Second High-Resolution Marine Meteorology Workshop



(Final – 19 April 2006)



Joint GOSUD/SAMOS Workshop

2-4 May 2006

Tuesday 2 May 2006

0800 Coffee

0830 Introductory session (1 hr, 30 min)

Joint session – welcome (local hosts), logistics, intro talks, workshop outcomes

Keeley – GOSUD overview, status (20 mins) –

Smith – SAMOS overview, status (20 mins) –

Outcomes: outcomes.ppt



1000 Break (20 min)

1020 Begin GOSUD and SAMOS working group meetings (2 hr)

Parallel sessions – See agendas below

1220 Lunch (1 hr, 10 min)

On own

1330 Continue working group meetings (1hr, 45 min)

Parallel sessions – See agendas below

1515 Break (15 min)

1530 Continue working group meetings (1hr, 30 min)

Parallel sessions – See agendas below

1700 End sessions

Wednesday 3 May 2006

0800 Coffee, Poster set-up

0830 Invited Speakers: Science and Application (1 hr, 45 min)

Moderator: Robert Keeley

Gary Wick (20 min) – gary.wick_sst.ppt

Application of in situ observations to current satellite derived sea surface temperature products

Jaqueline Boutin (20 min) – Presentation_boutin_short.pdf

SMOS mission: a new way for monitoring SSS?

John Gunn (20 min) – Gosud-Samos_jgunn_final.ppt

Aquarius sea surface salinity satellite mission validation using near-real time, insitu oceanographic data

Benoit Tranchant (20 min) – GOSUD_Tranchant_bis.ppt

Interest of assimilating SSS data in an operational oceanographic context: The


Panel discussion (25 min)

1015 Break (15 min)

1030 Invited Speakers: Science and Application (1 hr, 45 min)

Moderator: Mark Bourassa

Janet Sprintall (20 min) - gosud_sprintall.ppt

Southern ocean surface measurements and the upper ocean heat budget

Hiroyuki Tomita (20 min) – Tomita_SAMOS_ep.pdf

Estimation of satellite-derived turbulent heat flux and use of in-situ observation

Frank Bradley (20 min) – BradleyRainfallatsea.ppt

Rainfall measurements aboard ships

Val Swail (20 min) – Waves_Swail.ppt + ship_in_big_swell.mpg

Requirements for surface marine observations in support of wind and wave forecasting and hindcasting

Panel discussion (25 min)

1215 Lunch (1 hr, 15 min) on own

1330 Invited Speakers: Science and Application (1 hr, 45 min)

Moderator: Chris Fairall

Ellsworth Dutton (20 min) – DuttonGOSUD-SAMOS.ppt

Progress in surface radiation measurements

Elizabeth Kent (20 min) – KentBias_SAMOS_v2.ppt

Bias correction of in situ observations

Ben Moat (20 min) – moat-SAMOS-final.ppt

Airflow modeling for research vessels

Mark Bourassa (20 min) – BourassaErrorAnalysis.ppt

1515 Break

Sensitivity of surface turbulent fluxes to observational errors

Panel discussion (25 min)

1530 Invited Speakers: Program Collaboration (1 hr, 30 min)

Moderator: Shawn Smith

Loic Petit De La Villeon (15 min) – coriolis_samos_petit_villeon.ppt

Potential collaboration between the Coriolis – a French project for operational oceanography – and the SAMOS Initiative

Phillip McGillivary (15 min) – McGillivarySAMOSPMCG06.ppt

TBA – U. S. Coast Guard

Douglas Perry (15 min) – Perry_SAMOS.ppt

NOAA shipboard data acquisition and data management

Elizabeth Kent [presenting for Graeme Ball] (15 min) – SAMOS-GOSUD-SOToverview.ppt

The JCOMM Ship Observations Team

Panel discussion (30 min)

1700 End session

1730 Poster session (with catered reception)

Presenting Author Title

Frank Bahr

Mark Bourassa

Jaqueline Boutin

(for Nathalie LeFevre)

Thierry Delcroix

Surface meteorology from Volunteer Observing Ships

Uncertainty in monthly surface wind fields from in situ

Chris Fairall

Patrick D. French

Gustavo Goni

Shinsuke Iwasaki

Elizabeth Kent

Masahisa Kubota

Phillip McGillivary

Geoffrey Morrison

Steven Rutz

Shawn Smith

Shawn Smith

Scott Woodruff observations - Bourassa_uncertainty_poster.ppt

Measuring surface seawater fugacity of CO2 on board ships of opportunity and moorings

Monitoring sea surface salinity in the global ocean from ships of opportunity: the French observation service

Progress on the NOAA Portable Seagoing Air-Sea Flux

Standard – fairall_et_al_samos_talk_05_06.ppt

Development of a low-cost autonomous micro-weather station module for use in open ocean and coastal marine environments

Thermosalinograph (TSG) transects maintained by

NOAA/AOML - Poster_Gustavo.pdf

Comparison of two global sea surface temperature data sets – iwasakiposter.pdf

Exploiting the synergies of VOS and research vessel marine meteorology – KentVOS_samos_poster.pdf

Surface heat fluxes from the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis at the

KEO buoy site – kubotaposter.pdf

Autonomous surface vessels for air-sea flux and satellite calibration/validation studies - McGillivaryposter.pdf

Ferrybox sensor interface standard (FSIS) –


Following the flow of two underway data streams within the U.

S. National Oceanographic Date Center - poster_srutz.ppt

A comparison of SAMOS and bridge observations on research vessels – SmithRVicoads.pdf

Shipboard automated meteorological and oceanographic system initiative – Smithsamos_poster.pdf

ICOADS and High-Resolution Marine Meteorology and

Oceanography – Woodruff_icoads_poster.pdf

1930 End poster session

Thursday 4 May 2006

0800 Coffee

0830 Joint round table discussions (1 hr, 45 min)

Engaging and building a user community

What products can GOSUD and SAMOS provide to address needs raised by

Wednesday’s Speakers?

1015 Break (15 min)

1030 Continue round table discussions (1 hr, 45 min)

Identify areas open for collaboration (GOSUD and SAMOS)

Consider role of additional marine data collection initiatives (e.g., SeaKeepers, ADA

Technologies, FleetLink, others)

Discuss collaborations to improve high-latitude data access (IAATO, Raytheon, etc.)

Define actions to address collaboration

Funding international activities and collaborations

1215 Lunch (1 hr, 15 min) on own

1330 Continue round table discussions (1 hr, 45 min)

Discuss expanding activities to include observations not routinely observed (e.g. wind waves, swell)

Consider new directions for technology development (radiation standards, precipitation, currents, other subsurface measurements?)

1515 Break

1530 Continue round table discussions (1 hr, 30 min)

Setting priorities, new action items

Wrap-up, writing assignments, future workshops

1700 End Workshop

Working Group Agendas – Tuesday 2 May 2006


1020 Session 1 (2 hr)

Status Reports (10 min each)

Data stewardship/pilot project (Smith)

Portable standard (Fairall and Bahr) – fairall_et_al_samos_talk_05_06.ppt

Past action items (Smith)

Marine Handbook (Bradley – 1 hr) – Handbook_presentation.ppt

Collaboration with GOSUD (data exchange, etc.)

1220 Lunch (1 hr, 10 min)

On own

1330 Session 2 (1hr, 45 min)

Develop a plan for CFD modeling efforts (Smith, Moat)

What do we wish to learn from CFD

First steps, finding leader, developing proposal

Discuss radiation standards for ships (Fairall)

Minimum instrumentation, areas for future design

Completing accuracy requirements (Bourassa)

Scheduling on-board comparisons using ESRL/WHOI wireless portable standard

1515 Break (15 min)

1530 Session 3 (1hr, 30 min)

SAMOS initiative’s role in:

INMARTEC 2006 (October, Woods Hole)

International Polar Year (2007-2008)

Flux summer schools, tech training activities

Archival of instrument level (sub-1 minute samples) observations from RVs

Stewardship of automated “direct” flux measurements

Aiding RV operators in site design for optimal deployment of met sensors


Other topics as time allows:

Recruitment of new vessels to SAMOS

Data distribution: real-time via GTS vs. data withheld for validation efforts

Should SAMOS Initiative have a steering committee?

1700 End sessions

Working Group Agendas – Tuesday 2 May 2006


1020 Session 1 (2 hr) a) Review agenda b) Review of Actions from Southampton c) Status report – real-time and delayed mode processing – all d) QC processing (France, Canada) e) Duplicates control (France) f) Archives (France, US, others)

1220 Lunch (1 hr 10 min)

On own

1330 Session 2 (1 hr 45 min) a) Provision of data and information to others (all) b) Review of Project plan and needed developments (all)

1515 Break (15 min)

1530 Session 3 (1 hr 30 min): Linkages a) SMOS, Aquarius (Boutin, Gunn) b) Ferry Box, SeaKeepers, etc. (UK, others) c) OceanSITES d) Training materials (if suitable) - Keeley e) SAMOS i.

How to coordinate with GOSUD? ii.

How to share data on reception? iii.

National (US & SAMOS) and international (GOSUD) data reception iv.

How to collaborate on QC? v.

How to deliver data to archives? vi.

How to deliver a unified product to users? f) Other business

1700 End sessions
