Name - International Systemic-Functional Linguistics Association

Systemic Publications
University of Liverpool
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No. of
Monographs in Systemic Linguistics
1. Gerald Parsons (1990)
A Comparative Study of the Writing of Scientific Texts
Focusing on Cohesion and Coherence
Kevin Ngozi Nwogu (1990)
Discourse Variation in Medical Texts: Schema, Theme and
Cohesion in Professional and Journalistic Approaches
Clara Calvo (1991)
Power Relations and Fool-Master Discourse in Shakespeare: A
Discourse Stylistics Approach to Dramatic Dialogue
Hilary Hillier (1992)
The Language of Spontaneous Interaction between Children
Aged 7-12: Instigating Action
T. R. Gibson (1993)
Towards a Discourse Theory of Abstracts and Abstracting (2
Carmel Cloran (1994)
Rhetorical Units and Decontextualisation: An Enquiry into
some Relations of Context, Meaning and Grammar
Hugh Gosden (1996)
A Genre-Based Investigation of Theme: Product and Process in
Scientific Research Articles Written by NNS Novice
Sarah Thomas and Thomas Hawes (1997)
Theme in Academic and Media Discourse
Jane Torr (1997)
From Child Tongue to Mother Tongue: A Case Study of
Language development in the First Two and a Half Years
10. Guenther Plum (1998)
Text and Contextual Conditioning in Spoken English: A GenreBased Approach (2 vols.)
11. Kristin Davidse (1999)
Categories of Experiential Grammar
12. Louise Jane Ravelli (1999)
Metaphor, Mode and Complexity: An Exploration of CoVarying Patterns
Occasional Papers in Systemic Linguistics
Volume 1 (1987)
Nigel Gotteri: When is a System Network not a System Network?
Afaf El-Menoufy: Intonation and Meaning in Spontaneous Discourse.
Asdid O. Vatnsdal: Register Analysis: The Language of Air Traffic
Carmel Cloran: Negotiating New Contexts in Conversation.
Karen Malcolm: Alternative Approaches to Casual Conversation in
Linguistic Description.
Volume 2 (1987)
Ivan Lowe: Sentence Initial Elements in English and their Discourse
Sandra Harris: Court Discourse as Genre: Some Problems and Issues.
Caroline Stainton: Interruptions: A Marker of Social Distance?
Volume 3 (1989)
Margaret Berry: They’re All Out of Step Except our Johnny: A Discussion
of Motivation (or the lack of it) in Systemic Linguistics.
Yon Maley: Interpersonal Meanings in Judicial Discourse.
Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen: ‘He’s my friend’ or ‘It’s my friend’?
A Systemic Account.
Eirian Davies: Sentence Types in English Discourse: A Formal Approach.
Ronald Geluykens: Information Structure in English Conversation: The
Given-New Distinction Revisited.
Volume 4 (1990)
William McGregor: The Metafunctional Hypothesis and Syntagmatic
Gill Francis: Theme in the Daily Press.
Robert Cockcroft: Rhetoric and Coherence.
Angela Downing: The Discourse Function of Presentative ‘there’ in
Existential Structures in Middle English and Present Day English: A
Systemic Functional Perspective.
Hilary Hillier: Success and Unsuccess in Action Instigation: A Framework
for Describing ‘Success’ in the Natural Speech of Children Aged 7-12.
Volume 5 (1991)
Christian Matthiessen and James R. Martin: A Response to Huddleston’s
Review of Halliday’s ‘Introduction to Functional Grammar’.
Rodney Huddleston: Further Remarks on Halliday’s Functional Grammar:
A Reply to Matthiessen and Martin.
Alan Garnham: Where Does Coherence Come From? A Psycholinguistic
Peter Ragan: Functions and Communicative Language Teaching.
Carol Taylor Torsello: How Woolf Creates Point of View in ‘To the
Lighthouse’: An Application of Systemic-Functional Grammar to a
Literary Text.
Volume 6 (1992)
Part I
Martin Davies and Louise Ravelli: Introduction.
Jonathan Fine: Functions of Probabilities on Linguistic Systems.
Elke Teich: A Systemic Grammar of German for Text Generation.
Meriel Bloor and Thomas Bloor: Given and New Information in the
Thematic Organisation of Text: An Application to the Teaching of
Academic Writing.
Peter H. Fries and Gill Francis: Exploring Theme: Problems for Research.
Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard: The Representation of Speech in Factual
and Fictional Narrative: Stylistic Implications.
Glen Stillar: Emerging Discoursal Patterns: A Phasal Analysis and
Catalysis of Leonard Cohen’s ‘Alexander Trocchi, Public Junkie, Priez
Pour Nous’.
Part II
Michael Toolan: Token and Value: A Discussion.
Kristen Davidse: A Semiotic Approach to Relational Clauses.
Leiv Egil Breivik: Angela Downing on Existential Sentences.
Angela Downing: Breivik’s Accusations: A Rejoinder.
James R. Martin: Theme, Method of Development and Existentiality: The
Price of Reply.
James R. Martin and Christian Matthiessen: A Brief Note on Huddleston’s
Reply to Matthiessen and Martin’s Response to Huddleston’s Review of
Halliday’s ‘Introduction to Functional Grammar’.
Rodney Huddleston: On Halliday’s Functional Grammar: A Reply to
Martin and to Martin and Matthiessen.
Anne–Marie Simon-Vandenbergen: The Interactional Utility of ‘of course’
in Spoken Discourse.
Marietta Elliott and William McGregor: Syntagmatic Relations among
Volume 7 (1993)
Mohsen Ghadessy: Thematic Development and its Relationship to
Registers and Genres.
Alan S. Duthie: Representing Semantic Structure.
G David Morley: On Transitivity and Voice in Systemic Grammar
Christopher Taylor: Systemic Linguistics and Translation.
Joan Gari: Speech and Writing in Graffiti.
Erich Steiner: Some Representational Issues in a Fragmentary Systemic
Grammar of German.
Nottingham Working Papers
1. Caroline Stainton (1996)
What is this Thing Called Genre?
Caroline Stainton (1996)
Metadiscourse: The Rhetorical Plane of Text
Caroline Stainton (1996)
The Technical Review as Genre
Reprint Series
1. Margaret Berry (1989)
An Introduction to Systemic Linguistics: 1. System and
Margaret Berry (1991)
An Introduction to Systemic Linguistics: 2. Levels and Links
Michael Hoey (1991)
On the Surface of Discourse
David Young (1992)
The Structure of English Clauses
M. A. K. Halliday (1999)
Learning How to Mean
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University of Liverpool
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