Grade 4 Unit 1 Reading Curriculum Correlation Guide Brockton Public Schools Theme/suggested dates This Land is Your Land Concept Question: How do the diverse regions and peoples of the United States reflect its greatness? September – Mid-October Assessed Targeted Standards (MA ELA Frameworks) Standard 4: Vocabulary and Concept Development 4.11: Identify the meaning of common idioms and figurative phrases. 32, 39b, 52, 78, 98, 102, 103, 111c 4.13: Determine the meaning of unknown words using their context. 20b, 21, 28, 54, 78, 90, 96, 100, 101, 104, 11c, 124 4.14: Recognize and use words with multiple meanings (sentence, school, hard) and be able to determine which meaning is intended from the context of the sentence. 20b, 68-69, 79, 87c 4.16: Identify and apply the meaning of the terms antonym, synonym, and homophone. 20b, 42b, 90, 101, 111c Standard 5: Structure and Origins of Modern English 5.4: Recognize the subject-predicate relationship in sentences 5.7: Identify correct mechanics (end marks, commas for series, capitalization), correct usage (subject and verb agreement in a simple sentence), and correct sentence structure (elimination of sentence fragments). Standard 7: Beginning Reading 7.8: Use letter-sound knowledge to decode written English. Pages: Scott Foresman Reading Street 2008 87e-87f 39e-39f, 65e-65f, 111e-111f, 133f 39i-39j, 65i-65j, 87i-87j, 111i-111j, 133i-133j 7.9: Read grade-appropriate imaginative/literary and informational/expository text with comprehension 23-33, 44-59, 70-81, 92-105, 116-127 7.10: Read aloud grade-appropriate imaginative/literary and informational/expository text fluently, accurately, and with comprehension, using appropriate timing, change in voice, and expression. 39a, 65a, 87a, 111a, 133a Reading Curriculum Correlation Guide Grade 4 Unit 1 Standard 8: Understanding a Text 8.11: Identify and show the relevance of foreshadowing clues. 8.12: Identify sensory details and figurative language. 8.14: Make judgments about setting, characters, and events and support them with evidence from the text. 8.15: Locate facts that answer the reader’s questions. 8.17: Distinguish fact from opinion or fiction. 22, 23, 44, 53, 70, 92, 116 65b, 130-133, 134-137 50, 74, 94, 98, 99, 100, 103, 105 62-65, 84-87, 108-111, 116-127 124, 125 Standard 10: Genre 10.1: Identify differences among the common forms of literature: poetry, prose, fiction, nonfiction (informational and expository), and dramatic literature. 22, 36, 37, 44, 62, 63, 70, 84, 85, 92, 108, 109, 116, 130 Standard 12: Fiction 12.2: Identify and analyze the elements of plot, character, and setting in the stories they read and write. 50, 74, 94, 98, 99, 100, 103, 105 Standard 13: Nonfiction 13.6: Identify and use knowledge of common textual features (paragraphs, topic sentences, concluding sentences, glossary). 13.7: Identify and use knowledge of common graphic features (charts, maps, diagrams, illustrations). 130, 133 116 13.9: Locate facts that answer the reader’s questions. 62-65, 84-87, 108-111, 116-127 13.11: Distinguish fact from opinion or fiction. 124, 125 Standard 14: Poetry 14.2: Identify rhyme and rhythm, repetition, similes, and sensory images in poems. 130-133, 134-137 Standard 15: Style and Language 15.2: Identify words appealing to the senses or involving direct comparisons in literature and spoken language. 65b, 130-133, 134-137 Standard 19: Writing 19.9: Write stories that have a beginning, middle, and end and contain details of setting. 19.10: Write short poems that contain simple sense details. 39g-39h, 65g-65h, 87g-87h, 133g-133h, 139a-139f, 139g-139h 130-133, 134-137 19.11: Write brief summaries of information gathered through research. 39k, 65k, 87k, 87l, 111k, 133k 19.13: Write an account based on personal experience that has a clear focus and sufficient supporting detail. 39g-39h, 133g-133h, 139a-139h Reading Curriculum Correlation Guide Grade 4 Unit 1 Standard 20: Consideration of Audience and Purpose 20.2: Use appropriate language for different audiences (other students, parents) and purposes (letter to a friend, thank you note, invitation). 39g-39h, 65g-65h, 87g-87h, 111g-111h, 133g-133h, 139a-139h Standard 21: Revising 21.2: Revise writing to improve level of detail after determining what could be added or deleted. 39h, 65h, 87h, 111h, 133h, 139b, 139d, 139h Standard 23: Organizing Ideas in Writing 23.3: Organize plot events of a story in an order that leads to a climax . 23.5: Organize ideas for an account of personal experience in a way that makes sense. Content Connections 39g-39h, 65g-65h, 87g-87h, 133g-133h, 139a-139f, 139g-139h 39g-39h, 133g-133h, 139a-139h Standard 24: Research 24.2: Identify and apply steps in conducting and reporting research: 39k, 65k, 87k, 87l, 111k, 133k, Science: Social Studies: Week 5: Standard: Earth Science Sierra Nevada SF TE p. 119 Types of Rocks SF TE p. 121 Glaciers SF TE p. 125 Redwood Forest SF TE p. 131 Week 1: Standard: History European Influence SF TE p. 25 Standard: Economics Geography of the Southwest SF TE p. 29 Week 2: Standard: History Lewis and Clark SF TE p. 47 Standard: Geography Climate of the Midwest SF TE p. 51 Standard: Economics Barter System SF TE p. 57 Western Expansion SF TE p. 63 Week 3: Standard: Geography California’s Geography SF TE p. 73 Standard: History San Francisco SF TE p. 75 Wartime Conditions SF TE p.79 Week 4: Standard: Geography Geography of the Southwest SF TEp.95 Standard: Economics Ranches of the Southwest SF TE p.103 Reading Curriculum Correlation Guide Grade 4 Unit 1 Assessment Required: Scott Foresman Unit 1 Benchmark Writing: Required Writing Assignments Other: Scott Foresman Selection Tests DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) Scott Foresman Fresh Reads Edusoft Teacher Tools Running Record Resources Classroom Resources: Scott Foresman Reading Street Leveled Readers Professional Text: Make It Real - Linda Hoyt Web: Other: School-based Literacy Closet Reading Curriculum Correlation Guide Grade 4 Unit 1