Safeguarding Children – Recommended Training Pathway for

Safeguarding Children – Recommended Training Pathway for Schools
and Education Settings
All schools and further education institutions have a duty to safeguard and promote
the welfare of pupils under the Education Act 2002. They should be safe
environments where children, young people and vulnerable adults can learn and
develop in a culture where their welfare is promoted and where timely and
appropriate safeguarding action is taken for those who need extra help or who may
be suffering or likely to suffer significant harm. (Ofsted Inspecting Safeguarding Guidance
Keeping Children Safe in Education (DfE) outlines training requirements for
Designated Safeguarding Leads and all other staff in education settings.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead
The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) should undergo training, at least annually,
to provide them with the knowledge and skills required to carry out the role. In
addition, their knowledge and skills should be refreshed at regular intervals, as
appropriate to allow them to understand and keep up with any developments relevant
to their role. The recommended training pathway is as follows:
1. Induction - Whole School Basic Awareness child protection training
(previous attendance at Whole School, Basic Awareness training,
will be a suitable induction).
2. HCC DSL initial training.
3. HCC DSL refresher training the following year.
4. Continuous Professional Development (CPD).
The DSL training and other relevant CPD training put on by the HSCB can be
accessed via the Learning Zone at: or by calling: 01962 718600
Continuous Professional Development
There are a number of courses delivered by the HSCB as well as themed
conferences which can contribute to staff CPD.
In addition to the courses put on by HSCB, there are options of training available
through private providers. Although HSCB is not in a position to recommend any of
these individual courses/conferences etc, staff might find them useful in terms of
DSLs attending subsequent external safeguarding training, as part of their CPD, can
evidence these courses as their requirement for safeguarding refresher training.
Professional judgement should be applied as to the training accessed.
DSLs have the option of attending the DSL refresher training to meet their CPD
Whole School Training
All staff members should be aware of systems within their school or college which
support safeguarding and child protection. These systems should be explained to
them as part of staff induction and revisited regularly, at appropriate intervals (at least
annually), via training. This should include: the school or college overarching
safeguarding policy; the child protection policy; the staff behaviour policy and
information on the role of the DSL.
It is the responsibility of the DSL to ensure that school staff are up to date with their
Schools continue to have multiple options when it comes to providing basic
Safeguarding Training for all school staff. DSL may deliver this; schools can hire the
Workforce Development Team to come and deliver the package, or schools can hire
an external provider.
If schools wish to hire the Workforce Development Team to deliver the package the
courses can be accessed via the Learning Zone at:
Or by calling 01962 718600
Whole School Training Delivered by the DSL
DSLs are free to provide the Whole School Training themselves. As a resource, the
Workforce Development Team has developed a training package to assist in this
delivery. DSLs are not required to use this package. The package is automatically
given to staff who attend DSL Initial or DSL Refresher training. The package comes
with a standard set of expectations regarding its use.
Governing Bodies or Equivalent bodies with oversight
The Governing Body (or equivalent) is accountable for the school’s safeguarding
policies, processes and practice. Robust monitoring arrangements, including the
completion of the HSCB annual safeguarding audit, should be in place to ensure the
school meets Ofsted or Regulatory Body requirements and provides proper
protection for children.
All Governors/Trustees/Proprietors need to be aware of their statutory responsibilities
and the expectations of them as responsible adults in a school environment. In
addition the Governing Body or equivalent must ensure that there is a nominated
governor/individual who will act if a child protection allegation is made against the
Head Teacher.
The nominated governor/person for dealing with allegations should ideally have an
understanding of part 4 of Keeping Children Safe in Education and/or attend the HCC
Protecting Children course for Governors.
All Governors or equivalent, particularly those in the key roles mentioned above,
should be given a proper induction (by the DSL or Head Teacher) into their school’s
safeguarding processes, and invited to attend any Whole School/College training
provided. Current information about all Safeguarding Training available through
Hampshire Governor Services can be found at:
Safer Recruitment
The School Staffing (England) Regulations 2009 require governing bodies of
maintained schools to ensure that at least one person on any appointment panel has
undertaken safer recruitment training. Governing bodies of maintained schools may
choose appropriate training. The training should cover, as a minimum, the content of
Keeping Children Safe in Education.
Courses are provided by Hampshire Governor Services and Education Personnel
Services and can be booked via Governor Services or the Learning Zone or by calling: 01962 718600
Governing bodies and proprietors of other schools and colleges may consider if safer
recruitment training would strengthen their school or colleges recruitment process
and organise appropriate training
Barbara Piddington
Children’s Services Department
Safeguarding Unit
Safeguarding Advisor,
01962 876364
February 2016