Machuan Peng Research Assistant Professor Department of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC,27695-8208 Tel:919-513-0935; E-mail: Education: 8/1998-3/2002: North Carolina State University (Ph.D). 8/1987-7/1990: Ocean University of China (MS). 8/1983-7/1987: Ocean University of China (BS). Research Experience: 11/2006-present: Research Assistant Professor at Department of Marine, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences of North Carolina State University. 5/2002-9/2006: Research associate at the Department of Marine, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences of North Carolina State University. 8/1998-4/2002: Teaching and research assistant at the Department of Marine, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences of North Carolina State University. 8/1994-7/1998: Research associate professor at the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 8/1992-7/1994: Research assistant professor at the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Research Interests: * Modeling and visualization of atmosphere-ocean systems * Coastal ocean circulation, estuary circulation * Storm surge modeling with inundation and drying scheme * Tide and tidal current * Wave and wave-current interaction * Estuary plume simulation and pollutant distribution * Sediment transport and coastal erosion Selected Publications: Peng, M., L. J. Pietrafesa, S. Bao 2007 A numerical projection of the coastal flooding and erosion along the Carolina Coast. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science (Submitted). Peng, M., L. J. Pietrafesa, S. Bao, H. Liu, M. Xia, and T. Yan 2007, LIDAR vs. GEODAS land elevation data in hurricane induced inundation modeling. Ocean Science., 4, 399-414, 2007 Xie, L., H. Liu., J. Pietrafesa and M. Peng., 2007 The effect of wave-current interactions on the storm surge and inundation in Charleston Harbor during Hurricane Hugo 1989 J. G. R-Ocean in print Xia, M., L. Xie., J. Pietrafesa and M. Peng., 2007 A numerical study of storm surge in the Cape Fear River Estuary System. Coastal and Shelf Science( In Print) Bao, S and L. Xie and J. Pietrafesa., and M. Peng, 2007 Numerical simulation of effects of hurricane’s asymmetric structure on storm surge and inundation, submitted to Mon. Wea. Rev Peng, M and L. Xie and J. Pietrafesa., 2006 A numerical study on hurricane induced storm surge and inundation in Charleston, South Carolina. Journal of Geophysical Research. Vol 111, C08017, doi:10.1029/2004JC002755 Peng, M and L. Xie and J. Pietrafesa., 2006, Tropical Cyclone Induced Asymmetry of Sea Level Surge and Fall and its Presentation in a Storm Surge Model with Parametric Wind Fields. Ocean Modelling 14, 81-101 Peng, M. and L. Xie and J. Pietrafesa, 2004. A numerical study of storm surge and inundation in the Croatan-Albemarle-Pamlico Estuary System. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 59, 121-137. Xie, L., L.J. Pietrafesa, and M. Peng, 2004: Incorporation of a mass-conserving inundation scheme into a three-dimensional storm surge model. J. Coastal Research, 20, 1209-1223. Pietrafesa, L.J. Xie, L., D. Dickey, M. Peng, S. Yan, 2003: The North Carolina State University coastal and estuary storm surge and flood prediction system. Advances in Ecological Sciences, 18, 100-109. Pietrafesa, L.J., L. Xie, E. Buckley, D. Hilderbrand, M. Peng, 2002: The need for a coastal estuary/inland flood risk index. Management Information System. 561-572 Peng, M 2002. A numerical modeling study of the hydrodynamics of the Croatan-Albemarle-Pamlico Estuary System, North Carolina. (see Machuan Peng @: ) Peng, M, M. Feng, S. Lian, H. Bai and D. Hu, 1999. Ventilation of the North Pacific Ocean: water exchanges between subtropical and tropical gyres. Chin. J. Oceanol.Limnol Vol.17 No.3 271-288 Peng, M and D. Hu., 1997. Outflow of suspended materials from the Changjiang River mouth. Chin. J. Oceanol.Limnol Vol.15, No.3 258-264 Peng, M and F. Zhang and Z. Jiao, 1996. A three dimensional numerical model for simulation of the seasonal thermocline on the continental shelf. Chin. J. Oceanol.Limnol Vol.16 No.2 123-135 Peng, M. F. Zhang and D. Hu. 1995. A rational boundary condition for simulating pollutants diffusive fields. Chin. J. Oceanol.Limnol Vol.11, No.4 294-304