`Snow White` (shared playscript)

Snow White
Cast List
Snow White
7 Dwarfs
Evil Queen
The woodcutter
Prince Charming
Magic mirror
Scene List
1 - The Palace
2 - The Woods
3 - The Cottage
4 - The Woods
5 - The Palace
Scene 1 - The Palace
Snow White on hands and knees cleaning. Evil Queen preening
in her magic mirror.
There was once a girl called Snow White who
lived with her nasty step mother, the Evil
Queen. The Queen thought she was the most
beautiful one in the world.
Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the fairest
one of all?
Snow White is the beautiful one.
Queen becomes very angry. Sends for the woodcutter.
Take Snow White to the darkest part of the
wood and kill her! Bring back her heart in this
Of course Your Majesty.
Woodcutter feeling shocked and scared bows. He takes Snow
White to the woods.
Scene 2 - The Woods
The woodcutter and Snow White were in the
middle of the woods where it was pitch black.
The woodcutter liked her so much he couldn't
kill her. Instead he killed a deer and put its
heart in the box.
Woodcutter kills deer with axe. Puts heart in box. Hugs Snow
I have to leave you here. Run for your life. Stay
away from the Queen.
Snow White
Thank you for not killing me.
Snow White runs off into the very middle of the wood. She was
Snow White found a lovely little cottage. She
went inside but no one was in.
Scene 3 - The Cottage
Inside the cottage Snow White noticed
something very strange. There were 7 of
everything, all very small. It was the home of 7
In come the 7 dwarfs.
You can live with us here but don't open the
door to anyone.
Dwarfs leave for work. Knock at the door. An old lady is there.
Have some of my lovely ripe apple my dear.
Snow White
It looks delicious!
Snow White took one bite into the poisoned
apple and dropped down dead.
Snow White makes choking sound and drops to the floor.
Ha! Ha! Ha! Now I've got you!
Dwarfs come home. They see Snow White and begin to cry.
They check her pulse.
They want to keep Snow White so they put her
in a glass coffin. They take her to the brightest
part of the wood.
Doesn't she look beautiful?
Use large hankies to wipe their eyes.
Scene 4 - The Woods
Handsome Prince Charming is galloping through the woods.
The Prince saw Snow White in her glass coffin
and pulled back his horse.
Prince pulls hard, horse stops, he jumps off his horse.
She is beautiful.
He bends over and kisses Snow White on the check.
Snow White coughed up the apple and sat up
very slowly.
Snow White looked around wondering where she was.
Scene 5 - The Palace
Meanwhile back at the palace the Queen is once more preening
in front of the magic mirror.
Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the fairest
one of all?
It's still Snow White!
(with a big grin)
The Queen is very angry and takes her shoe off and smashes the
The mirror was a magic one and it didn't break.
However it cast a spell on the Queen making
her melt.
The Queen wobbles like a jelly and drops. She melts away.
The Queen is dead!
(with a happy face)
The Prince and Snow White fall in love and
after a while they have a wonderful wedding.
Wedding scene. Everyone is happy.
After a few years they have two children. In
true fairy tale endings they live happily ever
Snow White and the Prince share a kiss.