Entering the Castle

The Power of Prayer, Humility, Chaos, and Divine Seduction
Prayer of Entry (p109)
#1 How the fear of being humiliated controls you.
#2 Ways you have been humiliated
#3 How you have humiliated others
#4 Ten associations with humility
#5 What would humiliate me today?
#6 Lost opportunities and acts of self-betrayal.
#7 Why is being humble difficult for you?
#8 Acknowledge the guidance you are receiving.
#9 Developing soul stamina: Challenging Contradictions
#1 What is your relationship to chaos?
#2 Where is your life in chaos? What is the message?
#3 Which areas of our life do you want to keep in chaos?
#4 How do you create chaos?
#5 Where do you fear divine chaos in your life?
#6 What fears do you nurture?
#7 The Dungeon.
#8 Develop gratitude for divine chaos.
Divine Seduction / Finding God
#1 Silence
#2 God is Here / God Loves You
#3 God, where were you when… / Why did bad things happen to me?
#4 God give me the grace to endure.
#5 Who is a gift in my life?
#6 Expressing divine love
#7 Surrendering to God, Finding Awe
#8 A time for prayer
Exit Prayer (p162)
First Mansion
The Prayer of Entry (p109)
I cross the bridge into the silent bliss of my interior Castle.
I close the drawbridge and forbid all outside influences from entry
into this holy place that is my soul.
Here in my Castle, I am alone with God.
Under God’s light and companionship I discover the depth and beauty of my soul.
I embrace the power of prayer.
I surrender myself to become as a channel for grace, healing, and service
as God directs my life.
Here I embrace my devotion to the divine.
And here I pause in this silence to animate my soul’s dignity.
I feel my interior self calling me.
I resonate deeply to my own divinity.
I am prepared now to encounter, to become, to dialogue with my own divinity,
that which is God within me.
Here in my Castle, my faith becomes a fire, cleansing my soul of every fear.
Each time I enter my Castle,
I trust even more deeply in the presence and wisdom of God in my life.
I surrender my mind, my heart, my need for safety, and
my need for rational explanations and orderly instructions to God’s will for me.
I trust that all that is in my life is as it should be.
I release the need to know why events happen as they do, whether painful or glorious.
I release the need to let others know they have harmed me.
I release my fear of being abandoned on this Earth and left to face my life alone.
I release my fear of becoming infirm.
I surrender in trust that I am on this Earth with purpose.
I am guided, I am cared for,every prayer is heard, and every prayer is answered.
I am a channel for grace and delight in the silent bliss that surrounds me
in the sacred center of my Castle, in the intimate presence of God.
In this silence, the only voice I hear is God’s.
Exit Prayer (p162)
I am a channel of grace.
As I leave my castle, grace surrounds me and grace protects me.
I enter my life under the blessing of God
and I remain open to receive guidance from my soul.
First Mansion