Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Instituto Smithsonian de Investigaciones Tropicales PROTOCOL FOR THE HUMANE USE OF LIVE VERTEBRATES Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Prepared for the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Applicant: Please completely fill out the following form for any project that involves the use of animals. Only one form is necessary for a project/study, and should be filled out by the principal investigator at least 2 (two) months in advance of project initiation. All Smithsonian Units are required to examine and adhere to Smithsonian Directive 605 on Animal Care an Use which has recently been made available to the SI community on PRISM ( The SI administration is requesting that all units closely examine activities involving the use or collection of vertebrate animals and report on them on a regular basis. Very Important: IACUC protocol will be reviewed every 3 months: March 15, May 15, August 15 and November 15. Project Title: Project Director: Smithsonian Affiliation: Home Institution: Date Submitted: Revised: Source of Support: Duration of Project: Potential Hazards to Humans: ABSTRACT OF THE PROJECT: Please list names of all major collaborators NAME INSTITUTION EXPERIENCE/QUALIFICATIONS Description of Experimental Animals and Nature of Their Use, and conservation status (e.g: CITES, UICN, etc) If captive animals, location of housing: Housing conditions, feeding and care routine: Cage type (for wild species give dimensions, construction materials, general environment, foods, feeding and care routine), and description of the release procedure: Degree of pain and/or distress to be imposed on the animals in your study: For capture/handling of wild species, identify capture and handling techniques, including drug amounts and route of administration. Are researchers on this project prepared to handle emergencies? What risks are associated with handling animals? CAPTURE PROTOCOLS 1) Tranquilizer darts: 2 2) Snare Poles: ANESTHESIA PROTOCOL: Table 1. Anesthesia protocols for species featured in this proposal. Species Drug and dosage Reference HANDLING PROTOCOL Table 2. Sample of scientific papers published using radio-collars on the species featured in this proposal. No studies reported significant problems to the study animals from wearing the radiocollars. Species References Collar problems? Fully describe any drugs to be used in your study to prevent or relieve pain and/or distress, their dose rates and route of administration: Fully explain all procedures using restraint devices and include the length of time that animals will be restrained: Fully explain any procedures that may result in nutritional distress: Fully describe any abnormal environmental conditions that may be imposed in your study: Will any of the following agents be used on the animals in this study? Animal pathogens: Toxins: Carcinogens: 3 Tumor cells: Describe any other procedures involving animals to be undertaken in your studies not already mentioned in this section. Justification for Use of Living Vertebrates: Justify the appropriateness of the species, strain, sex, or age of animal chosen for this study. Justify the number of animals relative to intended use, e.g. individual instruction of students, extent of between - animal variation, statistical reasons, etc.: Justify use of any specific procedures or conditions that may or will cause pain and/or distress. How will the animals be monitored for potential or overt pain and/or distress during the course of this study? This includes spontaneous illnesses unrelated to the study. What will be done for an animal that starts to develop signs of pain and/or distress during the course of this study? Do you have the necessary immunizations: Rabies Tetanus Antivenon Yes Yes Yes 4 No No No