From Vertices to Fragments 1 Basic Implementation Strategies 1.1 Object-oriented 1.1.1 foreach (object) render(object); 1.1.2 pipeline renderer: each primitive processed independently (in parallel) 1.1.3 needs lots of memory (framebuffer, depthbuffer) 1.1.4 no global illumination 1.2 Image-oriented 1.2.1 foreach (pixel) assign_a_color(pixel) 1.2.2 less memory: maybe can compute pixels during refresh! 1.2.3 needs data structure to tell which primitives matter 1.2.4 can do global illumination 2 Four Major Tasks 2.1 Modeling 2.1.1 produces geometric objects 2.1.2 usually, a user program 2.1.3 clipping/culling: can reduce number of primitives using application knowledge 2.2 Geometry Processing 2.2.1 Which objects appear on display, assign colors 2.2.2 operations projection transform vertices to normalized view volume: a cube centered at origin (clip coordinates: Homogeneous) primitive assembly groups vertices into objects (need to tell if objects lie outside, inside, or partially inside the view volume) (visible surface found in fragment processing) clipping determine which primitives like in view volume for partially visible primitives, create new primitives that are completely visible afterwards, perform perspective division shading assign colors to each vertex 2.3 Rasterization 2.3.1 for line segments: determine fragments along a line between projected vertices 2.3.2 for polygons: determine which pixels lie inside polygon defined by projected vertices 2.3.3 input in normalized device coords 2.3.4 outputs fragments in window coordinates (perform a 2D transformation to viewport ) 2.4 Fragment Processing 2.4.1 assign colors to fragments, place in frame buffer 2.4.2 interpolate per-vertex colors 2.4.3 lookup texture values 2.4.4 perform depth test 2.4.5 blending 3 Clipping 3.1 Overview 3.1.1 clipper determines which primitives are accepted or rejected (culled). 3.1.2 performed before perspective divide 3.1.3 visible object lie in cube: normalized device coordinates -w <= x <= w -w <= y <= w -w <= z <= w 3.1.4 partially visible primitives are clipped to fit 3.1.5 clipping can occur at various points in pipeline modeler can remove some objects can clip after projecting to screen (in 2D) can clip to 3D view volume (OpenGL) 3.2 Line-Segment Clipping 3.2.1 Lines to be clipped 3.2.2 Cohen-Sutherland Clipping Cohen-Sutherland outcodes "outcodes" b0b1b2b3 classify a point (x,y) wrt boundaries b0=(y>ymax)?1:0 b1=(y<ymin)?1:0 b2=(x>xmax)?1:0 b3=(x<xmin)?1:0 Algorithm for each endpoint of line, compute the outcodes o1 and o2 if both o1 = o2 = 0, line inside window, accept if one outcode=0, other is !=0, then the line segment must be shortened. nonzero outcode bits tell which boundary(s) to intersect with line. if (o1 "logical and" o2) != 0, then both lie on same side of a boundary: reject if (o1 "logical and" o2) = 0, then both are outside, but line may pass through window. Intersect with a boundary and check intersection's outcode. (reapply alg) Computing intersections line endpoints:(x1,y1) and (x2,y2) m = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) recall y = mx + b y of intersection with a vertical boundary: y = y1 + m ( x_bdy - x1) x of intersection with a horiz bdy: x = x1 + (y_bdy - y1) / m best for cases where most lines are completely outside needs to shorten edges multiple times in some cases extends to 3D 3.2.3 Liang-Barsky Clipping use parametric form: p(a)=(1-a)p1 + a p2 consider the parameter values at the intersections with the boundaries: a1,a2,a3,a4 Liang-Barsky intersections sort the a values to determine if line can be accepted, rejected, or needs to have an intersection computed Computing Intersections we want to avoid computing intersections unless needed intersection with top edge: a = (y_max - y1) / (y2 - y1) rewrite: a(y2-y1)=(y_max-y1) or a (delta_y) = delta_y_max can then restate tests in terms of delta_y and delta_y_max, avoiding divisions unless a is needed avoids multiple shortenings extends to 3D 3.3 Polygon Clipping 3.3.1 can clip to rectangular windows, or other shapes clipping to the shadow volume of a polygon 3.3.2 can create multiple polygons when clipping a concave polygon. (or something weird) (So, forbid them!) A concave polygon to be clipped Multiple polygons resulting from clipping A single, weird polygon can result (e.g. using Sutherland-Hodgeman) 3.3.3 Sutherland-Hodgeman Algorithm good for pipelines clip polygon to one side of clip window, pass result to next stage Sequence of clipping operations 3.4 Other Primitives 3.4.1 Bounding Boxes and Volumes Axis-aligned bounding boxes (AABB) Complex objects with bounding volumes if box totally or partially visible, draw the contents if box completely outside window, don't draw contents Bounding Spheres can simplify collision detection (if volumes don't intersect, no collision.) 3.4.2 Curves, Surfaces, Text curves can be complicated: convert to lines or polys and clip those text: can convert to geometry and clip that. May want to clip at higher level: e.g., words 3.5 In Three Dimensions 3.5.1 clip to a volume instead of a window Clipping to a 3D volume 3.5.2 Cohen-Sutherland: extend outcodes to 6 bits 3D outcodes 3.5.3 Liang-Barsky: extend line equation to 3D parametric 3.5.4 Computing Intersections Now we are intersecting lines with planes Intersection of a line and a plane Equations for intersection of a line and a plane 3.5.5 OpenGL supports additional clip planes, of arbitrary orientation 4 Rasterization 4.1 Lines 4.1.1 DDA Digital Differential Analyzer assume 0<= m <= 1 (get other slopes by symmetry) for (x=x1; x <= x2; x++) { y += m; write_pixel(x, round(y), color); } Driving axis: incremented by 1 each pixel Using the wrong driving axis causes gaps Use y as driving axis and 1/m as increment for x, if m > 1 Correct driving axis gives desired results needs a floating-point add per pixel 4.1.2 Bresenham's Algorithm Efficient: uses only integer adds and shifts assume 0 <= m <= 1 (take a unit step in x) after drawing a pixel, the next one will be to the right, or to right and above which pixel is next? use sign of a decision variable, d=a-b, to tell which is closest to true line. which pixel is closer? derivation Derivation Algorithm bresenham (x',y',x",y") (x,y) = leftmost endpoint x_end = x coord of right endpoint delta_x = abs ( x" - x' ) delta_y = abs ( y" - y' ) p = 2 * delta_y - delta_x incr1 = 2 * delta_y incr2 = 2 * ( delta_y - delta_x ) write_pixel ( x,y,color ); while ( x < x_end ) { x=x+1 if ( p < 0 ) p = p + incr1 else p = p + incr2; y += 1 write_pixel ( x,y,color ) } 4.2 Polygons 4.2.1 inside-outside test odd-even (crossing) test from the point being considered, send a ray (scanline) to infinity, and count the number of polygon edges crossed inside if number or crossings is odd, outside if even odd-even test on a non-simple polygon winding number from the point considered, count how many times the polygon encircles the point windings = ((sum of angles subtended by each edge) / 2 pi) if 0, point outside. if 1 (or more), point inside winding test fills it all in 4.2.2 flood fill first rasterize edges, then start from a seed point and fill the interior Flood-fill algorithm make efficient by removing recursion and filling spans (along scanlines) instead of single pixels 4.2.3 singularities when vertices lie directly on scanlines, can cause problems when counting edge crossings singularities (a) count as 0 or 2 crossings, (b) count as one crossing avoiding singularities: move vertex slightly if on scanline or, consider pixel centers at halfway between integers, vertices at integers 5 Hidden Surface Removal 5.1 Object-space 5.1.1 For each object, compare it to the other objects 5.1.2 Display the visible part of the object 5.1.3 for k objects, runtime is O(k^2) 5.2 Image-space 5.2.1 for each pixel, generate a ray from eye through pixel 5.2.2 Intersect the ray with all objects, pick closest intersection 5.2.3 For MxN image with k objects, need MxNxk intersection calculations. O(k) worst case, can be better, e.g. O(log k) with a spatial indexing structure 5.3 Sorting 5.3.1 Object-space method essentially is a sort. Can be improved to O(k log k) 5.4 Scanline Algorithms 5.4.1 Can create pixels as they are displayed (during refresh) 5.4.2 span=contiguous set of interior pixels along a scanline several spans 5.4.3 Sort the edge intersections by y (scanline), within scanline by x unsorted intersections sorted intersections 5.4.4 can use a radix sort to speed it up: keep a bucket of edge intersections per scanline, each bucket sorted by x (keep z values of intersections, too) scanline buckets 5.4.5 solve the visible surface problem within each scanline (2D problem is easier than the 3D problem) 5.5 Back-Face Removal 5.5.1 keep the face if dot(n,v) >= 0 5.6 Z-buffer algorithm 5.6.1 keep depth of each pixel in a separate depth buffer 5.6.2 When generating fragments during rasterization, write the fragment to color buffer if its closer than the pixel last written at that position 5.6.3 update the depth buffer if the fragment was drawn. 5.6.4 the depth of each fragment along a scanline changes by a constant amount between adjacent pixels 5.7 Depth Sort and the Painter's Algorithm 5.7.1 Sort polygons by distance from viewer 5.7.2 Draw polygons in back-to-front order 5.7.3 Problems big+small polygons cyclic overlap intersecting polygons 5.8 BSP tree algorithm 5.8.1 Consider a single polygon P, and the plane it lies in Hp The plane Hp, embedding polygon P, partitions space "near side" of Hp = side with viewpoint. other side = "far side" Properties A poly lying in the near side f Hp might obscure P or a poly in the far side P might obscure a poly on the far side, but cannot obscure anything in the near side A poly lying on the far side cannot obscure P or anything in the near side (A poly lying on both sides is split into two polygons, one in near side, other in far side (modified Cohen-Sutherland alg) PartitionPolygons ( set<polygon> S, set<polygon> &frontside, set<polygon> &backside, PlaneEquation Hp, set<polygon> inHp ) { polygon P = select a polygon from S at random Hp = plane equation for P for each polygon Q in S test each vertex against Hp if all vertices on front side of Hp add Q to frontside set else if all vertices on back side add Q to backside set else { split Q into Qfront and Qback add Qfront to fronside add Qback to backside } } Given these properties, should draw in this order: far side polygons P near side polygons But, there may be more than one poly in near and/or far sides. So, apply the idea recursively to the near and far sides 5.8.2 Create a BSP Tree by recursively partitioning the polygons on either side of the plane. struct BSPTree { set<polygon> inHp; plane_equation Hp; BSPTree *left, *right; } BSPTree CreateBSP ( set<polygon> polys ) { if ( polys is empty ) return NULL; PartitionPolygons ( polys, frontpolys, backpolys, Hp, inHpPolys ); BSPTree *tree = new BSPNode ( Hp, inHpPolys ); tree->left = CreateBSP ( backpolys ); tree->right = CreateBSP ( frontpolys ); return tree; } BSP Tree schema 5.8.3 if eye in front of Hp, then frontside = "near" side, backside = "far" side else vice versa 5.8.4 Back-to-front rendering void Draw ( BSPTree *t ) { if ( t ) { d = evaluate t->Hp at viewpoint if ( d > 0 ) far = t->left; near = t->right; else far = t->right; near = t->left; Draw ( far ); DrawPolygons ( t->inHp ); Draw ( near ); } } 5.8.5 Mark leaves as "in" or "out" of the solid, and use the tree to classify points struct BSPSolidTree { set<polygon> inHp; plane_equation Hp; BSPSolidTree *left, *right; } bool PointInSolid ( Point p, BSPSolidTree *solid ) { if ( solid == "in" ) return true; if ( solid == "out" ) return false; if ( p lies in "front" halfspace of solid->Hp ) return PointInSolid ( p, solid->right ); else if ( p lies in "back" halfspace of solid->Hp ) return PointInSolid ( p, solid->left ) else return ( PointInSolid ( p, solid->left) & PointInSolid ( p, solid->right) ); } 5.8.6 Example Initial polygons Choose polygon1 to create root. Split 4 into 4 and 4'. split back side of "a" using polygon 4 split back side of "b" with polygon 5 split frontside of "a" with polygon 2 split back side of "d" with polygon 3 split back side of "e" with polygon 4' 6 Antialiasing 6.1 Displays are discrete (limited resolution), but primitives are continuous (infinite resolution) 6.2 Many possible lines will result in the same set of pixels (the alias) 6.3 Pixels are on a uniform grid, with a fixed size and shape 6.4 Area averaging 6.4.1 Consider the "ideal" line as having area 6.4.2 If the display supports 2 or more bits per pixel, we can color pixels based on the percentage of the pixel covered by the ideal line 6.4.3 (a) aliased (b) antialiased (c) zoom on aliased (d) zoom on antialiased 6.4.4 For pixels containing portions of different primitives, can color the pixel with the area-weighted average of primitives' colors 6.5 time-domain aliasing 6.5.1 flash/flicker of small objects when raytracing (fix with oversampling and averaging) 6.5.2 strobe-effect on moving objects (fix with motion blur) 6.5.3 wagon-wheel effect (fix with oversampling and averaging in time-domain (i.e. motion blur)) 6.6 Expensive 7 Display Considerations 7.1 Color Systems 7.1.1 We can convert between RGB values and other systems for specifying color 7.1.2 color gamut = displayable colors 7.1.3 chromaticity coordinates describe color without regard for intensity visible (spectral) colors vs. CRT color gamut 7.1.4 HLS: hue, lightness, saturation Hue: color Lightness: how bright Saturation: "purity" of color. Less saturated = mixed with white How HLS cone relates to RGB cube HLS space is actually a double cone. 7.2 The Color Matrix 7.2.1 glMatrixMode(GL_COLOR) 7.2.2 transforms RGBA colors by a 4x4 matrix 7.3 Gamma Correction 7.3.1 Eyes perceive brightness logarithmically 7.3.2 If we want brightness (perceived intensity) values to be equally spaced, the physical intensities should increase exponentially The consequences of having pixel values unevenly spaced in brightness space are twofold. Either brigtnesses are changing too slowly to be noticed, or the brightnesses are changing too quickly, causing visible transitions between regions of pixels that differ in value by one. The latter situation can occur at low intensities. Our eyes are more sensitive to changes at low intensities. We see relative differences in intensity, i.e., perception is on a logarithmic scale. "So we're glad that the phosphors have this curve, because by darkening our colors it lets us keep more resolution in the darks. For a gamma of 2.2, for example, light at 50% intensity is generated with an 8-bit value of 186. This gives us 186 shades of dark and 70 shades of bright. The reduced resolution in the bright areas isn't noticed because the eye isn't as sensitive there. We need to take this distortion into account in our graphics math, however, or colors will end up too dark and things like anti-aliasing won't have the effect we want." --- from "Gamma Correction in Computer Graphics" ( 7.3.3 Monitor intensity is proportional to the input voltage (pixel value), raised to a power (gamma). This is (approximately) the inverse of the eye's response. See document: gamma The input voltage is linear in the pixel values, since the DAC usually performs a linear conversion. For NTSC, gamma = 2.2 For PAL, gamma = 2.8 For HDTV, gamma = 2.5 (bigger gamma, more contrast) "So we're glad that the phosphors have this curve, because by darkening our colors it lets us keep more resolution in the darks. For a gamma of 2.2, for example, light at 50% intensity is generated with an 8-bit value of 186. This gives us 186 shades of dark and 70 shades of bright. The reduced resolution in the bright areas isn't noticed because the eye isn't as sensitive there. We need to take this distortion into account in our graphics math, however, or colors will end up too dark and things like anti- aliasing won't have the effect we want." --- from "Gamma Correction in Computer Graphics" ( 7.3.4 In most graphics packages, pixel values are computed assuming a linear relationship between pixel value and intensity. For example, for antialiasing, we may compute a 50% coverage by a black object over a white pixel, and update the pixel color to be ( 0.5 * 0 + 0.5 * 1.0) * 255 = 128 7.3.5 This is WRONG, however, since the monitor applies the gamma function. Our colors will look too dark. The monitor will output an intensity of about 22% for a pixel value of 128. 7.3.6 If you want to compute intensities in "linear space", you need to apply the inverse of the gamma curve when you store the pixel values. We can use a lookup table for this. You can also use a non-linear DAC to do the conversion (SGI). You could also use a fragment program. 7.3.7 Using a LUT, you are losing resolution in the dark range. This can result in visible banding in dark areas. Half of the values are "darks", half are "brights". This is too much for the "brights", and too little for the "darks". 7.3.8 To deal with this problem, we can use a higher resolution representation. Use 16-bit integers, or floats (NVidia's float16) per primary. We should perform all intensity computations (blending, antialiasing, etc) using high- resolution, linear intensities. Avoid converting to 8-bpp until the very last (if at all). 7.3.9 Also, displays usually have a "black offset" : can't display pure black. 7.4 Dithering and Halftoning 7.4.1 For displays with limited range of intensities, we can tradeoff spatial resolution for intensity resolution 7.4.2 Halftoning: use black dots of different sizes to get shades of gray (The eye integrates.) 7.4.3 Digital halftoning (dithering): use patterns (e.g. 4x4) of 1-bit pixels to get shades Can get 17 different shades with 16 pixels.