Understanding and analysing data presented by Jenny Freeman (University of Leeds) and Ellen Marshall (University of Sheffield) 16 & 17 February 2015 Venue The Royal Statistical Society, 12 Errol Street, London, EC1Y 8LX Course Summary The purpose of the course is to help delegates understand some basic statistical concepts and develop a strategy for approaching a simple data analysis. The course will introduce basic concepts such as hypothesis testing and confidence interval estimation. It will provide the tools to undertake a simple analysis of a dataset and include some helpful hints and tips for reading and understanding reported statistics. Learning Outcomes By the end of this course, attendees will understand basic approaches to statistical inference including hypothesis testing and confidence interval estimation. They will be equipped with the skills necessary to undertake simple analyses and to understand some of the basic terms often used to report statistical results. The course will mainly use calculations by hand to aid understanding but will include Excel and/or SPSS output for some statistical tests. Topics Covered Day 1: The normal distribution; Basic study design; Data Summary; Confidence intervals; Introduction to hypothesis tests; Analysis of contingency tables – chi-squared test. Day 2: T-tests; Non-parametric tests, (Wilcoxon signed rank test, Mann-Whitney U test); Correlation and regression; Basic presentation of data and results. Target Audience This course is aimed at those who have either never undertaken a formal statistics course, or who may have studied some statistics in the past but wish to undertake a refresher. It is ideal for statistical novices who may have never had any formal training but are starting to encounter statistics in their work and wish to gain some insight. Knowledge Assumed No statistics knowledge is necessary but a good pass in GCSE Maths would be helpful. Course Format On each day, registration begins at 9:00 and the course runs from 9:30 until 16:30 on both days. Delegate Feedback “Ellen and Jenny were extremely knowledgeable. They were also approachable and happy to give further explanations when necessary”. “Excellent course. Hard to fault. I can see why it's popular.” “This was a fantastic course, the presenters had a very high knowledge but could 'dumb it down' for me as I am new to this” Fees (including VAT) Contact The course will be made up of lectures, tutorials and group work sessions. RSS Fellow paying standard subscription RSS CStat including MIS, FIS & GradStat RSS Fellow paying concessionary subscription * RSS Student member or eStudent member Non Member ** Registration before 12 January 2015 Registration on/after 12 January 2015 £344 £300 £279 £461 £560 £384 £336 £312 £528 £624 Sarah Barker, Royal Statistical Society, 12 Errol Street, London EC1Y 8LX. Tel: +44 (0)20 7614 3915 Email: courses@rss.org.uk Fax: +44 (0)20 7614 3905 * applies to Fellows who are students, recent graduates or resident in an economically developing area ** Non members are welcome to join the Society at the same time as registering for the course and the discount received will cover the cost of their first subscription payment. More information about membership can be found at www.rss.org.uk/join REGISTRATION FORM UNDERSTANDING AND ANALYSING DATA, 16 & 17 FEBRUARY 2015 PLEASE USE ONE FORM PER PERSON. Completed forms may be faxed to + 44 (0)20 7614 3905 Preferred first name I am/am not an RSS fellow Membership number ………………………. Surname Telephone Number Fax number E-mail address (our normal method of contact will be e-mail, unless you advise us otherwise) Organisation Name Address (including postcode) Invoice Address (including postcode) if different from above COURSE FEES (including VAT @ 20%): Includes full course notes, tea/coffee and lunch Please tick the appropriate box(es) below: Registration before 12 January 2015 RSS Fellow paying standard subscription RSS CStat (also MIS, FIS & GradStat) RSS Fellow paying concessionary subscription RSS Student member or eStudent member Non Member £344 £300 £279 £461 £560 Registration on/after 12 January 2015 £384 £336 £312 £528 £624 PAYMENT Type of card: Visa / MasterCard / Maestro Card number: Expiry date: 3 digit security number (on back of card): I enclose a cheque for £___________payable to “RSS Services Limited” Please invoice me at the above address Purchase order number (required): Please debit my credit/debit card for the amount of £_____ Registered address, house number Postcode: Name on card: Signature: (NB this information will be destroyed once payment has been processed) Cancellations: For cancellations made more than one month in advance – full refund (less £20 admin charge) For cancellations made between one month and 2 weeks in advance – 50% refund (less £20 admin charge) For cancellations made less than 2 weeks in advance – no refund. If the course is oversubscribed and the place can be filled, a full refund (less £20 admin charge) may be given Cancellations must be made in writing and confirmed by the Society Delegate substitutions can be made at any time Please give details of any special dietary requirements: How did you hear about this (Please State) course? The information given above will be used by the Royal Statistical Society to process your registration. It will be retained and used by staff, officers and members in furtherance of the aims of the Royal Statistical Society, and in accordance with the 1998 Data Protection Act. The information will not be passed on to any third party. We may contact you with details of other courses and events which might be of interest. If you would prefer not to be contacted in this way, please tick the box Please return completed form to: Sarah Barker, Royal Statistical Society, 12 Errol Street, London EC1Y 8LX, UK Tel: +44 (0)20 7614 3915 Email: courses@rss.org.uk Fax: +44 (0)20 7614 3905