearing, carrying, or displaying gang paraphernalia or exhibiting behavior or gestures which symbolize gang membership or causing and/or participating in activities which intimidate or affect the attendance of another student will be subject to disciplinary action. GOLD CARD The National Honor Society will award a Gold Card to all students who achieve academic excellence each term. To earn a Gold Card, a student must have straight A's or a 4.00 GPA. A Gold Card entitles the holder to a free or reduced admission to all extracurricular activities. GRADES AND POINT VALUES The Senior High School day is divided into seven class periods of approximately 45 minutes each. Most courses are 36 weeks (two terms) in length, and the equivalent of one year's (one credit) worth of work. Some courses, such as Health, are 9 weeks in length. Students have the opportunity to schedule the equivalent of seven (7) classes per year. ADD-ON METHOD TO DETERMINE GPA & CLASS RANK High School students will still continue to earn grades that reward students’ success in academically challenging classes. However with the add-on system, students will not be penalized for taking elective courses that encourage exploration and will not be rewarded for taking study halls. Study halls will not factor either negatively or positively in student’s GPA or class rank. - 20 - |Fairfield High School When calculating grade point averages, Fairfield High School will award quality points for all courses as follows: Letter Grade Grade Range GPA Value A+ 100 - 98 4.3 A 97 - 93 4.0 A92 - 90 3.7 B+ 89 - 87 3.3 B 86 - 83 3.0 B82 - 80 2.7 C+ 79 - 77 2.3 C 76 - 73 2.0 C72 - 70 1.7 D+ 69 - 67 1.3 D 66 - 64 1.0 F 63 - 0 0.0 For Advanced Placement or Honors courses, an additional weight of 0.03 will be added on to the grade-point average, providing the student earns a “C” or above in their AP or Honors courses. All grades earned at Fairfield High School will count in the calculation of grade-point average. Grade point averages will be calculated and rounded to two decimal places (with an elevator of .005). Courses that are audited are not counted in the GPA. The class rank is determined by GPA. Senior Awards and recognition will be based on class rank at the end of the third nine (9) weeks. Underclass awards will be based on class rank at the end of the third nine (9) weeks. Audit Option Only students with a 4.0 GPA or higher and enrolled in at least one Honors, AP course, are eligible for the non-credit option plan. Students may not audit a course required for graduation. Students will need the principal’s permission to audit a weighted course. By participating in the non-credit option plan, students may re-enroll in an elective course and receive a letter grade which will appear on the report card and transcript. However, no point value will be assigned when determining the GPA, class rank, or honor roll. This will allow students to take elective courses without lowering their GPA. Students desiring to schedule a course for audit must: 1. Limit their selection to the equivalent of two, one term or nine week courses within the school year. 2. Select only elective courses that are not required for high school graduation. 3. Complete all coursework. Sophomores, juniors and seniors must notify their counselor during scheduling and sign an audit option statement. (Signatures are required of both student and parent.) For summer school courses, non-credit permission forms must be on file with the counselor prior to the beginning of the course. - 21 - |Fairfield High School During the first ten days of school, sophomores, juniors and seniors have the opportunity to drop the non-credit option and schedule the class to earn credit and quality points for the GPA, class rank and the honor roll. If the student does not change the option within the first ten days of school, the non-credit course will remain as permanent part of the record and may not be changed; likewise, students may NOT elect to option a course for non-credit after attending the tenth class meeting. GRADUATION The Board desires that its standards for graduation meet the Minimum Standards of the Ohio Department of Education as well as those of the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, and that our high schools will compare favorably with high schools recognized for excellence in the state. The minimum requirements for graduation from high school are as follows: For 2013 For 2014 and 2015 English 4 units of credit 4 units of credit Social Studies 3 units of credit 3 units of credit Science 3 units of credit 3 units of credit Mathematics 3 units of credit 4 units credit Health ½ unit of credit ½ unit of credit PE ½ unit of credit ½ unit of credit Pathways ½ unit of credit ½ unit of credit Electives* 6 ½ units of credit 5 units of credit Total: 21 units 20 ½units For the graduating classes of 2012, 2013,and 2014 as determined by the Fairfield City School District, Electives must include one unit or two half-units of Business/Technology, Fine Arts, or Foreign Language. Social Studies must include one unit in American Studies, one unit in World Studies, and one unit in American Government. Science must include one unit in Physical Science and one unit in Biological Science. Beginning with students who enter ninth grade for the first time on or after July, 1, 2010, the following is required for graduation: One unit of algebra II or the equivalent of algebra II; Science units which reflect inquiry-based laboratory experience that engage students and including one unit of Physical science, one unit of biology, and advanced study in one or more of the following sciences: o Chemistry, physics, or other physical science; o Advanced biology or other life science; o Astronomy, physical geology, or other earth or space science. One-half unit of American history and one-half unit of American government; (Fairfield City School District will continue to require one unit in American Studies, one unit in World Studies, and one unit in American Government.) The integration of economic and financial literacy academic content standards in social studies or other courses; and One sequence of any combination of foreign language, fine arts, business, career-technical education, family and consumer sciences, technology, agricultural education, or English language arts, mathematics, science, or social studies courses not otherwise required, for a total of five units. - 22 - |Fairfield High School Further, students must pass all tests required by the state of Ohio for graduation unless they have been exempted from the test based on their I.E.P. Summer school credits will be accepted toward graduation, provided that administrative approval has been given prior to registration for the course. Credits obtained through the successful completion of a credit flexibility plan approved by the Fairfield City School District will be accepted toward graduation. The District will accept credits earned toward graduation from those schools chartered by the State Department of Education. Nonchartered and home schooling credit will be granted in accordance with regulations established by the Superintendent. Students must attend through seven terms (semesters). Seniors may graduate early at the end of the seventh term if they have met all graduation requirements and submit the appropriate paperwork. The Superintendent may grant requests for early graduation by students who have attended less than seven terms (semesters) and who have compelling and extenuating circumstances such that in the opinion of the Superintendent the best interests of the respective students would not be served by requiring completion of seven terms (semesters). Credit is awarded for a course successfully completed during or outside of regular school hours at an accredited postsecondary institution by a student under the Post- Secondary Enrollment Options Program, or outside of the regular school hours at an accredited postsecondary institution by a student not under the Post-Secondary Enrollment Options Program. In the latter instance, any course fees are the responsibility of the student’s parents. High school credit awarded for a course successfully completed under this section of the Ohio Revised Code counts toward the graduation requirements and subject areas requirements of the District. If a course comparable to the course successfully completed is offered by the District, then comparable credit for the completed equivalent course shall be awarded. If no comparable course is offered, the District shall grant to the student an appropriate number of credits in a similar subject area. High school courses offered through correspondence courses will be accepted for credit toward graduation only when they meet these criteria: 1. Credits earned in correspondence schools directly affiliated with state universities will be evaluated by the school administration for students who wish to qualify for graduation from high school. 2. Credits earned from schools which have been established primarily for correspondence study, rather than an institution primarily for residence study, will be evaluated by the school administration for students who wish to qualify for graduation from high school. A student who is admitted to Fairfield Schools from a non-chartered school or from home schooling must be enrolled in Fairfield Senior High School for no less than three full consecutive semesters, excluding summer school, immediately prior to that student’s date of graduation in order to be considered for selection as salutatorian or valedictorian for graduation purposes. The Board assumes at the time of graduation each student has fulfilled all academic and financial obligations. - 23 - |Fairfield High School A good school record, scholastic and otherwise, is the best recommendation an applicant can offer, either for college admission or for a job. A record of good personal behaviors and cooperation is expected. Coursework Prior to Ninth Grade Student work completed prior to the ninth grade is applied towards graduation credit if the course is taught by a licensed teacher and is designated by the Board as meeting the curriculum requirements. Grades earned in such courses prior to the ninth grade will not be included in the determination of the students’ GPA. Physical Education Exemption A student who, during grades 9, 10, and/or 11 of high school, has participated in interscholastic athletics, marching band, or cheerleading for at least two full seasons is not required to complete any physical education courses as a condition to graduate. However, the student is required to complete one-half unit, consisting of at least 60 hours of instruction, in another course of study. The Board directs the Superintendent to develop regulations for the implementation of this option. Commencement Only students who have completed all graduation requirements, including passing the Ohio Graduation Test (OGT), will be qualified to participate in commencement. Students will need to pass all 5 parts of the OGT in order to receive a diploma and participate in commencement. The minimum requirement for early graduation is seven (7) terms. Early graduation requires meeting all graduation requirements, a conference with the counselor and permission from the student’s parents. Early graduates will NOT receive a refund or partial refund of the parking permit fee. Early graduates may take part in commencement to be held once a year on the date designated by the board of education. ALL STUDENTS MUST ATTEND GRADUATION PRACTICE. IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND GRADUATION PRACTICE, THEY WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE COMMENCEMENT EXERCISE. STUDENTS MUST PAY ALL FINES AND FEES BEFORE RECEIVING THEIR DIPLOMA. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE A grievance is a complaint by a student that there has been a violation, misinterpretation, or unfair application of a written rule or policy found in the Board Policy or the Student Handbook. Procedure: 1. The student shall discuss the grievance informally with his/her teacher or assistant principal. 2. If a mutually satisfactory solution is not agreed upon, the student may submit in writing a grievance to the head principal. 3. The head principal will confer with the involved parties and reply with an answer to the student in a timely manner. 4. If the student wishes to appeal the decision of the head principal, he/she may request the head principal to contact the Central Office Administration for a conference. - 24 - |Fairfield High School GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING SERVICES The Guidance Department provides a very important service to the total school population. Students should consult with the counselors on all matters pertaining to school or personal problems and future educational plans. Students are assigned to counselors on an alphabetical basis: A - B (Options and Life Connections) Kelli Pater C-F Tracy Ashford G-J Linda Loughran K - Mc (JVS/BT students) Kira Murphy Me - R Jim Chilcote S - Sr Marilyn Coburn Ss - Z Russ Fox Students may make appointments to see the counselor by signing the sheet in the Guidance Office. Parents wishing to consult with the counselors may make appointments by calling 942-29 HALL PASSES It is the responsibility of the teacher to issue a hall pass to the student if he/she is to be out of a scheduled classroom during the class period. The student is responsible for presenting the affixed Hall Pass Record as found in the school agenda book to the teacher to be permitted in the hallways during scheduled class time. HAZING/BULLYING Hazing means doing any act or coercing another, including the victim, to do any act of intimidation or harassment to any student or other organization that causes or creates a substantial risk of causing mental or physical harm to any person. Bullying is an intentional written, verbal or physical act that a student has exhibited toward another particular student more than once and the behavior causes both mental and/or physical harm to the other student and is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening or abusive educational environment for the other student. Permission, consent or assumption of risk by an individual subjected to hazing and/or bullying does not lessen the prohibition contained in this policy. Prohibited activities of any type including those activities engaged in via computer and/or electronic communication devices are inconsistent with the educational process and are prohibited at all times. No administrator, teacher or other employee of the District shall encourage, permit, condone or tolerate any hazing and/or bullying activities. No student, including leaders of student organizations, may plan, encourage or engage in any hazing and/or bullying. Administrators, teachers and all other District employees are particularly alert to possible conditions, circumstances or events that might include hazing and/or bullying. If hazing and/or bullying or planned hazing and/or bullying is discovered, involved students are informed by the discovering District employee of the prohibition contained in this policy and are required to end all hazing and/or bullying activities immediately. All hazing and/or bullying incidents are reported immediately to the Superintendent or designee and the appropriate discipline is administered. - 25 - |Fairfield High School HOMEWORK If a student is absent, it is always preferred that the student make every attempt to secure homework. A request for homework may be submitted through the Guidance Office in case of an extended absence. When homework is requested, it is the responsibility of the student or parent to pick up the homework and/or books. THE TEACHER MUST BE GIVEN 24 HOURS' NOTICE TO PREPARE THE HOMEWORK MATERIAL. Please refer to the “Out of School Suspension” section for homework for suspended students on page 22. HONOR ROLL BREAKFAST QUALIFICATION A student is invited to attend the Honor Roll Breakfast if he/she has a 3.2 or higher weighted Grade Point Average. ID CARDS ID Cards will be given to students at the beginning of the student’s sophomore year or upon enrollment of a new student. ID cards are created from the annual student picture. ID cards are used for the library, internet, and school events. IN-SCHOOL DETENTION In-School Detention (ISD) is designed to try to help students recognize inappropriate behavior and reflect on ways to prevent the behavior in the future. Class credit is granted for assignments completed in ISD. The designated number of days must be served before the student may return to classes. Additional penalties may be assigned when students are late or do not report. LEGAL EMANCIPATION If students are eighteen and NOT living with a parent or guardian, they MAY be considered legally emancipated. In order to be recognized by the school as legally emancipated, paperwork must be completed and filed with the District office. LIBRARY To use the library during study hall, report directly to the library before the tardy bell rings and check with the librarian to see if there is space available. You may use the library during a class period only with a pass signed by that class teacher. To use library materials outside the library, materials must be checked out following library procedure. The library is open before and after school for your convenience. Destruction of library books and/or equipment will result in disciplinary action. LOCKERS Lockers will be assigned to sophomores and juniors at the beginning of the school year by the office. Seniors may choose a locker on the second floor. Students are NOT permitted to share lockers. All lockers may be checked at the end of each term and at any other time when the safety or well-being of the student is concerned. Lockers are the property of the school and may be searched. Students are required to purchase locks to protect valuables and personal property. Students are required to turn locker combinations in to the front office the first week of school. Lockers without locks will be bolted within the first 2 weeks of school. - 26 - |Fairfield High School MEDICATIONS Medication may only be dispensed by the school nurse or building administrator with written permission from the student's doctor and parents. This applies to over-the-counter medication such as aspirin, etc., as well as prescription drugs. When possible, medication should be scheduled so that it may be taken at home and not during school hours. Students are not to carry medication or keep it in their lockers. NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY The National Honor Society is an organization that recognizes students who have exhibited within their school and community "outstanding" leadership, service, and character. All these criteria plus a 3.5 GPA are required. OGT TESTING (Ohio Graduation Test) Ohio law requires the Ohio Graduation Test (OGT) to be administered to every student. Tests will be administered in the areas of reading, writing, mathematics, science and social studies. Any student who has not passed one or more of the tests is required to do so before graduation unless that student meets the exclusions as qualified in his/her IEP or meets the criteria for the Alternative Pathway to Graduation. Criteria for Alternative Pathway to Graduation 1. On the one [OGT]...for which the person failed to attain the designated score, the person missed that score by 10 points or less; Note: This means a scaled score of at least 390 on the failed OGT. 2. Has a 97 percent school attendance rate in each of the last four school years, excluding any excused absences; Note: Excused absences are defined by local school district policy. 3. Has not been expelled from school...in any of the last four school years; Note: The statute does not address other student disciplinary outcomes, such as suspension. 4. Has a grade point average of at least 2.5 out of 4.0, or its equivalent as designated in rules adopted by the state board of education in the subject area of the [failed OGT]; Note: The conversion chart can be found on the Ohio Department of Education Web site at www.ode.state.oh.us, keyword Alternative Pathway. 5. Has completed the [state] high school curriculum requirements...in the subject area [of the failed test]; Note: This applies to a student’s eligibility to be considered for an alternative pathway only. To receive a diploma, the student must also satisfy school district graduation requirements. 6. Has taken advantage of any intervention programs provided by the school district or school in the subject area [of the failed OGT]...and has a 97 percent attendance rate, excluding any excused absences, in any of those programs that are provided at times beyond the normal school day, school week or school year or has received comparable intervention services from a source other than the school district or school; Note: Students are only subject to this criterion if they were offered intervention. If so, the attendance requirement refers to their rate of participation. 7. Holds a letter recommending graduation from each of the person's high school teachers in the subject area [of the failed OGT]...and from the person's high school principal. Note: If the student’s teacher from a specific course is no longer available, a person with sufficient knowledge to make an informed recommendation may substitute. Source: Ohio Revised Code (ORC) §3313.615 - 27 - |Fairfield High School OUT-OF-SCHOOL SUSPENSION A student who is given Out of School Suspension is prohibited from school attendance, bus privileges, and attendance at or participation in any school activity or event during the term of the suspension. A student violating the terms of the suspension is subject to expulsion and arrest for criminal trespass. Students on out-of-school suspension are still enrolled in their classes; therefore, it is the student’s responsibility to request assignments in order to stay current with their class work. Requests are made through the Guidance Office or with the teacher directly. All satisfactorily completed work timely submitted according to established procedures is to be accepted for a minimum of passing credit by the teachers. PARKING Students who drive to school will be required to fill out an application form and pay a fee for a parking permit. Applications for parking permits are available in the Welcome Center. Seniors, Juniors and eligible Sophomores are permitted parking permits. The annual fee for all parking permits is $55.00. Student parking permits are assigned on an annual basis starting with Seniors, then Juniors, and finally Sophomores, if space is available. The permit holder may park ONLY in the assigned area. Student parking permits must be visibly displayed inside the vehicle. Absolutely no parking permits will be transferable to another student. Driving to school is a privilege and not a student right. As a student driver, you will be expected to follow the school driving policies. Students may park only in areas designated for student parking. No student is to use the areas set aside for faculty or visitor parking. The speed limit on school property is 10 miles per hour. Cars will be searched when there is reasonable suspicion that a controlled substance or alcoholic beverage is present. Cars may also be searched when the safety or well-being of students is involved. STUDENTS WITH EXCESSIVE TARDIES COULD LOSE THEIR PARKING PRIVILEGES. Students will not be eligible for a refund of parking fees. FAILURE TO OBSERVE THE SCHOOL DRIVING POLICIES WILL RESULT IN DISCIPLINARY ACTION AND/OR LOSS OF PARKING PRIVILEGES. PDA – PUBLIC DISPLAY OF AFFECTION At Fairfield High School, young men and women are expected to control their emotions in school. Holding hands is acceptable behavior; kissing, making out and other public displays of affection are inappropriate, not permissible, and subject to disciplinary action. POSSESSION/USE OF TOBACCO/ALCOHOL/DRUGS A new state law prohibits pupils from "smoking and/or possessing tobacco in any area under the control of a school district or at any activity supervised by any school operated by a school district." Discipline will be issued to students who are in possession and who also violate such rules/laws. The Fairfield City Schools Board of Education shall not permit any student to possess, transmit, conceal, consume, show evidence of having consumed, use or offer for sale any alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, un-prescribed drugs, prescribed drugs, look-alike drugs, over-the-counter drugs, or any mind-altering substance while on school grounds or facilities; at school-sponsored - 28 - |Fairfield High School events; in controlled vehicles; or in other situations under the authority of the District. Students found in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion and referral for prosecution. A reduction in penalty may be granted if student receives professional assistance by an accredited chemical dependency assessment/treatment agency and follows the recommendations of that agency, or if they participate in the City of Fairfield’s diversion program. POSTINGS Postings should be displayed on bulletin boards in the hallways. Student campaign posters may be an exception to this rule. All postings must be approved by an administrator. PUBLICATIONS Publications are governed by Board Policy (IGDB). The content of student publications (newspapers, yearbooks, etc.) should not cause a disruption of the school or invade the rights of others. Official student publications are a part of the school curriculum and editorial control remains with school authorities. SATURDAY SCHOOL/EXTENDED DETENTIONS Saturday School/Extended Detention will be used as an alternative plan to improve behavior without having students lose instructional time. Students assigned to Saturday School will be required to be at school from 8:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. Students assigned to Extended Detention will be required to be at school from 2:40 until 5:40 p.m. Students who report late to Saturday School/Extended Detention may not be permitted to enter the school/detention due to being late. If a student does not attend or is late, the student will receive additional discipline, up to and including out-of-school suspension. SCHEDULING Developing an appropriate schedule is the shared responsibility of students and parents with guidance and assistance from teachers and counselors. Students should develop a schedule with future years in mind. Students will be allowed to change course requests up to the last full day of attendance in June by meeting with the counselor. After the last day of school all schedule changes need to be handled as follows: a letter needs to be sent from the parent to the counselor explaining the reason for the requested change. The counselor will then meet with the student, any teachers involved, and/or the building principal. The ultimate decision for schedule changes resides with the building principal. Schedule changes due to the completion of course work in summer school will be an exception. Each student should carry a minimum of six subjects each term. Schedule changes will not be permitted except if a student has failed and/or been placed inappropriately in a class. Schedule changes made ten (10) days into a grading period will be permitted with parent permission. Students are permitted to drop a course to a study hall with up to 20 days into the course. After twenty days, students dropping a course will receive a withdraw fail. SCHOLARSHIPS Many scholarships are available to qualified seniors. A scholarship update listing all scholarships will be available through the Guidance Office. SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS The Board of Education encourages the teamwork of salaried staff and volunteers so that students, their parents, and the community are offered the best possible education. - 29 - |Fairfield High School The use of citizens as volunteers within the school program enhances the educational process not only for students, but for the community. Volunteers provide unique talents, skills, and knowledge that support the school in providing students with an opportunity to be successful. Further, volunteers help promote positive public relations regarding the school and its mission. Recruitment and selection of volunteers is done at the local building level. Interested individuals should contact the building principal or his/her designee. The interests and abilities of the volunteers will be considered when making assignments. It is the responsibility of the building principal to accept and assign volunteers to the school program, in accordance with regulations developed by the Superintendent. All volunteers are subject to the authority of the principal and direction by the classroom teacher or other school employee. Current and prospective volunteers who have or will have unsupervised access to children on a regular basis will be subject to a criminal record check (BCII) and/or required to authorize release of their military personnel records. SECURITY MONITORS Fairfield High School has installed cameras and video equipment to monitor buses, buildings, and grounds. The purpose of this equipment is to assist the school in providing a safe and secure environment for its students, staff, and the general public. The school reserves the right to use tapes in disciplinary occurrences. SEXUAL HARASSMENT The Board supports the principle of equal opportunity employment and equal educational opportunities. All persons associated with this school system, including, but not limited to the Board, the administration, the staff, and the students are expected to conduct themselves at all times so as to provide an atmosphere free from sexual harassment. Any person who engages in sexual harassment while acting as a member of the school community will be in violation of this policy. The Board has developed complaint procedures which will be available to victims. The Board has also identified disciplinary penalties which could be imposed for the offenders. Definition of Sexual Harassment: Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature may constitute sexual harassment when: 1. Submission of such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of a person’s employment or educational development; 2. Submission to, or rejection of, such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment or education decisions affecting such individual; or 3. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work or educational performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment. The privacy of individuals involved will be respected, but only to the extent possible and consistent with a full and complete investigation of any issues of sexual harassment and the fulfillment of the purposes of this policy. TARDY TO CLASS Students need to be in the classroom when the bell begins to ring. Teacher's classroom procedures will determine appropriate penalties for tardiness to class. - 30 - |Fairfield High School TARDY TO SCHOOL All students who are tardy to school need to check in at the attendance office. This is important since students are counted absent until they sign in. Tardies may be excused for a doctor’s appointment (with doctor note), a court appearance (with record from court), late bus, or for inclement weather if deemed appropriate by the administration. All other reasons for tardiness, i.e., overslept, caught by train, missed ride, ride late, etc. will be considered unexcused. Tardies will accrue over the entire year and NOT start over every 9 week period. Three unexcused tardies will turn into 1 day of unexcused absence. TEXTBOOKS Most textbooks are provided without charge. Fines will be assessed for lost or damaged books assigned to students. Some classes require workbooks and/or lab fees. TRANSCRIPT/SCHOLARSHIP/COLLEGE APPLICATIONS There is a one-time $4.00 charge included in Senior fees for mailing any transcript data. VISITORS Parents, former Fairfield students and community residents are welcome to visit with administrative approval. Other student visitors are prohibited. Special requests from parents or potential students who wish to visit and observe the high school must be approved by an administrator. Teachers will be notified of the visitation in advance. All visitors are to check in and receive a visitor’s pass at the Welcome Center. The visitor will carry a visitor’s pass which will be returned upon completion of the visit. Tours of the building will be scheduled after the normal school day to prevent the interruption of instruction. WEAPONS No student shall knowingly convey, attempt to convey, or possess any deadly weapon or dangerous ordnance (explosive device, ammunition, smoke bombs, fireworks, or other incendiary devices, etc.) onto or on any property owned by or controlled by, or to any activity held under the auspices of, a school. Individuals in violation of this are subject to Board Policy (JFCJ) and expulsion from school for one year. - 31 - |Fairfield High School