application form - Community RePaint

Application to set up a new Community RePaint scheme
and to join the Community RePaint network
The Community RePaint network consists of over 70 community-based paint reuse schemes across the
UK, which collect unwanted, surplus paint and re-distribute it to individuals, families and communities in
need, improving the wellbeing of people and the appearance of places across the UK. In doing so the
Community RePaint network provides social, environmental and economic benefits and is managed by
the environmental consultancy, Resource Futures.
In 2012, approx. 336.5 million litres of paint were sold (retail and trade) of which it is estimated that over
50 million litres are unused, stored or thrown away. Part-filled tins of leftover paint are collected from the
public, usually at household waste recycling centres, as well as end-of-line and damaged tins from DIY
retailers and paint manufacturers, and leftover paint from painters and decorators.
Community RePaint provides a solution to this problem by providing an outlet for unwanted reusable paint
whilst helping local communities and families/individuals.
In 2014 the Community RePaint network:
Collected and diverted over 446,000 litres of unwanted paint from householders, traders and paint
Redistributed over 300,000 litres of paint to 3,382 community groups and charities and over 34,000
individuals in need.
Community RePaint is a unique concept in Europe and the network has been sponsored by Dulux since
its inception in 1993. Dulux provides some technical support and advice while Resource Futures has coordinated, managed and developed the network of schemes since founding Community RePaint in 1993.
By joining Community RePaint you’ll benefit from…
Ongoing support and technical advice from Resource Futures from set-up through to operation
including advice on income generation, publicity and marketing and how to comply with waste and
environmental legislation.
Being part of a reputable paint reuse network which has strong links with paint retailers and
manufacturers and access to sources of good quality paint.
Assistance for negotiations with local authorities and waste management companies.
Relationships that have been built up with national, community sector organisations, for paint
A copy of the Community RePaint Technical Manual, procedural posters, use of the Community
RePaint logos and other marketing materials.
Updates on paint related topics, funding and news from the network via the Community News
Ezine, access to the Members’ Area of the website and annual network days, where you can learn
from the experience of other schemes.
Lobbying of the government and responding to legislation consultations and reviews, by Resource
Futures, on behalf of the network.
To get started, simply complete the application form below and return it to us by email or post.
Community RePaint, c/o Resource Futures, CREATE Centre, Smeaton Road, BS1 6XN
Email: Tel: 0845 180 0501
To enable Resource Futures to provide you with technical advice and support, and then to
join the network, please fill in this information form, supplying details of your proposed
Community RePaint scheme.
Name of organisation:
Contact person:
Organisation Details
1. State what type of organisation you are? (eg community group/ recycler, charity,
business, local authority)
2. How long has your organisation been in existence?
3. Briefly describe the aims and objectives of your organisation.
4. What are the main activities of your organisation? How would running a Community
RePaint scheme fit in with your existing operations?
5. Does your organisation currently have premises suitable to host and run a
Community RePaint scheme? (Please give details)
6. Where would you locate your paint storage facility?
7. Where and by whom would the paint be sorted (for storage and to separate any
unusable/dried-up/hazardous materials)?
8. How would paint be collected? Does your organisation own or have access to a
vehicle which might be used for the collection of paint?
9. Where would paint be collected from (eg household waste recycling centres, DIY
retailers, painters and decorators, householders)?
10. Who would paint be distributed to, and over what geographical area?
11. Do you already have resources that would complement the operation of the
scheme (eg staff to develop and operate the scheme, office and computer facilities,
existing projects which can assist with overall running costs or further capital
12. Has a specific person been identified to manage the day-to-day operations of the
Community RePaint scheme? What is their position within the organisation?
13. How will you fund the start-up costs of your scheme? How will the ongoing costs
of operating the scheme be met?
14. What equipment will you buy/obtain to operate the scheme?
15. Have you involved any other organisation in your plans to develop the scheme
(e.g. local authorities, waste management companies or other community groups)?
16. Do you have a proposed timetable for establishing a Community RePaint scheme?
Please give details.
Please send your completed form by email to, or post to
Community RePaint c/o Resource Futures, CREATE Centre, Smeaton Road, Bristol,
BS1 6XN - once received you can expect to hear from us within two weeks.
For Resource Futures use only:
Date application form received: