Department of Defence - Defence Infrastructure Panel 2014 – 2017 - Scope of Services SCOPE OF SERVICES - FIRE ENGINEERING SERVICES 1. Introduction The provision of professional fire safety engineering consultancy services in support of Commonwealth infrastructure development and management strategies is vital to achieving efficient procurement and effective compliance with mandated policies and standards. These specialist services will also enhance Commonwealth capability. 2. Services Required - Fire Safety Engineering Consultancy Services 2.1 Reference Documents and Policies: 2.2 (a) Defence Manual of Fire Protection Engineering (MFPE); (b) The Building Code of Australia (BCA); (c) WHS Legislation and the Defence WHS Manual; (d) Commonwealth policy requirements for the use of Transportable Buildings in Defence Facilities; (e) Commonwealth policy requirements for the Provision of Disabled Access and other Facilities for Disabled Persons in Defence Facilities; and (f) Defence Manual of Fire Protection Engineering (MFPE) Procedural Guidelines. With the exception of the BCA and the WHS Legislation, all the documents and policies listed above can be accessed from the Defence Estate Quality Management System (DEQMS) website 2.3 The Defence Manual of Fire Protection Engineering (MFPE), the Building Code of Australia (BCA) and other Commonwealth fire safety policies referenced above contain mandatory provisions for the management of fire safety in Commonwealth establishments and facilities. These provisions are mandated as the Commonwealth designated benchmark for assessment of fire safety requirements at all Commonwealth sites. Therefore, all Commonwealth facilities are to be assessed against the policies and standards referenced above. 2.4 The Consultant must have an extensive knowledge of fire protection policies and procedures and their application to the Commonwealth. This shall include the interpretation and application of the Building Code of Australia (BCA), Australian Standards, the MFPE and other Commonwealth fire safety policies. 2.5 In carrying out the Services, the Consultant must consider the requirements of the WHS Legislation, as relevant to fire and fire engineering safety, including the Commonwealth's responsibility to ensure the health and safety of workers and other persons. 2.6 Fire Safety Engineers must be: (a) Legal\311503532.6 Registered as a Fire Safety Engineer with the appropriate State or Territory Body. Note: In a State or Territory where registration for the area of practice of Fire Safety Engineering is not available, Fire Safety Engineers shall hold appropriate registration for the practice of Fire Safety Engineering in another State or Territory; or 1 Department of Defence - Defence Infrastructure Panel 2014 – 2017 - Scope of Services (b) Listed on the National Professional Engineers Register maintained by the Institution of Engineers, Australia, for the area of practice of Fire Safety Engineering. 3. Services Required - Fire Safety Engineering Services Requirements 3.1 The Consultant may be required to provide technical advisory services and training services on fire safety related issues and incidents as required, including: 3.2 3.3 (a) provision of general fire safety and fire engineering advice including advice on the interpretation of relevant fire safety codes, policies, standards and statutory requirements (including the WHS Legislation); (b) conduct site inspections to assess compliance with the BCA, the MFPE and other Commonwealth fire safety policies; (c) carry out fire safety audits and fire incident investigations; (d) carry out inspection and certification of fire safety equipment, systems, procedures, and plans; (e) fire engineering design reviews including review of technical project documentation such as Design Reports, Fire Engineering Briefs and Fire Engineering Assessments for Commonwealth projects; (f) conduct workshops and other training activities as required by Commonwealth internal stakeholders; and (g) undertake fire risk assessments (and ensure these risk assessments comply with the risk management requirements of the WHS Legislation). The Consultant may be required to undertake various design activities to support project delivery activities and fire engineering works, including: (a) development of scoping study reports and detailed condition appraisals (including BCA and MFPE Audits); (b) developing Fire Engineering Briefs and Fire Engineering Assessments; (c) preparation of functional design briefs; (d) liaison with stakeholders; (e) fire engineering design development including preparation of tender documentation, drawings and specifications; (f) design reviews; (g) preparation of detailed technical assessment reports for equipment tenders; (h) technical/engineering supervision during the construction phase; (i) commissioning; and (j) final works inspections. Where site surveys, investigations, inspections or audits are required, the Commonwealth's Representative will identify individual facilities, groups of facilities, sites or equipment to be surveyed, inspected or audited. When multiple buildings are required to be inspected, surveyed or audited, the completed reports shall be returned to the Commonwealth's Representative progressively throughout the period of the project to distribute the workload as evenly as possible, and ensure that higher priority issues are addressed without delay. Legal\311503532.6 2 Department of Defence - Defence Infrastructure Panel 2014 – 2017 - Scope of Services 3.4 Where site surveys, investigations, inspections and audits are required, the Consultant shall arrange access to Commonwealth establishments and buildings as required by the Commonwealth's protocols. 3.5 The Consultant shall obtain permission from the occupants prior to entering a building to commence a survey, investigation, inspection or audit. The person nominated as the building contact (or his/her representative) shall be provided with a general brief at the conclusion of the survey, investigation, inspection or audit. 3.6 The Consultant shall assume a proactive role to ensure the project objectives (as set out in, or to be reasonably inferred from, the contract documents) are met. 3.7 The Consultant shall: 4. (a) ensure that any design activities undertaken by the Consultant comply with the WHS Legislation; and (b) provide to the Commonwealth any information regarding the design or maintenance of plant or structures which concerns the use of the plant or structure for the purpose for which it was designed/constructed/manufactured. Interpretation Unless the context otherwise requires, capitalised terms in the Scope of Services or Brief will have the meaning given to them by the Defence Infrastructure Panel 2014-2017 Terms of Engagement, Panel Conditions, Letter of Acceptance, or the meaning given to them by the Commonwealth as published on the Defence Estate Quality Management System (DEQMS) website (, from time to time. Legal\311503532.6 3