Pennsylvania Department of Education Bureau of Special Education Intensive Interagency "ACTIVE" MEMBERS: "All Pennsylvania children with disabilities whose school districts have determined that they cannot currently be appropriately educated in a public educational setting and who waited or have been waiting for more than 30 days for the provision of an appropriate educational placement." "AT RISK" MEMBERS: "At-risk", this definition includes all children who are in substantial jeopardy of becoming active class members, students who are without appropriate educational programs for 30 days or more; therefore, this definition includes, but is not limited to, all children for whom it is anticipated that their IEPs cannot be implemented within 10 days after completing the IEP and all children for whom an IEP can no longer be successfully implemented. In addition, students who are "at-risk" of becoming active class members include those without IEPs where it is likely that an IEP meeting will not be convened in a timely manner because of anticipated problems in locating and securing an appropriate placement. The "at-risk" category also includes students with IEPs on home instruction for reasons other than temporary physical illness or mobility or other physical problems that prohibit the student's departure from the home. "OUT OF DISTRICT" MEMBERS: This category of children includes students who were once Active class members and who currently have an educational placement but, by way of agreement of the local interagency team, are in a more restrictive setting than the child's needs warrant. In example, a child who is placed residentially in an approved private school due primarily to a lack of access to a community based residential program would fit into this category. "PAST" MEMBERS: Students who "met the class definition at some point on or after March 14, 1991, but were subsequently provided with an appropriate program and placement." COMPENSATORY EDUCATION: Services designed to compensate the student for any delay and/or loss of instruction experienced while awaiting appropriate services. These services must be designed by the IEP team, and may take the form of services beyond normal school days or hours, extra in-school services, extended eligibility for services (e.g., beyond age 21), non-instructional services, or any other intervention that the IEP team determines to be reasonable compensation for the delay that the student experienced. If the student was on homebound or instruction conducted in the home during the period of delay, the student must be offered services at least comparable in nature and duration to the services that were recommended for the child but not provided. Families may waive their right to compensatory services if they choose. All class members who experienced placement delays, including past class members (see above), are eligible for compensatory education. INITIAL REPORT -- Page 1 of 4 (09/12/2011) Pennsylvania Department of Education Bureau of Special Education Intensive Interagency INITIAL Report (Report each class member immediately to Sharon Becker ( at PaTTAN Harrisburg – 6340 Flank Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17112; Phone: 800-360-7282 ; Fax: 717-541-4968) 1. 2. 3. 4. District's name AAO (Phila Only) Superintendent's name Class member's name Birth date Sex: M / F Social Security Number______________ County of residence Today's date Parent: Legal Guardian: Foster Parent: (If other than parent) (Where applicable) Name Address Telephone number 5. District Contact Telephone number 6. Please indicate the most accurate status as either "Active", "At Risk" or "Out of District", and all other applicable descriptors for the class member being reported: ___Active; not in appropriate placement ___At risk of being without an appropriate placement ___Out of District Other descriptors: ___*On Homebound Instruction or Instruction Conducted in the Home ___May be eligible for compensatory education as a result of having been on an inappropriate placement some time in the past. 7. Date of most recent ER______________ IEP______________ NOREP______________ *Indicate all applicable systems to this class members case: ڤBSE ڤC&Y ڤDOH ڤJPO ڤMR )yficeps esaelp( rehtO ڤRVO ڤSASHMOڤ *Indicate all applicable At Risk Trigger Points ڤ1 ڤ2 ڤ3 ڤ4 ڤ5 ڤ6 ڤ7 Date team determined placement inappropriate Receiving Medical Assistance: Y / N *Recipient CIS Number Current placement Placement being sought *Type of Service Type of Support Reason for placement being sought INITIAL REPORT -- Page 2 of 4 Location (09/12/2011) * See attached CODES TO BE USED [Item 8, for "Active" or "Out of District" class members only] 8. (a) Date student became an Active class member (b) Additional comments concerning "Out of District" class members only. (If student is "Active", record N/A) [Item 9, for "At Risk" class members only] 9. (a) Description of "at risk" factors (b) 10. Date when appropriate placement was acquired Provide a brief current status report for this class member Report submitted by Position * See attached CODES TO BE USED INITIAL REPORT -- Page 3 of 4 (09/12/2011) CODES TO BE USED Type of Service Type of Support I S FT AS ES HI LS LSS MD PS SLS VI RE Itinerant Supplemental Full Time Autistic Support Emotional Support Deaf or Hearing Impaired Support Learning Support Life Skills Support Multiple Disability Support Physical Support Speech and Language Support Blind or Visually Impaired Support Regular Education Location Systems R PSFD APSD PSFR APSR HOS CF OSF HOME BSE Bureau of Special Education C&Y Office Of Children & Youth PA Department of Health JCJC Juvenile Court Judges Commission JP Juvenile Probation ODP Office of Developmental Prog OMHSAS Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services OVR Office Of Vocational Rehabilitation Regular school with non disabled peers Public Separate Facility (Non Residential), e.g., Special Education Center Private Separate Facility (Non Residential), e.g., Day student in an APS DOH Public Residential Facility, e.g., State operated residential facility Private Residential Facility, e.g., Residential student in an APS Hospital, e.g., Long-term admissions Correctional Facility, e.g., Students receiving services while incarcerated Out of State Facility Instruction Conducted in the Home, e.g., IEP Team Placements AT RISK TRIGGER POINTS 1 - A student with an IEP has been placed on home instruction for reasons other than temporary physical illness, mobility, or other physical problems. 2 - A student with an IEP who is placed in a foster home, group home, institution, or host home for 30 days or longer 3 - A student with an IEP who has repeated serious disciplinary infractions which is likely to interrupt or interfere with the successful implementation of his or her IEP. 4 - A student who’s IEP has stopped being successfully implemented for reasons including, but not limited to, significant behavior problems. 5 - The need for an out of district placement, but such placement has not yet been achieved 6 - The need for community based services for a student has been identified and recommended for the successful implementation of the student's IEP, but the services have not yet been provided. 7 - The family or student has declined to participate fully in the current IEP, and as a result the school cannot provide a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). HOMEBOUND INSTRUCTION – Education provided in the home as a result of a medical crises which makes it impractical for the student to attend school for a specific period of time; not to be used as a substitute for a special education placement when an appropriate placement cannot be found. INSTRUCTION CONDUCTED IN THE HOME – Special education and related services provided in the home instead of the school, as specified by the IEP team as the appropriate placement for this student at this time; not to be used as a substitute for an appropriate placement when one cannot be found. CIS NUMBER – Client Information System Number. 10 digit unique number identifying the MA recipient. Can be found on ACCESS Card. RMT – Regional Management Team. SDI – Specially Designed Instruction. INITIAL REPORT -- Page 4 of 4 (09/12/2011)