The Student Bar Association Executive Board Consists of 11 members: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. President First Vice President Second Vice President Secretary Treasurer Ombudsperson American Bar Association Liaison Joint Degree Liaison Class Presidents a. 1st year class president b. 2nd year class president c. 3rd year class president The Respective Duties of each member is: 1. President: a. Serves as the executive head of the association and presides at all general meetings of the Association and the meetings of the Executive Committee. i. Executive Committee meetings shall be held on a regular weekly basis. ii. Must forward meeting agenda to student bar association. b. The SBA President is also the official representative and spokesperson of the College of Law students before the faculty, administration, university, and the outside legal and civic community with regard to activities or functions of the SBA. c. Appointments i. The president shall have the authority to establish and appoint members to standing faculty/student committees, upon the recommendation of the First Vice President. ii. The President can appoint, at his/her discretion members to any other committee, with approval of the Executive Board. 2. First Vice President a. Acts in the absence of the President b. Oversees all representatives appointed to committees or subcommittees created by the Executive Committee or the law school faculty. c. Schedules and interviews candidates for student appointments to committees, and selects candidates for appointment by the President. d. The first Vice President shall also publish and distribute an SBA newsletter to the students a minimum of once a semester. 3. Second Vice President a. Acts in the absence of the President and First Vice President. b. Serves as Social Chairperson for the Association. i. This includes: 1. Oktoberfest in Mt. Angel Updated 07/2014 2. 3. 4. 5. a. SBA provides bus transportation to and from Mt. Angel. Halloween party Barrister’s ball a. Affectionately called “law prom” usually held in March. End of the year BBQ a. Usually held the last day of spring finals. And choosing weekly bar review locations. 4. Secretary: a. Keeps a record of all Association meetings and Executive Committee meetings (including motions and votes.) b. Secretary shall certify to the President the presence of a quorum prior to any meeting being called to order. c. Secretary shall make the minutes available by posting them in an appropriate place in a timely manner after obtaining executive committee approval. d. It is the duty of the Secretary to post notice at least 48 hours in advance of executive committee meetings. e. Shall keep a notebook of all meeting minutes, agendas, treasurer’s reports (if submitted in writing), as well as measures introduced and passed by the Executive Committee. f. The Secretary shall keep and maintain an up-to-date roster of the SBA, all student organizations and their officers, all student/faculty committees and their members, and all law student members serving on university committees. i. These rosters shall be published and distributed to: 1. SBA Officers 2. Student Organization Officers 3. Class Presidents 4. Law school library circulation desk 5. Office of student services 6. Placement office 7. Dean’s office 8. University student affairs office. 9. A copy should be posted and other copies kept in a file by the SBA for distribution to interested students. 5. Treasurer a. Keeps proper accounts of all monies received and expended. 6. Ombudsperson a. Serves as liaison between the Executive Committee and the Association (students.) i. Represents positions of the SBA Executive Committee to faculty members and/or students, as per the discretion of the Executive Committee. Updated 07/2014 ii. Obtains information from faculty, students, administration, and the University upon the direction of the President or the Executive Committee. iii. Supplies such information to the Executive Committee or the students as directed; and iv. Schedules and directs pop can revenue collections efforts, as well as SBA/University vending machine policies. b. Ombudsperson is also responsible for the care and upkeep of the bulletin boards in the student lounge area. 7. ABA Liaison: a. Acts as the liaison between the American Bar Association Law Student Division and the Student Bar Association of Willamette. i. Represents Willamette College of Law at national and circuit meetings/ conventions of the American Bar Association. ii. Shall disseminate any information obtained from the 12th circuit and from the National Association. iii. Promotes ABA membership. 8. Joint Degree Liaison: a. Acts as representative of the Joint Degree Students at the College of Law. b. Shall be a student who has completed at least one year at either WUCL or AGSM and is currently attending classes at AGSM. c. Filled by a general election of all joint degree students enrolled at WUCL. Each class also has 3 class officers including a: 1. President 2. Vice President 3. Secretary/Treasurer Class Officer duties include: 1. President a. Each class shall elect a class president. b. Class presidents serve as the executive officer for the class and as a voting member of the SBA Executive Committee. c. Class presidents are responsible for reporting official class activities to the SBA Executive Committee. 2. Vice President a. Class Vice President shall represent the class President as a voting member of the Executive Committee, if the President is unable to fulfill the duties of office, until such time as a new President is elected or the President is able to finish the term. b. Act as social chair. c. Shall serve as a member of the SBA Social Events Committee. (Basically helps SBA second vice president fulfill his/her obligations.) Updated 07/2014 3. Secretary/Treasurer a. Shall serve with the SBA Treasurer on the Budget Committee. b. Will also keep minutes of all class meetings and accurate accounting of all class funds. Election Schedules: 1. SBA Elections a. The election for SBA President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Ombudsperson, ABA Liaison, and Joint Degree Liaison shall be held prior to 5 pm of the fifth Monday Spring Semester. b. Members of all classes are eligible to cast votes to elect SBA positions. 2. Class Elections a. The initial round of all class officers shall be held by Monday of the fifth week of classes during the Fall Semester of each academic year. b. Only members of a class are eligible to cast votes to elect their class officers. How to Run for a Position: 1. Petitions for elections shall be made available to students through Student Services two weeks before elections, and notice of their availability shall be posted on the SBA bulletin board and in the Student Lounge. a. Petitions are to be available to students beginning the Monday two weeks before the elections and shall be available through the end of the week. b. Petitions for SBA office require the signatures of twenty-five students. c. Petitions for class offices require the signatures of twenty-five students in the same class as the petitioning candidate. 2. Petitions must be returned to the Office of Student Services by 4:00 pm Friday of the week in which they are distributed. Campaign Etiquette: 1. Candidates shall be allowed to campaign during the full week before elections. 2. Speaking before a class (with permission), personal solicitations, group meetings, and campaign posters are all allowable activities; however, a. No campaign literature may be hung in the Winter Street lobby (where Lady Justice is located), in the law school library, on the fabric walls of the law school, or on the painted walls of the law school; b. Interrupting an instructor or a class in progress is forbidden; c. Unethical and/or fraudulent conduct may be referred to the Grievance Committee. Updated 07/2014 3. A time and place will be set for candidates to give their speeches as well. Votes Needed to Win: 1. In order to win an election, one candidate must receive fifty percent plus one vote of all the votes cast for that position. a. Run-off elections will be held when none of the candidates carry the required number of votes necessary to win outright. i. The run-off will be between the two candidates who received the most votes in the initial election. ii. The run-off election shall be held within ten days after the first election. Multiple Positions 1. No SBA officer or class officer may serve in more than one SBA or Class office. 2. Any SBA/Class Officer elected to any other SBA/Class officer must turn in his or her resignation, to be effective the day the newly elected officers are sworn in. Taking Office: 1. SBA officers will take office one week following the election. 2. Newly elected class officers shall take office one week after they are elected. The SBA President shall call a meeting of the Executive Committee, at which time the oath of office is administered. Updated 07/2014