
President Report, HKSBS
It has been two years since the establishment of the Hong Kong Society of Breast
Surgeons in Feb 2012. Our major objective is to cultivate and develop our skills
through sharing and interactions among doctors and other health care
professionals with special interest in breast surgery, ultimately benefiting the
patients under our care. We also aim to promote the advancement and to strive for
the highest ethical and surgical standard of breast surgery in Hong Kong.
The objectives of the Society are:
1. To promote the advancement of breast surgery care and allied subjects.
2. To promote, foster, develop and assist the medical profession in the
acquisition, dissemination and application of knowledge and information
concerning breast surgical care.
3. To stimulate public interest and provide public education in breast surgical
care and to assist in keeping the medical profession with the latest
development on this field.
4. To encourage, assist and arrange research related to breast surgical care.
To date, we have 215 active members.
We have been active in promoting the advancement of breast surgery in Hong
Kong since establishment. One of our main activities is regular clinical meetings in
collaboration with different hospitals. In year 2012, we held three clinical meetings
featuring breast cancer in young women, sentinel lymph node biopsy and
preoperative breast imaging. We received positive feedback from multidisciplinary
team members including breast surgeons, plastic surgeons, pathologists,
radiologists, oncologists, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and
general practitioners. They found the meetings useful in keeping them abreast of
the newest knowledge and technology in breast surgery; which was useful in their
clinical practice. We also work with other societies like Hong Kong Society of
Clinical Oncology, Association of Private Medical Specialists of Hong Kong and
The University of Hong Kong Cancer Education and Research Centre in holding
scientific symposia. Sharing of ideas aiming at consensus making and research
collaboration was also promoted through this platform.
Scientific Meetings held in 2012:
14-15 April 2012
1st Scientific Program
Multi-specialty Medical Mega Conference Second Round (M3C 2.0)
Breast cancer in young women
Jointly organized by Association of Private Medical Specialists of Hong Kong
11 May 2012
2nd scientific program
Clinical Utility of Genomic Profiling in Making Adjuvant Treatment Decisions in
Early Stage Breast Cancer and Ductal Carcinoma In-Situ
Jointly organized by Hong Kong Society of Clinical Oncology
14 July 2012
3rd scientific program
Multidisciplinary Breast Cancer Forum: Towards the better outcome
Jointly organized by The University of Hong Kong Cancer Education and Research
17 July 2012
4th scientific program
Breast Cancer Sentinel Node Biopsy where are we now?
Jointly organized by Baptist Hospital
9 Nov 2012
5th scientific program
Breast Cancer: Preoperative imaging
Jointly organized by Kwong Wah Hospital
Scientific Meetings held in 2013:
2 March 2013
1st scientific program
Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Course cum Inauguration
6 April 2013
2nd scientific program
Multi-specialty Medical Mega Conference Second Round (M3C 2.0)
Update on multidisciplinary management of breast cancer
Jointly organized by Association of Private Medical Specialists of Hong Kong
19 July 2013
3rd scientific program
Triple negative and Basal-like Breast Cancer “Something more than molecular
Jointly organized by North District Hospital
1 Nov 2013
4th scientific program
Current status of minimal invasive breast surgery
Jointly organized by Kowloon East Cluster Breast Centre, United Christian Hospital
Scientific Meetings held in 2014:
30 March 2014
1st scientific program
Basic and Advanced Breast USG Course
Jointly organized by Kowloon East Cluster Breast Centre, United Christian Hospital
4 May 2014
2nd scientific program
Screening Controversies
Multi-specialty Medical Mega Conference Second Round (M3C 4.0)
Jointly organized by Association of Private Medical Specialists of Hong Kong
9 May 2014
3rd scientific program
Individualising Patient Care using Genomic Assays to Complement Standard
Prognostic Factors
9 July 2014
4th scientific program
Updates in Breast Cancer Management
Jointly organized by HK Society of Clinical Oncology and HK Association of
Community Oncologists
9 Aug 2014
5th scientific program
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer patients
Jointly organized by HK Sanatorium Hospital
The Society was inaugurated on 3 March 2013, with organization of the first
oncoplastic breast surgery course in Hong Kong. We are honoured to have the
pioneer and world leader of oncoplastic breast surgery, Professor Werner
Audretsch, to share his experience and to deliver the inaugural lecture on
"Technique and art of breast cancer local treatment". The response was
overwhelming with more than 120 doctors and nurses attended. Dr. Ko Wing Man
delivered speech during our inaugural dinner and witnessed a new chapter of
breast surgery in Hong Kong.
In the coming years, we will continue to organize clinical meetings, workshops and
courses, bringing in new technology and encouraging experience sharing among
members. A website has been set up which will include highlights clinical meetings
held (
I look forward to your active participation and welcome suggestions to enrich the
programs and activities of the Society.
Dr Polly Cheung
President, Hong Kong Society of Breast Surgeons
September 2014