CONSTELLATIONS a play by Deborah DeGeorge Deborah DeGeorge 4516 Fort Totten Dr. NE Apartment 8 Washington, DC 20011 202-355-5025 CHARACTERS ANNE FREEMAN, mid-30’s, a wife and mother. LUKE FREEMAN, late 30’s, Anne’s husband. GREGORY FREEMAN, 8, Anne and Luke’s son. DON, early 30’s, Luke’s brother. CAROL, Anne’s friend. TYLER, 8, Greg’s friend and Carol’s son. TIME The present PLACE The Freeman’s two-story house, in the Eastland suburbs. The action of the story takes place in the living room and the kitchen of the house. Though many scenes of the play take place in daylight, a feeling of a star-scattered night should pervade the play. Scene I GREGORY (in the blackout) “Tonight a boy is looking out the window at the night sky. Above his dark lawn the white moon lights the clouds.” Lights up on the kitchen. GREGORY sits at the table, reading from an oversized book and pointing at each word as he reads it. ANNE, dressed in a business suit, places a bowl of cereal in front of him. She pulls lunch items out of the fridge; Gregory takes a bite of cereal. And far away above the moon, the. . . mom? ANNE Arc. GREGORY “ . . . Arc of the sky stretches farther than you or I could possibly imagine. It is filled with planets and moons and stars without number.” What’s the arc of the sky? ANNE Oh. Hmm. It’s like . . . the black part of the sky where the stars hang. That make sense? GREGORY Yup. ANNE Eat your cereal. GREGORY takes another bite. Off stage, a car door slams. Oh. Daddy’s back. GREGORY Do you think he forgot something? LUKE enters and slams the door. Hi, Dad. LUKE Hey, Greg. 1 ANNE You forget something? LUKE doesn’t respond. He exits the kitchen, knocking a chair over with a bang. GREG looks at ANNE for an explanation; she gives a broad shrug, then follows LUKE. When ANNE leaves, GREG rises, picks up the chair and slides it into place, then straightens the chair across from it as well. In the living room, LUKE searches. ANNE What are you looking for? LUKE My damn briefcase. ANNE Ssh. Greg can hear. Wasn’t it upstairs? LUKE What? ANNE It was upstairs by the bed. LUKE In our room? ANNE Yes. It’s leaning on the nightstand. LUKE Okay. Sorry, I’m just – LUKE exits. ANNE returns to the kitchen. ANNE Okay, I’ve gotta finish your lunch, and – GREGORY Is Dad okay? 2 ANNE He’s all right. He lost his briefcase and he couldn’t find it. Ham or peanut butter? GREGORY (through a mouthful) Peanut butter. ANNE And bananas? GREGORY Jelly. LUKE rushes back into the kitchen with his briefcase. ANNE You find it? LUKE Thanks. ANNE Want more coffee before you go? LUKE Yeah. Okay. ANNE Did Greg tell you about his science fair project? Luke? LUKE Huh? ANNE Did Greg get to tell you about his science project? LUKE No. What’s your project? GREGORY I haven’t decided, but its gotta be good. The best in the school goes to the city science fair, and the winner of the city gets a prize. LUKE Really? You could do something with outer space, you know? A model or a star chart. I could get down my old books – 3 GREGORY Would you help me? LUKE Sure. We could -The clock on the wall CHIMES. LUKE looks at his watch. Oh, sh – I’ve gotta go, I’m late. I’ll see you after – ANNE Don’t forget your – LUKE kisses ANNE carelessly and snatches the mug from her hand. The coffee sloshes onto the floor. LUKE Bye. ANNE All right, you finished? GREGORY Finished. ANNE Then stick your bowl in the sink and go get your backpack, okay? Carol and Tyler will be here any second. GREGORY sprints out of the kitchen. ANNE mops up the last of the coffee spill. There is a KNOCK at the door. Come on in, Carol! CAROL and TYLER enter. TYLER Hi, Mrs. Freeman ANNE Hi, Tyler. Greg’s upstairs. 4 TYLER dashes out of the kitchen. Sorry we’re running so late; it’s been crazy this morning. CAROL (dryly) Yeah, looks like a train wreck in here. ANNE Oh. CAROL Spotless. I’m so jealous. Mind if I grab some coffee? ANNE Sure, help yourself. CAROL Thanks. So what happened? Greg throw a tantrum? At my house, it’s always a tantrum. ANNE One loose tooth, but no major fits. No, Luke had a meeting. He . . . ANNE balls up the dirty tablecloth. . . . He couldn’t find his tie. He’s so disorganized. And his shirt wasn’t ironed, so I had to do it. She pulls a new tablecloth out of a drawer and spreads it on the table. CAROL I see, so it’s your husband making all the trouble. I know the drill. Gary’s a bear in the morning. When he’s in a hurry he stands at the top of the stairs and bellows. “Where’s my damn shirt?” ANNE Well, Luke’s not the type for that. CAROL I’m sorry. I didn’t mean – ANNE No. No, don’t worry. CAROL You all right? 5 ANNE Sure, I’m fine. CAROL No, what is it? I’m sorry I joked around. ANNE It’s fine. I’m really fine. (Beat.) Luke and I fought this morning. That’s all, really. We’re both under a lot of stress, with Greg and work, and that’s it. (Beat.) Luke’s been talking about quitting his job. Well, no, not quitting, just switching to a new one. I don’t know, it’s just talk. ANNE wipes the tabletop vigorously with a rag. CAROL waits. ANNE He just keeps getting worked up about it. He says he hates it, keeps threatening to quit. So I say, “Fine, just look for new one.” And then he just – She throws her arms into the air, in an “explosion” gesture. CAROL Oh. ANNE He started today before we got out of bed. I’m just at a loss. He’s never really acted this way before, and – GREGORY and TYLER stampede down the living room stairs. Oh, here come the boys. GREGORY and TYLER enter the kitchen. CAROL All right guys, you ready? GREGORY Yup. CAROL Good. Let’s get this show on the road. Call me if you need me, all right? ANNE Thanks. CAROL and the boys exit. Lights down. 6 Scene II In the blackout, an answering machine beeps. LUKE (offstage voice) Anne, this is Luke. Hey, I'm sorry, I know it’s my night, but could you go ahead and start dinner? I've got another meeting, and I don't know what time I 'II be done. Bye. Lights up on ANNE, still in her suit. She prepares for dinner. The machine beeps. RECEPTIONIST VOICE Mr. Freeman, this is Dr. Winston’s office, just calling to confirm your appointment for this afternoon at 4 p.m. If you have any questions just give us a call before then. Thank you. During message, Anne accidentally pushes a glass into the sink and breaks it. ANNE Damn. There’s a knock at the kitchen door. TYLER Can Greg play? ANNE Sure, Tyler. (calling) Greg, Tyler's here. GREGORY (from upstairs) Okay. Gregory descends the stairs. GREGORY Hi Tyler. What's up? TYLER Do you want to play Legos? GREGORY Sure. Mom, can we have some cookies first? Just one? ANNE All right. But only if you have milk too. 7 GREGORY Oh yeah! I want to do a model of the solar system for my project. Do you know how many planets are in the solar system? TYLER I do. There are nine. GREGORY Can you name them all? TYLER No. GREGORY There's Jupiter, Mars, Mercury .. . Saturn ... Pluto, Uranus . . . ANNE Starts with an “N” . . . GREGORY ooh, Neptune ..(then in a rush) Venus and earth. ANNE Very good. I'm glad you came up with such a great project. I hear you’re doing the human body, Tyler. TYLER Yup, and I'm going to make a brain that you can open and see inside all the different parts of it. ANNE That sounds neat. Sounds like you've both got some great ideas. GREGORY Maybe we'll both get first place. ANNE I bet you will. And then you can split the prize money, huh? TYLER No, or they'll give us both first prizes, so we will have two times as much money, and I would buy the Starway Galactica Super Cruiser with shooting missiles. TYLER and GREG make explosion sounds; they point their arms like bazookas. 8 ANNE Calm down, boys. Calm down. Don’t forget to put your glasses in the sink. Pretending to be Galactic Cruisers, the boys zoom out of the room. ANNE pulls a box of spaghetti from the cupboard. DON, wearing a flannel shirt and jeans, enters silently through the kitchen door. He sneaks up behind ANNE and covers her eyes. Blinded, she feels his hands for clues. Donald! DON Guilty. ANNE What are you doing here, and where is my husband? DON Your husband brought me home for dinner. A single guy can’t feed himself all the time you know. And hey, pretty cook doesn’t hurt. ANNE swats him with a dishtowel. I know. Why did you ever marry into this family? ANNE So what, there’s a game tonight? DON Yessir, Cowboys and the Rams. If Dallas wins this one, they’re in the playoffs. ANNE peers through the window. ANNE Where is your brother? DON Looking at the stars again, that’s all. No clouds, you know. ANNE That’s my Luke. Always out there, staring at the sky. ANNE turns back toward the counter; DON catches her shoulder as she passes, gives it a short squeeze. She smiles and touches his hand. 9 DON drops into a chair; LUKE enters from outside. DON Ah, here he is. How are the stars, bro? Anne was gonna grab us a couple of beers, weren’t you, Annie? ANNE stares him down. DON gets the beer. ANNE How was your meeting, hon? LUKE (to DON.) Thanks. ANNE Go okay? LUKE Oh. Yeah . . . it went fine. Glenn just . . . . wanted to go over bridge plans. Didn’t take long. ANNE Huh. Rare day when Glenn stays late. LUKE What? GREGORY and TYLER charge into the kitchen. GREGORY Hi, Uncle Don! DON Hello, boys. What crazy things are you up to? GREGORY Legos. TYLER We’re building this huge fort with canons and a secret trap door. DON Construction work, huh? You take after Uncle Don here. GREGORY Do you want to help us build it? 10 DON I’d love to guys, except that tonight is not Lego night. Tonight is football night. You gonna watch the game? GREGORY Are we allowed? DON Sure. You can even bring your legos down if you want. TYLER Yeah! GREGORY Will you help us move the fort? DON Just lead me to it. Hey– (pats LUKE on the shoulder) don’t let Anne steal my beer, all right? GREGORY, TYLER and DON exit. ANNE Well, I guess you had a busy day. LUKE It wasn’t too bad. I’m sorry about dinner. You want me to – ANNE No, sit down. It’s just spaghetti. (Beat.) Mostly I was just hoping for a quiet night. Send Greg off to bed, and . . . It’s been a while since we stayed up together. You know? Remember that night last spring when we went out in the yard and . . . She turns around. LUKE is staring off into space. LUKE What? ANNE Uh. Nothing. (Beat.) There was a message for you on the machine. Did you remember your doctor’s appointment? LUKE What are you talking about? 11 ANNE Your doctor’s appointment. There was a message on the machine, Dr. – Wilson? Winston? I don’t know. It was for today; didn’t you go? LUKE Oh. No, I must have . . . ANNE Must have what? LUKE doesn’t respond Okay, fine. (Beat.) You know – LUKE Annie? ANNE What? LUKE If I were to -well, let's say - say I had to quit my job. ANNE I thought that discussion was over. LUKE That’s not what I mean this time. What if for some reason I needed to quit? We could get by on your pay by itself, couldn't we? ANNE What are you saying? Why would you need to quit your job? You want to quit, that’s different. LUKE No – I mean, yes. I do want to quit, I would prefer . . . but now I’m saying if I had – ANNE I don’t understand. Do you think you’re gonna get fired or something? LUKE No. It’s not – it’s just – ANNE It's one thing to change jobs, Luke; its another to quit your job entirely. Just because you’d 12 rather go be an astronaut or whatever, that doesn’t mean -LUKE Working for NASA, I never wanted to be an astronaut. B-but that’s not . . . . I’m . . . I – ANNE What? What’s the problem? We talked this through, remember? We weighed our options, and we said that – LUKE You, Anne. You weighed our options. You decided I couldn’t go back to school, because we’ve got enough bills right now. And I agreed to that, I’m okay with that, be . . . because . . . ANNE Because of Greg – LUKE We’ve got to save up for Greg’s school now, that’s right, that’s – so I agreed, I’m okay with that. I h—I hate it, but I’m okay . . . ANNE Then what are we talking about? Then what are we – ANNE takes LUKE’s face in her hands and turns his head toward her. LUKE! LUKE drops his beer. It shatters on the floor. LUKE Shit – ANNE Dammit, Luke, what – LUKE Look, can we get by or not? ANNE No, we can’t! LUKE We can! 13 ANNE Okay, sure, we can, does that satisfy you? Will you be happy when the bills are piling up? When we can’t . . . You’re not talking sense, and somebody’s got to – LUKE Just for get it, all right? LUKE slams his chair against the table and exits. 14 Scene III Lights up as LUKE and GREGORY enter the living room, wearing jackets. GREGORY carries a heavy bag of supplies. LUKE You sure you got that, tiger? GREGORY Yeah, I got it. LUKE All right. Now, where's Mom? Anne? GREGORY Where should I put it, Dad? LUKE What? GREGORY Where should I put it? LUKE Oh. Go ahead and put it on the table. Anne! We're back. Anne! ANNE enters. ANNE Back already? GREGORY Yeah, but we couldn't find any big foam balls for Jupiter. I want it to be really big. ANNE That's okay honey. We can still get started. I'll get the craft stuff. GREGORY (pointing at the glue) Dad let me get some rubber cement. Can we use that instead? ANNE That's fine, Greg. GREGORY pulls supplies out of the bag and arranges them on the table – fishing line, foam balls, rubber cement, a bag of bath salt rocks and another of bath beads. 15 ANNE holds up the bath salts and looks at LUKE. ANNE (cont’d) What are these for? GREGORY Meteors. The rocks are for meteors and the round things are for Mercury and Pluto, because they’re so small. ANNE Oh, of course. I should have thought of Mercury and Pluto. You're pretty smart to think of that. GREGORY Dad thought of it. I'm going to make all the other ones out of these. But I don't want just to paint them. I want to cover them with other stuff, to show their surfaces are different. LUKE sits down by GREG. LUKE Like what kind of stuff? GREGORY I don't know yet. LUKE For example, what kind of surface does Venus have? GREGORY Oh I know. It's covered with clouds and gas. LUKE That's right. So how might you show a cloudy and gassy surface? How could you show the clouds on Venus's surface? GREGORY Oh, I know. I'll be right back. GREGORY rushes up the stairs. LUKE He seems pretty excited about this project, huh? ANNE Yeah. 16 LUKE I should get down some of my old astronomy books for him to look at. He made me go to three different stores looking for Jupiter. ANNE What? LUKE Looking for the foam ball for Jupiter. He said he needed a bigger one. ANNE Oh. Yeah. He said so when he came in. LUKE fingers an ornament from the mantel. LUKE Maybe he’ll be an astronaut. (beat.) Anne, I – LUKE’s arm tremors. He drops the ornament. LUKE Oh, shit. ANNE Oh come on. Is it broken? LUKE Sorry, I – ANNE Yes, it’s cracked down the middle. I swear, you’re worse than Gregory sometimes. She drops the ornament into the trash. Her blood is up now. So did you quit your job today? LUKE What? ANNE Did you quit your job today? You said you – GREG (offstage) Mom, where are the cotton balls? 17 ANNE Look in the cabinet under my bathroom sink. GREGORY Okay. ANNE (half-whisper) You said you were going to quit your job, so did you quit? LUKE I never said that. That isn't what I said. ANNE Well then, what were you saying? Really, Luke, I need to understand. LUKE It's hard to explain, Anne. Until I know — it's hard to . . . ANNE What's so hard to explain? LUKE doesn’t respond. Luke, please, I need to know what's going on. You’re acting weird. LUKE I know that. I know I’ve been acting weird. Not just here, at work, I feel like I’m going nuts– ANNE (matching his volume.)And what, some day work's just going to crack you? Come on, Luke, everybody hates their job – LUKE I'm not kidding. The accidents, the lapses, they’re getting out of hand. ANNE Out of--? LUKE The forgetfulness, and it’s every day now. I thought it was stress, so I went to a doctor. ANNE Luke, wh – 18 LUKE Do you know what he said? Heavy footsteps are heard, and GREGORY charges down from upstairs. GREGORY I found them! GREG stops short. Will these work okay for Venus? LUKE Oh sure, they'll be perfect. ANNE Why don't you and Daddy work on Venus for a little while, and I'll go finish up in the kitchen? GREGORY Okay, but will you help me with Mars later? I want to make craters with that salty play dough. Do you remember how to make it? ANNE Sure, baby. ANNE exits to the kitchen, where she drops down at the table. The lights go down on LUKE and GREGORY. Time lapse. LUKE enters the kitchen through the living room. LUKE Gregory's in bed. I got him all dressed, and he brushed his teeth. Anne? ANNE So the late meetings were doctors’ appointments? LUKE Well, yeah. Tests at the hospital. ANNE I’m so sorry. I never would have guessed. LUKE You couldn’t have known. I’m sorry. 19 ANNE Why didn’t you just tell me? LUKE I don’t know, Anne. I just couldn’t. I don’t even know why. ANNE So what exactly is it? Does he say what you've got? LUKE They're still running tests. I don't know. The doctor says it - might be pretty serious. ANNE Like what, how serious? LUKE I've been having trouble - remembering little things. Just little - but weird things, and I've been moody - you know. The doctor says it might be neurological. ANNE Neurological? LUKE Like, a neurological problem - of some kind – ANNE What, like what kind? LUKE I don't know. The doctor mentioned Huntington's disease and some – ANNE Huntington's disease? Oh my God. LUKE He said that was very unlikely. It could just be stress, he said. But he also mentioned some form of Alzheimer's, and a couple other things I can't remember. ANNE Why didn't you tell me? LUKE I just couldn't. Not because of you, just - sometimes lately, everything seems – (pause) strange. 20 ANNE Even me? LUKE Even Gregory, sometimes. (pause) It might get worse, you know. Dr. Winston says it might. Anne, I don'tANNE No. Luke, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter at all for us. I'm your wife no matter what. I'm your wife. 21 Scene IV LUKE (Offstage) The constitution of the universe I believe may be set in the first place among all others in grandeur by reason of its universal content; it must also stand above them all in nobility as their rule and standard. Therefore if any man might claim distinction in intellect above all mankind, Ptolmey and Coperincus were such men, whose gazes were thus raised on high and who philosophized about the constitution of the world.1 Luke’s voice fades into the sound of Anne on the phone in blackout. Then lights up. Anne is in the kitchen on the phone, Luke sits in the living room recliner. ANNE . . . been feeling especially disoriented these last couple days, so his boss gave him the week off. . . . uh huh. Yes, I'm very eager to. . . . Sure. . . . Wednesday would be fine. Three-thirty, sure. All right. We'll see you then. Thanks, Doctor. ANNE hangs up the phone. Luke! We have an appointment with the doctor on Wednesday at 3:30, okay? Damn, I'm going to be late. LUKE Can I help with anything? ANNE Umm, (pauses) Yeah, could you make Greg's lunch? LUKE Yeah, sure. ANNE Perfect. Thanks hon. ANNE exits. Luke moves to kitchen, opens two cupboards, grabs the bread out of the second cupboard. He gathers the bread and ham, sets them on the table. He takes out two pieces of bread, then pauses, looks around as if confused. 1 Galilei, Galileo. Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, Ptolemaic and Copernican. Stillman Drake, trans. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1967. 22 He goes back to the cupboard, gets the peanut butter and a knife. Spreads peanut butter on both slices. Starts to put them together, but accidentally knocks over a cup of juice on the table. LUKE Shit. Luke gets a rag and cleans up the spill. Goes back to the sandwich, grabs some ham, quickly finishes it up, and then starts getting out other stuff for the lunch. Anne comes down the living room stairs. ANNE Five minutes, Greg! (enters the kitchen) You almost finished, hon? LUKE Yeah, sorry. I got held up. Sandwich is on the table. ANNE What's on this sandwich? Oh God. LUKE What? ANNE Ham and peanut butter. LUKE You’re kidding. Holy shit, I – ANNE cleans up quickly. She throws the sandwich away. ANNE It's all right, its no big deal. Do you have any money, Greg can just buy lunch. Luke searches pockets for money. Greg enters. Thanks. Here honey, you can just buy today. Have you got everything? GREGORY Can I get a soda? ANNE No, I want you to get milk or juice. Here's your jacket. Bye Luke. Don't worry about it. 23 LUKE Yeah. All right. ANNE and GREG exit. LUKE falls into a chair. Lights down. 24