Biology 1001 Course Outline

Biol. 1001 Outline (<IEM)
Biology 1001 Course Outline: Campbell 6th ed.
a title in the text: students are responsible for knowing the entire content in the passage
under that title. *{Titles are of three types: MAJOR SECTION, Section, and examples.
Unless indicated otherwise references to MAJOR SECTIONS refer only to the passage
under the title and not its Sections or its examples. Unless indicated otherwise references
to Sections refer only to the paragraphs under the title and not the examples. Most
references are to Section titles.}
(* KNIB: this effectively means read down and stop at the next title or sub-title. Pick up
at the next title listed in the outline.)
means “=>”, but is a passage added by KNIB, spring2003
(p ) page number in the 6th ed. of Campbell.
* refers to a passage in the text meant to be read as background reading. Students are
responsible only for the items in the outline title and not the whole content of the pages
refers to parts of the course not covered entirely by the text; content will be given in
lectures or additional readings
Introduction to the Study of Life
I. The Unifying Characteristics of Life
=> Fig.1.3 Some properties of life (p 5)
=> Fig. 1.2 The hierarchy of biological organization (p 3)
=> Each level of biological structure has emergent properties (p 2)
=> Cells are an organism's basic units of structure and function (p 4)
=> The continuity of life is bases on heritable information in the form of DNA (p 6)
=> Structure and function are correlated at all levels of biological organization (p 7)
=> Organisms are open systems that interact continuously with their environments
(p 8)
=> Regulatory systems ensure a dynamic balance in living systems (p 8)
II. Diversity and Evolution
=> Diversity and unity are the dual faces of life on earth (p 9)
=> Evolution is the core theme of biology (p 12)
III. History of Life
=> Life on earth originated between 3.5 and 4.0 billion years ago (p 512)
=> Figure 26.1 Some major episodes in the history of life (p 511)
=> Figure 26.2 Clock analogy for some key events in evolutionary history (p 512)
* Prokaryotes dominated evolutionary history from 3.5 to 2.0 billion years ago (p
* Oxygen began accumulating in the atmosphere about 2-7 billion years ago (p 514)
=> Multicellular eukaryotes evolved by 1.2 billion years ago (p 514)
* Animal diversity exploded during the early Cambrianperiod (p 515)
* Plants, fungi and animals colonized the land about 500 million years ago (p 515)
Biol. 1001 Outline (<IEM)
IV. Classification
=> Taxonomy employs a hierarchical system of classification (p 493)
=> The five-kingdom system reflected increased knowledge of life's diversity (p
=> Arranging the diversity of life into highest taxa is a work in progress (p 523)
=> Fig. 26.10 Our changing view of biological diversity (p 523)
The Molecules of Life
=> Organic chemistry is the study of carbon compounds (p 52)
=> Carbon atoms are the most versatile building blocks of molecules (p 53)
=> The chemical elements of life: a review (p 59)
=> Most macromolecules are polymers (p 62)
=> An immense variety of polymers can be built from a small set of monomers (p
* Types of Polymers, their Monomers and their Functions (parts of pages 64-84)
=> Abiotic synthesis of organic monomers is a testable hypothesis: science as a
process (p 516)
=> Fig. 26.10 The Miller-Urey experiment (p 518)
=> The first cells may have originated by chemical evolution on a young Earth: an
overview (p 516)
The Prokaryotes
I. Introduction to Prokaryotes
=> They're (almost) everywhere! an overview of prokaryotic life (p 526)
II. Classification of Prokaryotes
=> Bacteria and archaea are the two main branches of prokaryote evolution (p 527)
=> Fig. 27.2 The three major lineages of life (p 527)
III. Structure and Function of Prokaryotes
=> Fig. 7.4 A prokaryotic cell (p 112)
=> Many prokaryotes are motile (p 529)
=> The cellular & genomic organization of prokaryotes is fundamentally different
from that of eukaryotes (p 530)
IV. E. coli is an Example of a Heterotrophic Bacterium
** The structure, metabolism and ecology of E. coli (in part on p 533)
V. Nostoc is an Example of an Autotrophic Bacterium (Cyanobacterium)
** The structure, metabolism and ecology of Nostoc
The Prokaryotes - Metabolic Diversity
I. Introduction to Metabolism
=> The chemistry of life is organized into metabolic pathways (p 87)
=> Organisms transform energy (p 88)
II. ATP/ADP Cycle as an example of Anabolic and Catabolic Processes
=> ATP powers cellular work by coupling exergonic reactions to endergonic
reactions (pp 94-96)
=> Fig. 6.8 The structure and hydrolysis of ATP (not responsible for molecular
formulas) (p 94)
Biol. 1001 Outline (<IEM)
=> Fig. 6.10 The ATP Cycle (p 95)
III. Diversity of Metabolic Pathways of Prokaryotes
=> Prokaryotes can be grouped into four categories according to how they obtain
energy and carbon (p 532)
IV. Enzymes and Metabolism
=> Enzymes speed up metabolic reactions by lowering energy barriers (p 96)
=> Fig. 6.13 Enzymes lower the barrier of activation energy (p 92)
=> Enzymes are substrate-specific (p 97)
=> The active site is an enzymes catalytic center (p 98)
=> Effects of Temperature and pH (p 99)
=> Fig. 6.16 Environmental factors affecting enzymes (p 100)
The Prokaryotes- Obtaining Raw Materials for Metabolism
I. Raw Materials Drive Metabolism
** Need for raw materials
** Raw materials enter bacterial cells through cell wall and cell membrane
II. The Structure and Function of the Cell Wall
=> Nearly all prokaryotes have cell walls external to their plasma membranes (p
=> Fig. 27.5 Gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (p 529)
III. The Structure and Function of the Plasma Membrane
=> Membrane models have evolved to fit new data (p 138)
=> Fig. 8.2 (b) Current fluid mosaic model (p 139)
=> A membrane's molecular organization results in selective permeability (p 144)
=> Passive Transport is diffusion across a membrane (p 145)
=> Osmosis is the passive transport of water (p 146)
=> Water balance of Cells with Walls (p 146)
=> Active transport is the pumping of solutes against their gradients (p 148)
Growth and Reproduction of Bacteria
I. Growth of Bacterial Populations
=> Populations of prokaryotes grow and adapt rapidly (p 531 ignore
transformation, conjugation and transduction)
II. Bacterial Divide by Binary Fission
=> Mitosis in eukaryotes may have evolved from binary fission in bacteria (p 223)
=> Figure 12.10 Bacterial cell division (p 224)
III. Mechanisms that Produce Variation: Mutation and Genetic Recombination
=> The short generation span of bacteria facilitates their evolutionary adaptation to
changing environments (p 340)
*Genetic recombination produces new bacterial strains (basic processes of
transformation, transduction and conjugation only) Fig. 18.12 (and parts of p 341343)
Bacteria and the Discovery of DNA and its Roles
I. DNA as the Genetic Molecule
=> Evidence that DNA can Transform Bacteria (p 288)
=> Fig. 16.1 Transformation of bacteria (p 279)
Biol. 1001 Outline (<IEM)
=> Evidence that Viral DNA Can Program Cells (p 288)
II. The Discovery of the Model of DNA
=> Watson and Crick discovered the double helix by building models to conform to
X- ray data: science as a process (p 290)
=> Fig. 16.5 The double helix (p 291)
III. Replication
=> During DNA replication, base pairing enables existing DNA strands to serve as a
template for new complementary strands (p 293)
=> Fig. 16.7 A model for DNA replication: the basic concept (p 293)
IV. Testing the Model
=> Fig. 16.8 Three models of DNA replication (p 294)
=> Fig. 16.9 The Meselson-Stahl experiments tested three hypotheses of DNA
replication (p 294)
From Gene to Protein
I. Overview of Control of Metabolism by DNA
*The study of metabolic defects provided evidence that genes specify proteins:
science as a process (include examples) (p 303)
II. Overview of Protein Synthesis
=> Fig. 17.2 Overview: the roles of transcription and translation in the flow of
genetic information (p 306)
III. Details of Transcription and Translation
=> Transcription and translation are the two main processes linking gene to protein:
an overview (p 304)
=> Fig. 17.32 A summary of transcription and translation in a eukaryotic cell (p 324)
=> Fig. 17.22 Coupled transcryption and translation in bacteria (p. 321)
=> Comparing protein synthesis in prokaryotes and eukaryotes: a review (p 321)
IV. The Genetic Code
=> In the genetic code, nucleotide triplets specify amino acids (p 306)
*Fig. 17.4 The dictionary of the genetic code (* be able to read table) (p. 308)
V. Point mutations and Enzyme Function
=> Point mutations can affect protein structure and function (including examples)
(p 322)
=> Fig.17.24 Categories and consequences of point mutations (p 323)
The Ecology of Prokaryotes
I. Prokaryotes are Ubiquitous and Still Dominate the Earth
=> They're (almost) everywhere! an overview of prokaryotic life (p 526)
=> Researchers are identifying a great diversity of archaea in extreme environments
and in the oceans (p 535)
=> most known prokaryotes are bacteria (p 537)
II. Prokaryotes Fulfill a Variety of Essential Ecological Roles
(a) Some Prokaryotes are Decomposers
=> Prokaryotes are indispensable links in the recycling of chemical elements in
ecosystems (p 540)
(b) ** Some Prokaryotes are Producers or Molecular Heterotrophs
Biol. 1001 Outline (<IEM)
(* Table 27.3 p 538-539)
(c) Some Share Symbiotic Relationships with other Organisms
=> Many prokaryotes are symbionts (p 540)
(d) Some Prokaryotes are part of the Nitrogen Cycle
=> The Nitrogen Cycle (p 1210)
=> The Metabolism of soil bacteria makes nitrogen available to plants (p 774)
=> Fig. 37.8 The role of soil bacteria in the nitrogen nutrition of plants (p 775)
III. Bacteria, disease and Antibiotics
=> Pathogenic prokaryotes cause many human diseases (p 540)
I. The Discovery of Viruses
=> Researchers discovered viruses by studying a plant disease (p 328)
II. Viruses cause Disease in Plants and Animals
=> Causes and Prevention of Viral Diseases in Animals (p 335)
=> Emerging Viruses (p 337)
=> Viruses and Cancer (p 337)
=> Plant viruses are serious agriculture pests (p 338)
III. The Structure of Viruses
=> A virus is a genome enclosed in a protective coat (p 329-330 )
=> Fig. 18.2 Viral structure (p 330)
IV. Viral Reproductive Cycles
=> Viruses can reproduce only within a host cell: an overview (p 330)
=> The Lytic cycle (p 331)
=> Fig. 18.4: The lytic cycle of phage T4 (p 332)
=> Reproductive Cycle of Animal Viruses (p 333)
=> Viral Envelopes (p 334)
=> RNA as Viral Genetic Material (p 335)
=> Fig. 18.7 HIV a retrovirus (p 336)
V. ** What are viruses? (comparison with living organisms)
VI. The Origin of Viruses
=> Viruses may have evolved from other mobile genetic elements (p 339)
The Protists
I. Introduction to the Protists
=> Systematists have split protists into many kingdoms (p 546)
=> Protists are the most diverse of all eukaryotes (p 546)
II. Eukaryotes, (Protists, Fungi, Plants and Animals) have Internal Compartments
=> Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells differ in size and complexity (p 112)
=> Internal compartments compartmentalize the functions of a eukaryotic cell (p
Fig 7.5 Geometric relationships explain why most cells are microscopic (p 113)
Fig. 7.7 Overview of an animal cell (p 114)
Fig. 7.8 Overview of a plant cell (p 115)
III. The Nucleus is a Specialized Membranous Organelle
=> The Nucleus contains a eukaryotic cell’s genetic library (p 117)
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=> Fig. 7.9 The nucleus and its envelope (p 116)
IV. Mitochondria are Found in Most Eukaryotes
=> Mitochondria (p 124)
=> Fig. 7.17 The mitochondrion, site of cellular respiration (p 124)
V. Chloroplasts are found in all autotrophic eukaryotes
=> Chloroplasts (p 124)
=> Fig. 7.18 The chloroplast, the site of photosynthesis (p 125)
VI. The Endomembrane System Links several Types of Membranous Organelles
=> The Endomembrane System (p 118)
=> The endoplasmic reticulum manufactures membranes and performs many other
biosynthetic functions (p 118)
=> Figure 7.11 Endoplasmic reticulum (p 119)
=> The Golgi apparatus finishes, sorts and ships cell products (p 119)
=> Fig. 7.12 The Golgi Apparatus (p 120)
=> Vacuoles have diverse functions in cell maintenance (p 122)
VII. The Origin of Membranous Organelles
=> Fig. 28.4: A model of the origin of eukaryotes (p 549)
=> Endomembranes contributed to larger more complex cells (p 548)
[Autogenous hypothesis, a term not used by Campbell]
=> Mitochondria and plastids involved from endosymbiotic bacteria (p 549)
Examples of Autotrophic Protists
I. Euglena
=> Figure 28.3 Euglena: an example of eukaryotic complexity (p 547)
** Nutrition, Phototaxis, locomotion, exchange, osmoregulation
II. Laminaria
=> Phaeophyta (Brown Algae) (p 562)
=> Structural and biochemical adaptations help seaweeds survive and reproduce at
the ocean's margins (p 562)
=> Some algae have life cycles with alternating multicellular haploid and diploid
generations (p 563)
=> Fig. 28.21 The life cycle of Laminaria: an example of alternations of generation
(p 564)
Kingdom Plantae
I. *What are plants?
II. The Evolution of Land Plants:
(a) * Water vs Land
(b) The Ancestor of Land Plants
=> Charophyceans are the green algae most closely related to land plants (p 576)
(c) Charophyte to Land Plants
=> Several terrestrial adaptations distinguish land plants from charophycean algae
(p 578)
(d) Episodes of plant evolution
=> Evolutionary adaptations to terrestrial living characterize the four main groups of
land plants (p 576)
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=> Fig. 29.1 Some Highlights of plant evolution (p 577)
The Structure and Function of Flowering Plants
** How Flowering Plants Work
=> Plants have three basic organs: roots, stems and leaves (p 721)
A. Flowering Plant Structure and Growth
I. Specialization of Plant Cells
** Review plant cell structure (Fig. 7.8 (p 115) and Fig. 35.10 (p 727))
=> Plant tissues are composed of three basic cell types: collenchyma, parenchyma,
sclerenchyma (p 726)
=> Fig. 35.11 The three major categories of plant cells (p 728)
II. Plant Tissue Systems
=> Plant organs are composed of three tissue systems: dermal, vascular and ground
(p 724)
=> Fig. 35.7 The three tissue systems (p 725)
=> Fig. 35.8 Water-conducting cells of xylem (p 725)
=> Fig 35.9 Food-conducting cells of the phloem (p 726)
III. Plant Growth
=> Meristems generate cells for new organs throughout the lifetime of a plant: an
overview of plant growth (p 729)
=> Figure 35.12 Locations of major meristems (p 729)
IV. The Shape of Plants
** Determined by location and dominance of meristems
V. Hormonal Control of Apical Dominance
=> Plant Response to Hormones (p 806)
=> Plant hormones help coordinate growth, development, and responses to
environmental stimuli (p 809)
=> Auxin (p 809)
=> The Role of Auxin in Cell Elongation (p 809)
=> Other effects of Auxin (p 810)
=> Cytokinins (p 810)
=> Control of Cell Division and Differentiation (p 811)
=> Control of Apical dominance (p 811)
VI. Primary and Secondary Growth of Roots and Stems
(a) Introduction (** primary and secondary growth)
=> Primary growth: Apical meristems extend roots and shoots by giving rise to the
primary plant body (p 730)
=> Fig 35.12 Location of major meristems: an overview of plant growth
(b) Primary Growth of Roots (p 730)
=> Fig. 35.14 Primary growth of a root (p 730)
(c) Primary Structure of Roots
=> Primary Tissues of Roots (p 731)
=> Fig. 35.15 Organization of primary tissues in young roots (p 731)
(d) Primary Structure of Stems
=> Primary Tissues of Stems (p 733)
Biol. 1001 Outline (<IEM)
=> Fig. 35.18 Organization of primary tissues in young stems (p 733)
(e) Secondary Growth of Stems
=> Secondary Growth of Stems (p 735)
=> Fig. 35.20 Production of secondary xylem and phloem by the vascular cambium
(p 735)
=> Cork Cambium and Production of Periderm (p 736)
=> Fig. 35.21 Secondary growth of a stem (p 736)
(f) Secondary Growth of Roots
=> Secondary Growth of Roots (p 738)
=> Fig. 35.23 Anatomy of a tree trunk (p 737)
B. Plant Nutrition and Metabolism
I. **Introduction (photosynthesis, leaves, minerals)
II. Leaf Development
=> Primary Growth of Shoots (p 732)
=> Fig. 35.17 The terminal bud and primary growth of a shoot (p 732)
III. Leaf Structure
=> Tissue Organization of Leaves (p 734)
=> Fig. 35.19 Leaf Anatomy (p 734)
IV. Chloroplast Structure
=> Chloroplasts are the sites of photosynthesis in plants (p 178)
=> Fig. 10.2 Focusing in on the location of photosynthesis in a plant (p 178)
V. Overview of Photosynthesis
=> The light reactions and the Calvin cycle cooperate in converting light energy to
the chemical energy of food: an overview (p 180)
=> Fig. 10.4 An overview of photosynthesis: cooperation of the light reaction and
the Calvin cycle (p 180)
VI. The Relationship of Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
=> Fig. 9.1 Energy flow and chemical recycling in ecosystems (p 156)
Cellular respiration and fermentation are catabolic, energy-yielding pathways (p 155)
** Comparison of photosynthesis and cellular respiration
=> Fig. 9.6 An overview of cellular respiration (p 160)
VII. Essential Minerals of Plants
=> Plants require nine macronutrients and at least eight micronutrients (p 768)
* Table 37.1 Essential Minerals of Plants (general functions of nutrients only) (p
VIII. Obtaining Nutrients
=> Fig. 37.1 The uptake of minerals by a plant: an overview (p 768)
=> Symbiotic nitrogen fixation results from intricate interactions between roots and
bacteria (p 776)
=> Mycorrhizae are symbiotic associations of roots and fungi that enhance plant
nutrition (p 778)
=> Parasitic plants extract nutrients from other plants (p 780)
=> Carnivorous plants supplement their mineral nutrition by digesting animals (p
Biol. 1001 Outline (<IEM)
C. Long-Distance Transport in Plants
I. Introduction
=> Bulk flow functions in long-distance transport (p 754)
II. Absorption of Water and Minerals by Roots
=> Fig. 36.6 Lateral transport of minerals in roots (p 754)
=> Root hairs, mycorrhizae, and a large surface area of cortical cells enhance water
and mineral absorption (p 754)
=> The endodermis functions as a selective sentry between the root cortex and
vascular tissue (p 756)
III. The Ascent of Water and Minerals in the Xylem
=> The ascent of xylem sap depends mainly on transpiration and the physical
properties of water (include all examples and Transpirational Pull; Cohesion
and Adhesion in the Ascent of Xylem sap (p 757)
=> Xylem sap ascends by solar-powered bulk flow: a review (p 758)
=> Fig.36.10 The generation of transpiration pull in a leaf (p 757)
=> Fig. 36.11 Ascent of water in a tree (p 758)
IV. The Control of Transpiration
=> Guard cells mediate the photosynthesis-transpiration compromise (include all
examples) (p 759)
=> Fig. 36.13 The mechanism of stomatal opening and closing (p 760)
V. Translocation in Phloem
=> Phloem translocates its sap from sugar sources to sugar sinks (include all
examples) (p 763)
=> Fig. 36.16 Loading of sucrose into phloem (p 763)
=> Pressure flow is the mechanism of transport in angiosperms (p 763)
=> Fig. 36.17 Pressure flow in a sieve tube (p 764)
=> Fig. 36.18 Tapping phloem sap with the help of an aphid (p 764)
D. The Life cycle of Flowering Plants
I. Review of Alternation of Generations
=> Alternation of Generations (p 580)
=> Fig. 29.6 Alternation of Generation: A generalized scheme (p 580)
=> Fig. 30.17 The life cycle of an angiosperm (p 611)
=> Fig. 38.1 Simplified overview of Angiosperm life cycle (p 784)
II. The Male and Female Gametophytes
=> Fig. 38.4 The development of angiosperm gametophytes (pollen and embryo
sacs) (p 787)
III. Flower Structure
=> The flower is the defining reproductive adaptation of angiosperms (p 608)
=> Fig. 30.13 The structure of a flower (p 608)
=> Male and female gametophytes develop within a flower=s anthers and ovaries
respectively: Pollination brings them together (p 786)
IV. The Coevolution of Flowers
=> Angiosperms and animals have shaped one another=s evolution (p 611)
Biol. 1001 Outline (<IEM)
*Fig. 38.3 A few examples of floral diversity (p 786)
=> Coevolution and interspecific interactions (include coevolution) (p 1181)
V. Photoperiod and the Control of Flowering
=> Photoperiod synchronizes many plant responses to changes of season (all
examples and subsections) (p 821)
VI. Pollination
=> The life cycle of an angiosperm is a highly refined version of the alternation of
generations common to all plants (p 610)
=> Pollination (p 788)
VII. Fruit
=> Fruits help disperse the seeds of angiosperms (p 608)
=> Fig. 38.15 Relationship between a pea flower and a fruit (pea pod) (p 609)
VIII. Seeds, dormancy and germination
=> Evolutionary adaptations of seed germination contribute to seedling survival (p
793 include all examples)
=> Figure 38.14 Seed germination (p 794)
**Environmental Adaptations of Plants
I. Adaptations for the Newfoundland Environment
II. Adaptations for Drought and Water Stress
*Drought (p 825)
III. Adaptations for Life in water
*Flooding (p 826)
IV. Adaptations for Low Temperatures and Short Growing Season
*Cold Stress (p 827)
V. Adaptations to Avoid Predation
*Plants deter herbivores with physical and chemical defense (p 827)
*Plant defences against predation (p 1179)