Characterization of Gas Condensate Reservoirs Using Pressure Transient and Production Data — Santa Barbara Field, Monagas, Venezuela Trina Mercedes Medina-Tarrazzi B.S., Universidad Central de Venezuela (1994) M.S., Texas A&M University (2002) Chair of Advisory Committee: Dr. Thomas A. Blasingame Objectives The overall objectives of this work are: To build a framework for establishing a coherent reservoir model using pressure buildup test data in the gas condensate zone of Santa Barbara Field (Monagas state, Venezuela). To perform the analysis, interpretation and integration of the available petrophysical, fluid, production and well test data from Block A, Santa Barbara Field (Monagas state, Venezuela). Present Status Santa Barbara Field is located in the north of Monagas state in the Eastern Venezuela Basin. Santa Barbara is one of the most important fields in Venezuela, producing an average of 240 MSTB/D. The reservoirs in Santa Barbara Field present substantial structural and fluid complexity, which present broad challenges for assessment and optimization of well performance. In addition, the initial reservoir pressure and temperature are relatively high (11,877 psia, and 300 °F respectively) at a reference depth of 15,800 ft. The fluid column is around 3,000 ft thick, with a significant temperature and compositional gradient. The reservoir fluid was initially undersaturated, developing a transition zone of low interfacial tension between the gas condensate and volatile oil region1. The hydrocarbon column varies from gas condensate at the top, above a volatile oil in a transition zone, and further below to light oil at the bottom of the Naricual and Cretaceous zone. Rock Type Megaporous Macroporous Mesoporous Microporous Petrophysical Flow Units (Layers) Nanoporou s C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 Fig. 1 — Schematic of Santa Barbara Field (Venezuela) — Multilayer reservoir model (after Porras2). 2 Based on the study of pore and pore throat geometry data from Santa Barbara Field we can conclude that this is a heterogeneous flow field, often dominated by local features — possibly by bed boundaries. The integration of a previous sedimentological study with the petrophysical analysis for the Santa Barbara Field provided the definition of the reservoir flow units — showing that the primary reservoir sequences at Santa Barbara Field occur in several distinct reservoir layers.2 Twelve separate reservoir layers were defined (10 for Tertiary and 2 for Cretaceous formations) based on the integration of sedimentological and petrophysical studies. Fig. 1 shows the schematic multilayer reservoir system for Santa Barbara Field. The multilayer model for Santa Barbara Field suggests that sufficient seals exist between reservoir layers such that the system can be represented as a commingled reservoir system — implying that individual reservoir layers communicate only through the wellbore (i.e., the "layered/no crossflow" reservoir configuration). The traditional mathematical model for a multilayer reservoir is formulated in radial coordinates in order to represent the pressure drop distribution for vertical well in a commingled multilayer reservoir (without crossflow). This solution was presented by Lefkovits et al (1961),3 and is given by: r n q 2t 1 2 h ln e 3 Δp wf (t ) j j r 4 n 2π n 2 j 1 w jh j h j j re ct j 1 j 1 Y (t ) ...................................... (1) and q j (t ) q jh j n jh j j 1 Z j (t ) ......................................................................................................................... (2) where exp x 2 t k Y (t ) q ............................................................. (3) 4 k 1 n 1 J 2 ( j x k ) 1 2 j 1 2 r J ( x ) ln x Y ( x ) 1 j k 2 j k 1 j k and J1 ( j x k ) 2 J1 ( j x k ) ln j x k Y1 ( j x k ) n π 2 Z j (t ) B j n 1 J12 ( j x k ) k 1 exp x k2 t j 1 2 J ( x ) ln x Y ( x ) 1 j k 2 j k 1 j k π ....................................................... (4) 2 Well test analysis in Santa Barbara Field is used to provide estimates of the large-scale flow properties (e.g. permeability, skin factor, non-darcy flow coefficient) as well as to assess the radial extent of condensate banking around the wellbore. The reservoir pressure in Santa Barbara Field has declined below the dew point (pdew = 9025 psig); which means that results obtained from well test analysis has substantial value in reservoir monitoring. For the analysis of well test data, we used the single-phase gas pseudopressure approach as this method does not require knowledge of relative permeability data and it is more practical in an application sense. The use of the single-phase pseudopressure approach is justified by the hypothesis that most of the reservoir remains at pressures above the dew point pressure (which is a reasonable assumption). 3 The combined approach of using the single-phase pseudopressure coupled with a homogeneous reservoir model for the analysis of well performance in gas condensate reservoirs has been well-documented.4-6 This particular approach should give an accurate estimate of the permeability-thickness product (kh) — however, the estimated skin factor is much higher than the actual skin factor (near-wellbore skin).7 Single-phase pseudopressure-pseudotime analyses typically yield pressure derivative functions that resemble the radial composite reservoir model.8 This usually suggests the existence of two mobility-zones, one (inner zone) in the vicinity of the wellbore with reduced gas effective permeability due to condensate liquid accumulation — and the other (outer zone) away from the well, with only single-phase gas flow, where the reservoir pressure remains above the dew point (Fig. 2). Outer Zone Wellbore Inner Zone a 1, 1, ct1, k1 2, 2, ct2, k2 Fig. 2 — Schematic for a radial composite reservoir. The application of the two-zone radial composite model for the analysis of well test data from a gas condensate reservoir was presented by Raghavan et al.4 In our work, the application of the two-zone radial composite reservoir model is subject to the observation of the inner zone (i.e., the condensate bank) in the well test data. Solutions for the pressure distributions in the inner and outer zones for a radial composite reservoir were presented by Ramey (1970).9 The dimensionless pressure distribution in the inner zone is given by: p D1 (rD , t D ) a2 a 2 1 E i ( ) E i D C1 E i D 1 2 rD2 rD2 2 (Dimensionless Form) ....................... (5) and the dimensionless pressure distribution in the outer zone is: 1 p D 2 (rD , t D ) C1 E i 1 2 2 (Dimensionless Form) ....................... (6) where the following groups of variables are used in these models: 1 k1 ................................................................................................................................................ (7) ( c t )1 2 k2 ............................................................................................................................................... (8) ( c t ) 2 rD2 (Boltzman t ransformat ion ) ........................................................................................................... (9) 4t D a 2 1 1 C1 1 exp D ...................................................................................................................... (10) 2 rD2 2 4 Selection of the Pilot Area Five compartments (reservoirs) have been identified in Santa Barbara Field. 1 The compartments identified as "Zone 1" and "Zone 2" contain 85 percent of the hydrocarbon reserves, 80 percent of the field production and 101 wells — 89 producers, 9 injectors and 3 abandoned wells. Most of the well tests performed in the gas condensate zone at Santa Barbara Field are performed in Zone 1. Our selection of the pilot area was based on the quantity and quality of available well test data in the gas condensate zone, as well as the quantity and quality of production performance data for each well. These criteria are satisfied by a small area located in the southeast portion of Zone 1. For the purposes of this study, we will refer to this area as Block A. The location of Block A is presented in Fig. 3. Santa Barbara Field KA BLOC Fig. 3 — Location of Block A, Santa Barbara Field (Venezuela). Block A has 19 wells — 19 producers, 14 dual wells and 5 single wells. The data available for this area are summarized as follows: Production: 19 wells (including dual completions for a total of 33 strings). Petrophysical Description: 16 wells PVT: 1 well — producing from the condensate zone Well Test: 5 Buildups, 1 DST — in the condensate zone (Fig. 4) 1068000 Santa Barbara Field Block A 1066000 TM-32 1064000 TM-1E TM-70 TM-86 TM-75 TM-93 WELLTEST DATA AVAILABLE 1062000 414000 416000 418000 420000 422000 424000 426000 428000 430000 432000 meters Fig. 4 — Well Test data distribution, Block A, Santa Barbara Field (Venezuela). 5 Definition of the Reservoir Model for Well Test Analysis As we mentioned in previous sections, sedimentological and petrophysical studies describe the reservoirs at Santa Barbara Field as distinctly layered reservoirs. Based on this description, we will use the model for a layered reservoir without crossflow as the mechanism to analyze the well test data. The number of layers used for the well test interpretation are directly related to the distribution of the producing intervals in each well, if the producing intervals are located in one flow unit, only one layer is input into the reservoir model. Use of the model for a layered reservoir (no crossflow) should account for anisotropy due to vertical layering — that is, distributions of rock properties (e.g., , k, h). The pressure behavior due to condensate banking near the well is modeled using a two-zone radial composite reservoir model Fig. 5 presents the schematic model of the reservoir used for well test interpretation and analysis in Block A, Santa Barbara Field. Fig. 5 — Schematic of the reservoir model used in well test analysis, Block A, Santa Barbara Field (Venezuela). 6 For the analysis of well test performance in gas condensate reservoir the combined approach of using the model for a layered reservoir (no crossflow) coupled with the model for a two-zone radial composite reservoir should provide us with the estimates of the following: Effective permeability to gas in both the condensate bank (inner zone) and in the dry gas reservoir (outer zone) for each layer, Mechanical skin factor (inner zone) and total skin behavior (outer zone), and Radial extent of condensate banking for each layer. Analysis and Interpretation of Well Test Data from Block A, Santa Barbara Field. We present our analysis and interpretation of the 6 well test cases taken from Block A, Santa Barbara Field, Venezuela. Our intention is to identify certain types of characteristic behavior in the well test data — in particular: Condensate banking — two-zone radial composite model), Anisotropy in the reservoir rock properties — layered reservoir without crossflow, Effect of non-Darcy flow, and Boundary effects. The following well test cases were analyzed: Well TM-1EC [Test Date: 11-04-1998], Well TM-1EC [Test Date: 07-26-2001], Well TM-32L [Test Date: 01-07-1995], Well TM-75 [Test Date: 03-01-1999], Well TM-86 [Test Date: 11-22-1998], and Well TM-93 [Test Date: 09-01-2001]. Analysis and interpretation of each well test case is structured as follows: General well information, Porosity and permeability distribution plots, Production history plot, Well performance plot, Test summary plot, Semilog plot, Cartesian DST analysis plot (only for DST tests), and Summary of results. Test Summary Plot:7 We use a log-log plot of the pseudopressure drop m(p) and pseudopressure derivative m(p)' versus the effective shut-in pseudotime function (tae). The substance of this plot is the visualization of the pressure derivative function (curve shape) and the identification of flow regimes encountered during the test. Semilog Plot: we use the semilog analysis in order to provide the conventional analysis for a particular data set as well as for the identification of well condensate banking, inner and outer zone permeabilities. We present the analysis and interpretation Well TM-1EC [Test Date: 07-26-2001] as an illustration of the kind of work performed during the development of this research. Data and some analysis for the other cases will be presented in the Appendix. 7 Well Analysis: Well TM-1EC [Test Date: 07-26-2001] Figs. 6 to 14 correspond to the analyses for this well. Well TM-1EC is the discovery well for Santa Barbara Field, it was completed in February 1989 and had an initial reservoir pressure of 11,877 psia at the time of completion. The general data for this case are summarized in Table 1. Table 1 — Summary of general data for Well TM-1EC [Test Date: 07-26-2001]. Reservoir Properties , fraction Production Parameters 0.1224 q g , MSCF/D 9555 Gas Properties p , psia 9222 5347 z h t , ft 163 p wf (at t =0), psia h p , ft 127 t p , hrs Temperature , F 300 r w , ft S wi , fraction 0.11 -6 c t , x10 psi -1 69840 0.25 1.5279 g , cp 0.07273 B g , RB/MSCF 0.6311 g 0.692 4.494 Depth , ft 15339 The petrophysical data (i.e., the porosity and permeability) were reviewed to establish major flow units (i.e., the number of layers). The porosity and permeability data were also analyzed in a statistical sense to establish median and average values. The petrophysical analysis is presented in Figs. 6 to 10. Porosity Permeability 15700 15700 C4 15750 15800 C4 15750 15850 15800 C5 Depth, ft C6 15900 15950 15850 15900 C6 15900 15950 15950 C7 16000 C7 16000 16050 16050 16100 0.00 16100 1E-02 16000 LAYER 2 Depth, ft 15850 C5 LAYER 1 15800 16050 0.05 0.10 0.15 , fraction 0.20 0.25 0.30 1E-01 1E+00 1E+01 1E+02 1E+03 1E+04 0 2 PERFORAT 468 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 IONS 2 4 0 00 00 0 0 Perm eabilit y, k, md Fig. 6 — Proposed distribution of reservoir layers, Well TM-1EC (Santa Barbara Field). For Well TM-1EC two distinct layers were identified using the petrophysical analysis — which includes the porosity and permeability distribution plots for each layer, as well as the statistical parameters for these properties. 8 15800 15800 Legend: Well TM-1EC / Permeability Distribution Legend: Well TM-1EC / Porosity Distribution LAYER 1 LAYER 1 15850 15900 15900 Depth, ft Depth, ft 15850 15950 15950 16000 16000 16050 -3 10 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 16050 0.00 0.05 0.10 Permeability, k, md 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 Porosity, fraction Fig. 7 — Permeability and porosity distribution for Layer 1, Well TM-1EC. (Layer 1 data only shown on figures). 25 25 Legend: Well TM-1EC / Permeability Histogram LAYER 1 Legend: Well TM-1EC / Porosity Histogram LAYER 1 20 Frequency, dimensionless Frequency, dimensionless 20 kavg= 298.86 md 15 10 5 15 avg= 0.1053 10 5 0 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 ln(k) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 Porosity, fraction Fig. 8 — Permeability and porosity histograms for Layer 1, Well TM-1EC. 0.30 0.35 9 15990 15990 16000 16010 16010 16020 16020 16030 16030 16040 16040 16050 16050 16060 16060 16070 16070 16080 16080 16090 -3 10 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 LAYER 2 16000 Depth, ft Depth, ft Legend: Well TM-1EC / Porosity Distribution Legend: Well TM-1EC / Permeability Distribution LAYER 2 3 10 4 16090 0.00 0.05 0.10 Permeability, k, md 0.15 0.20 0.25 Porosity, fraction Fig. 9 — Permeability and porosity distribution for Layer 2, Well TM-1EC. (Layer 2 data only shown on figure). 10 10 Legend: Well TM-1EC / Porosity Histogram Legend: Well TM-1EC / Permeability Histogram LAYER 2 LAYER 2 8 Frequency, dimensionless Frequency, dimensionless 8 6 kavg= 330.3 md 4 2 avg= 0.1602 6 4 2 0 -4 -2 0 2 ln(k) 4 6 8 10 0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 Porosity, fraction Fig. 10 — Permeability and porosity histograms for Layer 2, Well TM-1EC. The production performance for Well TM-1EC is presented in Figs. 11 and 12, where we can note the decline of the wellhead pressure and a relatively stable gas rate production over about a six year period. 10 6000 14000 5000 12000 10000 4000 8000 3000 6000 2000 4000 Oil Rate 1000 Gas Rate, MSCF/D Oil Rate, STB/D Well TM-1EC Production History 2000 Gas Rate 0 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Production Time, days Fig. 11 — Dry gas and condensate rate history, Well TM-1EC, Santa Barbara Field. Well TM-1EC Well Performance 25000 8000 7000 6000 5000 15000 4000 10000 3000 Pressure, psia Gas Rate, MSCF/D 20000 2000 5000 Gas Rate 1000 Flowing Wellhead Pressure 0 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Production Time, days Fig. 12 — Total gas rate and flowing wellhead pressure performance, Well TM-1EC, Santa Barbara Field. Test Summary Plot: Fig. 13 shows clearly the two permeability regions (condensate banking) as the pseudopressure derivative exhibits 2 distinct flat stabilizations. An apparent fault signature is evident in the derivative shape however; the estimated distance to the fault does not agree with the current structural model of the reservoir — we presume that this "fault" feature is an artifact. 11 10 Well TM-1EC [Test Date: 07-26-2001] 10 Results: Results: Wellbore Storage C = 0.00593 STB/psi Non-Darcy Flow LAYER 1 -5 -1 ds/dq = 5.0x10 (MSCF/D) LAYER 2 -6 -1 ds/dq = 5.05x10 (MSCF/D) Model: 2-Layers without crossflow Radial Composite LAYER 1 LAYER 2 Pseudopressure Functions , psi /cp ri = 32 ft 2 10 ri = 70 ft M = 0.515 D = 1.1 kinner = 2.29 md M = 0.84 D = 3.0 kinner = 0.588 md kouter = 0.70 md 9 kouter = 4.45 md s = 3.1 s' = 11.7 s = 2.4 s' = 2.88 10 8 Possible No-Flow Boundary at 176 ft Data: Bg = 0.6311 RB/MSCF gi = 0.1175 cp cti = 4.5x10-6 psi 10 -1 rw = 0.25 ft 7 ht = 164 ft hLAYER 1 = 138 ft hLAYER 2 = 26 ft LAYER 1 = 0.1053 LAYER 2 = 0.1602 qg = 9555 MSCF/D 10 6 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 Effective Shut-in Pseudotime, hrs Fig. 13 — Log-log plot of shut-in pseudopressure functions versus effective shut-in pseudotime, Well TM-1EC. Well TM-1EC [Test Date: 07-26-2001] 7 1.7 9 7 m(p) = 1.841x10 - 3.892x10 log((ta+ta)/ta) 1.6 Data: Bg = 0.6311 RB/MSCF gi = 0.1175 cp 9 cti = 4.5x10-6 psi rw = 0.25 ft 1.5 7 m(p) = 2.023x10 - 7.681x10 log((ta+ta)/ta) -1 9 LAYER 1 m(p) = 1.758x10 - 1.950x10 log((ta+ta)/ta) 9 2 Shut-in Pseudopressure, m(p) x10 , psi /cp 9 LAYER 2 1.8 7 m(p) = 2.110x10 - 9.613x10 log((ta+ta)/ta) ht = 164 ft hLAYER 1 = 138 ft hLAYER 2 = 26 ft LAYER 1 = 0.1053 LAYER 2 = 0.1602 1.4 qg = 9555 MSCF/D ppwf(t=0) = 5347 psia tp= 69840 hrs Semilog Results: LAYER 1 LAYER 2 ri = 25.5 ft M = 0.80 kinner = 0.897 md 1.3 kouter = 1.12 md kouter = 4.42 md s = 6.58 s = 0.17 1.2 3 10 10 4 10 ri = 55.2 ft M = 0.501 kinner = 2.22 md 5 10 6 10 7 10 8 Horner Pseudotime, (ta+tpa)/ta , hrs Fig. 14 — Horner (semilog) plot of shut-in time pseudopressure function versus pseudotime, Well TM-1EC. 12 Semilog Analysis: Fig. 14 shows the two-layer radial composite behavior, verifying the presence of condensate banking with a semilog straight line for the condensate bank as well as for the dry gas portion of the reservoir for each layer. Table 2 — Summary of analysis for Well TM-1EC [Test Date: 07-26-2001]. Semilog Parameter Log-log Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 1 Layer 2 Inner zone permeability, k inner , md 0.89 2.22 0.59 2.29 Outer zone permeability, k outer , md 1.22 4.42 0.70 4.45 Mobiity radius, M 0.80 0.50 0.84 0.52 Near well skin factor, s 0.17 6.58 2.40 3.10 --- --- 2.88 11.7 --- --- 5.00E-05 5.05E-06 25.5 55.2 32 70 Total skin factor. s' Non-darcy flow coefficient, (MSCF/D) Inner zone radius, r i , ft -1 Special Cartesian Analysis for Drillstem Test (DST) Interpretation: A DST is normally run in a zone of undetermined potential in a new well. Analysis of a transient pressure data taken from a DST can provide estimates of formation properties and wellbore damage. DST pressure buildup data are analyzed much like any other pressure buildup data. In a DST, the flow period is about the same duration as the shut-in period, so pressure buildup data from DST's should be analyzed using a Horner plot. In liquid-producing wells, the flowrate during a drillstem test decreases with time since the backpressure exerted on the formation face increase as the produced fluid moves up the drillstring. Correa and Ramey (1987)10 presented a method to analyze pressure buildup data taken from drillstem tests for oil wells. This approach solves the problems due to the variable production rate and decreasing flowing pressure observed in a DST. Interpretation of DST pressure buildup data has been based on the Horner method. The basic assumption of the Horner method is that the well is produced at a constant rate prior to shut-in. When the flowrate changes with time, an awkward application of the superposition principle is required to analyze the pressure buildup data 10. The solution of the diffusivity equation for a constant production rate yields a declining flowing pressure with time, but must DST’s show an increasing flowing pressure during production periods. Therefore, the application of Horner method may lead to inconsistent results in the interpretation of DST pressure buildup data such as possible existence of linear barriers near the wellbore (common showed in a normal Horner plot for DST buildup data).10 The DST problem can be viewed as a "slug test" with a changing wellbore storage coefficient for times less than tp, wellbore storage mechanism is governed by a changing liquid level and after shut-in wellbore storage becomes compressibility dominated. A practical method of analysis for DST pressure buildup data was developed based on the long-time approximation for the "slug test" solution10. p i p w (t ) C F ( p ff p fi ) C s ( p i p ff ) 4πkh 1t (Darcy Units) ....................................................... (11) where CF πr 2 w .................................................................................................................................................. (12) and C s C wVw ................................................................................................................................................. (13) The average flowrate during the flow period is given by: q C F ( p ff p fi ) .................................................................................................................................... (14) tp 13 Pressure drop can be written as: p ws (t ) p i m tp t p t , first shut in period .......................................................................................... (15) where slope m is defined as m q Cs ( pi p ff ) 1 ...................................................................................................................... (16) 4π kh qt p pws(t) equation suggests that a Cartesian plot of pws versus tp/(tp+t) for a pressure buildup data gives a straight line with slope inversely proportional to the reciprocal permeability. For a second shut-in period the above equations are given by: pws pi m2 Rc(t2 ) ................................................................................................................................. (17) where t p2 t p1 q 1 ................................................................................................. (18) t p2 t 2 q 2 t c1 t p2 t 2 Rc (t 2 ) To apply this method to a gas well the problem has to be transformed in terms of pseudopressure and pseudotime variables. For this purpose we used the Agarwal11 definition of pseudotime. t ta c 1 dt .............................................................................................................................................. (19) t 0 Also the production time has to be transformed to allow the analysis of buildup test data using drawdown type curves. Lee and Holditch presented a transformation for the pseudoproducing time 11 that should be adequate. t pa tp i cti ................................................................................................................................................. (20) The use of average properties instead of initial fluid properties may lead to erroneous conclusions for the Horner analysis, showing a sealing or partial sealing boundary in the vicinity of the wellbore due to the doubling slope at the end of the curve. For the real gas pseudopressure we used the transformation presented by Ramey et al (1966). This transformation is a correction for the assumption of the slightly compressible fluid taken when deriving the differential equation governing the pressure transient responses. p m( p ) 2 z dp ........................................................................................................................................ (21) p p0 Finally, for a gas well, the equations to analyze the pressure transient behavior for a drillstem test are given by: p ws t1 p i m1 t pa1 t pa1 t a1 , first shut in ......................................................................................... (22) and p ws (t 2 ) pi m2 Rc(t 2 ), second shut in ........................................................................................ (23) where Rct 2 t pa2 t pa1 q 1 .......................................................................................... (24) t pa2 t a2 q 2 t ac1 t ap2 t a2 14 The analysis of the DST Well TM-32L under the scheme described above is presented to provide an application of the special Cartesian approach to analyze DST buildup data (method of Correa and Ramey). Well Analysis: Well TM-32L [Test Date: 01-17-1995] Figs. 15 to 18 correspond to the analyses of this case. Well TM-32L was completed in February 1995 and had an initial reservoir pressure of 11,322 psia at the time of completion. The general data for this case are summarized in Table 3. Table 3 — Summary of general data for Well TM-32L [Test Date: 01-17-1995]. Reservoir Properties 0.0771 h t , ft 268 , fraction h p , ft 118 Temperature , F S wi , fraction -6 c t , x10 psi Depth , ft -1 300.4 Production Parameters Shut-in #1 q g , MSCF/D p wf (at t =0), psia t p , hrs 17357 z 1.5338 10540 g , cp 0.1175 B g , RB/MSCF 0.6104 8.98 g 0.15 Shut-in #2 4.50 q g , MSCF/D 11798 p wf (at t =0), psia 10490 15604 Gas Properties p , psia 9256 t p , hrs 9.53 Shut-in #3 q g , MSCF/D 5348 p wf (at t =0), psia 10780 t p , hrs 14.09 r w , ft 0.25 0.692 Fig. 15 — Permeability and porosity distribution, Well TM-32L (Santa Barbara Field). The petrophysical data (i.e., the porosity and permeability) were reviewed to establish major flow units (i.e., the number of layers). The petrophysical analysis shows that the perforated intervals for Well TM-32L are producing from only one flow unit — as such, this well was analyzed using only a single layer (Fig 15). The production performance of Well TM-32L is presented in Figs. 16 and 17, where we can note a relatively stable gas production over about a five year period followed by a production rate increase. 15 3000 30000 2500 25000 2000 20000 1500 15000 1000 10000 Oil Rate 500 Gas Rate, MSCF/D Oil Rate, STB/D WELL TM-32L Production History 5000 Gas Rate FRACTURED 0 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Production Time, days Fig. 16 — Dry gas and condensate rate history, Well TM-32L, Santa Barbara Field. 35000 8000 30000 7000 6000 25000 5000 20000 4000 15000 3000 10000 Pressure, psia Gas Rate, MSCF/D WELL TM-32L Well Performance 2000 Gas Rate 5000 1000 Flowing Wellhead Pressure 0 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Production Time, days Fig. 17 —Total gas rate and flowing wellhead pressure performance, Well TM-32L, Santa Barbara Field. Cartesian Plot: Fig. 18 shows the 3 shut-in periods plotted using the method proposed by Correa and Ramey 10 and adjusted for the gas case. The permeability results show good agreement for the 3 periods analyzed — and, in addition the Fig. 18 shows a distinct straight line trend for the radial flow stabilization — thereby avoiding the erroneous interpretation for a linear no-flow boundary suggested by the Horner semilog (Fig. 19) 16 Well TM-32L [Test Date: 01-17-1995] 1.86 9 7 m(p) = 1.8301x10 -1.441x10 Rc(ta) 1.84 9 Shut-in #1 Shut-in #2 Shut-in #3 7 1.82 2 Pseudopressure, m (p) x10 , psi /cp m(p) = 1.8380x10 -3.027x10 Rc(ta) 1.80 9 Data: Bg = 0.6104 RB/MSCF 1.78 gi = 0.1175 cp cti = 4.5x10-6 psi -1 rw = 0.25 ft 1.76 ht = 268 ft = 0.0771 qg1 = 17357 MSCF/D qg2 = 11798 MSCF/D qg3 = 5348 MSCF/D pwf1(t=0) = 10540 psia pwf2(t=0) = 10490 psia pwf3(t=0) = 10780 psia tp1 = 8.98 hrs tp2 = 9.53 hrs tp3 = 14.09 hrs 1.74 1.72 1.70 9 Cartesian Results: Shut-in #1 pi = 11273 psia, k = 1.73 md, s = -4.1 Shut-in #2 pi = 11305 psia, k = 1.78 md, s = -5.8 Shut-in #3 pi = 11254 psia, k = 1.72 md, s = -5.0 1.68 1.66 0.0 0.2 7 m(p) = 1.8330x10 -4.806x10 Rc(ta) 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 Rc(ta), dimensionless Fig. 18 — Cartesian plot for a DST data analysis, Well TM-32L. Well TM-32L [Test Date:01-17-1995] 1.82 Fault signature 9 2 Shut-in Pseudopressure, m(p) x10 , psi /cp 1.83 1.81 1.80 Data: Bg = 0.6104 RB/MSCF 1.79 gi = 0.1175 cp cti = 4.5x10-6 psi -1 rw = 0.25 ft 1.78 ht = 268 ft = 0.0771 qg3 = 5348 MSCF/D pwf3(t=0) = 10780 psia tp3 = 14.09 hrs 1.77 1.76 -1 10 10 0 Semilog Results: Shut-in #3 k = 4.88 md, s = 1.54 Distance to the fault = 42 ft 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 Horner Pseudotime,(ta+tpa)/ta, hrs Fig. 19 — Horner (semilog) plot of shut-in time pseudopressure function versus pseudotime, Well TM-32L. 17 10 Well TM-32L [Test Date: 01-17-1995] 9 Data: Bg = 0.6104 RB/MSCF Results: Shut-in #3 C = 0.0138 STB/psi k = 4.88 md, s = 1.54 Distance to the fault = 42 ft 2 Pseudopressure Functions, psi /cp gi = 0.1175 cp 10 10 10 cti = 4.5x10-6 psi 8 -1 rw = 0.25 ft ht = 268 ft = 0.0771 qg3 = 5348 MSCF/D pwf3(t=0) = 10780 psia tp3 = 14.09 hrs Possible fault at 42 ft 7 6 5 10 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Effective Shut-in Pseudotime, hrs Fig. 20 — Log-log plot of shut-in pseudopressure functions versus effective shut-in pseudotime, Well TM-32L. Table 4 — Summary of analysis for Well TM-32L [Test Date: 01-17-1995]. DST Cartesian Parameter Shut-in 1 Shut-in 2 Log-log Shut-in 3 Shut-in 1 Shut-in 2 Shut-in 3 Inner zone permeability, k inner , md --- --- --- --- --- --- Outer zone permeability, k outer , md 1.73 1.78 1.72 5.22 5.22 5.22 Mobiity radius, M --- --- --- --- --- --- Near well skin factor, s --- --- --- --- --- --- -4.10 -5.80 -5.00 0.20 1.54 --- --- --- -2.62 --- --- --- --- --- --- 45.0 45.2 44.0 Total skin factor, s' Non-darcy flow coefficient, (MSCF/D) Inner zone radius, r i , ft -1 Expected Conclusions 1. It is possible to develop an integrated reservoir description for the Santa Barbara Field (Monagas, Venezuela) using pressure transient test data, production data, and petrophysical data. Our work provides an overall description of reservoir properties — based on measured performance and petrophysical data. 2. This work confirms the use of the two-zone radial composite reservoir for the analysis and interpretation of pressure transient test data. 3. Estimates of flow properties (permeability and skin factor) as well as volumetric properties (fluids-inplace and reservoir drainage area). 4. The correlation of the petrophysical data confirms the "multilayer" structure of the reservoir units in Santa Barbara Field. Recommendations and Future Work 1. This work should be extended to include a "moving radial composite boundary" that would represent the evolution of the condensate zone. 18 2. Another possible avenue of investigation could be the incorporation of a functional model for kg (r) — the effective permeability to gas in the reservoir. This concept shows promise in that kg (r) is generally well-behaved. Organization of the Research The outline of the proposed research is as follows: Chapter I Introduction Research objectives Highlights of results Outline of the thesis Chapter II Literature Review Pressure transient testing in gas wells – use of pseudopressure and pseudotime variables Radial composite reservoir model approach Layered reservoir model approach DST – (Correa and Ramey Cartesian approach) Chapter III Data Analysis Petrophysical data analysis Well test data analysis Production data analysis Chapter IV Analysis Integration Properties maps – kh, k, and Crossplots Chapter V Summary and Conclusions Summary Conclusions Recommendations for future research Appendices Appendix A- Petrophysical Data Appendix B- Well Test Data Appendix C- Production Data Appendix D- Fluid Data References 1. Embid, S., Avila, M. and Salazar, P.: "From PVT Laboratory to Field: Development of a Methodology for the Areal and Vertical Characterization of Fluids," paper SPE 69396 presented at the 2001 SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 25-28 March. 2. Porras, J.C. and Campos, O.: "Rock Typing: A Key Approach for Petrophysical Characterization and Definition of Fluid Units, Santa Barbara Field, Eastern Venezuela Basin," paper SPE 69458 presented at the 2001 SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 25-28 March. 3. Lefkovits H.C. et al.: "A Study of the Behavior of Bounded Reservoirs Composed of Stratified Layers," SPEJ (March 1961) 43-58. 4. Raghavan, R., Chu, W.C. and Jones, J.R.: "Practical Considerations in the Analysis of Gas-Condensate Well Tests," paper SPE 30576 presented at the 1995 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, U.S.A., 22-25 October. 5. Fussell, D.D.: "Single-Well Performance Predictions for Gas Condensate Reservoirs," JPT (July 1973) 860-870. 6. Jones, J.R. and Raghavan, R.: "Interpretation of Pressure Buildup Responses in Gas Condensate Wells," paper SPE 15535 presented at the 1986 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, U.S.A., 5-8 October. 19 7. Marhaendrajana, T., Kaczoroeski, N.J. and Blasingame, T.A.: "Analysis and Interpretation of Well Test Performance at Arun Field, Indonesia," SPE 56487 presented at the 1999 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, U.S.A., 3-6 October. 8. Gringarten, A.C. et al.: "Well Test Analysis in Gas Condensate Reservoirs," SPE 62920 presented at the 2000 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, U.S.A., 1-4 October. 9. Ramey, H.J. Jr.: "Approximate Solutions for Unsteady Liquid Flow in Composite Reservoirs," The Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology (January-March 1970) 32-37. 10. Correa, F. and Ramey, H.J. Jr.: "A Method for Pressure Buildup Analysis of Drillstem Tests," SPE 16802 presented at the 1987 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, U.S.A., 27-30 September 11. Spivey, J.P.: "An Investigation of the Use of Pseudotime in Transient Test Analysis of Gas Wells," PhD dissertation, Texas A&M U., College Station, TX (1984). Nomenclature Field Variables a Bo Bg ct C ds/dq h hp k k M m m(p) pi pff pfi pwf(t) q qg re rw Sw s s’ T t tc tp z = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = inner zone radius for a two-zone radial composite reservoir model, ft oil formation volume factor, RB/STB gas formation volume factor, RB/MSCF total compressibility, 1/psi wellbore storage coefficient, RB/psia or cc/atm non-darcy flow coefficient, D/MSCF net thickness, ft perforated thickness, ft permeability, md average permeability, md mobility ratio, dimensionless slope of the semilog straight line, psi/cycle real gas pseudopressure, psi2/cp initial pressure, psi final flowing pressure in a DST, psi initial flowing pressure in a DST, psi wellbore pressure, psi production rate from multilayer reservoirs, STB/D or cc/sec gas rate , MSCF/D drainage radius, ft wellbore radius, ft water saturation near wellbore skin factor total skin factor temperature, °F time, hrs cycle time, hrs production time, hrs real gas deviation factor, dimensionless difference specific gravity, dimensionless mobility, md/cp viscosity, cp porosity, fraction = 3.1416... Constants 20 = Euler's constant, 0.577216... Functions Y(t) = Zj(t) = Rc(t) = transient solution in well-pressure equation for a multilayer reservoir model transient solution in rate equation for j-th layer for a multilayer reservoir model function of the shut-in time in a DST Special Functions E1(x) = first exponential integral = = = = = = = = = = = pseudoproperties for gas wells average dimensionless variables flow in a DST gas initial conditions inner zone for two-zone radial composite reservoir model j-th layer in a multilayer reservoir model outer zone for a two-zone radial composite reservoir model shut-in layer numbers Subscripts a avg D F g i inner j outer s 1,2 21 Appendix Well Analysis: Well TM-75 [Test Date: 03-01-1999] Well TM-75 was completed in May 1998 and had an initial reservoir pressure of 10,173 psia at the time of completion. Table A-1 — Summary of general data for Well TM-75 [Test date: 03-01-1999]. Reservoir Properties , fraction Production Parameters 0.1129 h t , ft 198 h p , ft 22 Temperature , F S wi , fraction -6 c t , x10 psi Depth , ft -1 299.17 0.11 Gas Properties q g , MSCF/D 3718 p , psia p wf (at t =0), psia 9063 z 0.1531 t p , hrs 8016 g , cp 0.0729 r w , ft 0.25 B g , RB/MSCF 0.0631 g 0.6315 9238 4.49 15436 Fig. A-1 — Permeability and porosity distribution, Well TM-75 (Santa Barbara Field). 22 Well TM-75 Production History 3000 8000 Oil Rate 2500 Oil Rate, STB/D 6000 2000 1500 4000 1000 2000 Gas Rate, MSCF/D Gas Rate 500 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Production Time, days Fig. A-2 — Dry gas and condensate rate history, Well TM-75 (Santa Barbara Field). Well TM-75 Well Performance 10000 8000 6000 6000 4000 4000 2000 Gas Rate 2000 Pressure, psia Gas Rate, MSCF/D 8000 Flowing Wellhead Pressure 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Production Time, days Fig. A-3 — Total gas rate and flowing wellhead pressure performance, Well TM-75 (Santa Barbara Field). 23 Well Analysis: Well TM-86 [Test Date: 11-22-1998] Well TM-86 was completed in September 1998 and had an initial reservoir pressure of 9,737 psia at the time of completion. Table A-2 — Summary of general data for Well TM-86 [Test date: 11-22-1998]. Reservoir Properties , fraction h t , ft h p , ft S wi , fraction c t , x10 psi Depth , ft -1 Gas Properties q g , MSCF/D 8588 p , psia 120 p wf (at t =0), psia 9127 z 1.5089 111 t p , hrs 1992 g , cp 0.0712 r w , ft 0.25 B g , RB/MSCF 0.626 g 0.692 0.1705 Temperature , F -6 Production Parameters 292.67 0.11 9112 4.49 14515 Fig. A-4 — Permeability and porosity distribution, Well TM-86 (Santa Barbara Field). 24 Well TM-86 Production History 6000 25000 Oil Rate Gas Rate 20000 4000 15000 3000 10000 2000 Gas Rate, MSCF/D Oil Rate,STB/D 5000 5000 1000 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Production Time, days Fig. A-5 — Dry gas and condensate rate history, Well TM-86 (Santa Barbara Field). Well TM-86 Well Performance 20000 7000 6000 5000 12000 4000 3000 8000 2000 4000 Gas Rate Pressure, psia Gas Rate, MSCF/D 16000 1000 Flowing Wellhead Pressure 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Production Time, days Fig. A-6 — Total gas rate and flowing wellhead pressure performance, Well TM-86 (Santa Barbara Field). 25 Well Analysis: Well TM-93 [Test Date: 09-01-2001] Well TM-93 was completed in January 1999 and had an initial reservoir pressure of 9,258 psia at the time of completion. Table A-3 — Summary of general data for Well TM-93 [Test date: 09-01-2001]. Reservoir Properties , fraction 0.1491 h t , ft 273 h p , ft 98 Temperature , F S wi , fraction -6 c t , x10 psi Depth , ft -1 300.08 0.11 4.49 15564 Production Parameters q g , MSCF/D p wf (at t =0), psia t p , hrs r w , ft 19579 7603 21936 0.25 Gas Properties p , psia 9259 z 1.5343 g , cp 0.0733 B g , RB/MSCF 0.6322 0.692 g Fig. A-7 — Permeability and porosity distribution, Well TM-93 (Santa Barbara Field). 26 Well TM-93 Production History 7000 50000 Oil Rate 40000 Oil Rate, STB/D Gas Rate 5000 30000 4000 3000 20000 2000 Gas Rate, MSCF/D 6000 10000 1000 0 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Production Time, days Fig. A-8 — Dry gas and condensate rate history, Well TM-93 (Santa Barbara Field). Well TM-93 Well Performance 50000 8000 Gas Rate Flowing Wellhead Pressure 6000 30000 4000 20000 Pressure, psia Gas Rate, MSCF/D 40000 2000 10000 0 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Production Time , days Fig. A-9 — Total gas rate and flowing wellhead pressure performance, Well TM-93 (Santa Barbara Field).