International Congress on Children Mistreatment. The Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Cuba is summoning to the International Congress on Children Mistreatment to be held from Nov. 29th through Dec.1st, 2005 at the Havana International Conference Center. The slogan of the congress will be: “Another better world is possible” and it is expected to analyze the world’s problems regarding children mistreatment, the relation of defense policies of children and young people as well as the causes related to them, such as poverty, health and education problems within the families and the community. Objectives: 1. To analyze the main experiences related to the topics of the congress. 2. To identify main process and policies trends in favor of the childhood and the adolescence. 3. To favor international collaboration on the base of the scientific research and capacity building toward mistreatment prevention in all its modalities. PARTICIPANTS’BACKGROUND. Health care professionals and technicians, professors, students, executives and officials from Organizations or Institutions linked to the topics of the Congress. Chairperson: Dr. Mayra Ojeda del Valle Vice-director of the National Institute of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology (INHEM) President of the Cuban Society of School and University Health. Deputy-chairpersons: Lic. Tomás Tápan Havana Conference Center. Dr. Juan Aguilar Valdés Head of the School Health Division (INHEM) Dr. Cristóba Martínez Gómez. Pedro Borrás Pediatric Hospital. Dr. Caridad O' Farrill Montero. National Director of School Health Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) Dr. María de la Concepción Galiano. Adolescents Care Office Dr. María Antonia Torres Cueto. National Director of School Health Ministry of Education (MINED) SPECIFIC TOPICS: Children mistreatment. Preventive work. Social Work. Street children. Community and social work. School, Family and Community. Food and Nutrition. Health Risk and Protector Factors. Children and Adolescents Care. Mental Health. School failure and desertion. Children work. Violence. Children and Adolescents morbidity and mortality. Alcohol, smoking habits and drugs. Family dysfunction. Poverty and Mistreatment. Childhood and Adolescence Policies. Children and Adolescents’ Rights. Healthy Environment. Education for living. Children and adolescents care services. Disabled Care. Information and Society. Sexual and Reproductive Health PAPERS PRESENTATION FORMAT. Papers can deal with any topic of the event included in the Children Mistreatment Congress and should be sent in electronic format to be included on the memories CD-Rom before September 30, 2005 to the following address: The Scientific Committee will inform about the approval or not of papers and their presentation form in the Congress. The best work is to be selected by a jury according to its originality, scientific content quality and presentation It will be used Word 6.0 or a higher version of word processing systems. Title: Arial, 14 font, Align center, bold type Author’s Data: Name and surname in bold type and cursive writing. Name of the speaker underlined. Institution name, address, phone number, fax, e-mail City Country (in bold type) Paper format requirement: Font: Arial, 12 font. Text: Justify Margins: 2.5 cm Sheet of paper: 8 ½” x 11” Audiovisual Aids The Conference Center’s rooms possess the equipment required for work presentations. Audiovisual Aids should meet the following requirements: Slides 35 mm Video-cassettes VHS (any standard) Power Point Slide projection Working Languages Spanish and English will be the working languages of the Congress. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in the main sessions. REGISTRATION FEES Delegates: 150.00 CUC (Cuban Convertible Pesos). Students: 100.00 CUC Companion: 50.00 CUC Pre-Congress Courses: 20.00 CUC Payments can be made by bank transfers. Participants may also credit registration fee on their arrival to the country venue of the Congress. Students (pre-graduated only) should present a letter from their universities to certify their condition as such and credit their corresponding school fee. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE. Dr. Mayra Ojeda del Valle Vice-director of the National Institute of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology (INHEM) Phone: (537) 870-5723 Fax: (537) 833-2404 Email: web site: Dr. Juan Aguilar Valdés National Institute of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology (INHEM) Email: Rosalina Gómez Delgado Organizing Committee Phone: (537)870-5723 Fax (537)833-2404 Email: Professional Organizer of the Congress Lic. Zósima López Habana International Conference Center Phone (537)208-5199 / (537)202-8382 Email: Web site: SPONSORS: Ministry of Public Health of Cuba. National Institute of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology (INHEM). Cuban Society of Hygiene and Epidemiology. Cuban Society of School and University Health. National Council of Scientific Societies of the Ministry of Public Health. Natinal Unit of Environmental Health (UNSA). PAHO / WHO. Ministry of Education of Cuba. National Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene. (INHA). National Center of Education and Health Promotion. United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). UNESCO.