2013 NATIONAL CONVENTION HUNT & TRIP DONATION FORM Donor Name: Business: Address: City/State/Zip: Country: Have you donated to RMEF in the past? YES (CHAPTER CREDIT REQUEST IS OPTIONAL) Please credit the Chapter for this donation. This credit will not transfer hard funds to that Chapter but will recognize that Chapter for providing the auction item to the national convention auction. All credits must be approved by the national office. RMEF Member #: Outfitter License #: Liability Insurance: Business Phone: Cell Phone: NO Email: FOR AFRICAN OUTFITTERS ONLY: In order to donate to Elk Camp, African Outfitters are required to belong to a Professional Hunters Association such as PHASA or NAPHA. Name of Association you belong to: HUNT RIFLE ARCHERY MUZZLELOADER SPECIES: TRIP FISHING PACK LOCATION (Unit/Region): DATES: NUMBER OF DAYS: OTHER YEARS GOOD FOR: NUMBER OF HUNTERS/GUESTS FOR DONATION: NUMBER OF HUNTERS/GUESTS PER GUIDE: COST FOR ADD’L HUNTERS: $ COST FOR NON HUNTER: $ ACCOMMODATIONS DURING HUNT/TRIP: TRANSPORTATION DURING HUNT/TRIP: INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDES TRANSPORTATION FROM CITY/AIRPORT: YES NOT INCLUDED NOT INCLUDED NO TROPHY FEES INCLUDED: LICENSE AND/OR PERMIT: Type: Type: CITY/AIRPORT: TROPHY FEES NOT INCLUDED: Please attach a list of trophy fee expenses INCLUDED MUST PURCHASE DRAWING Application Deadline: EXPENSES NOT INCLUDED: ANY RESTRICTIONS OR CONDITIONS TO THE DONATION: Please attach additional text and/or details describing the hunt. It is important to be clear and specific regarding expenses the buyer is expected to pay in addition to their winning bid price. RETAIL VALUE (U.S. Funds): $ Goods and/or services with an estimated fair market value of $ were provided to the donor, in exchange for their donation. (i.e. travel expense, hotel cost, license reimbursement, etc.) Full Donation Value Booth/Registration Credit Complimentary Membership FULL DONATION $1,000 $2,499 = $0 YES See reverse (or second page) for more information $2,500 $4,999 = $550 YES on full donation benefits $5,000 or more = $1,100 YES SPLIT RETURN DONATION: See reverse (or second page) for policies and qualifications Foreign hunts/trips must value $9,000 or more to qualify and will receive a maximum of 30% split-return. Domestic hunts/trip must value $2,500 or more to qualify. Split return proceeds are based on the final auction price of the item: Sliding Scale Split: Foreign Hunt Final Auction Price Collected Domestic Hunt Final Auction Price Collected Domestic Hunt Final Auction Price Collected Domestic Hunt Final Auction Price Collected $1,000 $1,000 $2,500 $5,000 - or more $2,499 $4,999 or more I fully understand and agree to all the terms, conditions, and policies on the reverse side of this form. DONOR SIGNATURE: Date: Donation Accepted By RMEF Representative. Signature: Date: Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, P O Box 8249, Missoula, MT 59807 1-800-CALL ELK Fax: (406) 523-4550 Web Site: www.rmef.org = = = = 30% returned to donor 30% returned to donor 40% returned to donor 50% returned to donor ROCKY MOUNTAIN ELK FOUNDATION (RMEF) CONVENTION DONATION POLICY FOR FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HUNTS AND TRIPS 1. EXHIBITING REQUIREMENT: in order for a foreign hunt to be auctioned at the RMEF Elk Camp convention, the professional hunter must be exhibiting at the show. 2. PHASA MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENT: All African Outfitters/Professional Hunters must be members of an accredited and RMEF approved Professional Hunters Association such as PHASA, A.P.H.A., NAPHA, etc. 3. FULL DONATION: The RMEF will retain 100% of the proceeds from a donated item. a) Complimentary Membership: Full donations valuing $1,000 or more may receive a complimentary Outfitter Membership ($500 value) for those outfitters that qualify. b) Donor Profile Auction Preview Catalog: Features items valuing $1,000 or more. Publication deadline for donations and materials is September 15. c) Booth/Registration Credit: Donation value $2,500 - $4,999 = $550 credit Donation value $5,000 or more = $1,100 credit 4. SPLIT DONATION: Foreign Hunts/Trips: A foreign hunt/trip is eligible for a 30% return if the individual donation values $9,000 or more. The 30% split return will be based on the final auction sale price collected. No split return will be given for items with a final auction price of less than $1,000. Domestic Hunts/Trips: A domestic hunt/trip donation is eligible for a split return if the value of the individual donation values $2,500 or more. The split return amount will be based on the final auction sale price collected as outlined on the front of this form. No split return will be given for items with a final auction price of less than $1,000. a) Complimentary Membership: No complimentary memberships with split donations. b) Donor Profile Auction Preview Catalog: Features items/services valuing $1,000 or more. Publication deadline for donations and materials is September 15. c) Booth/Registration Credit: No booth or registration credit available with split donations. d) Split Donation Payments: Split-return payments will be made within 4 - 6 weeks following the convention. e) Refunds of Split Payments: If RMEF issues a refund to the auction hunt/trip buyer, for any reason, the outfitter must, at a minimum, return any split donation payment, that he/she received for the donation and any other costs incurred by RMEF. 5. DONATION APPROVAL: All donations must be approved by the RMEF Donations Manager. RMEF reserves the right to accept or decline donations and to use donations at any RMEF function. 6. PROPERTY OF DONATION: Donations become property of RMEF upon acceptance by RMEF. 7. SELLING OF OUTFITTING BUSINESS: If an outfitter sells his/her business after the donation is auctioned, it is the responsibility of the outfitter to inform the new owner of any outstanding donation and insure that the commitments to the auction buyer are kept. 8. NOT TRANSFERABLE WITHOUT PERMISSION: This donation may not be donated or transferred to another party without permission from the outfitter. Indemnification: The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (RMEF) is not responsible for the donated item or service. Donor agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the RMEF, its affiliates, officers, directors, agents, and employees from any and all claims, actions, damages, losses, liabilities, attorneys’ fees, costs and expenses arising from or in any way related to the donated item or service. Effective 05/21/2012 Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, P O Box 8249, Missoula, MT 59807 1-800-CALL ELK Fax: (406) 523-4550 Web Site: www.rmef.org