Course description: PSY4100 Health and Social Psychology

Course description: PSY4100 Health and Social Psychology
This is a course description according to “Utfyllende regler til §§ 2.2, 3.3, (herunder §
3.3.4) and 3.7 in “Forskrift om studier og eksamener ved Universitetet i Oslo”. The
course description is referring to § 3.7.
Documents that are referred to in this description are written in Norwegian only and
can be found at:
1.0 Course structure
1.1 Objective:
The aim of this course is to provide students with knowledge and skills based on
up-to-date theory and research so that they are able to observe, understand, and
eventually act upon, major factors detrimental to health and well-being in the
contemporary society. This course addresses two major factors detrimental to
health and well-being, namely that of health impairing behaviours and stressful life
events. The following key questions are discussed: How is the relationship
between the macro-social environment and health? Which behaviour patterns are
detrimental to one’s health? Why do people engage in health impairing behaviours
even if they know about their negative effects? How can people be influenced to
change their behaviour?
Particularly, this course emphasises that people seem to suffer from the inability to
control their time, their finances, their weight, their emotions, their craving for
drugs, their sexual impulses, their gambling, and more. The consequences of these
self-control problems go beyond individuals to affect family members and society
at large. The present course addresses the general patterns of self-regulation failure
across contexts, research findings on specific self-control disorders, as well as
clinical and social aspects of self-regulation failure. Self-control is discussed in
relation to what the “self” is, and the cognitive, motivational, and emotional
factors that impinge on one’s ability to control one’s “self”. The course will
provide the students with the most recent insights in self-regulation theory and
2.0 Teaching structure
2.1 Forms of teaching:
The course consists of the following elements:
1. Student provided (teacher attended) mini-lectures in health psychology (12
2. Teacher provided lectures in basic self-regulation theory and research (10
3. Teacher provided lectures in advanced self-regulation theory and research (10
4. Student provided (teacher supported) seminars (12 hours)
Course requirements:
- Compulsory participation in 4 of 6 mini-lectures
- Compulsory participation in 5 of 6 seminars
- Compulsory participation in 8 of 10 theory lectures
2.2 Academic prerequisites:
The course is offered to students on the master’s programme. Students from other
master’s programmes at the University of Oslo may be admitted into this course by
individual application to the department.
2.3 Semester course is taught:
Every autumn semester
2.4 Time period in which course is taught:
The course is taught at the end of the semester (November/December).
2.5 Language of instruction:
2.6 Administrative unit:
University of Oslo
2.7Admission requirements:
Students without admission to the program can be admitted to the course upon
application to the department providing that they are admitted to other master
programmes at the University of Oslo.
3.0 Form of examination:
3.1 Forms of assessment:
A three-hour written exam at the end of the semester.
Students are not allowed to present themselves at the written exam if the
compulsory activities (compulsory attendance) have not been approved.
3.2. Academic requirements:
Students are not allowed to present themselves at the written exam if the
compulsory activities have not been approved.
The deadline for the approval of compulsory activities will be published on the
course’s web page every semester. It is the responsibility of the student to make
sure that the compulsory activities have been approved by the deadline.
If absence (more than the limit set) from the seminars, lectures and mini-lectures
are caused by illness you have to admit a doctor’s notice to the administration. If
you are unsure whether your absence is valid or not, contact the department.
In case of valid absence from the teaching you may be asked to fulfil some other
assignments to get the compulsory activities approved.
3.3. Semester in which the final assessment takes place:
PSY4100 will be taught every autumn semester and the exam is only given in the
autumn semester.
3.4. Schedule for the final assessment:
The final written exam (3 hrs) is given at the end of the semester.
3.5. Special arrangements/final assessment:
In cases of chronic and acute illness, students may apply for specially arranged
exams. Deadline for such applications is 1 September in the autumn semester.
Please consult
3.6. Permitted materials for examinations with supervision:
Dictionary of the English language (English-English dictionary). The dictionary
has to be handed in to the administration before the exam, and will then be given
to each student at the day of the exam.
3.7 Permitted materials for examinations without supervision:
No examination without supervision
3.8 Language of examination:
The problem set will be given in English only. Answers should be written in
English. See § 6.4 in “Forskrift om studier og eksamener ved Universitetet i Oslo”.
3.9. Conditions for non-admitted students regarding examination:
It is possible to study at the Faculty of Social Sciences without being formally
admitted to a program of study. For further information, please contact the Faculty
of Social Sciences.
3.10. Policy on deferred examinations:
Deferred examinations are arranged for students, who for valid reasons (force
majeure) cannot present themselves on the date set. A doctor’s certificate is
required. Students wishing to resit the exam for other reasons must wait for the
next regular exam. (See 3.3 above). For further information: § 7.3 “Gyldig forfall
til eksamen i Forskrift om studier og eksamener ved UiO”.
3.11. Determination of grades:
The exam is graded according to Pass/Fail. For further information, please consult
“Forskrift om studier og eksamener ved Universitetet I Oslo, § 8.1”.
3.12. Overlap with other courses, reduction in number of credits: