John Smith

John Smith
Ms. Jones
English 10CP per. 4
28 February 2009
Guiding People to their Deaths
This opening paragraph is going to be about 5 sentences long. Be sure to check on my
website, where I have placed helpful information about how to write a good introduction.
Particularly, check out the one about global statements. You may use an interesting quote and
comment on it, as long as it is closely related to your topic. The very last sentence in your
introduction is your thesis statement which must include you topic and your opinion.
This is going to be a topic sentence, talking about what your topic is, in general terms.
This is how you want to set up your block quote, with a complete sentence, which can appear in
any paragraph except for the intro and the conclusion:
The term assisted suicide generally refers to patients, of any age, nationality or
gender, who are in a persistent vegetative state (PVS) who, because of severe
brain damage, are not conscious and cannot ingest food or water naturally.
Because people in this condition are no longer leading a viable life, some
physicians are willing to end those lives. (“Allowing to Die II”)
Remember to look on my website for the correct way to introduce and set up your block quote.
The two sentences that follow the quote or paraphrase are intended to be your commentary. In
addition, don’t forget to include a transition and lead in so that “you can properly introduce
another quote that explains your topic” (Haber). Notice that I put the period at the end of the
parenthetical citation, not before. You could also use this paragraph to write about the other
side, or the issues that create the controversy. Be sure to end each paragraph with a closing
sentence that sums up your ideas.
This third paragraph is going to have a topic sentence that supports your opinion about
this topic. For example, you want to “be sure it is a strong sentence that is clearly written”
(Smith “Assisted Suicide). Your commentary should be your own thoughts. The reason why
your own thoughts are included here is because if you are using someone else’s thoughts, it is
considered plagiarism. Also, remember your TLQ once again so that “you won’t be writing
naked quotes because that is not considered good writing” (Smith, “The Right…”). Notice again
how I placed the period at the end of the parenthetical citation, not at the end of the sentence.
This sentence is your second commentary. Don’t forget to write your closing sentence.
This fourth paragraph is going to have another topic sentence that supports your opinion
about this topic. At first, when “you introduce your quote, you will be sure to use a good
transition, then write excellent, thought-provoking commentary” (Smith, “The Right…”). Write
two good sentences that support your quote and explain why the quote supports your opinion.
This is yet another reminder not to use YOU ever! In addition, don’t forget to integrate your
quote by “choosing the words of the quote carefully” and even interrupting the quote “to make a
point” (Smith, “The Right to Die…). Similarly, when you’re writing your commentary, be sure
to really think about what you’re writing. Try to include some original, insightful ideas. Again,
don’t forget your closing sentence!
This fifth paragraph will be all about any compromises or solutions that could be
developed, or have developed that would end or lesson your controversial Issue. For example,
“there could be a law about assisted suicide that would require a person to fill out paperwork
before he/she becomes incapacitated,” similar to the living wills that already exist (Haber). This
is another way to integrate a quote, a good stylistic device. Notice in the previous sentence how
I changed up the sentence structure a bit, putting a phrase at the end of the sentence. Alternately,
it is a good idea to “…try to find your voice in your writing” (Smith, “Assisted…”).
getting close to the end of your paper now that you’ve mentioned a couple of solutions. Oh no—
I’ve used “you” in my paper; don’t you do that! Also, here in the closing sentence, I’ll remind
you to write in third person for the entire paper.
Your conclusion leaves you with a bit more creativity than the other paragraphs, except
maybe the introduction. Write approximately five good sentences that sum up your ideas, look
to the future, or anything else you can think of that helps sum up your essay. If you go to My
website, you will find ideas for conclusions. This is brief, and you don’t have to use them all,
but it might help you when you get to this part of the essay. Notice that my works cited page is
on the next page, as part of the document. I only put those works on the works cited that I used
in my paper. Above all, do the best you possibly can on this and know that I look forward to
reading your papers. Your last sentence should connect your topic to a universal truth; I know
you have worked hard to get to this final sentence!
Works Cited
"Allowing to Die II." Commonweal. 131. 8 (April 23, 2004): 5(2). Opposing Viewpoints
Resource Center. Gale. Web. 10 May 2010.
Emanuel, E, K. Hedberg and T. Quill. "Evaluating Requests for Assisted Suicide."
Contemporary Issues Companion: Euthanasia. Ed. Lisa Yount. San Diego:
Greenhaven, 2002. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Web. 12 Feb. 2010.
Haber, Joram Graf. "Physicians Should Grant Requests for Assistance in Suicide." Opposing
Viewpoints: Problems of Death. Eds. James D. Torr and Laura K. Egendorf. San
Diego: Greenhaven, 2000. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Web. 12 Feb.
Lee, Barbara Coombs. "Dying in the Spirit." Tikkun 22.2 (2007): 36. Points of View Reference
Center. EBSCO. Web. 3 Dec. 2010.
Smith, Wesley J. "Assisted Suicide Would Be Mandated for Economic Reasons." Current
Controversies: Assisted Suicide. Ed. Karen F. Balkin. San Diego: Greenhaven, 2005.
Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Web. 12 Feb. 2010.
Smith, Wesley J. "Futile-Care Theory: Assisted Suicide's First Cousin." Human Life Review
2008: 41. Points of View Reference Center. EBSCO. Web. 3 Dec. 2010.
Smith, Wesley J. "The Right-to-Die Movement Supports Death on Demand." Current
Controversies: Suicide. Ed. Paul Connors. Detroit: Greenhaven, 2007. Opposing
Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Web. 12 Feb. 2010.
Outline is last page of your research paper so it must have your last name in header
with the correct page #.
All entries are in alphabetical order.
Title is Works Cited
Whole page is double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point, hanging indent.
All entries end in a period.
List ONLY those sources you used in your paper.