Evart Newspaper items of note – special interest Evart Review 12 Jul 1945 Tombstone Reveals Early Evart Burial 1872 GIVEN AS DEATH DATE OF CHILD ON STONE DISCOVERED MONDAY A mystery was uncovered when a son of Peter John White, diffing postholes for a chicken fence at their residence in the south end of townm uncovered a well preserved tombstone. The stone, about 18 by 24 by 6 inche, bore the inscription “Igness, son of Wm & E. Gerard. Died Aug. 18, 1872, 1 yr. 28 days. The earliest recorded burial in forest Hill Cemetery occurred in 1880, according to W.BTurner, City Clerk, and before that time a cemetery existed in the property across US-10 from the fairground. One or two bodies were moved to Forest Hill when the cemetery was opened. No Gerards were on the list for Forest Hill. The Review was founded on October 10, two months after the death date given, and the village of Evart was founded the same year, so no records are available for further checking. Evart Review 26 Jan 1939 (Feb 1, 1889) Public school teachers included Kate Lapham and Grace Snyder, A and B divisions of first grade, Mable rose, second grade; Emma Birdsall, third grade; Emma Kimes, grammar room; seventh and eighth grades, Belle Covert. N.H. Walbridge, supt. Evart Review 5 April 1895 Evart teachers at this time were Kindergarten, Lillian McCutcheon; first grade, Fannie I. Allen; second grade, U. Adeline Smith; third grade, Jessie Allison; fourth grade, E. Lozette Smith; fifth grade, Julia A. Deane; second grammar department, Myron Jerome; high school, C.E. Maxwell, principal, James H. Thompson, superintendent. October 29, 1931 Superintendents, Teachers & Directors of Osceola County 1931-1932 Burdell Township District 2 3 (Tustin) Director Teacher Mrs. Nina Klok Pupils transported W. Payne Ward, Superintendent O.P. Jensen Buel Grice, Principal Agnes Cryderman Mrs. Payne Ward Evelyn Erickson Edna Echelberger 4 5 6 7 Charles Forsberg Charles W. Swanson Merle Ide Elmer VanAntwerp Pupils transported Mabel Garringer Allie Allen Josephine Shore Cedar Township 1 William O. Morris 2 Jerome Robinson 3 Dee W. Rehkopf Annabelle Moffit Naoma Clark Dorothy Finkbeiner Evart Township 1 W.R. Davis 2 Walter Johnson 4 Mrs. Maude E. Boyd 5 Mrs. Cora Owen 6 Emanuel Bristle Nora McMullen Lorene Jagger Raymond Kneisel Mabel Russel Viola Comer Hartwick Township 1 Ray Arndt 2 George Ransom 3 Oscar Nichols 4 Arthur Jensen 5 Sherman Booher Thelma Friend Louise Corey Bernice Shanafelt Mable Sharpe Velma Williams Hersey Township 1 Ray Pixley 2 Elmer Theil 4 Samuel Leach 5 (Hersey) Frank McIntyre 7 Mrs. Eva Duesler Highland Township 1 Fred Morred 2 Ed Fredericks 3 H. Jay Gould 4 Arthur Shank 5 Jared B. Nash 6 Gerrit Bierma 7 Eugene Johnson 8 Peter Booomstra 9 Frank McClung Highland Christian Rev John Holwerda Ruth Haist Ada Farrar John Leach William L. Schultz, Supt. Elsie M. Gustafson, Principal Morgan Dodder Bertha Luek Christina Johnson Vena VanAlystyne Lola Miller Harriet Johnson Herman Hamming Madelyn Keller Dorothy Thomas Louise Michaels Nedra Walcutt Mattie Eastway Gladys Lee Mildred Mobley Magdalens Yntema LeRoy Township 1 Clarence E. Johnson 2 Herman Westman 3 Robert Tate 5 (LeRoy) Mrs. Lulu D. Pegg 6 Ezra Bittner Lincoln Township 1 Sanford Steig 2 Robert Greenwald 3 Arthur Briggs 4 Mrs. Pearl Miller 5 Herbert Lincoln 6 John Brandberry 7 Martin K. Witt 8 W.M. Gingrich Marion Township Harvey L. Dunbar Middle Branch 1 Glen McNaughton 2 Robert Opper 3 Mrs. Grace Bozung 4 Albert Sneary 5 Michael Kipp Orient Township 1 Albert Becker 2 John Arndt 3 (Evart) Dr. G.D. Rowe Earl Lickert Garnet Nelson Bernice Leemgraven A.P. Bodary, Superintendent Helen Hieber, Principal Esther Cook Grace Brill Gertrude Hicks Hazel Jensen Wanda Diehlman Hannah McLachlan Pupils Transported Ada Pepper Margaret Finkbeiner Esther Sprague Mary Morlock Mabel Williams Edith Gingrich Lyle D. Brundage, Superintendent Earl G. Jewett, Priincipal Irene Morton Helen Purcell Ida Kaikkonen Margaret Gibson Dorothy Coleman Gertrude Jenema Esther Brooks Margaret Bruer Betty Beversteil Beryl Beaudry Ada Hockey Elma McCrimmon Abbie Comstock School discontinued Ruth Ballantyne Beatrice Conn Steven J. Martin, Superintendent Russell Wait 4 5 6 Homer Stein William Stipek Arthur Diehlman Richmond Township 1 John Erler 2 Ernest Gerber 3 Ephraim Holquist 4 Alfred Baar 6 LeRoy McGregor 7 (Reed City) M.E. Beecher Nellie Smith Minnie Erskine John VanderWerf Sam McClutchey Virginia Thornton Clemmie Yarhouse Florence Dilts Eleanor Pence Hermiene Bigbee Dortha Lozar Lyle Rabb Lucille Stephenson Genevieve Comer Helen Voller Esther Baughman Lucy Kirschbaum County Norman Principal Angeliine Landon County Norman Critic Agnes Lloyd Genevieve Hubbard Nina Diehlman Sylvestra Zimmerman Esther Peppler Maria Gerhardt Edna Ochs Jessica Finch Otto H. Olson, Superintendent Louis W. Redemsky, Principal L.C. Atkins J.E. Hardimon F.S. Furman D.L. Adams Carl Dechow Gertrude Calkins Mancelyn Barker Agnes Herrgard Helen Costello Wilma Keller Grace Witherell Alma Corsault Louise Pearson Pearl Veltman Mildred Denslow Kathleen Merrill Violet Bonsall 8 Albert Morlock Lilliam Morlock Trinity Lutheran Rev. C.C. Koessel Helmuth Keup Rose Lake Township 1 Mrs. Mary F. Watson 2 Mrs. Nellie Nelson 3 Archa Furniss 4 Henry Steinhaus Naomi Knapp Julian Gorthy Dora Neuman Thelma Otto Sherman Township 1 Gustaf Neuman, Jr. 2 (Dighton) Duane Briggs 3 Harry Rees 4 William Franke 5 James Manhart 6 Mrs. Robert Johnson 7 Herbert Mitchell Leonard Tacoma Forest G. Williams, Principal Lois Young, Primary Albert Lickert Marvin Witbeck Margaret Lothrop Genevieve Wallenburg Elizabeth Mitchell Sylvan Township 1 Alger Bragg 2 Andrew Anderson 3 Mrs. Hugh Crawford 4 Arley Reedy 5 W.H. Hawkins Leona McDougall Pearl Caldwell Hazelle Paulson Vera Seberry Alice Richmond March 1880 Hartwick Twp. New P.O. called Headland with John Parkman as Postmaster. April 1880 Cedar Twp Penasa P.O. H.H. Smith, postmaster James H. Thompson went to Lansing April 1911 2/1890 – James Cobena – Indian who lived with Penasa family at camps a mile east of town. Hilled by a train. 7/1891 – Indian mounds dug up 5/09 Dist #6 Evart Twp new school lot I sec 7 north of River 9/1889 Dist #4 Sylvan will build new school Eddy’s Corners in Sylvan Twp. Evart Review 9/1927 John Blodgett Indian Campground across the river near the Hersey Bridge. Little Joe – grandson of Penasa playmate for John. Indians made a canoe for John & Mrs. Blodgett did not approve. County Farm 1913 New bldg 1931 28 Jan 1884 High McIntosh Edward Cowles John Corbit Lucy Hunt Emma Shepherd & child Lucinda cowls Emma Weisenberger 1 insane Dane 10 inmates & 17 boarders families & men working on the farm bldgs. Certificate #1102 Application 2539 Homestead 5 Apr 1872 Sec 28, T18N, R7W 160 acres Mansel Kelley Jan 23, 1873 sold to county for $2,000 160 acres for poor farm. Elon Boyce at county farm 30 Jan 1890-10 Apr 1891 63 weeks – poisoned on 30 Jan 1890 paralysis in hands and feet 11 Feb 1921 Evart Savings bank moved to new building Banks merged fall 1922. Trucks – Republic made in Cadillac Transport made in Mr. Pleasant Trojan made in Evart Acme made in Alma Evart Woman’s Club park 30 Jun 1911 They had DR Dow come to help with the planning. Was probably Waterworks Park 7 Jul 1911 240 gal of water per person per day for each person in town. List of Civil War vets buried at Forest Hill in 31 May 1895 Review Teacher’s Pension about Feb 1935 first talked about in 1917. 2/1873 – If the bears come out of their dens on February 2nd and see their shadows there will be 6 more weeks of winter. Dec 14, 1883 List of pensioners of Osceola Co page 1 Swede Charles Miller died Fri, Dec 7, 1883 train accident while drunk buried at Forest Hill but not listed.