E-skills for E

Tools for e-Learning: Building and Supporting Skills for
This is a programme of 10 learning modules which, although aimed mainly at lecturers, will
also be of interest to other staff in colleges such as learning resource staff and will enable all
participants to enhance their use of ILT for teaching and learning. The content of each of the
modules is signposted to the LLUK standards for ILT. A certificate will be awarded to each
participant on completion of the programme. This could be used to contribute to relevant CPD
The main programme of modules are designed for initial delivery on a face-to-face basis in
each college as a series of sessions of 3-hour modules, and each of these will comprise a
mixture of presentations, discussions & practical activities. Continuing support for those who
have participated in the college sessions will also be provided via a secure area on RSCni’s
Moodle server.
Click the links below to see module outlines:
Module 1 – Making Materials Interactive – Using MS Word
Module 2 – Making Materials Interactive – Using MS PowerPoint
Module 3 – Breaking Out of the Cell: Using MS Excel
Module 4 – e-Resources, Copyright and Plagiarism
Module 5 – An Introduction to Using Sound and Images
Module 6 – Accessibility for All
Module 7 – Supporting Online Communication with Learners
Module 8 – e-Assessment
Module 9 – Effective Web Searching and Information Skills
Module 10 – Supporting Learning with VLE
Charging Policy and Booking Arrangements
Module 1
Making Materials Interactive - Using MS Word is divided into three
sections, candidate can select which of the sections they need to
complete, this will depend upon their skill
Section 1 Basic Word covers;
Setting up a word document, Changing default settings, Cut and Paste,
Inserting bullet points, Line spacing and alignment, Designing forms,
Using Text boxes.
Section 2 Intermediate Word;
Inserting Images, Using Sounds, Cut and Paste, Find and Replace, Line
Spacing, Auto Summarise, Hyperlinks, Comments.
Section 3 Advanced Word;
Inserting Breaks, Headers and Footers, Footnote/endnote, Document
Map, Find/Replace, Styles, Bookmarks/Hyperlinks, Cross reference,
Bibliography, Index, Table of Contents, Comments, Protect document.
These sections will be mainly practical and will be constructed around
structured exercises
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Module 2
Making Materials Interactive – Using MS PowerPoint
MS PowerPoint is divided into three sections, candidate can select which
of the sections they need to complete this will depend upon their level of
Section One PowerPoint for Beginners;
Creating and Saving Presentation, Font Style and Colour, Background
Colour, Inserting new slides, Clip art, Rearranging Text and Slides,
Viewing Presentation, Adding Notes.
Section Two Intermediate PowerPoint;
Creating New Presentation, Insert New Slides, Creating Slide Menu,
Inserting Images, Inserting Video, Inserting Sound, Inserting Hyperlinks,
Slide Transitions
Section Three Advanced PowerPoint;
Opening a Presentation, Changing Slide Design, Creating Chart Slide,
Using Multimedia, Linking Presentation to Web Page, Summary Slides,
Slide Animation and Transition.
These sections will be mainly practical and will be constructed around
structured exercises.
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Module 3
Breaking Out of the Cell: Using MS Excel
MS Excel is divided into three sections. The participant can select which
of the sections they need to complete. This will depend upon their level of
Section One Excel – Basic Excel
Creating a spreadsheet, entering data, using autofill, inserting/deleting
columns/rows, using formulas, Autosum, simple functions, cut, copy and
paste, working with sheets, formatting a spreadsheet, working with dates,
creating graphs and charts.
Section Two Intermediate Excel;
IF Function, Absolute and relative addressing, format painter, using
multiple sheets, adding comments, setting print titles, creating a template,
using an Excel database – forms option, sorting, filtering, splitting
Section Three Advanced Excel;
Naming ranges, hiding columns/rows, linking workbooks, lookup tables,
nested IFs, customising toolbars, using macros, protecting sheets and
workbooks, inserting hyperlinks, changing text to columns.
These sections will be mainly practical and will be constructed around
structured exercises.
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Module 4
E-resources, Copyright and Plagiarism
A wealth of resources and techniques now exist which serve as a source
of teaching resources and exciting examples of new teaching practices.
This workshop will explore some of the resources available on the Web –
concentrating on JISC resources & services, such as, NLN learning
materials and learning objects within the JORUM repository.
The module outcomes will include:
Briefing participants on legal issues affecting practitioners in the
sourcing of materials;
Placing teaching and learning the context of copyright & IPR;
Introducing participants to services to combat plagiarism.
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Module 5
An Introduction to Using Sound and Images
The use of e-learning and the availability of a wide range of e-resources
offer teachers the opportunity to move away from entirely text based
materials to support learning. The use of sound and vision can provide a
powerful means of illustrating concepts and affective situations and acting
as stimuli to discussions.
The module outcomes will include:
Showing participants some readily available sources of online
images and sounds; e.g. an introduction to creating sound files and
finding podcasts
Demonstrating how these can be incorporated into MS Word
documents and PowerPoint presentations;
Giving participants the skills to achieve this in building their own
curriculum materials
Participants wanting to take these skills to a higher level and to learn
editing techniques can then enrol in the RSCni workshop – Working
With Moving Images or Using Podcasts and Vodcasts to Support
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Module 6
Making Learning Materials Accessible
This session aims to raise awareness and provide information and advice
on the issues relating to accessibility and inclusion via the techniques of
e-learning. It will also provide participants with the means to plan how
Stimulating and Supporting Innovation in Learning
they will meet their obligations under SENDO.
The module outcomes will include:
Making participants aware of their legal obligations under SENDO;
Illustrating how to adapt learning materials to accommodate different
learning needs and styles
Introducing participants to a sample of assistive technologies;
Giving participants the opportunity to use a range of assistive
technologies – including both hardware and software;
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Module 7
Supporting Online Communication with Learners
The rising profile of e-Learning has brought the use of electronic
communication tools to the fore. Most college systems include a range of
facilities to provide structured learning content together with a range of
online and GPRS communication and collaboration tools.
The module outcomes will include:
Introducing participants to the technologies available
synchronous and asynchronous communication with learners;
Exploring the use of communication tools in the context of tutor
Consideration of using email, online discussion tools, video
conferencing, Wikis and blogs
Participants wanting to learn about podcasting and vodcasting
developments and techniques can then enrol in the RSCni workshop –
Using Podcasts and Vodcasts to Support Learning.
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Module 8
The increasing use of on-line delivery of teaching materials for learners
brings with it the need to consider the tools for online assessment, and
how they may be used. Awarding bodies are beginning to provide for
terminal assessment by these means but teachers and learners can also
make use of e-assessment for formative purposes.
The module outcomes will include:
A review of the common purposes and advantages of eassessment;
Introducing participants to the software available for the use of eassessment with learners;
Introducing participants to freely available tools to create electronic
quizzes and other assessment exercises.
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Module 9
Effective Web Searching and Information Skills
Access to the internet opens up a vast resource of information – but it
can also lead learners into an unstructured maze of time-consuming
journeys. Probably more time is wasted in this way than any other webbased activity.
The aims of this module are to:
Introduce participants to a range of web search engines (beyond
Provide and understanding of how the responses are returned so
that users can mange their searches better;
Allow users to develop better techniques for targetting their
searches and to build Information Skills as part of their learning
skills armoury.
The module will be mainly practical and will be constructed around
structured exercises that could also be used with students.
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Module 10
Pedagogical Uses of VLEs
VLEs allow educators to create courses and share resources quickly,
without the need to develop complex technical skills. They support online, flexible access to learning and can greatly assist in providing
learning opportunities that meet the needs of different learning styles and
preferences. However, they also pose questions for the design and
delivery of learning – especially that which occurs at a distance.
The module outcomes will include:
Consideration of the common purposes and advantages of using
A review of the common functionality features of VLEs and their
advantages in the different dimensions of online learning;
Demonstration of the features in action of a VLE in presenting
learning materials; online communications; and assessment tools.
Setting up a simple course on a VLE – 2 hour practical session
This module is particularly suitable for those who are new to using VLEs
and want to incorporate them in their teaching.
When booking this module, please let RSCni know which Virtual Learning
Environment you are using.
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Charging Policy and Booking Arrangements
Modules 1 – 10:
All other modules will be delivered face to face to groups of college staff on college premises.
Arrangements for RSCni staff to deliver the modules must be made through RSCni’s online
Module Booking Form – which will require the names of all participants to be included.
The following conditions will apply to all bookings for Modules 1 – 10:
All modules will be delivered in 3-hour blocks;
Bookings for single modules or for groups of modules must be made at least 4
working weeks in advance of the date of delivery – using the RSCni online Module
Booking Form only;
An administration charge of £100.00 per group per event will be invoiced to the
college upon receipt of the Module Booking Form. Where the number of persons
attending each module is 10 or more, the administration charge will not be levied: in
all other cases the fee will normally be collected;
In order to preserve the quality of experience and effectiveness of delivery for each
participant, the maximum number of participants at any given module will be 20;
Substitution of one participant for another will be permitted in arriving at these
qualifying numbers;
Colleges may combine to seek provision of any module or combination of modules;
For each module delivery event, the host college will be required to provide a room
suitable for the effective provision of the service to all who are present;
RSCni will communicate directly with all participants prior to the event to give them
details of the location and content of the event and links to any pre-course materials;
RSCni will provide a copy of the attendance register to the colleges concerned upon
completion of each event;
All participants will receive a certificate of completion for each event attended,
detailing the LLUK standards pertaining to the ILT skills involved (copies of these can
be provided to college staff development/HR managers upon request);
After each event – each participant will be provided with a user name and password
to allow them to carry out post-event practice on the relevant techniques; the log-in
permissions will normally remain live for up to 3 months after the event that they
have attended.
For more information or to make a provisional college booking – please
contact RSCni at: support@rsc-ni.ac.uk
Stimulating and Supporting Innovation in Learning