January 25, 2014

Congregation Council Retreat
January 25, 2014
St. Barnabas Lutheran Church
1. Attendance
Present: Brent Roble, Adrienne Jacobson, John Cooper, Scott Abrams,
Sr. Carol Burk, Pastor Thulie Beresford, Khabo Beresford, Johnny Brown
Absent: Margaret Atwood
2. Opening devotions – Pastor Thulie
3. Ice breakers
4. Pastor's Report (Written report submitted); Highlights
Pastor Thulie's report featured a host of home visits, Pastors' Bible study,
meetings, worship services, Christian Education, synod activities, and last
(But not least) Campus Ministry activity.
Thanks to Suzanne McCord for her good work.
Thanks to Rachel Cooper for planning the December youth activity.
Thanks to our musicians for Christmas Eve music.
Vacation (7 days) to Colorado to visit family.
We scheduled an installation service for Sister Carol Burk as Parish Deaconess
on March 16.
Thanks to all who helped with Campus ministry in the fall semester. Pastor Thulie
spoke to professor Taylor's class at the citadel. She will attend a Campus Ministry
retreat beginning Sunday, January 26, at the Isle of Palms Retreat Center.
5. President's report
We scheduled events on the 2014 calendar.
We elected officers: President—Johnny Brown; Treasurer—John Cooper;
Secretary—Sister Carol Burk
6. Leads and Liaisons
Worship and Music
Christian Education
Citadel Campus Ministry
Council Liaison
Adrienne Jacobsen
Scott Abrams
Khabo Beresford
Sister Carol Burk
Sister Carol Burk
John Cooper
Brent Roble
Margaret Atwood
Adrienne Jacobsen
Josie Abrams
Khabo Beresford
Sharyl Ritchey
Matt Cory
John Cooper
Brent Roble
Pastor Thulie/
Caroline Cordray
7. Liaisons to work with leads to set up a goal or two for 2014.
8. Initial calendar of events for 2014
9. Financial Checkup
December was a good month. We took in $6400 more than we spent.
10. Maintenance Projects that are a must
AC/Heat in office: Johnny and Brent will work on this. Two new units will be
Outlets in office need attention.
Take a look at water damage.
Keys for parish building door: New keys have been made. Need to distribute.
11. The Sanctuary Church
Proposal discussed at length. It was decided that we will respond to them via
a letter listing our concerns. We will meet with them if they so desire.
Several council members will visit the church on Sunday, January 26.
12. St. Barnabas as a Warmth Center
Pastor Thulie and Johnny Brown will go to the training that will be offered.
13. Cleaning of the Church
We need to set up quarterly cleaning/work days.
14. Yoga Classes
A yoga class is meeting at lunch time (12-1 p.m.) on Wednesdays. The church
will receive $1 for each attendee in a class.
15. Stained glass windows
Windows need cleaning and repair. Several donations have come in for that
The fiberglass covers are yellowing. No replacement planned at this time.
16. Closing
We enjoyed a nice lunch and Pastor Thulie closed the retreat by celebrating
Holy Communion
Respectfully submitted,
Sister Carol Burk, Secretary