Ceramics I Curriculum Map Tara Maikranz Ohio County High School Week Content Objective Activities/Assessments Day 1-3 Classroom procedures and safety -identify proper procedures for conducting class in a safe and productive manner. -Class discussions -Personal Inventory -Learning Styles Quiz -Pre test Week 1 Clay Chemistry Evaluating Ceramic art - apply understanding of the dehydration/vitrification process -utilize clay to communicate ideas -Effectively communicate thoughts and ideas through verbal critiques -Describe the impact (or results) of the artists use of principles and elements on the viewer -evaluate effectiveness of artist use of varied criteria -The science of clay PP -ASU website activities -carving demo -clay icon -Assessment-Clay chemistry quiz -ASU website quizzes Week 2-3 Pinch Construction -Apply various elements and principles to own work - utilize pinch technique with sufficient skill, confidence, and sensitivity that intentions are carried out in artworks -utilize clay to communicate -Pinch demo -Wedge demo -wedging and pinching exercises -ancient utilitarian pots PP -footed pinch pots -pinch pot animal Vocab Resources Connections -Class syllabus -Personal Inventory -Learning Styles Quiz -Pre test ReadingWritingPersonal inventory PLCS-Personal Inventory/career choices topic Leatherhard bone dry bisque plastic malleable greenware vitrify kiln fire glaze -A Potter’s Handbook -Ceramics: Art and Perception -Scholastics Mag -Science of clay PP -ASU website handout Reading- A Potters Handbook, Ceramics: Art and Perception, Scholastics Mag WritingCeramics: Art and Perception, Scholastics Mag PLCS Glaze fire Bisque fire Wedge Pinch Utilitarian Slip Score -Ancient Utilitarian pots PP -footed pinch pot rubric -pinch quiz -animal pinch ReadingCeramics: Art and Perception, Scholastics Mag WritingCeramics: Art ideas -Effectively communicate thoughts and ideas through verbal critiques -Utilize glaze effectively -Use the slip and score method to join clay -slip and score demo -group critiques -Assessment- pinch quiz -glaze demo -glaze quiz Coil pin tool burnish serrated rib metal rib Weeks 4-6 Coil Construction -Identify the parts of a vessel -create and utilize a template -create a symmetrical pot using the coil technique - utilize coil technique with sufficient skill, confidence, and sensitivity that intentions are carried out in artworks -Apply various elements and principles to own work -utilize clay to communicate ideas -Effectively communicate thoughts and ideas through verbal critiques -parts of Patty Pots -tribal coil pottery -coil demo -sketching Patty’s family -create template -symmetrical coil built vessel -alternate opening coil pot -group critiques -Assessment-coil quiz Coil Neck Body Shoulder Lip Mouth Foot Symmetrical Template Paddle Rasp Weeks 7-8 Soft Slab Vessels -Explore the purposes of ceramic vessels -develop a series of related works - utilize soft slab technique with sufficient skill, confidence, and sensitivity that intentions are carried out in artworks -Apply various elements and principles to own work -utilize clay to communicate -view and discuss series of works by various artists -discuss purposes of vessels -where form meets function -sketchbook exercises -soft slab demo -design and construct single soft slab vessel -explore initial vessel and develop a series of at least three -adding texture to clay Soft slab Sprig Addition Stamp Texture pot rubric -glaze quiz -A Potter’s Handbook -Ceramics: Art and Perception -Scholastics Mag -coil PP -coil quiz -symmetrical coil pot rubric -alternate opening coil pot rubric -alternate opening PIN -A Potter’s Handbook -Ceramics: Art and Perception -Scholastics Mag -soft slab quiz -slab series PP -soft slab series rubric -making sprigs CAD -stamps, balls, tubes PIN -wall pocket BLICK -A Potter’s and Perception, Scholastics Mag PLCS ReadingCeramics: Art and Perception, Scholastics Mag WritingCeramics: Art and Perception, Scholastics Mag PLCS ReadingCeramics: Art and Perception, Scholastics Mag WritingCeramics: Art and Perception, Scholastics Mag PLCS ideas -Effectively communicate thoughts and ideas through verbal critiques -wall pocket -group critiques -Assessment- soft slab quiz Weeks 9-11 Leatherhard slab -Explore the purposes of various lidded vessels -create a single form lidded box -utilize leatherhard slab technique with sufficient skill, confidence, and sensitivity that intentions are carried out in artworks - utilize sgraffito technique with sufficient skill, confidence, and sensitivity that intentions are carried out in artworks -Students initiate, define, and solve challenging 3D visual art problems independently Apply various elements and principles to own work -utilize clay to communicate ideas -Effectively communicate thoughts and ideas through verbal critiques -the art of single form vessels PP -demo creating single form -demo cutting in lid -Sketchbook exercises -group critiques -history of sgraffito PP -demo sgraffito -personal totem boxes -Assessment- leather hard slab/ sgraffito quiz Leatherhard Lid Sgraffito Underglaze Weeks 12-13 Molds -Utilize everyday materials to assist in formation of utilitarian bowls - utilize mold techniques with sufficient skill, confidence, and sensitivity that intentions -slump, hump, press mold demo -view and analyze various molded vessels PP -design and construct functional slump, hump, and Slump Hump Press Mold Handbook -Ceramics: Art and Perception -Scholastics Mag -single form boxes PP sgraffito PP -slab box rubric -leather hard slab/ sgraffito quiz -personal totem box PIN -sgraffito CAD -A Potter’s Handbook -Ceramics: Art and Perception -Scholastics Mag -molded bowls PP -molded bowls rubric molded bowls quiz ReadingCeramics: Art and Perception, Scholastics Mag WritingCeramics: Art and Perception, Scholastics Mag PLCS ReadingCeramics: Art and Perception, Scholastics Mag Writing- are carried out in artworks -Apply various elements and principles to own work -utilize clay to communicate ideas -Effectively communicate thoughts and ideas through verbal critiques press molded vessels -group critiques -Assessment molded bowls quiz -A Potter’s Handbook -Ceramics: Art and Perception -Scholastics Mag Ceramics: Art and Perception, Scholastics Mag PLCS Weeks 14-18 Teapots -Explore the purposes of and history of tea and teapots -design and create a functional teapot -identify parts of a teapot - utilize various hand building techniques with sufficient skill, confidence, and sensitivity that intentions are carried out in artworks -Apply various elements and principles to own work -utilize clay to communicate ideas -Effectively communicate thoughts and ideas through verbal critiques -tea anyone? PP -I’m a little teapot -spout demo -handle demo -gallery lid demo -lid lock demo -design and construct teapot -group critiques -Assessment teapot quiz Gallery Spout Handle Lid lock Rim -teapot PP -teapot quiz -teapot rubric -spherical teapots CAD -artist inspired teapot PIN -repetitive element teapot PIN -A Potter’s Handbook -Ceramics: Art and Perception -Scholastics Mag ReadingCeramics: Art and Perception, Scholastics Mag WritingCeramics: Art and Perception, Scholastics Mag PLCS Weeks 19-21 Modeling and Carving -apply knowledge of low and high relief -Explore the purposes of relief - utilize coil technique with sufficient skill, confidence, and sensitivity that intentions are carried out in artworks -Apply various elements and principles to own work -additive and subtractive technique demo -modeling demo -animal sculpture PIN -carving low relief in wet clay PIN -action figure CAD -organic abstract sculpture BLICK -Greek relief PP Additive Subtractive Low relief High relief Carving Piercing Organic In the round -animal sculpture PIN -carving low relief in wet clay PIN -action figure CAD - modeling and carving quiz -organic ReadingCeramics: Art and Perception, Scholastics Mag WritingCeramics: Art and Perception, Scholastics Mag -utilize clay to communicate ideas -Effectively communicate thoughts and ideas through verbal critiques -Sketchbook exercise -unexpected open door relief plate -group critiques -Assessment-modeling and carving quiz Weeks 22-24 Music through clay -explore the history of clay instruments -create a musical instrument - utilize various hand building techniques with sufficient skill, confidence, and sensitivity that intentions are carried out in artworks -Apply various elements and principles to own work -utilize clay to communicate ideas -Effectively communicate thoughts and ideas through verbal critiques -music demo -Musical clay PP -instrument construction -instrument decoration -Sketchbook exercise -group critiques -Assessment-music quiz Weeks 25-31 Concepts in clay -Explore various concepts in art - utilize various hand building techniques with sufficient skill, confidence, and sensitivity that intentions are carried out in artworks -Apply various elements and principles to own work -tile my world - -sketchbook exercises -design and construct tile mural -group critiques -masks -miniatures -houses -Soldner animal Mural Tile Juxtaposition Conceptual Pun Subject Content abstract sculpture BLICK -Greek relief PP -A Potter’s Handbook -Ceramics: Art and Perception -Scholastics Mag -music quiz -instrument rubric -From Mud to Music -Ceramics: Art and Perception -Scholastics Mag PLCS -concepts quiz -A Potter’s Handbook -Ceramics: Art and Perception -Scholastics Mag ReadingCeramics: Art and Perception, Scholastics Mag WritingCeramics: Art and Perception, Scholastics ReadingCeramics: Art and Perception, Scholastics Mag WritingCeramics: Art and Perception, Scholastics Mag PLCS Weeks 32-36 Careers -utilize clay to communicate ideas -Effectively communicate thoughts and ideas through verbal critiques -initiate, define, and solve challenging 3D visual art problems independently -Explore the careers available in the area of ceramics and the skills they require - utilize various hand building techniques with sufficient skill, confidence, and sensitivity that their intentions are carried out in their artworks -Students initiate, define, and solve challenging 3D visual art problems independently -Apply various elements and principles to own work -Analyze the purposeful use of the art principles and elements in a successful pot -utilize clay to communicate ideas -Effectively communicate thoughts and ideas through verbal critiques -Describe the impact (or results) of the artists use of principles and elements on the viewer Mag PLCS -Moore figure -shoe -food juxtaposition -pun -daily activity -Assessment-concepts quiz -Research various careers -create “model” for your career -create PP or flip chart about your career -group critiques -Assessment -A Potter’s Handbook -Ceramics: Art and Perception -Scholastics Mag ReadingCeramics: Art and Perception, Scholastics Mag WritingCeramics: Art and Perception, Scholastics Mag PLCS