Critical Care/Simulation Track (can be either or both) Objectives and

Critical Care/Simulation Track (can be either or both)
Objectives and Goals:
 This track is made for the residents and should be continually re-evaluated
and improved by residents to help them foster their interests in critical care
 Become proficient at understanding the critical care concepts
o Become knowledgeable on critical care literature both past and
present “hot topics”
 Use their advanced critical care knowledge through the creation of
simulations, through research opportunities, and/or through writing of
articles on blogs etc.
o Understand how to design, run and debrief simulations
 Become proficient at procedure skills
 Develop leadership skills necessary to purse potential fellowship
1. 1st year
a. Attend National Meeting: options included but are not limited to the
i. Simulation: attend SAEM: participate in Simulation Training
ii. CC: Options include the following: Attend EMRA CC meeting at
SAEM; Hypothermia and Resuscitation Course; (HART course
at UPenn); Crashing Patient course at University of Maryland
b. Attend York Hospital Education Sessions
ii. Foundations of Critical Care course
c. Write 1 publication
i. Multiple opportunities exist and include writing blog posts,
writing an article for EM Resident magazine etc.
d. Improve Procedure Skills
i. While on overnight’s on MICU rotations, use additional
downtime to practice ultrasound guided central lines in
simulation lab; goal is minimum of 2 hours of additional
e. Podcast and/or journal discussion
i. Listen to one critical care podcast lecture per month OR read
new critical care articles; discuss these topic on email thread
with other residents in this track
f. Join Society of Critical Care Medicine
2. 2nd year
a. Attend National meeting
i. CC: Attend ACEP and go to the EMRA CC meeting and the ACEP
CC Division meeting
ii. Simulation: Go to ACEP to specifically attend EMRA simulation
b. Apply for leadership role in national committee
i. EMRA Critical care division has three liaison position sand also
a vice chair position
ii. EMRA Simulation division has vice chair position
1. Try to become involve in developing their ACEP
simulation wars
c. Write 2 publications
i. Many opportunities exist which include writing for a blog,
author a chapter in Pressordex, write an article for EM
Resident etc.
d. Medical Student Involvement
i. Design 2 simulations for medical students and run it with them
and/or provide an hour long critical care based lecture to the
medical students and/or teach medical students intubation or
central line procedures
e. Consider running for chief resident
f. Scholarly project completion
i. Present either original research or a case report at York
Hospital Resident Research Day
g. CPC competition
i. Submit CPC case as a potential candidate to present at one of
the national competitions
h. Podcast and/or journal discussion
i. Listen to one critical care podcast lecture per month OR read
new critical care articles; discuss these topic on email thread
with other residents in this track->lead one discussion on this
email forum
3. 3rd year
a. Attend National Meeting options included but are not limited to the
i. CC: Attend SCCM annual meeting OR SMACC OR attend critical
care board review course OR Difficult intubation course
ii. Simulation: Form a group and participate in simwars at ACEP
OR Difficult intubation course
b. Use elective time wisely
i. Schedule an additional ICU rotation or schedule a simulation
month to work with Duane
c. Become one of the instructors during intern procedure boot camp
d. Schedule shadowing time in the open heart ICU
i. Goal is to learn more about LVADs and ECMO
e. Become an ACLS instructor
f. Curriculum Development
i. Create either a four lecture series on CC topic OR a mini
simulation course with four separate simulations for the
g. Prepare for fellowship
i. Obtain letters of recommendation
ii. Prepare your CV
iii. Mock Interview
iv. Personal Statement
h. Podcast and/or journal discussion
i. Listen to one critical care podcast lecture per month OR read
new critical care articles; discuss these topic on email thread
with other residents in this track->lead 2 discussions on the
email forum
Research: The resident scholarly requirement/research is encouraged to be done
in this area of interest, and may be discussed with your mentor.
*** All residents in this track will meet with their mentor minimum four times a year