A Biomes Webquest Introduction A biome is a major geographical region, composed of plants and animals that are adapted to the region's physical environment, including weather and climate. The biomes that will be studied in this Webquest are: Desert, Grassland, Rainforest, Taiga, Temperate Forest, and Tundra. Task You can either pick one of the biomes listed above, or your teacher will assign one. You are a member of the "Chamber of Commerce" for your biome. Your job is to provide information about your biome and encourage people to visit or move to your biome. You will work individually and in teams. Find out the following information about your biome: climate and weather (annual high and low temperature, average precipitation, types of weather) animals (endangered and non-endangered species) vegetation (major trees, shrubs, plants, crops) landforms (mountains, rivers) geographic location of the biome throughout the world places of interest Process Visit the web resources to find information about your biome. You can use the Biome Worksheet to record your information. After you have gathered information, answer the following questions about your biome (you can use the Biome Question Sheet to record your answers). Why is your biome important? What are some reasons people might want to visit your biome? What might happen if your biome didn't exist? As you answer these questions, you may begin to work on a PowerPoint (or HyperStudio) presentation designed to provide information about your biome and to encourage people to visit your biome. Each member of the team should be responsible for his or her own presentation. The presentation should consist of: A title slide with the name of your biome and the team members A slide telling/showing where the biome is located A climate/weather slide 5 slides about major animals 3 to 5 about vegetation (natural and cultivated) A slide about major landforms Slides showing/describing places of interest A slide encouraging visitors (perhaps with a slogan) A bibliographic slide citing your sources Click here to look at some sample PowerPoint slides. Before working at the computer, you should plan your slides on note cards or the Presentation Planning Form, using a format similar to the samples. Once you have created your PowerPoint presentation, you will need to decide how you will present it. Divide up the presentation information and practice before you present to the whole class. In addition to the PowerPoint presentation (depending on how much time you have), your team could also create posters and/or a brochure about your biome. Resources General Information All About Nature: Biomes http://www.allaboutnature.com/biomes/pond/pondlife.shtml Biomes: http://www.marlborough.la.ca.us/depts/science/biomes.html Biomes: http://www.furman.edu/~worthen/biomes/map.htm Biome Links: http://rmhs.dist214.k12.il.us/classes/lepbilscience/biome.html The Evergreen Project Adventures: http://mbgnet.mobot.org/sets/index.htm Introduction to Biomes: http://www.runet.edu/~swoodwar/CLASSES/GEOG235/biomes/intro.html (If you get a window asking for a password, click on "Cancel") Neighborhoods; Ecosystems, Biomes, and Habitats: http//www.fi.edu/tfi/units/life/habitat/habitat.html Student Biome Projects: http://ths.sps.lane.edu/biomes/index1.html Your Key to Biomes: http://lsb.cyr.edu/projects/cyberzoo/biomes/biomes.html The World's Biomes: http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/glossary/gloss5/biome/index.html Citing Sources Citing Internet Sources - Classroom Connect: http://www.classroom.com/community/connection/howto/citeresources.jhtml Yahooligans! Teachers' Guide: http://www.yahooligans.com/tg/citation.html Encyclopedias Compton's Online: http://www.optonline.com/comptons/index.html Electric Library's Free Encyclopedia: http://www.encyclopedia.com Information Please: http://www.infoplease.com/ Animal Pictures All About Nature: Biomes http://www.allaboutnature.com/biomes/pond/pondlife.shtml Maps Biomes of the World: http//www.snowcrest.net/geography/slides/biomes/index.html Graphic Maps Free Clip Art http://www.graphicmaps.com/clipart.htm World Biome Locations: http://www.furman.edu/~worthen/biomes/map.htm Specific Biomes Desert Images: http://miragemall.com/desertjpegs/imagesf.htm Desert: http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/glossary/gloss5/biome/deserts.html Desert: http://www.snowcrest.net/geography/slides/biomes/desert.htm Digital Desert Library: http://horizon.nmsu.edu/ddl/ The Living Desert: http://www.livingdesert.org/home.html Grassland Biome: http://www.southafrica.net/tourism/grassland.html Grasslands: http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/glossary/gloss5/biome/grasslan.html Grasslands: http://www.snowcrest.net/geography/slides/biomes/grass.htm Rainforest: http://www.interlog.com/~rainfrst/home.html Rainforest: http://www.toucansam.kelloggs.ca/eng/enter.htm Rainforest Information: http://www.rain.org/info_center/index.htm Virtual Rainforest: http://www.shs.org/rainforest/rainforest.html Taiga: http://www.runet.edu/~swoodwar/CLASSES/GEOG235/biomes/taiga/taiga.html Boreal Forest: http://www.snowcrest.net/geography/slides/biomes/boreal.htm Tundra, the Not-So Barren Land: http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/glossary/gloss5/biome/tundra.html Tundra: http://www.snowcrest.net/geography/slides/biomes/tundra.htm Area Chambers of Commerce Cedar Rapids' Chamber of Commerce http://www.cedarrapids.org/ Evaluation Very Good to Outstanding: A completed biomes worksheet Thoughtful answers to the questions A well constructed PowerPoint presentation (with a minimum of 10 slides) An interesting and persuasive delivery of the presentation (clear, rehearsed) Evidence of teamwork A posture or brochure Average to Good: A completed biomes worksheet Fairly thoughtful answers to the questions A PowerPoint presentation (with a minimum of 10 slides) A somewhat persuasive delivery of the presentation Evidence of teamwork Poor to Fair: An incomplete biomes worksheet Partial answers to questions A PowerPoint presentation with less than 10 slides Poor delivery of the presentation (rambling, unclear, unrehearsed) Little evidence of teamwork