Sexual ethics outline

A. Indicators of the need
B. The Bible and sex
C. Approaching those who disobey God
D. How can we avoid sexual sin?
A. Indicators of the need
1. Sexually transmitted diseases: herpes, syphilis, gonorrhoea, salpingitis & AIDS
2. Rape: hetero- and homosexual
3. Pornography: more perverse/barbarous
4. Male-female roles reversed/unclear
5. Destruction of trust in marriages
6. Sexual indulgence without sacrifices and responsibilities of marriage and of parenthood
7. Problems in sex life in marriage
- inadequate sex life
- self-gratification
- more kicks needed for satisfaction
- sex-less marriage
- frigidity
- impotence
- immoral/depraved sex
8. Sex as sales propaganda
9. Perversion an 'acceptable' alternative
10.Contraceptive methods that kill babies
- abortion on demand
- intra-uterine contraceptive devices
- morning after pill
- oral abortifacients
B. The Bible and Sex
1. Sex identity: man/woman, Gen.1:26-28
2. Sex education
- target groups
- who is responsible?
3. Sexual intercourse
- its place, 1Cor.7:2-5
- its purpose
a. Procreation, Gen.1:28
b. Unity, Gen.2:24b
c. Delight, Prov.5:15-19
d. Protection of marriage, 1Cor.7:2-5
e. Protection of society
4. Purity and virginity, Matt.1:18-25
5. Privacy, Gen.9:21-27
6. Shame
7. Sexual sin
- in thought, Matt.5:27-29
- in deed, 1Cor.6:15-20; 2Cor.6:14-18
- sporadic vs. habitual, 1Cor.6:8-11
- normal vs. perverted, Rom.1:26-27
C. Approaching those who disobey God
1. In general
- attitudes, Gal.6:1; 1Cor.10:12
- words / behaviour, 1Tim.4:12; 2Tim.2:22
2. Adulterers
3. Fornicators
4. Homosexuals
5. Prostitutes
D. How can we avoid sexual sin?
1. Total surrender, Rom.12:1
+ trust Jesus Christ only, Jn.14:6
+ filled with Holy Spirit, Eph.5:18
2. Not conformed to the world, Rom.12:2a
+ repentance 1 Jn.1:9
+ ethical guidelines from Bible, not from experience or "experts" Ps. 119:9-11
3. Renewed in mind, Rom.12:2b
+ think correctly, Phil 4:9
+ be filled with God's Word, Col.3:16
+ covenant with our eyes: TV, reading, watching, Job 31:1
+ cleansing with Jesus' blood, 1 Jn.1:7
+ avoid places of temptation, Prov.7:6-27