AquaVet Technologies Ltd. POB 1725, N. Habaron Zichron Yakov 30900 Israel Tel. +972-4-6291-833 Fax. +972-4-6390-957 E-Mail: Web – Site: Dr. Ra’anan Ariav - CURRICULUM VITAE 1999 - 2010 Manager: Aqua-Vet Technologies Ltd. Aqua-Vet Technologies Ltd. supplies specialized professional services to over 47 aquaculture facilities in Israel, Turkey, Central - America and Eastern – Europe. These farms include large scale extensive and intensive facilities, marine net pen operations, inland marine facilities, tropical and cold-water ornamental fish farms. The company is also engaged in several national and international research and development projects focused on development of new veterinary products and biologicals intended for the aquaculture industry. Aqua-Vet Technologies Ltd. provides clinical evaluations and professional supervision for development of such products for several of the largest international pharmaceutical companies. Aqua-Vet Technologies Ltd. has developed a strong team of specialists, scientist and engineers whose main goal is to provide cost effective designs of aquaculture facilities. This team of professionals which have originated within the Israeli aquaculture industry represents a full range of expertise in the fields of aquaculture production and operation, design and construction of aquaculture projects, fish health management & disease diagnosis, economics, marketing, quality assurance, genetics and breeding. In addition, Aqua-Vet’s professional staff is developing “CASCADE”, a state of the art facility for super-intensive culture of fin-fish. 2000-2010 Quality control manager - SUNDAG –Israel Tropical Fish Ltd. Professional veterinary advisor of SUNDAG – Israel Tropical Fish Ltd., Israel’s largest exporter of tropical ornamental fish. Responsible for health monitoring programs and quality control assurance among Israeli exporters of tropical ornamental fish. 2000-2010 Professional Consultant - Ma’abarot Fish Farms Ltd. Professional advisor of Ma’abarot Fish Farms Ltd. Responsible for planning and implementation of large scale professional program for culture of cold-water and tropical ornamental fish. 1 2006 – 2010 CEO - Revivim fish farm The REVIVIM fish - farm has been raising African Catfish for over 3 Years. To date, REVIVIM Fish Farm is the only commercial producer of this species in Israel. The professional staff in REVIVIM has developed a detailed culture protocol suitable for the unique climatic and environmental of the NEGEV region. This protocol includes specific aspects of African Catfish culture such as breeding and fingerling production, health management and nutrition, processing and marketing. 2009 - 2010 Chairman of the Board of Directors – Ein Hamifratz Fish Farm Ein Hamifratz Fish Farm, one of the most advanced aquaculture facilities in Israel is located along the Northern coast of Israel in the Haifa bay. Surface area of the farm is 60 Ha. It includes semi intensive earthen ponds, a large Intensive rearing unit, a large scale fish hatchery, (mainly of red Tilapia) and a new super Intensive rearing unit for Red Tilapia aurea and Sea Bream. (Sparus aurata) The farm's annual production averages 600 metric tons of the following species: Common Carp, Tilapia, Silver Carp, Mullet, Sea Bream and Hybrid Stripped Bass. 2005 - 2006 Aquaculture Rehabilitation program in Sri - Lanka Professional consultant to the National Aquaculture Development Authority of Sri – Lanka (NAQDA) on development of Ornamental Fish farms in rural communities of Sri – Lanka. 1992 - 1998 Manager of Aquatic Veterinary health services and the Regional Fish Disease laboratory, Ma’agan Michael Fisheries. Responsible for health monitoring and preventive medicine program, health quality control and water quality assessment, diagnosis of fish disease and treatments in the largest fishery in Israel. Fishery includes 3 separate Aquatic facilities: 1. MA’AGAN MICHAEL ORNAMENTAL FISH FARM: A cold water ornamental fish farm, raising mainly Coldwater Ornamentals (Japanese Koi and Goldfish) intended for export to Western Europe and the U.S.A. Total sales over 2.5 Million U.S. Dollars per year. 2. MA’AGAN MICHAEL - HYBRID STRIPE BASS FARM: One of the largest Intensive Hybrid Stripped Bass farms in the world. Total production exceeds 350 Tons per year. Responsible for planning of total fish health monitoring system, and implementation of large scale vaccination program on this farm. Farm includes a small scale processing and packaging plant for all products intended for export. 3. MA’AGAN MICHAEL FISH FARM: A conventional extensive fish farm, raising mainly Tilapia, Red Drum, Gray Mullet, Common Carp, and different species of Chinese Carps, intended mainly for local market. Total production exceeds 650 Tons per year. 2 Responsible for all planning and coordination of Scientific activities and experiments in these operations. . In addition, responsible for diagnosis & management of disease related problem on 18 other fish farms along the coastal region of Israel. 2000-2010 Lecturer & coordinator of Aquaculture curriculum College of Maritime studies, Michmoret. Development of a new aquaculture curriculum and reated professional activitities in the Maratime College in Michmoret. 1992 - 1998 MAGNOY - Israel Ornamental Fish Industry Ltd. Professional consultant & Veterinary Health Services. Professional veterinary advisor of MAGNOY - Israel Ornamental Fish Industry Ltd. Responsible for development of long term health monitoring programs, and quality control assurance among Israeli Koi producers. Production and worldwide export of Israeli Coldwater ornamental fish. Total sales over $ 7.5 Million per year. 1992-2000 Israel Fish Growers Association, Member of Professional Committee Active member in the Scientific and professional committee of Israel’s Fish Growers Association. Active in continued evaluation of production trends, introduction of new species, scientific experimental work, determination of professional goals, education of fish farmers, and development of professionals standards in Israel’s aquaculture industry. 1996 - 2000 Fish Health Management - State of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. Preventive medicine consultations, farm visits, lectures and workshops, Rio D. Janeiro State aquaculture facilities and staff, Brazil. 1996 - 1999 Special Mission to the Republic of Haiti “Aquaculture Prospects in the Republic of Haiti”, special surveys performed for the Government of Haiti, regarding possibilities of future development of aquatic resources in rural communities in Haiti. 1996 - 2000 Fish Health Investigation in Costa Rica In-depth diagnostic work, treatment protocols, and recommendations for complete Fish health management work in Tilapia farms in Central America. 1993 - 2002 “Introduction to fish Health”, Course lecturer & coordinator. Faculty of Agriculture, Dept. Of Animal Science, Hebrew University of Jerusalem A clinically oriented introductory course in fish health management, intended for third year veterinary students, and biologists interested in this field. Course includes 40 hours of diagnostics, water chemistry analysis, hands-on experience in Fish Health management, case studies, and study tours. 3 1988 - 1992 Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M.) University of Wisconsin - Madison, School of Veterinary Medicine. 1989 - 1990 Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources - Fisheries Health Management. Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus Tschawytscha) Health investigations in Lake Michigan. Responsible for planning and implementation of large scale 2 year health monitoring program among Chinook Salmon released from Wisconsin D.N.R. Hatcheries to Lake Michigan. Survey included in-depth approach to the Pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of Bacterial Kidney Disease, (Renibacterium Salmoninarum) and several other Pathogens affecting Coldwater Fish production in the Upper Mid-West States. 1991 EnviroVet course participant, intensive course in aquatic animal disease. An Intensive course in Aquatic Animal Disease. This course focuses on causative agents of disease among fish populations, and the effect of Environmental contaminants on disease processes in Aquatic Species. 1990 Intern, Mystic Marinelife Aquarium, Mystic, CT., U.S.A. Aquatic Veterinary diagnostic work, water chemistry testing and interpretation, treatment, and Histo-Pathology work in one of the most advanced public aquariums in the United-States. 1983 - 1987 Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Hebrew U. of Jerusalem - Faculty of Agriculture. Major: Aquaculture. 1978 - 1981 Military Service: Israel Defense Force - Paratroopers Division. Platoon Sergeant in Paratroopers reconnaissance unit. PARTICIPATION & PRESENTATIONS IN SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS: - February 2010 "Fish health management in super – Intensive, recirculated aquaculture production systems". Israel Fish Growers Association, Annual meeting, Jerusalem. - February 2009 "HEALTH CONSTRAINNTS IN FISH FARMING IN THE MEDIATERENIAN". Aquaculture Conference ViV Asia 2009. - February 2009 "Mycobacterium marinum, The Fish Disease you can Catch…” Israel Fish Growers Association, Annual meeting, Jerusalem. - February 2007 4 "Case Study: The effect of a new Ultraviolet disinfection system on disease outbreaks production of marine hatchery in Turkey" Aquaculture USA 2007, S. Antonio, TX. - and September 2002 “Environmental Control of Fish Pasteurellosis ( Photobacterium damselae ssp. Piscicida) outbreaks in Israeli Hybrid Stripped Bass (Morone saxatilis x M. Chrysops) Facilities”. Fourth International Symposium on Aquatic Animal Health, New Orleans, Louisiana. - May 2002 “Management of Koi Herpes Virus (K.H.V.) epizootics in Israeli cold-water ornamental fish farms”. World Aquaculture Society Meeting, Beijing, China. - January 2002 Aquaculture U.S.A., S. Diego, California - January 2001 World Aquaculture Society meeting & trade show, Orlando, Florida. - May 2000 Aquaculture Europe, Nice, France. - December 1999 Fish Health Management Seminar and on site Health Management evaluations Institute of Fisheries, Beijing, China. Beijing - September 1999 “First report of newly emerging viral disease of Cyprinus carpio spercies in Israel”. 9’th International conference on diseases of fish, European Association Of Fish Pathologist (E.A.F.P.) conference, Rhodes, Greece. - June 1999 “Quality control Programs in the Ornamental Fish Industry”. AQUARAMA Conference on Ornamental Fish Production & Marketing, Singapore. - April 1999 Lecturer, Workshop on Intensive Aquaculture Farming, Israeli Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Center for International Agricultural Development & Cooperation - “CINADCO - January 1999 “Spring mortalities in Cyprinus carpio populations in Israel” Israel Fish Growers Ass. annual meeting, K. Gil’a’di. - November 1998 Lecturer. “Health management practices in intensive Tilapia facilities in Israel”, Aquaculture Brazil 98, Recife, Brazil - November 98 Lecturer and Coordinator: “Introduction To Fish Health Management”, Guaratiba Research Station, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. - September 1998 Third international symposium of fish pathologists. Baltimore, USA. - September 1997 Chairman and Lecturer, “Coldwater Ornamental Fish Health Workshop”, European Association Of Fish Pathologist (E.A.F.P.) conference, Edinburgh, Scotland. 5 - August 1997 Lecturer & Coordinator, “ Koi Importation Course”, Dept. of Fisheries, Sparsholt College, England. - August 1997 “Intensive culture of Tilapia in Israel”, Seminario Internacional de Cultivo de Pescado da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria Plinio Leite, Itaborai, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. - June 1997 “Health Management of Hybrid Striped Bass production units, major causes of disease outbreaks and Pathology, health monitoring programs”. Israel Fish Growers Ass., Coastal Region Annual meeting. - April 1997 Lecturer, Workshop on Intensive Aquaculture Farming, Israeli Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Center for International Agricultural Development & Cooperation - “CINADCO” - March 1997 “Fish Health Management in Israeli Koi Farms” MAGNOY - Israeli Ornamental Fish Industry Scientific Meeting, London, England. - February 1997 “On the use and abuse of Chemotherapy in Aquaculture Production”, Israel Fish Growers Ass. Annual Meeting, Eilat. - July 1996 Participant, Fish Vaccinology Workshop, Oslo, Norway. - April 1996 “Current Trends in Aquatic Disease Control” 21’st Symposium of Veterinary Medicine, Hebrew U. of Jerusalem, School of Veterinary Medicine. - January 1996 “Clinical Impact of Suboptimal Environmental Conditions in Intensive Aquaculture Production”, Israel Fish Growers Ass. Annual Meeting, Eilat. - August 1995 European Ass. of Fish Pathologists, (E.A.F.P.) Bi-Annual Meeting, Palma De Majorca - April 1995 20’th Symposium of Veterinary Medicine, Hebrew U. of Jerusalem, School of Veterinary Medicine - January 1995 “Pasteurellosis (Pasteurella Piscicida) outbreaks in Israeli H. S. Bass Growers Ass., Coastal Region Annual Meeting Farms”, Israel Fish - October 1994 Second International Symposium of Fish Pathologists, Seattle, Washington. - February 1994 “Cryopreservation Techniques of Koi Sperm”, Exhibitor - World Aquaculture Society, Scientific Meeting & Trade Show, San-Diego, California. - January 1994 6 “Monitoring of Environmental Parameters in Aquatic Production Facilities”, Israel Fish Growers Ass., Coastal Region Annual Meeting. - January 1993 “Major Aquatic Disease Outbreaks along Israel’s Coastal Region”, Israel Fish Growers Ass., Coastal Region Annual Meeting. - June 1992 “Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus Tschawytscha) Health Monitoring in Lake Michigan”, American Fisheries Society, Fish Health Section Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon. AWARDS AND PUBLICATIONS: Recipient of the 1990 A.F.S./ F.H.S Shiezko student award for work performed on Chinook Salmon Moralities in lake Michigan. Ariav R. & Radomski A., “Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tschawytscha) health monitoring in lake Michigan, 1989 – 1990”. Wisconsin D.N.R - Fisheries Health Management department. Ariav R. Tinman S.,Paperna I. And Bejerano I, “First report of newly emerging viral disease of Cyprinus carpio species in Israel”. 9’th International conference on diseases of fish, European Association Of Fish Pathologist, (E.A.F.P.) Rhodes, Greece. Ariav R. Sanabria C. and Yusefovits F., “Management of Koi Herpes Virus (K.H.V.) epizootics in Israeli cold-water ornamental fish farms”. World Aquaculture Society Meeting, Beijing, China. Sheinberg S. , Paperna, I. , Ariav, R. " Histopathology of Infection by the Ciliate Tetrahymena corlissi in guppy. (Poecilia reticulata) Thesis, submitted to the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Quality Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem for the degree of Master of Science, May 2003. Nitsan S. Ariav R. and Heller D., “Environmental Control of Fish Pasteurellosis (Photobacterium damselae ssp. Piscicida) outbreaks in Israeli Hybrid Stripped Bass (Morone saxatilis x M. Chrysops) Facilities”. Fourth International Symposium on Aquatic Animal Health, (I.S.S.A.H) New Orleans, Louisiana. M. Pimenta Leibowitz, R. Ariav and D. Zilberg “Environmental and physiological conditions affecting Tetrahymena sp. Infection in guppies, Poecilia reticulata Peters” Journal of Fish Diseases 2005, 28,539 – 547. M. Pimenta Leibowitz M., D. Zilberg M. and R. Ariav “The effect of different conditions on Tetrahymena sp. infestation in guppies (Poecilia reticulata) “Thesis, submitted to the Jacob Blaustein Institute for Desert Reasearch, Ben – Gurion University of the Negev, Sede Boqer Campus, Israel. L. Barak and R. Ariav "Case Study: The effect of a new Ultraviolet disinfection system on disease outbreaks and production of marine hatchery in Turkey" ORGANIZATIONS: A.V.M.A (American Veterinary Medical Association) I.V.M.A. (Israel Veterinary Medical Association) W.V.M.A. (Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association) 7 A.F.S./ F.H.S. (American Fisheries Society/ Fish Health Section) E.A.F.P. (European Association of Fish Pathologists) Partial List of Professional References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Ein Hamifratz Fisheries (Mr. Haim Shamir – Manager ACI Tilapia, Costa – Rica (Mr. Yakov Berman – Manager AQUAFINCA, Honduras (Mr. Yedod Snir – Manager Revivim Fish Farm (Mr. Arik Efraim – Manager M. Sade Fish Farm (Mr. Amit Ziv Atlit Marine Hatchery (Mr Cobi Levanon – Manager BAYER – Animal Health (Dr. Jan Koesling – Manager AquaMaof Ltd. (Mr. Yoav Dagan – Manager ZEMACH Feed Mill (Mrs Orly Yizhak – Nutritionist Ma’agan Michael Fisheries (Mr. Guy Alon - Manager Ma’abarot Fish Farm (Mr. Asaff Bag – Manager S. PLOUGH – Animal Health (Mr. H. Behrend - Manager ROYAL – FISH (Mr. R. Alon – Manager SUNDAG LTD. (Mr. Avinoam – Manager Mishmar Hasharon Fish Farm (Mr. Baruch Ofek – Manager ) MAVISU Turkey (Mr. Gideon Zohar – Manager MAKTESHIM LTD. (Mr Kobi Barkai BIOVAC LTD. – Dr. Nati Elkin – Prof. Manager Aquaculture Extension Service, Min. of Agric. (Mr. Ya’akov Peretz. Mekorot, Israel National Water Comp. (Mr. Gadi Zeeria – Chief Biologist ) Krytec Ltd. (Mr. Ramy Alon – Prof. consultant BIOMOR LTD. (Mr. Dani Neifeld – Manager MOFET LEYEHUDA LTD. (Mr. Yossi Ron- Manager GAVISH LTD. (Mr. Yuval Diskin – Manager ISRAEL LIMNOLOGY CENTER (Dr. Arik Diamant – Manager 8