New Spelling Assignments Directions: You must do three assignments off this list for each Spelling unit. First one is due day 2, second is due day 3, and the third is due day 4. Write a short story using all the spelling words. Write the spelling words in ABC order. Write each spelling word five times each. Use graph paper to make a word search puzzle that includes all of the spelling words. Draw a picture of at least 10 of the spelling words. Use each spelling word in a sentence that shows its meaning. Write the definition from the dictionary of each 10 unfamiliar spelling words. Make a crossword puzzle on graph paper or use or dpuzzlemaker.html that includes at least 10 words. Write the synonym and antonym for at least 10 spelling words. Write each spelling word by creating a word pyramid. Come up with your own idea and share it with your teacher to determine if it is doable.