Scheda di lettura (per articoli)

Caudullo Rosangela
Data inizio schedatura __16ottobre 2006’__________ Data termine schedatura:___17ottobre 2006’_________
Tempo totale impiegato:___2h 20’_____
Termini e concetti specifici usati dall'autore nel testo, seguiti da una breve definizione:
ELF: English as Lingua Franca -> language used by people whose mother tongue is not English.
VOICE: (Vienna-Oxford International Corpus of English) -> project that is creating a computer corpus of lingua
franca interactions.
LFC: (Lingua Franca Core)
NATIVE SPEAKER / NON NATIVE SPEAKER: person who learned language from his birth / person who
uses a language as L2.
BILINGUAL SPEAKER: person who speaks two languages as L1.
1- Global English : needs and aspirations of non native speakers.
2- VOICE : studies of interactions between non native speakers.
3- Prevision of future conventional approach to ELF.
4- Intelligibility VS accuracy.
5- Lingua Franca Core.
6- Target of ELF: bilingual speaker.
7- Bad use of English by native speaker.
8- How teach English.
Sintesi del testo
The author wants me to believe that English must be taught in a different way.
There is an ever-growing number of non native speakers who use English.
English should reflect their needs and aspirations but it is not easy to find a target model that allows the communication
in English between two non native speakers.
1. The author wants me to believe that there are studies about use of English among non native speakers.
2. The argument that support his idea is the VOICE project that is creating a computer corpus of lingua franca interactions.
3. It’s important to study the trend of ELF users to point out an universal approach to teaching English even if I think that it
could not a stable model because all languages are continually evolving.
1. The author wants me to believe that some conventional approaches should be changed..
2. The argument that supports this idea is, for example, a new way of teaching pronunciation.
3. It’s possible to object that people who have different phonetic system, should have problems with different articulations
of sounds.
1. The author wants me to believe that for users of ELF, intelligibility is more important than accuracy.
2. The author states that the teaching of certain pronunciation features (as the articulation of –th) is a waste of time because
there are others pronunciation problems that create problems in understanding.
It’s possible to object that non native speakers, who have different mother tongue, may have different problems to learns
some particular pronunciation features.
1. The author wants me to believe that it’s important to find a Lingua Franca Core.
2. The argument that support his idea is the creation of guiding priciples.
3. I think that it may be useful to allow a better understanding from a phonetic point of “view”
1. The author wants me to believe that pragmatic strategies are important to allow an intercultural communication.
2. The author states that a target model of English is a bilingual speaker.
3. It’s important to favouring a cultural “accommodation”
1. The author wants me to believe that elements of an ELF syllabus might be taught to native speaker.
2. The argument that supports his idea is the bad use of English by native speakers.
3. It’s possible to abject that native may incorporate linguistic needs of non native speakers
1. The author wants to me believe that it’s important that there is a new way of teaching English, even if few are adopting
ELF in its entirety.
2. The argument of this idea it’s that some of ideas of Elf are influencing mainstream teaching.
3. It’s possible to object that English people might lose the authenticity of their own language that will conciliate the
needs of people who use English as L2.
Discussione e analisi critica di quanto sostenuto dall'autore nel testo:
In this text Graddol underlines the importance of teaching and learning English as Lingua Franca.
We know that English is the language that is most used in the world, for this reason interactions don’t involve
primarily native speakers, then the author states firstly that the way English is taught must reflect needs and
aspirations of this ever-growing number of non native speakers.
This phenomenon is at the center of important studies as shown by the project of VOICE that is creating a
computer corpus of lingua franca interactions to help linguistics understand ELF better.
Secondarily, it has been said by proponents of ELF that it’s important to establish conventional approaches: in fact
Graddol show us which are the priorities argued by Jenkins in teaching English pronunciation; in this case I think
that it’s so difficult to find an universal way of teaching articulation of English sounds because non native speakers
might have different problems that depend by the influence of phonetic system of their first language.
Anyway I think that it may be useful to identify general guiding principles.
The author wants me to believe that the better target model of English is represented by bilingual speaker and I
agree with its idea, even if I think that it’s utopian to know all cultures of speech communities who use English as
second language; in my opinion only a solution it’s possible: introducing the teaching of English culture for people
who use it as L2: grammar and pronunciation are important,but I think that communication is primarily important
from a cultural point of view: there is no a true communication if two non native speakers don’t know the culture of
each other,then it needs a culture (the English one) that mediates.
In addition Graddol speaks about bad use of English by native speakers who used elements of ELF: I think that is
not a “bad” use really, but I think that English native speakers are following the global trend in using English.
Sintesi dell'argomento dell'intero testo, in meno di 50 parole.
The text talks about the importance of teaching and learning English as Lingua Franca. ELF should reflects the
needs and aspirations of the ever-growing number of non native speakers who use English as L2.
In the text it ‘s stated that a change of conventional approaches is necessary and the bilingual speaker is proposed
as the better target model of English.
Infine, indicare se, dopo aver letto il testo, cominci a vedere le cose in modo diverso. Per
esempio, dal momento che i testi del nostro corso riguardano la lingua inglese e i metodi
per imparare l'inglese, indicare se, dopo aver letto il testo, tu hai cominciato a vedere
l'inglese in maniera diversa. Indicare anche se hai cominciato ad agire diversamente
dopo aver letto il testo (ad esempio, nello studiare l'inglese con criteri diversi rispetto a
prima). Infine, indicare se cominci ad afferrare l'inglese meglio.
The reading of this text has confirmed an idea that I already had: the time I spent at school, with
many grammar books (son serviti? Mah..), had been almost a waste of time; I can’t see English
in a different way since I don’t have a disposition elements that, for example,allow me to
understand deeper what an English phrase means, I might have only the doubt that, behind the
appareance of a literary translation, there is an other meaning that can’t be raise; but I can’t
know this.