IBC # 00-000 Viral Vectors SECTION 1: INSTRUCTIONS 1. Please submit the completed form to ibc@vt.edu 2. If you have any questions, please contact the IBC administrator at ibc@vt.edu, or 540-231-1910. SECTION 2: GENERAL INFORMATION Protocol Title: PI Name: SECTION 3: VIRUS AND/OR VIRAL VECTOR INFORMATION A. Vector Description(s) Vector Type (Please specify vectors, transgenes, helper viruses, etc.) Vector Source (strain, backbone, etc.) Vendor Source (include catalog number) Gene(s) Expressed Infectious Particles Produced Replication defective? Yes Yes Yes B. Vector Packaging Will you be using a packaging cell line and/or helper plasmid(s) Yes No No No No If yes, complete the following table: Name of packaging cell line(s) or Helper plasmid(s) Sources of cells Tropism (species virus infects) Source of envelope glycoprotein (if retro- or lentivirus) Have they previously passed through animals or cell lines? Yes Yes Yes viruses/viral vectors Page 1 of 1 Will the construct be introduced to animals, cells or both? No No No Rev. 9/26/12