Scheda di lettura per i testi al programma:

Scheda di lettura per i testi al programma:
Autore: David Graddol
Titolo: English Next
Per un libro vero e proprio
Casa Editrice: The English Company
Città della casa editrice: UK
Anno di pubblicazione 2005
Termini e concetti usati dall’autore nel testo
Interaction:act together or towards other
Lingua Franca:any language that is used as means of communication among speakers of
other languages
Native speakers:a person who has spoke the language in question from early childhood
Pronunciation:the act or result of producing the sounds of speech, including articulation,
stress and intonation.
Bilingual speaker:who speaks two languages with the facility of a native speaker
Mother tongue:the language first learned by a person
Teaching: to instruct someone or to give instruction or knowledge
Indice del testo:
ELF for the aspiration of non-native speakers
Different approaches to ELF
The primacy of intelligibility
The target model of English
The bad use of English in international communication
A new way to teach English
First Part:
1)The author wants I believe that ELF has to reflect the needs and the aspirations of non-native
speakers and for this it is necessary a radical changing.
2)The argument to support his idea is the ever-growing number of non-native speakers
3)It is possible to object that in the future the English won’t be the lingua franca
Second Part
1)The author wants I believed that there are many researches about the use of English by non native
2)The argument to support his idea is the creation of a computer corpus of lingua franca interactions
that it is useful to help linguistic understand ELF better.
3)It is possible to object that this corpus it is not useful because the interactions are in continuing
Third Part:
1)The author wants I believed that the conventional approaches to ELF should change
2)The argument to support his idea is for example a new way to teach English pronunciation
3)It is possible to object that these conventional approaches could be better for someone.
Fourth Part:
1)the author wants I believed that the intelligibility is more important than accuracy and it is
necessary to establish a system of primacy about the things that should be taught
2)The argument to support his idea is for example the articulation of “th” that can create several
problems of pronunciation.
Fifth Part:
1)The author wants I believed that there is a Lingua Franca Core
2)The argument to support his idea is the possibility of creation a system of syllabuses and
assessment materials.
Sixth Part:
1)The author wants I believed that ELF focuses on pragmatic strategies for the international
2)The author to support his idea is a model of English that is a fluent bilingual speaker with his
national identity.
3)It is possible to object that sometimes a non- native speaker can’t understand a bilingual
Seventh Part:
1)The author wants I believed that elements of ELF should be taught in a mother tongue for native
2)The argument to support his idea is the bad use of English by a native speaker for international
3)It is possible to object that teaching only the elements of ELF is not enough.
Eight Part;
1)The author wants I believed that it is necessary a new reappraisal of the way English is taught
2)The argument to support is idea is the enormous influence of EFL in mainstream teaching.
Discussion and critical analysis of the test
This text written by David Graddol points out the need of a new way to teach and to learn English
as a Lingua Franca.
Firstly he underlines that it is important to understand how non-native speakers use English among
themselves and the problems that rise in this communication.
I’m agree with him because it is necessary to develop a right way to teach English as a Lingua
Franca as there is a ever-growing numbers of non-native speakers who use English not only in a
context of work but also in every day-life. So understanding English among non-native speakers is
the most important thing.
Secondly he talks about the conventional approaches to ELF. According to some proponents, these
approaches should be changed. Therefore the author held up as an example the proposal of Jenkins
about the priorities in teaching English pronunciation.
I think it is right to give more importance to certain features that are useful for the intelligibility of
English rather than native-like accuracy.
In addition there is another problem that could complicate the communication, as to say the
incorrect use of English by native speakers in an international communication.
A possible solution is the introduction of ELF’ elements in a mother tongue curriculum.
Finally ELF suggests a radical changing of the way English is taught and the target model of
English that ELF wish is a fluent bilingual speaker who retains a national identity concerning the
accent who is able to communicate with another non-native speaker.
In conclusion I disagree with the opinion of the ELF about the bilingual speaker who retains a
national identity for the accent because a particular inflexion in the communication could prevent
the understanding.
In this text there is an analysis about the method to teach English as Lingua Franca. There is also
the exposition of problems in the communication among non-native speakers and native speakers
and the possible solutions to resolve it. Beyond it is exposed the target model of English.
Last Part:
Reading this text and making an elaboration of the concepts and the attitudes I can affirm that it
helped me to make a profound reflexion about the English as a lingua franca. Now I have more
information about this topic and besides I have my personal idea. In fact I think that it is important
and extremely useful change the way English is taught but in other hand I think that it is not
possible to achieve a target model of English.