NOVEMBER 3, 2013
The Lord is full of mercy and compassion, slow to anger and of great kindness.
He has come to search out and save what was lost. Let us be more concerned with
doing the Lord’s work than with idle speculation about when He will come again.
We ask God to return to eternal life: Claire T. O’Brien
Open Pantry - Next week we ask that you please bring canned vegetables.
We remember all our parishioners who have died during the past year.
Margaret McLaughlin
Bernice Boudreau
Nancy Perrigo
Jackie Hallahan
Roger Doerpholz
Shirley LaBaff
Fr. Robert Riel
Carol Demerski
Ann O’Connor
Kerri Kennedy
Dallas Harkless
Kathy Connors
Alice Landry
Geraldine Daley
Bob Dionne
Jerry Midghall
Barbara LaValley
Ann Randall
Clara Hawley
Marisa Seoane
Pauline Kotowski
Gloria Orgovan
Chickie Foster
Eva Seoane
Bev Visneau
Vicki DeForge
Patricia Darney
Henry Kotowski
Margaret Carey
Gary Hamilton
Christine Smith
Kathleen McGreal
Mary Burritt
Kenneth Laravee
George Ulrick
Edward Meserve
Ted Samble
Claire Egan
Joyce Cummings
Marian Elizabeth Begley
Mary Randall
Anthony Gallo
Eileen Moore
DON’T MISS OUT ON THE FUN!!! We are holding a free pancake
breakfast THIS SUNDAY, November 3, in the gym, from 9am – 1pm;
sponsored by the Pastoral Council (a free will offering will be available). We will
be starting a new program looking to match volunteers with parishioners with
specific needs. Learn more about this program, as well as how you can get
involved. The Knights of Columbus will be providing the breakfast. There will be
a 50/50 raffle; you need not be present at the drawing to win.
The Sisters of St. Joseph have served in schools, parishes, prisons, food pantries,
health care facilities and other ministries in the Springfield Diocese for 130 years.
Unfortunately, the Sisters now face serious financial challenges as they strive to
take care of their aging members. Please consider helping them out by making a
contribution during a special collection, next weekend, November 9-10. You are
always in the Sisters’ prayers.
Holiday Craft Fair
Holy Cross is hosting its annual Holiday Craft Fair on Sun., Nov. 17, from 9am3pm in the gym. There will be over 35 crafters. The crafts include: candles,
quilted pocketbooks/wallets, cupcakes, origami owl lockets, knitted and crocheted
items, spices, traveling rosaries, cheesecake, American Doll clothes, handmade
scarves/flowers/jewelry, handbags and totes, pretzels and pops, handmade baby
clothes, afghans, chocolates, homemade dog biscuits, jewelry, beads, cupcakes,
and candy. Come and do some early Christmas shopping. There will be a 50/50
raffle, crafter door prizes, bake sale and snack bar. There will be free admission,
free parking and easy accessibility.
October 27 weekly collection $7,676
Our budgeted weekly cost of
operating the Parish is $7,850.
Thank you for your continued
financial support of our parish.
Tues., Nov. 5 – JustFaith 7pm in the youth
room. Parish Nurses 7pm in the Parlor.
Finance 6:30pm in the rectory conference
Wed., Nov. 6 – JustFaith 7pm in the youth
room. Outreach to the Poor 6:30pm in the
gold room. Gr. 9 Religious Education
6pm in the school conference room.
Thurs., Nov. 7 – Yoga 5:30pm in the
gym. Brownies 6pm in the gold room.
Bible Study 7pm in the youth room.
Parents’ Prayer Group 7:30pm in the
Sun., Nov. 10 – Sandwiches for the
Homeless 11:50am in the meeting room.
RCIA 9am in the youth room.
Our winner of $50 on October 27th
was: John Camardella
Our winner of $100 on All Saints Day
was: Jim Carney
The Holy Cross Social Club
November is here. We will gather on
Tues. Nov. 12, at 1:30 in the meeting
room. We will be holding a ''Luau Party''
with entertainment by The Gray Divas.
Wear your Hawaiian colors and enjoy your
afternoon. There will be a 50/50 raffle.
Hopefully, you have already received our
Christmas Luncheon mail out. Please
return the form with a check to: Del
Gravel, 2205 Boston Rd., G64,
Wilbraham, MA 01095, or bring it to the
next meeting. Please keep in mind that the
luncheon reservation deadline is Nov.
Are you interested in becoming a
Catholic? Are you already a Catholic
who would like to complete your
Sacraments? If you would like to explore
either of these possibilities, contact JoAnne at 297-4000.
Our Franciscan Reflections group
will meet in the rectory on Monday,
November 4, at 1:30pm. We are
currently using a “Basic Bible Study
Program” entitled Scripture From
Communications. You do not have to
attend every session.
All are
The Sacrament of the Sick will be
celebrated this Sunday, following the
11:00am Mass. This Sacrament is for
all who are sick and have not been
anointed in the last six months, are
preparing for surgery, are suffering
from chronic ailments (such as
diabetes or arthritis), or are growing
older and feeling the weakening
effects of aging.
PASTA SUPPER: Our Family Life
Commission is sponsoring a parish
pasta supper on Saturday, November
16, from 4:45pm until 6:30pm in the
school cafeteria. Tickets will be on
sale after Masses, in the parking lot,
on the weekends of Nov. 2/3 and Nov.
9/10. ($5.00 adults - $3.00 children 12
years and under) You may also
purchase tickets by contacting Mary
Jean at 796-3871 from Nov. 2 through
Nov. 10. Come alone or bring friends.
Tickets will not be sold at the door.
BE PROVIDED. (Ye Olde Butcher
Shoppe will be preparing the ziti
and meatballs.)
Our Parish Nurses will meet in the
rectory parlor at 6:30pm on Tuesday,
November 5. If you are a nurse and
would like to help with this ministry,
please join us on the 5th.
Our next yoga series will start on
Thursday, December 12, at 5:30pm in
the gym. The cost of the six-week
series if $50.
Scholarships are
available. Please call Cheryl at 7825134 to register.
underinsured, you are welcome to
participate in the New Hope
Community Health Clinic, which is
held every Tuesday evening, from
6:30 to 9:00, at the Evangelical
Covenant Church (915 Plumtree
Road). This is a “walk-in” clinic. If
you have questions, please call 7825219. There is also a free clinic on
Wed. evenings, at 281 Maple Street in
E. Longmeadow, from 6:30 to 8:30.
The Pioneer Valley Free Health
Clinic’s phone number is 525-3866.
The POLICY for cancellation of
Religious Education classes is: If the
weather conditions are poor, a
message of class cancellation will be
left on the Religious Education
answering machine (796-7675 ext.
121) by 7:30am.
In addition,
cancellation announcements will be
broadcast over television stations
WGGB-TV News 40 and WWLP
Channel 22.
If your child is going to be absent for
any reason, please call the Religious
Education office at 796-7675 ext. 121.
Sunday morning religious education
classes in November will be held on:
Nov. 3, 17, and 24. There will be no
religious education classes on
November 10 due to the Veteran’s
Day Holiday.
Breaking Cancer's Shield - For more
than a century, researchers were
puzzled by the uncanny ability of
cancer cells to evade the human
immune system. They knew cancer
cells were grotesquely abnormal and
should be killed by white blood cells.
In the laboratory, white blood cells
could go on the attack against cancer
cells. Why, then could cancers survive
in the body?
The answer, when it finally came,
arrived with a bonus: a way to thwart
a cancer's strategy. Researchers
themselves in an invisible protective
shield. And they learned they could
break this shield with the right drugs.
When the immune system is free to
attack, cancers can shrink and stop
growing or even disappear in lucky
patients with the best responses. It
may not matter which type of cancer a
person has. What matters is letting the
immune system do its job.
So far, drugs have been tested and
found to help patients with melanoma,
kidney and lung cancer. In preliminary
studies, they also appear to be
effective in breast cancer, ovarian
cancer and cancers of the colon,
stomach, head and neck, but not
the prostate. Researchers think they
are seeing the start of a new era in
cancer medicine. These modalities are
still in experimental stages but they
portend a new era in cancer treatment.
Vocations - Jesus approaches us and
wants to come and stay with us. Are
you ready to change your ways, like
Zacchaeus, to follow Jesus? (Luke
19:1-10) If you think God is calling
you, call Fr. Gary Dailey at 413-4520816 or email at g.dailey@dio Website:
Cathedral High School Update - On
Wed., Nov. 13, in the Holy Cross
Meeting Room at 6:30pm, the East
Forest Park Civic Association will
have a Diocesan representative and an
Cathedral who will meet with
to share their future
plans for Cathedral High.
As our church celebrates the lives of
all saints this month, Pax Christi
members recall these words of Blessed
John Paul II about Pax Christi:
“Movements like yours are…the
foundations for lasting peace.” To
learn more about Pax Christi, the
movement, come to the next monthly
meeting of Western MA Pax Christi
on Friday, November 8, at 7pm, at
Mont Marie in Holyoke. For more
information, call Mike Moran at 2835716 or visit
November 2nd – November 10th
The Outreach to the Poor Committee will be collecting canned food at all
Masses the weekend of November 16/17 for those who will be receiving holiday
dinners from our parish. We are in need of: coffee, tea, corn, green beans, peas,
cranberry sauce and turkey gravy. Please leave your donations in the Open Pantry
baskets at the entrances of the church on that weekend. Thank you for making the
holidays special for those in our parish experiencing financial difficulties.
The Outreach to the Poor Committee will meet on Wednesday, Nov. 6, at 6:30pm
in the Gold Room. If you would like to become a member of this committee,
please join us on the 6th.
St. Michael’s Academy, a pre-school-Grade 8 Catholic school in Springfield,
MA, seeks an Admissions Director to manage the enrollment/admissions process
for our flourishing Academy. Other responsibilities include: maintaining the
website, composing the electronic newsletter on a weekly basis, updating social
media sites, handling the marketing efforts, and supporting our Catholic mission.
Strong writing skills are a must. The closing date for applications is November 1,
2013. Please forward a resume and cover letter to: St. Michael’s Academy, Attn:
Admissions, 153 Eddywood St., Springfield, MA
01118 or email:
U.S. Citizenship Classes - Jewish Family Services will be offering Citizenship
Classes on a continuing basis for lawful, permanent residents. Classes will be
held at Trinity United Methodist Church, 361 Sumner Ave., Springfield.
Curriculum includes civics-based English language, U.S. history and civics, and
preparation for the U.S. Citizenship Test. For more information contact: Robert
Radin or Nina Dudley at 413-304-2187,, or n.dudley
To all Graduates and Friends of Holyoke Catholic High School and Beyond:
We are pleased to extend this invitation to YOU, to join us for the Spirit of the
Season Holyoke Catholic High School 50th Anniversary Gala on November 30th,
from 6-11pm, at the Mass Mutual Center in Springfield. On this very special
evening, join us as we dine, dance and celebrate the history of this extraordinary
school and honor exemplary individuals who have dedicated themselves to
fostering the well-being and success of Holyoke Catholic High School.
Tickets are $60 each and valet parking is available. Dress is cocktail attire. To
purchase tickets, please call (413) 331-2480 and ask to speak with Barbara Moran
or Taylor Johnson or email or
Tim Janis Christmas Concert – Tim Janis, one of America’s leading performing
composers, has two number one billboard charting CDs, five national PBS
specials, has sold millions of CDs, worked with icons of the music industry, and
performed at Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall. Tim and his ensemble will
perform selections from “Tim Janis Winter’s Eve”. If you have never been to one
of Tim’s concerts, then you are in for a real treat. Tim will perform at St. Anne
Church, 30 College St., Chicopee, on Wednesday, December 11, at 7pm, to
benefit their scholarship fund. To purchase tickets for the performance, please
send a self-addressed envelope with your payment of $10 per ticket and ticket
requests to: St. Anne Parish, 30 College St., Chicopee, MA 01020. Tickets will
NOT be sold at the door; but held in reserve if purchased before the performance.
If you need more information, please call the rectory at 532-7503.
Please be generous with our second collection this weekend for our Sandwich
Saturday – November 2nd
+3:00 p.m. – Rite of Reconciliation
Mass of Remembrance
+4:00 p.m. – Edward Boland requested by
his family.
Sunday, November 3rd
+8:30 a.m. – Dorothy Angers requested by
her family.
+11:00 a.m. – Deceased Bishops, Priests,
Deacons and Religious of the Diocese.
+11:45 a.m. – Sacrament of the Sick
+6:00 p.m. – All Souls
Monday, November 4th
+7:00 a.m. – Deceased members of the
Cicchetti family requested by Nina Massa.
Tuesday, November 5th
+7:00 a.m. – All Souls
Wednesday, November 6th
+7:00 a.m. – Thomas Gaffney
requested by his family.
Thursday, November 7th
+7:00 a.m. – All Souls
Friday, November 8th
+7:00 a.m. – Communion Service
Saturday – November 9th
+3:00 p.m. – Rite of Reconciliation
+4:00 p.m. – Duke Duchesneau requested
by his family.
Sunday, November 10th
+8:30 a.m. – John Callahan requested by
his daughter, Sue.
+11:00 a.m. – Deceased members of the
Living Rosary.
+12:30 p.m. - Baptisms
+6:00 p.m. – People of Holy Cross
Let us keep in our prayers our
hospitalized and homebound parishioners
and those who depend on our prayers.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturdays 3 - 3:30 p.m. and by
Goal One
community in our Parish,
reaching out to involve
families, and seniors.
Goal Two
Increase the number of
opportunities for spiritual
growth in our Parish.
Goal Three
outreach to families
individuals in need.
Sacrament of Marriage
The policy for the Diocese of
Springfield requires a period of
preparation for the Sacrament of
Marriage, which includes sessions
with the Parish Priest and
participation at either the Pre-Cana
conferences or the Engaged
Encounter weekend.
contact the Priest a minimum of six
(6) months prior to setting any
Pastoral Care
Arrangements for the reception of
the Sacraments at home can be
made by contacting the Rectory.
Please also notify the Rectory
when a Parishioner is in the
hospital or otherwise confined. If
you have an emergency sick call,
please call the Rectory.
Sacrament of Baptism
Baptism is celebrated on the
second Sunday of each month at
12:30 p.m. Expectant parents
should call the Parish office and
speak with Deacon Bill Toller to
make arrangements.
Baptismal preparation takes place
on the first Monday of the month at
7 p.m. in the church.
Religious Education
Classes are held from September
through April.
Parish Leadership
Administration and Finance
Richard Allen ……………..734-6292
Altar Servers
Maureen Garner……………783-6428
Athletic Association
Connie Begley…...................739-2685
Deacon Bill Toller..Ext.116..796-7675
Eucharistic Ministers
Loretta Gaffney…….............301-8562
Family Life
Patty Ferrarini…………...…782-3509
Girl Scouts
Glenda Pons…………(413) 329-6845
Kim Manning………………782-5468
Deacon Bill Toller...Ext116..796-7675
Knights of Columbus
Jeffrey Morgan…………….896-6298
Tom Voudrin………………237-0536
Mary Hosmer........................782-6054
Liturgical Environment
Bob Tyer…………...…........782-6017
Ministry of Motherhood
Vira Craig..............................426-5281
Pastoral Council
Tom Voudrin……………….237-0536
Parish Nursing
Maureen Marotte...................796-1638
Prayer Line
Joyce Carty………………....783-7687
Jo-Anne Hogan…………….297-4000
Single Parent Support Group
Sr. Cindy……… ..Ext 117..796-7675
Sister Parish
Kevin McCarthy……….......783-9160
Social Club
Claire Howard.......................782-5857
Spiritual Life
Bob Tyer...............................782-6017
Frank Ryan………...............782-5730