This policy will provide guidelines, under the Confidentiality and Privacy Act
Amendment 2012, for the engagement and participation of students and ‘students who volunteer’ at Ballina Fox Street Preschool, while ensuring that children’s right to learn, health, safety and wellbeing is protected at all times.
‘Students who volunteer’ – You are considered a ‘student who volunteers’ when you enter Ballina Fox Street Preschool outside of your practicum placement, to conduct or
gather observations.
Prior to participation at the service, students and students who volunteer must be in possession of Working with Children (WWC) check. (Regulation 358). Prior to commencing work at the service, all students and ‘students who volunteer’ should be interviewed to ascertain their suitability for, and interest in, the tasks they will be undertaking, and to assess ascertain their suitability for, and interest in, the tasks they will be undertaking, and to assess whether their values are meeting with Ballina Fox
Street Preschool’s Philosophy. The interview process also provides an opportunity to have their questions answered. Reference checks must be undertaken by the Director or Nominated Supervisor to confirm work abilities or character attributes. The induction process will be based around an induction checklist.
All students or ‘students who volunteer’ will adhere to the revised version of the code of ethics and rights of children supplied by the service, with regard to the following procedures.
Prior to students or ‘students who volunteer’, an introductory letter will be displayed on the information board of each room, introducing themselves to parents and community, explaining their involvement and duration at Ballina Fox Street Preschool.
Prior to conducting any observations, the student or ‘students who volunteer’ will gain signed permission from relevant parents. A poster will be displayed informing parents of the use of cameras and encouraging parents to speak to a member of the staff if they wish to review or revoke their permission or part permission.
A student and a ‘student who volunteers’ will be placed when:
Consultation with the Nominated Supervisor and educators for accepting applications from volunteers/students to work at the service, accepting or rejecting a potential volunteer/student based on the circumstances of the service at the time.
Ensuring that children being educated and cared for by the service are adequately supervised, and the legislated educator-to-child ratios are complied with at all times.
Ensuring that, the Working with Children (WWC) Check has been read/sighted prior to the volunteer’s commencement at the service.
Induction checklist for volunteers/students attending the service is completed and signed.
Ensuring that the staff record contains information for all volunteers/students.
Students and ‘students who volunteer’ Code of conduct:
Prior to students or ‘students who volunteer’, an introductory letter will be displayed on each rooms information board, introducing themselves to parents and community.
Prior to conducting any observations, the students or ‘students who volunteer’ will gain signed permission from relevant parents. A poster will be displayed informing parents of the use of cameras and encouraging parents to speak to a member of staff if they wish to review or revoke their permission or part permission.
Adults will conduct themselves in a professional manner in their relationships with children and their families. Referring all conversations surrounding concerns and complaints to the supervised educator.
To arrive at the setting on time, comply by our dress code and participate in an induction process.
To be familiar with our policies and procedures and ensure they are followed.
Student communication methods between families will be clear and professional and at all times involve the supervising educator.
Personal mobile phones, cameras or iPads should not be used by students or
‘students who volunteer’ to take photos/videos. Cameras will be available for staff to capture the children to support observation requirements for each child’s learning journey and to share with parents.
A copy of all observations will be given to the supervising educator.
Images taken for student assessment only, will be used in a manner that meets data protection requirements: o All completed observations must be seen and approved by the supervising educator before being displayed or distributed to parents and families. o Kept securely by the supervised educator. o All photos are to be printed at pre-school. o Images which may cause distress upset or embarrassment must not be used. o Under no circumstances must images be taken of children part dressed or undressed.
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Attending the service with details of name, address, date of birth, days and hours of participation and details of the Working with Children (WWC)Check
(Regulations 149)
Ensuring that volunteers/students and parents/guardians are adequately supervised and are not left with sole supervision of individual children or groups of children.
Following the directions of the staff at the service at all times to ensure that the health, safety and wellbeing of children are protected.
11/06/2014 Annual review
3 Ballina Fox Street Preschool g/:BFSPS Policies /Student Placement Policy